
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Best Fit Women to Follow on Instagram That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

Instagram is great for all sorts of things: sharing fitness motivation, inspiration, tips and videos. And occasionally we happen to stumble across some eye-candy in the process. And there's nothing wrong with that. Hard work in the gym should be both flaunted and celebrated. So today @ Men's Fitness & Workout Fix we're going to celebrate the best fit women who motivate us all to live a healthier lifestyle and look pretty damn good while doing it.

From ballerinas to yogis & celebrity trainers, these stylish & in shape girls show the best workout motivation in Instagram. Follow along and be inspired to work it out the healthy way.

So let get started:

Our Fit Women to Follow on Instagram That Will Inspire You Working out is the bombshell " that taking Instagram by Storm  "@eriana_blanco"

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How to Train Your Abs For Better Results.

There is still a lot of confusion regarding the training of the abdominal muscles and especially few have clear ideas. Of course! Each of us is done differently and what works for me is not necessarily good for you and vice versa, then do not listen to anyone who tells you "I know how you must train your abs!", Because who says so is the first not to have understood anything.

What I urge you to do is to try on your skin the different exercises and choose 3 or 4 you hear your most or those that you like the most and run with the correct technique can (which you can read below).

Among the many debates, one concerns the choice of the optimal number of repetitions. It is better to train these muscles with weights and more reps or lighter with greater loads and fewer repetitions?

 Here too, the answer is "it depends on how your body reacts." If you are not trained will not recommend to start with overweight and few repetitions, if you train then a session with overweight you do it and always doing utmost attention to technique.

In conclusion, of course, neither method is inherently better than the other because both methods are based on principles physiologically correct. It may be right to alternate phases of work with a high number of repetitions (15-25 reps) to work stages at low reps but with heavier weights (6-10 reps) bearing in mind that the purpose is not to use the maximum weight but make sure that the lighter weight seems the heaviest possible contracting at maximum and maintaining the contraction during each single repetition.

However, if you use the abdominal toning to prevent low back pain, you should not use overweights to train your abs, because the first is easy to make mistakes in execution, according easy overstraining their lower back.

Any exercise you want to do to run it properly are important suggestions that are valid for all exercises that tone your abs:

Before starting the exercise exhale (throw out) all the air you have in the lungs

Run the exercise, contracting your abdominal muscles, in apnea until you're back to the starting position
Inspira (throws in air), exhale and start exercising

Make sure that your pelvis is always in retroversion, ie forward and the lumbar curve and not in lordosis

Your concentration must necessarily be focused on abdominal contraction
Stop 2/2 the point of maximum contraction all times

Count to three outward, that is, after you've exhaled when you start exercising and count to 2 at maximum contraction and count to 6 to return.

As for the kind of exercises do you list a few, the ones I like the most, know that there are countless others that you know looking on the internet.

- Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Reverse Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Crunch oblique to the ground or on fitball

- Total abdominal (+ crunch reverse crunch)

- Crunch free alternate (for oblique crunch + Crunc for reverse oblique)

Finally: do not ask me "how soon will begin to look at my turtle?" Because they do not know you first, second is not toning the abs that these magically jump out. Rather ask yourself how much fat you have in front of your abs and to eliminate this fat is not the best thing to do exercises for abs, lose weight but taking care of your power your daily movement and your mind.

The Best Gadgets to Monitor and Improve Your Fitness Performance.

Huawei’s TalkBand B2 is a powerful next-generation wearable device that gives you everything you need for smart living, including automatic activity tracking, sleep monitoring, and crystal-clear hands-free calling. Smart audio routing, Route audio to the mobile phone or headset based on where you wear.

Featuring a premium design that focuses on comfort, style and everyday elegance, TalkBand B2 is a capable companion for every moment of your life, whether you’re staying in or working out. TalkBand B2’s intuitive touch-and-swipe UI keeps you informed and updated wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, with on-screen notifications, reminders, alarms, tracking, and monitoring to keep you in touch with all the important things in life.

Thanks to its innovative 6-axis motion sensor, TalkBand B2 can automatically identify what sort of exercise you’re doing, giving you the essential data you need to monitor and improve your fitnessperformance.When it’s time for you to hit the sack, the TalkBand B2 just keeps on going. TalkBand B2 gives you precise measurements of the quality and length of your sleep patterns.

More info.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The best Fitness & Bodybuilding's Motivation Guys On Instagram .

Are you having one of those Mondays where you just can't get motivated to make it to the gym? You're like, “Eh, whatever, it can wait till tomorrow. I need another scone.”

