
Monday, March 16, 2015

BODYBUILDING: How To Build Back.

•The best exercises for back

The most important exercises, without which growth can not back muscles are pull-ups, deadlifts and pull the bar to the waist in the slope. Pull-ups are an exercise, directly affecting the increase in the width of the back.

Deadlift is working fascia and longitudinal muscles of the back, substantially increasing their weight, thrust rod to the belt  engage the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi is also responsible for increasing the size and scope of the muscles.

•How to build broad back?

 The first exercise to create a broad back are pull-ups. Complicated variation, allowing the use of more weight is Pulldown exercise sitting , simplified - pulling in "Gravitrone."

Using counterweight simulator "Gravitron" allows to catch up with less weight, which is important for those who are unable to perform the exercise with the weight of his body. In addition, beginners can use the pull-enabled trainer.

•Security Basics

Since most of the exercises to work out back muscles exert pressure on the spine, errors technology and the use of too much weight are fraught with displacement of the vertebrae, a pinched nerve and herniated discs.

Before training warm up muscles using warm-up, during exercise, make sure that your spine is not bent, the back is straight and your shoulders straightened. Try to observe the trough back in the mirror.

•Help for back pain

Back injury resulting from improper training can be divided into two types: requiring medical advice and does not require it. If you feel a sharp pain, do not self-medicate and be sure to see your doctor.

If you feel that you are just a little foot injury, use the ointment on the basis of ketoprofen (brand "Fastumgel" and others), as well as refer to the sports masseur. Remember that this massage is extremely useful for muscle growth .

•Features of training on the bar

Correctly perform pull-ups on the bar are a great way to develop muscles. Standard practice involves 25 repetitions, the use of different types of grips and a constant increase in the number of approaches.

Start to catch up with one conventional approach grip (palm facing down), increase the number of sets of five, and then enter the reverse grip (palm facing up). After this, vary the width of the Hands of narrow to wide.

The main exercise for the development of broad back is legal tightening. During training, it is important to keep in mind about the technique of execution, never bend your back and do not use too much curb weight.

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