
Friday, September 18, 2015

what is the difference in running shoes and cross trainers.

Athletic shoes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. When you head to your favorite sporting goods store, the myriad of choices can be very overwhelming. A lot of exercisers have their favorite brand athletic shoe. You know, the brand they seem to buy every time one pair wears out? They may have never even worn another brand, but just love the company or the look of their favorite brand’s newest, or vintage, athletic shoe.

The differences in athletic shoes spans a much broader area than simply the look or brand. For instance, if you are considered a “pronator” with your feet, or you tend to walk or run more on the inside of your feet or you have a low arch and flat foot, you need athletic shoes built up in the arch to counteract and balance your stride. Conversely, if you walk or run with a “supination” in your gait, you need shoes with a lower arch, due to the natural high arch in your foot. Too much arch in a shoe would cause excessive supination of your foot and ankle and exacerbate any negative stride issues. So it’s clear just from those two examples that the differences in athletic shoes require your close attention next time you go shopping for new kicks.

Perhaps you’ve heard, seen, or even tried on one of the newest phenomena in athletic shoes where the shoe itself is actually designed to mimic a barefoot stride. The thinking behind the design stems from the idea that the body and the feet were built to run in a more flat way with “zero drop”. This means the heel is not much higher than the toe. Traditional athletic shoes have a much higher heel, so when you walk, or more particularly run, you land on your heel first and push off your toes. The newer zero drop shoes are designed to have your feet land more on the arch or ball of your foot. It’s recommended that you build up to running in this style and don’t just jump right in.

Next time you head to your favorite store for new athletic shoes, try on different brands. Talk to the sales associates about what shoes would best work for your foot style. Also pay close attention to the type of training you’re going to do. If you are going hiking, you obviously don’t need basketball shoes. The traction of the hiking boots provides all the grip you need. Basketball shoes and hiking boots are miles apart, and most know the differences between them and they know when to use them.

However, smaller differences exist between running shoes and cross-training shoes, for instance. Running shoes are traditionally built for a land on the heel and a push off the toe (except for the new zero drop technology). They are designed for running which happens in a straight movement. Cross trainers are designed more for lateral, jumping, and agility-style exercises. They are more flexible in certain areas and could have adverse effects if uses solely for running. The differences are not large enough to tell from the naked eye. You need to talk to a knowledgeable salesperson and try different types of athletic shoes.

Familiarize yourself with these concepts and really think about your training style and stride next time your shop for athletic shoes.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Most Common Health Conditions in the US.

Every year the CDC (Centre for Disease Control & Prevention) reports on the most common ailments prevalent in the Unites States. This yearly report focuses on the health conditions that limit an individual’s capability.  Here’s looking at the current most common health conditions in the US.

  1- Asthma & Allergies:

On top of the list of “activity limiting’ health conditions for children are Asthma and Allergies. Both of these are the result of abnormal immune responses to substances that normally people would be able to tolerate. If not treated properly, it could even result in death.

2-  Arthritis:

Arthritis and other such health conditions that affect the bones and joints is the most common activity limiting health condition among adults between the ages 18-65. There are many ways that instigate the onset of arthritis and one of them involves your own immune system, reacting to the cells in your joints as foreign substances.

3- Hyper tension, High Cholesterol and Diabetes :

Hypertension along with High cholesterol and Diabetes make up the three most common health conditions found in adults between the ages of 45 -74. All of them increase a person’s risk of vascular and heart diseases. These conditions can be prevented or controlled by maintaining a proper, healthy diet. This is also true for most of the other most common health conditions mentioned in this article.

4- Lower Back Pain, Headaches & Migraines.

The most common health conditions for adults over the age of 18 are headaches, back aches and migraines. These don’t normally respond to medication alone as they tend to be chronic in nature. A good, natural, healthy diet is the first step to healing. This is true for almost every health condition that you can think of. Except for the ones that involve the GI tract, in which case, food obviously is not the best way to go about a healing process.

The most important aspect of staying healthy, involves a natural healthy diet. Understanding your health condition is the next step. Put the both together and not only will you be adding years to your life,you will also be living those years to their fullest.

How To Beat Your Belly and Get Flatter Faster.

The pesky belly fat you and the rest of America deal with is never more pesky than smack-dab in the middle of Summer when you want to wear a swimsuit. Most people gain fat in their belly (the worst place to gain weight), and the reasons are different for everyone, but most have one thing in common: they eat too much and don’t exercise enough.

Excess adipose, or fat, tissue loves to store in the belly, and there are ways you can beat your belly and get flatter faster. Keep in mind you didn’t grow your belly overnight, and it won’t deplete overnight, but if you follow a good plan, you can get a flatter tummy faster than you would otherwise.

Here are some steps to beat your belly:

1- Boost Your Metabolism.