We could go on and on about the health benefits of regular exercise, and how you'll feel so much better if you got off your butt and started moving. But sometimes, pictures speak louder than words. And pictures of ridiculously fit guys attacking every moment of their day speak even louder.

Today Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix®  Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram to follow is " @fitnessfreak30"

Instagram is loaded with fitness accounts but some aren't as good as others. ... Instagram is a goldmine for any fitness enthusiast looking for a bit of extra motivation and inspiration.

Also Instagram is a Great Repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing so,Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Don't forget 2 Follow

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The Best Exercise That Will Work Out Every Muscle In Your Body.

Knowing how to work more than one muscle at a time can make the difference between making it to the gym a few times a week or not at all. With some basic knowledge however you can learn to train all your muscles in a very short space of time, allowing you to spend minimal time at the gym and get maximum results. Some of the following exercises, if done incorrectly can be dangerous. So before attempting any of the following it is recommended you seek guidance from a qualified trainer to minimize risk of injury.

1- Clean and Press:

This exercise is a favorite of powerlifters and athletes because it helps develop explosive power. It works the legs, shoulders, arms, back and hips. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a weighted Olympic bar over the middle of your feet. Keeping your back straight, bend down and grasp bar with an overhand grip. Ensure your knees do not go out over your toes, and lower your buttocks until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Pull the bar off the floor as you stand up straight. Once the bar reaches your chest, pause for a second before you push it above your head with your upper-body muscles.

2- Dead Lifts:

Despite the odd name dead lifts are another firm favorite with most athletes because of its multi-jointed nature allowing for maximum use of all muscles. The dead lift also requires a weighted Olympic bar. Begin with the same starting position as in the Clean and Press. Once your thighs are parallel with the ground and back straight, contract your shoulder blades, look forwards and pull the bar upwards as you stand up. Emphasis should be placed on driving the weight upwards with your lower body muscles and back. Pause briefly at the top of the movement before lowering the bar back to the ground in a controlled manner. It is extremely important to keep your back straight at all times to minimize risk of injury.

3- Squats:

The squat uses most of the muscles in your body. While you’re whole lower body is doing most of the work, your upper body is stabilizing and supporting the weight. This exercise is best performed in a squat rack with safety rails or using a smith machine. Begin by placing the bar just at the top of your shoulder blades. Do not rest it on the back of your neck as this will cause injury. Once comfortable, remove the bar from the rack and ensure your feet are shoulder width apart and facing forwards. Looking forwards and keeping your back completely straight, lower the weight towards the floor keeping your knees behind your toes. Once your thighs are parallel with the floor you explode upwards by extending your knees and driving your hips forwards. It helps to look upwards as you lower the weight. This ensures your back stays straight.

4- Kettlebell Swing:

A kettlebell is a bowling ball-sized cast iron weight with a handle that has become extremely popular. The reason for the surge in popularity is because it is a great way of exercising your whole body, building both strength and stability. The first kettlebell exercise to learn is the kettlebell swing. You begin with your feet shoulder width apart with the kettlebell between your feet. As in the squat, you keep your back straight and lower your body to the floor to pick up the kettlebell. You then swing the kettlebell upwards in front of you as you stand up straight. While this may sound straight forward it does engage all of your muscles and is extremely difficult to do repeatedly.

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 ÷ Complexes:

The squat, clean and press and dead lift can be combined to train all your muscles in one movement. This is called a complex: a series of exercises done in succession. Using a fairly lightweight you begin with your feet shoulder width apart and a barbell over the tops of your feet. Keeping your back straight, lift the bar upwards as you stand up straight. Once the bar is chest height, push it upwards using your shoulders and arms. Once at the top of the movement lower the barbell to the top of your shoulder blades emulating the squat starting position. From here, squat down keeping your back straight and drive the weight upwards. At the top of the movement again push the weight upwards over your head using your shoulders and arms. Lower the weight to your chest and then the floor ensuring your back is kept straight throughout.

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Monday, December 14, 2015

What is the Most Common Way HIV is Transmitted?

How is HIV / AIDS transmitted?

HIV is a viral infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact, through blood or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding.

How does HIV become AIDS?

HIV destroys CD4 cells a specific type of white blood cell that plays a large role in helping your body fight disease. Your immune system weakens as more CD4 cells are killed. You can have an HIV infection for years before it progresses to AIDS.

People infected with HIV progress to AIDS when their CD4 count falls below 200 or they experience an AIDS-defining complication.

