
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bench Press, Suicidal Footprint And Shoulder Pain.

Using suicide footprint (without using your thumbs around the bar) on the bench press is extremely controversial. Many people are afraid to drop the bar on the chest while performing the exercise, something that would be really bad for the health of your bones. Others argue that if you can not tighten the bar during the year, you will not have as much performance as it is not taking pro veito the effect of irradiation (strongly contract a muscle generates a better contraction of too close). However, through experience I have found that a suicide footprint offers some advantages, one is less shoulder pain.

I noticed for years that do bench press with a thick bar was less stressful on my shoulders. It took me awhile to figure out why. I asked several experts about it, but never got a satisfactory answer. Today I can say firmly that I had less shoulder pain because the thick bar forced me to use a footprint without the thumb (suicide).

When you use a normal grip, your hands saw discreetly. This automatically forces you to perform an internal rotation of the shoulders, meaning that the way that the bar travels through the descent of the exercise causes your shoulders are aimed at the "out" what creates stress in the muscle.

By using a footprint without the thumb, you keep your hands in a more neutral position, so that there is less stress on the shoulders during the descent of the bar.

But it is not unnecessarily dangerous to use the suicide footprint?
I use this footprint for years, several times a week and I still have small hands. Use suicidal footprint with thick bars (2 inches) and extra-thick bars (3 inches), and never came close to losing control because of the footprint.

I'm not saying that accidents can not happen, but honestly, anyone who has a minimum of coordination can feel comfortable with this footprint. Most accidents involving suicide footprint happen due to poor execution of the exercise because the person be using loads that it should not be using first.


Try to get used to the suicide footprint if you feel pain in the shoulder during the bench press.Start light in the first three workouts, and then persist for three weeks and see how your body behaves. My experience is that most of you will no longer use the normal grip on the bench press.

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