Your unique metabolism is nothing more than the rate at which your body burns calories. If you have a slow metabolism, you won’t burn calories as fast as someone with a faster metabolism. Some quick tips for boosting your metabolism include eating more of the right types of foods (think “grazing throughout the day”, not “starving yourself”), drinking a lot of ice cold water, and moving more (take the stairs, park farther away).

2- Target Your Abs.

Specifically targeting your abdominals with strengthening exercises helps replace and burn belly fat with lean muscle. Aim for a combination of exercises and perform 100-300 repetitions PER DAY. If you can be disciplined enough to get these reps in, the results will speak for themselves. Do a mixture of crunches, reverse crunches, planks, and side planks to target all areas of the abs. Break them down into 5 sets of 20 or 10 sets of 25 throughout the day, and before you know it, you’ve formed a great habit of targeting your abs.

3- Eat Better.

Portion control is another self-discipline that needs to be adopted. “Push-Aways” are a great exercise. More specifically: “Push-Aways From The Table”. Avoid foods high in fat and foods in excess amount, and your belly will respond. Belly fat is nothing more than stored fat, so if you eat less and exercise more, the energy required to exercise will target the fat and give you a flatter tummy.

If you did just those 3 things, you’d be miles ahead of the curve toward beating your belly. The only way you are going to get flatter faster is by starting. It’s never too late to start, and if you fall off the wagon, get back on! It’s a battle to beat your belly, and you can win! You just have to get started, keep moving, and enjoy the results.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Whey protein: how to use it to build muscle and bulk up fast.

Build muscle faster and more efficiently by taking whey protein

Taking whey protein will help you build muscle. Read on to find out how.

•The problem

You’re recently started weight training, but you’re struggling to put on muscle.

•The solution

Start taking whey protein. Consuming protein after exercise compensates for the increased breakdown of protein in the body that occurs during training, while also providing it with the stimulus for muscle growth. Whey protein is ideal for post-workout recovery because it’s easily digested and has a high concentration of essential amino acids.

Some people don’t see the effects of using whey protein. The main reason for this is simply that they’re not taking it properly. First, the protein will be most effective in the 15-20 minutes after working out because this is the time that muscles are craving protein to repair the tiny tissue tears that occur while exercising. It will still be effective if consumed later, but the longer after that initial window it’s taken, the more the protein's effect will be diminished.

Second, it is important that the right amount of whey protein is being used. Too much whey protein can result in weight gain and is therefore counter-intuitive, while not enough won't be effective enough to make a tangible difference. Aim to take 1.4-1.7g per kg of your body weight a day in no more than three servings. Using whey protein as a milk substitute with breakfast cereals is a good way to start your day, for example.

•The science

A study published in the Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition found that subjects who consumed whey protein after training experienced improved blood flow to their forearm muscles, enhancing the delivery of muscle-building nutrients such as oxygen and hormones. It is also generally understood that the anabolic effects of weight training are increased through the consumption of whey protein because amino acids are rapidly driven to skeletal muscle tissue. This helps your muscles get larger and stronger in less time than if you weren’t taking whey protein.

Best Superset Shoulder Workout for Men.

Most men who aspire to improve their physiques want to build big, powerful shoulders. Well-developed shoulders convey strength, and help create the classic bodybuilder "V" shape. The weightlifting concept of supersets can help take your shoulder development to the next level, or help you break through any plateaus you may have encountered along the way.

• Definition:

Supersetting is a weight-training concept in which you perform one exercise, immediately followed by another without rest in between. Typically, a superset consists of two exercises, but you can add more if your fitness level allows. You can do a superset on opposing muscle groups like chest and back, on complimentary groups like biceps and back, or do different exercises for the same muscle group.

•Rear Deltoids :

Your rear deltoids are also known as posterior deltoids. For a rear-deltoid superset, pair two exercises together that work the back part of your shoulder, such as bent over dumbbell laterals and reverse flys or cable raises. Whichever exercises you choose, keep your elbows bent and pull the weight back with the rear deltoid muscles at the top of the movement. Rowing exercises with a straight bar that enables you to keep your elbows high are also a good choice.

•Side Deltoids:

The side or lateral deltoids help give you width in your upper-body physique. A side-shoulder superset will consist of cable or dumbbell side lateral raises, paired with an exercise like external rotations. Side lateral raises are performed with palms down by lifting the weights straight up to the sides. For an external rotation, lie on your side holding a dumbbell in your top hand, and position your elbow near your ribs so the dumbbell hangs in front of your midsection. Keep your elbow in place and rotate your forearm up, using your side deltoid to lift the weight. Perform the exercise on both sides.

