Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Best Healthy Ways To Gain Weight Quickly.

Gaining weight never been easy Especially for skinny guys or Underweight men but now they can gain weight and improve their health at the same time with this ultimate guide.

1- CALORIES (BMI calculator):

It is recommended that you gain weight gradually with 500 calories per day which will increase your weight by 0.5 kgs per week. Your ideal weight will depend on your height, age and gender. For this you need to check your weight in a BMI calculator .

2- Build a Good Appetite:

To gain weight, it is important to build a good appetite so you can have the right food in larger proportion. Stay active is one way of building a good appetite - one hour of physical activity or exercise can help you build a ravaging appetite. You can also try a glass of to increase hunger.

3- Nutritional Calories, Starchy Foods And Proteins.

Two mistakes lean and lanky individuals make are - eat very often and eat a lot of junk food. On the contrary, eat three large meals and cut out the smaller snacks, it build an appetite. But make sure the meal contains nutritional calories, starchy foods and proteins.

4- Quit Smoking :

smoking cut shorts or douses your appetite. Do not smoke before eating or you can try giving up this addiction.

5- Healthy And Balanced  Diet:

In order to gain weight you need a healthy and balanced diet. By this we don't mean you need to munch only on salads and energy bars. Your meals should include a wide variety of ingredients and foods of different colours. Let's find which of these foods that can help you gain weight fast.

6-  Foods To Gain Weight:

•Peanut butter
•A spoon of cheese or butter
•Dried fruits
•Whole grains
•Healthy oils
•Brown rice
•Soya beans.

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