Sunday, February 7, 2016

Fitness: The best Muscle-Building Smoothie Recipes .

Whether for people who want to adjust their weight or for people who are health-concerned; smoothies are one of the best ways to achieve one’s goals. They can be nutritious, light, rich in vitamins or proteins or all of that together. And the recipes to make delicious Smoothies are just endless. Smoothies are easy to prepare and great for breakfast or for snack-time and they are ideal for vegetarians, too.

Here are some of the best Smoothie-recipes to try.

1 – Banana – Strawberry Smoothie :

This all-time classic is easy to make but delicious and with a lot of health benefits. The banana is rich in potassium and strawberries provide Vitamin C and antioxidants, among other important things. To make this Smoothie, you will need:

•1 ripe banana, sliced
•1 cup strawberries, fresh or frozen, washed and without stems, diced
•½ cup milk (or soy, almond, coconut milk)
•1 tsp. honey
•½ cup ice cubes

All you need to do is place the prepared ingredients into a blender and mix on low until all the ingredients are well blended. Serve immediately and enjoy. For garnish, fresh mint leafs or strawberry slices are great.

2 – Raspberry – Coconut Smoothie:

Raspberry is considered by many to be a superfood, so including them in a tasty, nutrient-rich smoothie is a great way to give your body all the health-benefits of both the berry and the coconut milk. It is low calories and low fat smoothie and ideal for a snack. Here is what you’ll need:

•1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
•1 ½ cup to 2 cups coconut milk (depends on what consistency you like)
•2 tbsp. maple syrup or honey
•¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
Water to get the desired consistency

To make, place everything in a blender and blend well on low. Adjust the thickness as desired. Enjoy immediately.

3 – Multi – Fruit Smoothie:

This is a vitamin-packed Smoothie to provide you with the necessary energy, while in the same time it’s low in fat. You will need:

•1 pear, ripe, peeled and cored
•1 banana, ripe
•½ cup green grapes, no seeds
•2 tsp. honey
•¼ cup cranberry juiceIce cubes.

To make it, proceed as before by placing everything in a blender and blend well on low. Adjust the thickness as desired. Enjoy immediately.

4 – Breakfast Smoothie With Almonds and Apples:

This Smoothie is ideal to drink as a full breakfast, which will give you all the energy you need to get a great start into the day. To make this delicious drink you will need:

•5-6 almonds1 apple
•1 banana, ripe
•½ cup milk of choice
•¾ cup high quality yoghurt, like Greek yoghurt, plain or with flavor
•¼ tsp. cinnamon

As usual, place all the ingredients into the blender and blend on low until the desired consistency is reached.

5 – Ginger – Blueberry Smoothie:

To make this super-antioxidant and metabolism booster with high vitamins level, which is fabulous for breakfast, you will need:

•½ cup frozen Blueberries
•½ cup Greek yoghurt
•¼ cup rolled oats
•½ cup water4-5 ice cubes
•1-2 tbsp. brown sugar
•¼ – ½ tsp. fresh ginger, grated

Put the water with the oats into a blender and let them soak for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then add the other ingredients and blend until smooth.

6- Spinach – Peach Smoothie:

Although it might sound odd, this tasty Smoothie is great for detox and as healthy as it gets. All you need for this nutrient-super drink is:

•2 cups baby spinach, washed
•1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated
•2 tsp. honey
•2 cups peaches, sliced (frozen will work great)
•1 and a little more cups of water
•2 tsp. nuts, chopped

Blend all ingredients well in a blender. Adjust consistency as desired.

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