• Front Deltoids:

Heavier exercises like overhead and Military presses are designed to strengthen the front, or anterior, deltoids muscles. You can do shoulder presses effectively with either dumbbells or a barbell. For a front-shoulder superset, it’s wise to pair your heavy presses with a different movement such as shrugs or upright rows. Use dumbbells for shrugs, and lift your shoulders straight up toward your ears. You can use dumbbells or a barbell for upright rows, just keep your hands close together and pull the weight straight under your chin.


Experiment with your shoulder-superset workouts to discover which combination of exercises and how many sets are best for you. Start with just one superset for each part of the shoulder and increase the number of sets as needed. Try to work up to three supersets for each part of your shoulder, per workout. Avoid doing any other shoulder work for at least two days between superset workouts, and scale back to singular sets if you experience any lingering discomfort in your shoulders. Work the rear and side deltoids first, to get your shoulders warmed and ready for heavier pressing movements.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Men's Health: Watch Out for These Warning Signs.

According to a survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians, 38 percent of men go to the doctor only when they’re extremely sick or when symptoms don’t go away on their own. But feeling healthy isn’t the same as being healthy, and waiting around for problems to get better with time could lead to complications or late diagnoses.

Men interested in protecting their well-being need to be vigilant about symptoms that could indicate potential health conditions. A warning sign can be subtle and present for some time before you take note of it. Or it can be immediate, painful, and worrisome. In either case, if you experience any of the following symptoms, see your doctor so you can get an evaluation of your health risk.

1- Chest Pain:

Most people associate chest pain with a heart attack, but it could be caused by a different health condition. You could have another type of heart problem, like angina, or a lung condition such as pneumonia, a pulmonary embolism, or asthma. Or it might be a gastrointestinal health condition such as acid reflux or a stomach ulcer. All of these need a doctor's attention.

2- Bloody Urine:

Blood in your urine is a cause for concern, particularly if it is plentiful enough that you can see it with your naked eye. Bloody urine is a prime symptom of prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate. It could also be due to either cancer or stones in your bladder or kidney. Kidney disease or injury can cause bloody urine as can inflammation or infection of the bladder, kidney, or urethra.

3-  Shortness of Breath:

Shortness of breath is another symptom that can mean any number of things when it comes to men's health. It can signal a heart attack or congestive heart failure. Or you might have a lung disease such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or pulmonary hypertension. Shortness of breath also is a symptom associated with anemia.

4-  Hair Loss:

Hair loss is a common concern of middle-aged men. Men recovering from a major surgery or illness may temporarily lose their hair, as can men under severe emotional stress. While it is a natural part of aging, hair loss also can also serve as a warning for a more serious men's health condition, such as an autoimmune disease like lupus, infectious diseases like syphilis, thyroid disease, or ringworm.

5- Erectile Dysfunction:

About 70 percent of cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by another condition, making this a warning sign that you may be facing a serious medical issue. Diseases that can cause erectile dysfunction include diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, neurologic disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, and vascular disease. These conditions affect a man's ability to achieve erection by damaging nerves, smooth muscles, arteries, and tissues.

6- Fatigue:

Fatigue involves an ongoing lack of energy and motivation and is a normal response to circumstances such as stress, physical exertion, or lack of sleep. However, fatigue also can be a symptom of a more serious physical or psychological health condition. Illnesses linked to fatigue include cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, infections, and kidney or liver disease. Fatigue also can be part of health problems like anemia, depression, sleep disorders, or a malfunctioning thyroid gland.

How to Gain Better Biceps with Protein or Creatine.

Biceps serve as a very visible muscle group. Thus, many men like to focus on this area. Biceps don't just help fill out your favorite T-shirt, however. These muscles also serve an important purpose in providing strength and stability to day-to-day movements such as lifting and pulling. If you're trying to build bigger, stronger biceps, protein and creatine supplementation can help you get the results you want.

Step 1

Take 5 g of creatine four times a day — 20 g of creatine a day — for five days immediately before you start your biceps workout routine. This is known as "loading," and jump-starts your system by pumping it full of this muscle-enhancing organic acid.

Step 2

Reduce your creatine intake on the sixth day of your creatine regimen. Take 2 g to 5 g of creatine once a day.

Step 3

Complete resistance-based biceps exercise training, working your biceps every 24 to 48 hours to allow proper resting time for your muscle fibers to rebuild and grow. The best exercise for bigger biceps is pull-ups on a pull-up bar, "Men's Fitness" magazine reports.

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  Step 4

Drink whey protein within 30 minutes of completing your biceps training. Consume 0.8 g of whey for every pound you weigh. Unlike other forms of protein, such as whole foods, whey protein is digested and absorbed quickly, and also provides important muscle-enhancing substances such as branched chain amino acids.

Step 5

Get lots of sleep, aiming for eight hours a night. While creatine and protein supplementation can enhance your muscle growth, poor sleep habits can reduce your results because your brain releases growth hormones, critical for muscle development, during your deep sleep cycles.

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