
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How to build Muscle Without breaking the bank.

Bodyweight exercises are those that use the weight of your own body and nothing else. For men who don’t have the money or space for workout equipment, bodyweight exercises are a godsend; they can help you burn calories and build muscle without breaking the bank. Below, you’ll find a list of the best bodyweight exercises for men.

1- Squats :

Squats are a fantastic way to keep the lower body toned and strengthened as they mostly work the quads and glutes. For easier squats, you may use a chair or wall for balance. For more difficult squats, skater squats and single leg squats are excellent choices. Squats can also be combined with other exercises for combination moves for increased workout efficiency.

2- Push-Ups

Push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise to benefit the upper body. Muscles targeted include the chest, triceps, and shoulders. For easier push ups, perform them standing against a wall or with hands on a chair or bench. Push-ups can be performed on the knees or the feet. You may also spread you feet, use your fingertips, or perform them with one arm or leg lifted for greater difficulty.

3- Sit-Ups

Sit-ups and crunches are great exercises to use to strengthen mostly the abdominals, but the entire core as well. A strong core helps by improving balance, stamina, and overall health. Both sit ups and crunches can be modified and made more difficult with the addition of leg movements while lifting the upper body or by twisting the upper body as you lift.

4- Planks

Planks are effective at tightening and strengthening the abs and obliques. A plank is performed by holding the beginning push up position for a period of time. Planks can be modified to make them easier or more difficult to perform, depending on your fitness level and muscle strength. Modified planks allow you to rest on your bent arms and elbows while keeping your body straight. More difficult versions include the side plank and performing a plan with one arm or leg raised.

5- Lunges:

Lunges are another great lower body working using bodyweight. The muscles that benefit most are the quads and glutes. As with squats, you may use a chair or wall for balance if necessary. When you bend at the knee, don’t go further than a 90 degree angle to reduce the risk of injury. Lunges can be performed forward, backward, or to the side.

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