
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015

Homemade Supplement To Gain Muscle Mass.

Take a vitamin fortified banana cup with a homemade supplement to gain muscle mass helps develop strong muscles more quickly without harming health. However, those who do not practice exercises should not take this shake as often as he has a lot of calories, the individual may gain weight instead of defining the muscles and this in addition to not be expected can increase cholesterol.

÷Homemade Recipe supplement to gain Muscle Mass.

This homemade recipe supplement to gain muscle attached uses natural ingredients and is great to enhance the development of the muscles of those who practice exercises regularly.


•Brewer's yeast
•Wheat Germ
•Rolled oats
•Guarana powder

Place 2 tablespoons () of each of the ingredients in a container and keep tightly closed. To prepare the shake simply hit the blender 3 tablespoonfuls of this mixture with 1 banana and 1 cup of whole milk. One should take the shake immediately after preparation, after finishing the exercises.
It is advised to keep the supplement in a sealed container in a dry place, away from light.

÷Nutritional Information

Shows the approximate nutritional information of a glass of shake which has 3 tablespoons full of homemade soup supplement, 1 banana and 1 cup of whole milk.

This shake is very nutritious rich in protein, has healthy fats and carbohydrates to the body and fibers that regulate the intestine and help detoxify.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5 Trail Running Tips For Men.

Men who have recently taken up the sport of trail running will likely have a soft spot for nature. In fact, running on the local trails will allow most athletes to get in a good workout while also taking in the surrounding scenery. To improve your running and stay safe during your time in the wild, try these trail running tips:

1- Learn to Run Downhill:

Serious athletes who are intent on competing in an upcoming ultra-event will need to master the art of running downhill. When you come upon a moderate descent in the trail, you’ll likely shorten their strides. This process, however, can put undue stress on the joints of the knees and ankles. L

By stretching out your strides as you begin the descent, you should glide to the bottom of the hill. As long as the trail has not been made unstable by loose gravel, this will help improve your running time tremendously.

2- Wear the Correct Shoes:

Trail running is a bit different than track running in a number of ways. Because elevation changes are usually quite frequent, individuals might find themselves running through different terrains. Meadows, rock ledges, and deep forests are all possibilities.

You must procure a decent pair of trail shoes before you begin. Such shoes will usually provide the needed ankle support throughout the workout.

3- Run on Soft Dirt and Grass:

Though part of the fun of trail running is experiencing nature at its most primal level, you will want to run on softer material when possible. Mud and clay surfaces will be easier on the body’s joints. If you know the local area quite well, you can plan their route so that you are running mostly on softer surfaces throughout the day.

4- Consider Taking a GPS Device:

GPS devices have come down in price in recent years, and trail runners may want to pick up one of these items for themselves. This is especially true if you will be trying out a new wilderness area for the first time. If you happen to become lost, you can consult the GPS to determine how to get back to the main trail.

5- Watch for Injuries:

There are certain injuries that are specific to trail runners. Shin splints and ankle sprains can strike from time to time, but exceedingly hard workouts can lead to blisters and other minor abrasions. If an injury occurs, you should give it plenty of time to heal before you head back out. Listen to your body.

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