
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Best Exercises Guys Need to Be Doing More.

Have a dream body Requires always a great effort, a balanced diet & not 2 forget a regular workout  .

 Each of the following exercises fit into that mold as exercises that are a constant in all of my workouts.This exercises I make sure I include no matter what I’m doing in the gym While they’re all great at building muscle, they also help build functional strength that can help us perform better in all aspects of our lives.

Read the article, and make sure you include each of these exercises in your next program.

1- Farmer’s Walk

Grip strength is one of the most important aspects of what we’d call “functional strength”; that is, strength that applies to our everyday life. With the addition of straps to many a man’s weight trainingattire, grip strength needs special attention, that’s where the farmer’s walk comes in.


Make this exercise timed. So on week 1, walk for 20 seconds choosing a weight that will get you to fail around that time. The next week push yourself with that same weight – or as close to it as possible – for 30 seconds. The following week aim for 40 seconds. After you hit 40 seconds, choose a heavier weight and start back at 20 seconds. Keep this strategy until you’re walking with 2 smart cars held firmly in your grasp.

2-  Hip Thrusts

Your hips are, like your grip, a muscle involved in what we’d deem “functional strength”. Much of your athletic power comes from your hips. That includes jumping, punching, and lifting. Along with deadlifts and RDLs, hip thrusts are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips and glutes.


I like using a barbell more than dumbbells, but you can also perform a single leg hip thrust using a dumbbell, which is another great option.

3- Hang Cleans

If you’re a guy who’s involved in any form of athletics, be it ultra-competitive or of the weekend warrior variety, cleans should be your best friend. Not only are they a great exercise for trap development, but they’re also one of the best grip strength exercises you can perform. Try using dumbbells and increasing the rep count to finish a workout. The backs of your forearms will kill, as will your lungs.

Regular hang cleans: Aim for 3-4 reps of a heavy weight, leaving 2 reps in the tank.

Dumbbell cleans: 10-12 reps going to failure. They’re an awkward exercise, so don’t overestimate the weight you choose to use.

4- Front Squats

The cousin of the back squat is possibly even better. It’s easier to get full depth with the front squat in comparison to the back squat, and most people find it to be easier on the back. It’s a great exercise for power as well as lean muscle gains.

For power: Perform 4-6 reps leaving 2 reps in the tank. Do this for 4 sets with 120 seconds rest in between sets.

For muscle gains: One of the best quads/gluts exercises you can perform is the front squat for 20 reps. Try 3-4 sets of 20 reps. It will KILL. And aim to come at least close to failure on that 20th rep. If you can walk as per usual after you’ve finished the final set, you’ve chosen a weight that’s too light. Post-set leg shakes are a must.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Guy On Instagram Right Now is "Jonny Le"

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing so,Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Don't forget 2 Follow .

Ready, set, start scrolling!

Today our pick is: Jonny Le

Melbourne, Australia
twitter ▶︎ @JonnyLeOfficial
snapchat ▶︎ jonnyle123
youtube ▶︎ JonnyLeOfficial.

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Get more out of the pushup than ever before with these quick and easy fixes:

Pushups are a great upper-body workout, touted for their ability to develop a strong, muscular chest, cannonball shoulders, and arms worthy of recognition. However, there are many other things that pushups do for the body, and falling behind in one area can render pushups ineffective, leading to disappointment and, in more serious cases, injuries. Next time you go to do pushups, keep these issues in mind.

1-  Weak Core:


Exercises such as the plank improve core endurance, which are critical for stability during a pushup. The ability to hold that classic pushup position is directly correlated to how long you can hold a plank and is an indicator of overall core strength. A weak core can lead to a “sag” in the lower back that changes the angle of the shoulder joints and how the muscles are being worked. Changing this angle, or positioning, can lead to serious injury and diminished results. Work planks into your routine 1-2 days per week for 3-4 sets of maximum holds.

2- Weak Quads:


Yes, believe it or not, quads impact your pushups. If you have weak quads, it's hard to hold your knees in the fully extended position that a pushup requires. An inability to do this will cause the knees to fully lock out, which is great for the end of a squat. Holding those knees fully extended leads to two things: decreased blood flow to the muscles that need it (the blood sits in the legs) leading to decreased muscle activation and therefore decreased results; and raised, posteriorly tilted hips, leading to rounding of the lower back and possible disk injury. Be sure to work squats into your routine 1-2 days per week for 3-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

3- Incorrect Hand Placement:


Luckily, this one’s an easy fix. Start out by getting down on your hands and knees, and make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders. Shoot your legs back, get into a pushup position and hold it your hands should still be under your shoulders. That’s a good start, but there’s one extra part that can be a difficult concept to grasp. Imagine your hands are on top of a big pile of sand or rice and try to grab on to the ground. This will activate all the muscles of the lower arm and hand, increasing your ability to push yourself up. A good way to prep for this is by wrapping a rubber band around your fingers then pushing them as far away from each other as possible, holding for a second, then returning to the start.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

One of The Best Muscle Building Supplements Right now.