How HIV is transmitted

To become infected with HIV, infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions must enter your body. You can't become infected through ordinary contact — hugging, kissing, dancing or shaking hands — with someone who has HIV or AIDS. HIV can't be transmitted through the air, water or insect bites.

You can become infected with HIV in several ways, including:

1- By Having Sex :

 You may become infected if you have vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner whose blood, semen or vaginal secretions enter your body. The virus can enter your body through mouth sores or small tears that sometimes develop in the rectum or vagina during sexual activity.

2- Having sex with Someone who has HIV:

 In general:Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior. Receptive anal sex (“bottoming”) is riskier than insertive anal sex (“topping”).Vaginal sex is the second highest-risk sexual behavior.Having multiple sex partners or having sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of HIV infection through sex.

3- Being born to an Infected Mother :

HIV can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding.

4- From Blood Transfusions:

 In some cases, the virus may be transmitted through blood transfusions. American hospitals and blood banks now screen the blood supply for HIV antibodies, so this risk is very small.

5- By Sharing Needles :

HIV can be transmitted through needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood. Sharing intravenous drug paraphernalia puts you at high risk of HIV and other infectious diseases, such as hepatitis.

6- Eating food that has been pre-chewed by an HIV-infected person :

The contamination occurs when infected blood from a caregiver’s mouth mixes with food while chewing, and is very rare.

7- Being bitten by a person with HIV :

Each of the very small number of documented cases has involved severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood. There is no risk of transmission if the skin is not broken.

8- During Pregnancy or Felivery or through Breast-Feeding :

Infected mothers can infect their babies. But by receiving treatment for HIV infection during pregnancy, mothers significantly lower the risk to their babies.

9- Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids. These reports have also been extremely rare.

10- Deep, open-mouth kissing if the person with HIV has sores or bleeding gums and blood is exchanged. HIV is not spread through saliva. Transmission through kissing alone is extremely rare.

HIV is NOT spread by:

•Air or water
•Insects, including mosquitoes or ticks
•Saliva, tears, or sweat
•Casual contact, like shaking hands, hugging or sharing dishes/drinking glasses
•Drinking fountains
•Toilet seats

HIV is not spread through the air and it does not live long outside the human body.

People with HIV who are using antiretroviral therapy (ART) consistently and who have achieved viral suppression (having the virus reduced to an undetectable level in the body) are very unlikely to transmit the virus to their uninfected partners. However, there is still some risk of transmission, so even with an undetectable viral load, people with HIV should continue to take steps to reduce HIV transmission.

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The Best Supplements For Weight Gain Fast.

Supplements are fast becoming a large part of bodybuilding and justly so. If you estimate what is left of actual bio-active nutrients in today's series of processed foods you can also figure out that you'd need to eat a massive amount of calories to get the necessary building blocks for growth. And sadly, these foods comprise most of our daily intake in the Western World. Supplements may give you those nutrients in an undenatured, concentrated form so that you can focus on your calories, sleep and training. Alas someone smelled money and the world of supplementation became one of advertising and deception, which in turn lead to many young lifters believing supplementation was the legal alternative to steroids.

So what should you buy? Well, keep it simple and keep it cheap. If it costs too much chances are you won't get enough out of it to justify what you spent on it. And I don't know about you, but I'd hate to go broke over adding a few pounds. This is why, in combination with some other experienced lifters, I made a Top 10 list and dug very deep on how and why you should use them, but above all why that choice is better than alternatives. Note that all the supplements are some of the cheapest and cost-effective if you calculate what all you get for the price of a daily dose. So for your entertainment, and hopefully more, here are the top 3 supplements in order of importance in relation to the goal:



Why you need it: When eating a diet meant for mass, you will no doubt be targeting the foods that can pack the most calories on from the needed macro-nutrients. In turn this can lead to a deficiency in Micro-nutrients, meaning vitamins and minerals. Such a deficiency can impair optimum functioning of the body and consquently hinder your growth. Minerals are building blocks, they are used for cellular actions, building bone, transporting nutrients and so, whilst vitamins provide enzymatic functions in digesting foods and and protect the system against damage from the outside and inside. Levels of these substances must be kept above a certain level to maintain proper health, but kept a great deal higher for optimal functioning of your system. That's why supplementing with a multi-vitamin above all else makes sense: you get at least your daily minimum of all these nutrients avoiding anything going wrong with your quest for growth, and together with the rest of the vitamins and minerals found in every food to some extent, you are bound to be on the road to getting everything you system needs.

