
Friday, November 27, 2015

Do You Have a Healthy Breakfast Routine You Should?

Increasingly busy lives often means less time for healthful practices like eating breakfast or getting regular exercise. Taking the time for these habits may actually yield more time in the form of increased energy, productivity and focus. In other words, if you don’t have a breakfast routine developing one is a good idea for more reasons than one.

For example, eating breakfast may help you maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of overeating or making poor food choices later in the day. There are other benefits, too. Eating breakfast can help you do better by boosting brain power, mental energy and concentration. That sounds like the makings of a pretty good day.

• What to Eat For Breakfast:

Include lean protein in your breakfast routine. A whole wheat English muffin with egg and a few slices of tomato with spinach or avocado is a great choice. You can put eggs and salsa in a tortilla, too. If you are worried about time just microwave the egg and you have breakfast on the go in less than a minute. Other good choices on the go include bananas and hard boiled eggs. You can have low fat yogurt with berries or oatmeal with raisins and nuts if you have more time at home.

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Some studies dispute the value of breakfast as well as claims that it is as the most important meal of the day. My lived experience does not bear this out. Although I eat breakfast most days on the rare days that I skip it I am so uncomfortably hungry it is difficult to focus on anything other than my hunger by about 10am. If you aren’t sure about the value of a good breakfast, try a personal challenge. Keep a food diary for about one week. Note what you eat (including calorie count) and how you feel in terms of energy and focus on a scale of 1-10.

•Benefits of Breakfast

According to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, eating breakfast gives you a head start on getting the vitamins and nutrients you need to meet daily requirements for optimal health. Breakfast also gives you enough fuel to get through the morning without the slump to slow you down.

•Find Time to Fuel Up

Does the morning rush make you reach for a donut and head out the door? You can do better. If you can’t get up ten minutes earlier you can plan ahead. Prep your breakfast the night before or think easy morning convenience when shopping.  Also make choices you will be excited about so getting breakfast together doesn’t feel like such a chore. You wouldn’t send your child out without a good breakfast. Be just as good to yourself and start your day off right with breakfast.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " TENELL87".

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing so,Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

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Today our pick is: "TENELL87"

Mitt liv, min vardag med träningsfokus 👊
Dedication, motivation, inspiration
2016 gonna be my primetime
Team Tillskottsbolaget
Kik: tenell87

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The Best Full-Body Workout Ever For Bigger Muscle.

It's the ultimate answer to the question "What workout should
I do?" No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully stocked supergym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in your garage, or nothing but your body weight alone, you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.

Full-body workouts sound like they would take a long time. But when you boil down the exercises you need to perform in order to cover every area, there are only three you need to be concerned with a push, a pull, and a squat. This is the ultimate in minimalism and works superbly for beginners or people who are short on time.

So Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix ©  will break down one of the best Full- body workouts  that turn the world of bodybuilding upside down.
Enjoy it


Complete all five sets for the squat and then perform the overhead press and weighted pullup in alternating fashion. That is, complete a set of the press, rest, then do a set of the pullup, rest again, and repeat until you’ve finished all five sets for each.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 120 sec.
Set up in a squat rack or cage. Grasp the bar as far apart as is comfortable and step under it. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and nudge the bar out of the rack. Step back and stand with your feet shoulder width and your toes turned slightly outward. Take a deep breath and bend your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. Push your knees outward as you descend. Extend your hips to come back up, continuing to push your knees outward.

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Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 60 sec.
Set the bar up in a squat rack or cage and grasp it just outside shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at shoulderlevel with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze the bar and brace your abs. Press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward and shrugging your traps as the bar passes your face.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec.
Attach a weighted belt to your waist, hold a dumbbell between your feet, or if you can’t complete your reps with weight, use body weight alone. Hang from a pullup bar with hands just outside shoulder width. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Best Easy Ways to Gain Weight In A Healthy Way.

While the whole world is seemingly killing themselves to remain stick-thin, a few people may actually be worried about their frames being too thin. Gaining weight can be a frustrating and challenging undertaking for those who are too thin. The problem is often that they don’t know the proper way to accelerate the weight gain.

Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix® will break down 5 easy ways 2 gain weight in a healthy way:

So let's begin my beloved readers (friends):

1-  Eat More Protein:

Lack of protein in your diet could be one of the reasons you are not gaining body mass, even though you are consuming more calories. Protein is also very important if you are working out to add healthy weight. Post-workout protein consumption will help your body absorb protein better to repair muscles, which will help increase overall body mass. Some of the proteins to consider are boiled soybeans, steak or hamburger, tuna, chicken, soy or protein power, peanuts, etc...

2- Add Carbs to Your Diet:

This suggestion may sound like a no-brainer, yet many people believe they should avoid carbs to remain healthy. If you are getting carbs only from veggies, fruits, trace amounts of sugar and legumes, then there is no big surprise that you’re not gaining weight. You need to move to some carb-rich foods for better results, such as sweet potatoes, rice, bread and oats. Carbs are needed especially if you are doing heavy workouts to gain weight, since your body needs a quick supply of energy.

3- Do The Right Forms of Exercise:

To maximize your weight gain and to increase your muscle size, you need to choose your workouts appropriately. You should focus more on weight training sessions. Do free-weight exercises that put stress on muscles and target your large muscle groups. Concentrate on compound exercises that involve as many muscles as possible. Some of the best exercises for building muscle mass are dead lifts, bar-bell rows, bar dips, bench presses and pull-ups. There is no doubt that aerobic exercises are good for the heart and body. But these exercises also help burn a lot of calories. So, to gain weight, avoid running long distances. If you are going to run, do sprints or run up a hill.