TestoFuel Without question, the single most important thing that you must be doing to build muscle faster is creating the hormonal environment to do so.

  And, the most powerful hormone that you need to think about here is testosterone. The more testosterone you have, the more muscle you’ll build – it’s that simple.

Men will naturally start to see a decline in testosterone into their 40’s and beyond as noted a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, so it’s normal to see rates of muscle growth start to slow.

Unless, that is, you do something about this now.

Enter TestoFuel. This supplement’s primary aim is to work naturally in the body to increase testosterone release, allowing you to build muscle at a rate you used to back in your 20’s. In addition to that, it’s also going to help to improve your libido levels, decrease body fat levels, and can help to boost mood as well.

Since testosterone is what makes you a man, it’s not a hormone to take lightly.

TestoFuel has a blend of proven ingredients to increase testosterone levels including zinc, magnesium, oyster extract, and Fenugreek to name just a few. As the most powerful testosterone booster on the market, it’s one you’ll want on your side.

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Inspiring Fitness Guys To Follow On Instagram Immediately.

Today our Inspiring Fitness Guy To Follow On Instagram is:  "David Lawson"

Instagram is basically a virtual look book for models, celebrities and ordinary Mens...

Male fitness Gus have taken over Instagram.

Everyone knows the social media site Instagram is aspirational – it’s filled with perfectly captured shots of food, flawless outfits, seemingly effortless flower arrangements and more. With careful photography and a curated account, an individual can make their life seem Insta-perfect, even if that might not be the case. While many focus on the negative aspects of the overly perfect images that are often on Instagram, when it comes to health and fitness, it can actually be hugely beneficial.

If you opt to follow several accounts focused on health and fitness, whenever you start scrolling through your feed, you’ll find everything from videos of work out moves you could incorporate into your next exercise session to super healthy meal ideas you may have never thought of. It can be a great motivator to get off the couch and get moving, to forego those French fries for some crispy vegetables.

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Best Fitness Tips : How Often Should You Weigh Yourself .

You wake up in the morning, you’re feeling great and you step on the scale. Within seconds your entire day is changed if the number is what you want to see, you feel amazing and move through your day with great pride. If it’s not what you want to see, however, the day can take a spiraling turn for the worst right away.

This is why it’s important to know when to weigh yourself. Your body is always fluctuating and that two extra pounds could have nothing to do with the extra slice of cake you ate the night before: “This is because of body fluid fluctuations—you might be retaining water from too much sodium consumption, or you may not have gone to the bathroom yet,” according to JillianMichaels.com.

So how often should you weigh yourself? The general consensus among health professionals is once a week. But not just any time or day once a week. Here’s what you need to know.

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 • The Timing is Key:

Your bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day and from day to day, so choosing a certain time and day to weigh yourself every week is critical. This gives you the most accurate depiction of how much you fluctuate from week to week.

So, for example, start every Monday morning with stepping on the scale. If you tend to overeat on the weekends and get back on track during the week, choose Wednesday morning instead. You want an accurate reading that will allow you to determine whether you need to make changes to your diet or workouts, so this is a personal choice.

Regardless of when you weigh yourself, don’t let it ruin your day. If the number is higher than you’d like, take it as constructive criticism to rethink your workout and diet plans. This is a great way to keep you on track and hold you accountable, not tear down your motivation.

How To Build Muscle Quick on a Low Budget.

The costs of getting into shape can really add up. Gym memberships, supplements and trainers typically carry high price tags, designed to separate you from your hard-earned cash. Building muscular arms and legs shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. Take the frugal approach to muscle building, and beef up your biceps as well as your wallet.

• Step 1
Find a cheap training arrangement. You shouldn’t have to pay $75, $60 or even $50 per month for a gym membership. According to the "Pittsburgh Business Times," lower-priced facilities are increasing in popularity, offering membership rates between $10 and $20 per month. You can also save big by building your own gym, especially if you bargain shop. You can even go to a local playground and bulk up with pull-ups, dips and push-ups on the jungle gym equipment.

• Step 2
Skip the supplements. Sports supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry, according to "Sports Illustrated," with many of these compounds being unproven. Before taking a gamble on possibly false promises, take a good look at your nutritional program. If your diet is high in protein and complex carbohydrates, your muscles should be getting everything they need to grow.

•Step 3
Buy healthful food in bulk. Use “price club” type supermarkets to stock up on muscle-building foods once a month. Buy lots of non-perishables such as pasta, canned tuna and oatmeal. Buy and store bags of frozen chicken breasts. With fewer shopping trips, you’ll also save money on gas.

• Step 4
Split a trainer. If you want the results of a personal trainer while controlling the cost, you are not alone. The American Council on Exercise has noted the trend of small-group training as a way to maximize results while saving money. By training with a small group of two to five people, you can get the guidance you need without the high price of one-on-one training.

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