
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

3 Refreshing Coolers You Can Totally Rely On To Cool You Down This Summer.

No matter how much liquid you drink to quench your thirst, you’re always back for more. I’m here to share some healthy coolers that wont just quench your thirst but also satisfy your taste buds and leave you refreshed even in the scorching heat.
The 3 refreshing coolers you can totally rely on:

1- Coconut Water:

While coconut water is rejuvenating and fulfilling it has a lot of benefits. Research says that it has no cholesterol and is rich in providing electrolytes, sugar and minerals to the body in its natural form.
It is the choice of a healthy man as compared to aerated drinks which are loaded with preservatives and do not add any good value to your body, except mass, unless you value that. Coconut water also helps build immunity, improve kidney functions and help lose weight.
So whenever you are thirsty, just reach out for coconut water. Besides, don’t you think Rajnikanth would be really proud of you?

2- Sugarcane Juice:

Popularly known as ‘ganne ka ras’. This drink is consumed over the world and has multiple benefits. To state a few, it keeps you hydrated in summers, cures sore throat, cold and flu, provides glucose to the body. It has no simple sugars making it an appropriate drink even for the diabetics. It helps your digestion system and lowers the body cholesterol.

So while you are heading out in the heat or are busy trying to dodge the harsh sun rays, take a break and make sure you have a glass of sugarcane juice to satisfy your sweet tooth and hydrate your body.

3- Lemonade:

Last but not the least, nimbu paani. Nimbu paani has been one of the most effective coolers for ages. Lemons have multiple benefits and make for a relieving and thirst-quenching cooler in the summer. Not only does it aid digestion and strengthens the liver but also purifies the blood and replaces all the lost salts especially in the summer. So make it a habit to have a glass of nimbu paani every day and beat the heat.
While I personally love sugarcane juice, the other two refreshments are equally helpful. I hope this helps you beat the heat this summer.

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