Friday, May 20, 2016

Fitness : Can I Train a Muscle That's Still Sore?

Do not train a muscle that is still hurting due to previous training makes sense, at least for people with a minimum of common sense and who know the meaning of overtraining. Yet studies indicate that you can safely train a muscle that is still hurting from the last workout and the best: without getting a bad conscience, but it is not that simple.

The delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS or DMT, delayed onset muscle soreness), is that good and rewarding pain you feel from 24 to 48 after the last training session and indicating that the muscle cells are, in fact, "broken" due to training and now need to be rebuilt to generate muscle hypertrophy.

It is certainly not a good idea to train while the muscles are still recovering from the last workout, but scientific studies have found that when participants trained a muscle that generated DOMS and two days later again trained the same muscle that still had the last pain training, cortisol levels (catabolic hormone that can interfere and hypertrophy) were smaller and testosterone was slightly higher than last workout. In other words, the patients were in a more anabolic state.

In another study conducted in Japan, the researchers induced DOMS in the biceps of participants through negative repetitions with high loads on the barbell and repeated the same exercise two and four days later. They found no significant changes in maximal strength in range of motion, muscular pain and plasma creatine kinase (a chemical indicator that indicates muscle damage) between the two drills to curl. Conclusion: there was no major damage to the muscles in both workouts.

Ok, but I can train with pain or not?
Research has shown that your muscles need 48-72 to recover completely and then you can train the same muscles again, regardless of the pain you are feeling. For example, it is not uncommon after a heavy leg workout you feel pain for up to more than 5 days, but if your training division forces you to train legs twice a week and you've rested for at least 2 or 3 days you can train legs without guilty conscience, regardless of the pain you are still feeling.

Remember that we are talking about DOMS, which is a totally different pain the pain generated by injuries

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