
Thursday, June 11, 2015

5 Tips For Training In Ectomorphs And Gain More Muscle Mass.

If you are an ectomorph (thin, with more difficulties to gain muscle) then this article is for you, then, will share 5 tips to maximize your training results in muscle mass gains. Check!

What Is A Ectomorph
There are three main body types on people, which are: endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph the.

The ectomorph mainly has the following characteristics:

1 - has a seemingly higher metabolism;
2 - has a low amount of fat;
3 - It has low muscle development;
4 - It has long, thin arms and legs;
5 - Shoulders and legs and narrow hips;
6 - is weak, has a low level of strength;
7 - It is usually shy, introverted (probably by low self esteem)

The big problem is "stick to the head" that just has trouble gaining muscle mass, which is weak, that you can not get muscular, etc ...
I also am an ectomorph and managed to overcome this situation winning 10 kg more in a period of 12 weeks by weight and even tell this story in the video "Muscle Mass Now".
You, as an ectomorph, need to see things exactly the opposite, ie, the advantages, the benefits of being an ectomorph. Let some of them:

1 - Very easy to burn fats (Dread of many people, and many "die" to achieve)

2 - Great chance to have an athletic body and defined;

3 - No Need boring aerobic exercise and long;

4 - Do not need to lose weight first and then gaining muscle mass (Magro you already are, now is hypertrophied)

5 - Do not need so much concern about fat gains as it has ability to burn more easily (Many are "paranoid" about what to eat)

6 - Greater recognition of people when it gets muscled (some will say you are using anabolic steroids ...)

Well, with all that said, let the x workout tips to ectomorphs gain more muscle mass!

1 - Apply Progressive Overload:

This is the commandment number one for any bodybuilding practitioner and would not be different for ectomorphs. Each new day of training their must be better than the last one held, that is, somehow you need to increase the intensity of preference so that it is a challenging training.

For example, you can increase the overhead of years or if not increase, try a repeat more, or slightly reduces the recovery interval between sets and between exercises.

Feel a bit like each training day if his was the first where you experienced that difficulty to perform the exercises. If you are conducting a training facility, not feeling the challenge in each exercise, each series, each repetition, so this workout is low intensity and will be for you to have better results in muscle mass gains ...

2 - Train Each Grouping Muscular 2x / week:

In my opinion this is the ideal frequency of training for muscle development to most people who have passed the beginner level in bodybuilding.

Train each muscle group three times a week is only suitable for beginners who will do a few exercises and train the body as a whole, however, consider excessive for an advanced level practitioner and already trains intensely due to reduced resilience and greater chances lesions.

Therefore, a two times a week training for each muscle group provides a good medium for the same stimuli and musculature helps maximize muscle hypertrophy, particularly for ectomorphs.

Train 1 to week each muscle group is a very low frequency, worst of all, and only recommended for people who already have large muscle development, or who just want to keep the results that have already won, or who does not like to train a Local determined.

For example, many men do not like to train legs, and it is better to train at least once a week than not train at all.

Thus, it is guaranteed a minimum of muscle development and strength, but is far from being the most optimal frequency for muscle development, unless you do an intense training INSANELY to justify seven days of rest before repeating the training for the same muscle group ...

3 - Vary The Muscle Stimulation:

I have written here on this blog that there are two types of muscle stimulation, which are metabolic and blood pressure, and both promote muscle hypertrophy.

Therefore, the times of stimulus varies in time, which in practice will be a metabolic stimulation with moderate loads and higher ranges more repetitions with less rest time interval.

Already in tension stimuli, use higher overloads, least of repetitions tracks and more rest interval between sets and exercises.

This way, you do not create a muscular adaptation, prevents injuries by always train with high overloads, and can train for long periods without interruptions for injuries and having to move away from the gym losing much of its results.

4 - Just focus In Exercises Compounds:

Compound exercises or also known as multi-joint are those in which, as the name implies, is used more than one joint at the same time when you perform the exercise.

For example, when you train your chest, you can do the flying chest and end only moving the shoulder joint, and therefore is making an isolated / uniarticular exercise.

On the other hand, when performing a bench press, is moving both shoulder joint such as the elbow, and thereby working with the pectoralis, triceps shoulders and at the same time.

This type of exercise recruits more muscle volume, saves your time by avoiding having to make several isolated exercises to work the muscle groups.

Examples of multi-joint exercises: bench press, squats, chin-ups, rowing, deadlift

5 - Avoid Or Limit Aerobic Exercises:

This matter would give an article to part just to talk about it. If you are already questionable doing aerobic exercises for people with excess fat and want to lose weight, think to already thin people, who are with low levels of fat.
Honestly, there is no need!

Simply focus on your intense weight training, as well as a well-planned diet and have a good ratio of fat mass and lean mass in your body.
And do not worry about those things you do not do aerobic exercises will make you have cardiovascular damage, because this is "bullshit".

Scientific research has shown that only the weight itself practiced intensively produces many cardiovascular benefits as long to do only aerobic and "boring".

I assure you need more power and strong muscles in their day to day than having the ability to run for 60 minutes straight.

What is more likely to hold you in your day: stay running in the street for 60 minutes, or catch a heavy box down, carrying a bag of heavy shopping, or even his son on his lap?
So you need more muscle strength than cardiovascular endurance.

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