4- Use The Right Technique and Duration:

For effective weight gain, the recommended training period is less than one hour per day. With your training time reduced, it is easier to focus and monitor your progression. Never exercise the same muscles two days in a row. Take rest in between two reps.

5- Get Enough Sleep:

A good night’s sleep is another factor that promotes healthy weight gain. Your body needs a sufficient amount of sleep after a good workout. During sleep, your torn and damaged muscle cells repair themselves, and your body prepares itself for the next day’s training session. Moreover, growth hormones are released during sleep. These hormones actually help in promoting muscle mass.

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Inspiring Fitness Guys To Follow On Instagram Immediately.

Today Inspiring Fitness Guys To Follow On Instagram is " Jim Thornton" .

Instagram is basically a virtual look book for models, celebrities and ordinary Mens...

Male fitness Gus have taken over Instagram.

Everyone knows the social media site Instagram is aspirational – it’s filled with perfectly captured shots of food, flawless outfits, seemingly effortless flower arrangements and more. With careful photography and a curated account, an individual can make their life seem Insta-perfect, even if that might not be the case. While many focus on the negative aspects of the overly perfect images that are often on Instagram, when it comes to health and fitness, it can actually be hugely beneficial.

If you opt to follow several accounts focused on health and fitness, whenever you start scrolling through your feed, you’ll find everything from videos of work out moves you could incorporate into your next exercise session to super healthy meal ideas you may have never thought of. It can be a great motivator to get off the couch and get moving, to forego those French fries for some crispy vegetables.

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How to Build Muscle and Strength without weights.

Build muscle and strength without weights is beyond imagination 4 a lot of guys who's struggling  gaining weight & have ripped body so Men's Fitness & Workout Fix © will break down 3 ways u can workout without weights.

Hopefully like it my beloved readers ( friends)

So let's the fun begin:

1- Count Down From 10:

Most of us fall into a rut with pullups and dips. We plateau at a certain number of sets and reps and can’t seem to get unstuck. Try performing sets of descending reps. Do a set of 10, then a set of 9, and so on down to 1 rep. As your muscles fatigue, the workload gets reduced, so you get just enough recovery to build up a good volume of exercise 55 total reps, a number most of us never approach with three sets to failure.

This countdown method is often used by guys who do all their training on monkey bars in your local park—the same ones who can knock out dozens of pullups in one shot.

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 2- Train Like An Animal:

The best thing you can do to stick with any workout planis to make it fun. Treat your training like play. You probably haven’t performed exercises like the bear crawl or crab walk since you were a kid, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t do them again. As a grownup, you’ll see how much harder it is to move in those postures, and you’ll immediately recognize any tight muscles or weak areas.

Training with kids exercises, goofy as they may look, will strengthen your core and increase mobility, as well as get your heart rate up and challenge your endurance. And honestly, they’re so silly you can’t help but enjoy performing them. Do them with your kids, or your girlfriend.

For the bear crawl, walk on all fours with your legs fairly straight so your hips are above head level. On the crab walk, sit on the floor, bridge your hips up, and walk forward and back on your hands and feet.

3- Use A Deck Of Cards:

You can make a game of any body-weight exercise** by using a deck of cards to determine the reps you perform. Assign a different suit to each exercise you’re doing, so clubs could be pushups, diamonds could be pullups, hearts might be lunges, and spades situps. Place the deck on the floor face down and start turning over cards. Whatever number is on the card, that’s how many reps you do; for face cards, continue counting up. So a jack would mean 11 reps, a queen 12, king 13, and ace 14.

You can make jokers or any other card you like “wild” and perform any number of reps.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fitness: Five Sets of 15 Reps For Building Mass.

Training to build muscle mass involves participating in a weightlifting program differs from one you might pursue if you were interested in building strength or power. Instead of focusing on the amount of weight you lift, muscle building programs focus on completing high volume workouts. It’s not uncommon for weightlifters to be in the weight room and working out for several hours per week.

• Building Mass:

In order to build muscle mass, your weight training workouts must consist of an adequate number of exercises, sets and repetitions to thoroughly overload your muscles. Overloading your muscles results when your weight training sessions successfully break down your muscle fibers, creating small tears. This damage to your muscles is what stimulates the muscle building process, as following your workouts your body takes steps to heal your muscles while increasing their size so they’re better able to handle the stress of subsequent workouts.

•Recommended Sets and Repetitions:

Completing five sets of 15 repetitions is considered a high volume program and is thus an appropriate volume for building muscle mass. Muscle building occurs when you complete exercises at a volume of three to five sets of eight to 15 repetitions.

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  • Other Considerations:

While five sets of 15 repetitions is within the recommended training volume, strength and conditioning professional Dr. Joseph A. Chromiak stresses the importance of incorporating enough exercises into your training sessions. He states that each muscle should undergo a total of eight sets in order to stimulate growth. Therefore, you need to complete at least two exercises per muscle group if you’re going to perform five sets of each. It’s also important to note the importance of allowing your muscles enough rest. Your muscles need about 72 hours of rest after high volume workouts.


Because of the high volume training needed, often weightlifters will split up their muscle groups into separate workouts so that they’re not in the gym for too long. For example, you could lift four days per week, completing upper body exercises on Mondays and Thursdays and lower body exercises on Tuesdays and Fridays. This allows you to complete more exercises per muscle group and to thus break down your muscles more thoroughly. Some advanced lifters will lift up to six days per week, focusing on their back and legs on Mondays and Thursdays, their chest and shoulders on Tuesdays and Fridays, and their biceps, triceps and abdominals on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

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