How it works: A good multi-vitamin contains at least 100 percent of the FDA minimum needed daily to avoid deficiency. While it is true that some of these things will compete for absorption in the stomach, the body knows what it needs. Normally a large amount of calcium will hinder absorption of Zinc and Magnesium, even Iron. The body favors calcium because it needs a lot of it. But if you have enough calcium and a severe deficiency in one of the aforementioned substances, the body will not ignore a possibility to get some more. So the ingenuity of the body and the way it works makes this a top supplement rather than the supplement itself. These absorption competitions should be taken into account if you buy extra supplemental minerals, but for your basic multi, it's not a true issue.


Why you need it: What better for packing on mass than a WEIGHT gainer. The main thing when bulking, next to getting your needed share of macro and micro nutrients is of course packing on all the calories you can handle without turning into a balloon. Since you will be expending quite a bit of calories while bulking, trying to add all that muscle, sometimes it will be hard to make your calorie-count every single day from nutritious self-prepared meals. Your family will not always be as supportive of an 8-meal a day habit. Take it from me. That's where weight gainers come in. Ranging from 600 to 3000 calories these gainers allow you to add serious additional calories from quality sources without having to spend hours behind a stove. Just mix and you have an instant high-calorie meal... and cost-effective too. They may seem expensive, but if you try to calculate what it would cost to make a similar meal yourself taking into account calories, quality and bio-availability of the nutrients, additional vitamins and minerals and ease of preparation, you'll soon find just how little they really cost.

How it works: As an additional easy to prepare meal they add calories to your daily totals drastically while giving you a correct balance of protein and carbs (1 to 1 up to 1 to 2, with most carbs coming from simple sugars) and a good helping of fat. Not to mention extra vitamins and minerals, which is not always the case with calorie-dense foods, which will be what your targeting if growth is what you seek. This way you can get to your target healthily without running up the grocery bill too high.

How to use it: Use it as a post-workout meal, as a meal before going to bed (your burn up to 70 cals an hour while sleeping, keep that in mind) and potentially as meals when it is hard to prepare a meal, like midmorning or mid-afternoon, times you spend at work and so on. Use a serving, but be sure to pick a weight gainer that in combination with your regular meals and the amount of shakes you will take will meet or exceed your demands without turning you into a sumo. No need to invest in a 3000-cal shake if you already eat 3000 cals a day and take 2-3 shakes daily. That will only make you fat with that amount of sugar.

If you are of an endo-morphic (heavy) body-type it may be best to look in to a low-carb gainer or even an Meal Replacement powder (negative protein to carb rate) to avoid excess bodyfat. The trouble with these is that they are very expensive, don't always provide the best balance of nutrients and they are pre-packaged, so they don't allow you to choose your doses and amounts. But for the endomorphs the amount of protein takes priority. If you are ecto- or meso-morphic its is best to get a weight gainer, it'll be hard to digest all protein and replenish Glycogen on an MRP. Protein powders are not an option because you need quite a lot, but the amount of pure protein that can be absorbed without extra fat or carbs is limited (30-35 grams). That's why neither protein nor MRP is included in this 'bulking' list.


Why you need it: B-vitamins have many anabolic properties separately and have often been the subject of supplementation. Hereby I think of Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6) and Cobalamin (B12). But people often forget that for a lot less money they can get better gains by getting a B-complex which combines all of them in optimal doses (50-100 mg, there is no way you need 500 mg of Niacin). This harnesses the synergistic effect of B-vitamins which means better digestion and absorption of carbs, protein and fat and the fact that they comport themselves as enzymes in many bodily functions. You can't overdose on them anyway since water-soluble vitamins are readily excreted if you have too much.

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 How it works: In the stomach B-vitamins will release and control gastric juice, help absorb and digest macronutrients, which in turn get more out of the things you eat. Next to that all of them have a host of individual properties. B6 is a good liver-protector, B9 is good for absorbing things in cells, B12 is needed for energy and so on and so on. If we could get all our nutrients from food easily and eat enough, this would no doubt be my Nr2 supplement. If you are a person who can eat big and watch his grocery bill and you have decent genetics, a B-complex and multi-vitamin is all you really need to grow.

How to use it: Take these with a meal as well, but not at the same one as your multi. Take one serving (with 50-100 mg of all B-vitamins) immediately after your meal. Say you get your multi, like most people, at breakfast, take one serving of B-complex after lunch.

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