
Friday, August 7, 2015

How to Prevent Stretch Marks When Losing Weight .

Wide fluctuations in weight over a short period of time can cause both women and men to get stretch marks. Although not everyone gets stretch marks when losing weight, genetics can play a role. Skin type is another factor, as some people have more elastic skin than others. Stretch marks generally affect the stomach and thighs, but they may also appear on the breasts, arms and buttocks. While there are no health risks associated with having stretch marks, there are some things you can do to help prevent them from developing as you lose weight.

Step 1

Lose weight gradually. As the skin shrinks it loses its elasticity, especially in cases of rapid weight loss. You do not want to strain your skin as you take off excess pounds. Loss of collagen fibers in the dermis is what causes stretch marks to show through the top layer of skin.

Step 2

nclude foods rich in protein, vitamins C and E and zinc in your diet. These nutrients stimulate collagen production, which can help prevent stretch marks. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that individuals in their 40s and 50s are less likely to develop stretch marks. The reason is that by midlife a person’s skin begins to thin and lose its elasticity as collagen in the outer and middle layers of the skin breaks down.

Step 3

Keep your skin well hydrated. Drink plenty of water to keep skin soft and supple so that stretch marks are less likely to form. Dry skin has less elasticity.

Step 4

Use an over-the-counter topical moisturizing cream or lotion specially formulated to prevent stretch marks. Apply to the skin twice each day. If you are really worried about stretch marks forming, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about prescription retinoid creams. These vitamin A derivatives work by making the outer layer of the skin thinner. This allows the cream to get through to the dermis, where it increases collagen production.

Step 5

Exercise. Do light stretching exercises as part of your daily workout routine. This improves circulation and skin elasticity. Exercise also tightens and tones muscles. In addition to stretching, resistance and strength training exercises build lean muscle mass as you lose body fat. Muscle helps hold the skin in place.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

6 Reasons For Men To Lose Weight And Get a Body That Will Turn Heads.

Motivation is one of the biggest problems for people following a diet and a workout plan. After a while of sticking to a healthy eating plan and exercise regimen, things can start to get a little boring. As a result, your motivation starts to waver and your diet goes along with it. To help you keep your eye on the prize, we’ve put together this list of reasons to lose weight. Whenever you feel unmotivated, revisit these reasons to lose weight and get a body that will turn heads.

1. You’ll Look Better:

One of the most popular reasons to lose weight is simply to look better in the mirror. It’s not superficial to want a strong and muscular physique. Everyone wants to look good, and one of the best ways to do this is through fat loss and muscle growth. The right workout supplements like a men’s creatine supplement and men’s whey protein can help you improve workout performance and produce fast, visible results.

2- You’ll Do Your Joints a Favor:

When a person drops a few pounds, they are literally taking excess weight off of their body. Not only does this effect show in the mirror, but it can be physically felt. An overweight person may have a tough time moving around because they are carrying around a lot of extra pounds. Fat loss makes people feel physically lighter, alleviates pains in the body and enables them to move faster and engage in physical activities they couldn’t do before. Someone who couldn’t run a mile while overweight can do so with much ease when the excess weight is dropped.

3- You’ll Reduce Your Risk of Future Health Problems:

Carrying extra weight can actually result in some very serious health problems if it’s not taken off. Having excess belly fat is dangerous, and the extra fat can sometimes be evidence of another lurking problem like high cholesterol. Cleaning up the diet and dropping a few pounds with a more nutritious diet and supplements like a men’s thermogenic supplement may help reduce your risk of future health issues.

4. You’ll Make a Better First Impression:

Not only does losing weight make a person feel more confident about themselves, but this confidence rubs off on the other people around them. Other people will respond positively to a fitter and slimmer physique, and the happiness one exudes over feeling better will be evident to everyone else as well. To make an even better impression, make sure your skincare routine is up to par. Men’s body products like a men’s body scrub and men’s body wash can remove dead skin cells and other debris that can make skin appear dull.

 5- You’ll Feel Sharper Mentally:

When you follow a healthy diet and fitness regimen, not only do you improve your physical health but you may also be helping mental health as well. The increased energy that comes with being physically active can make you more focused and alert throughout the day. As a result, you’ll notice increased productivity and even improved workout performance. A pre-workout supplement for men can boost workout performance even further with natural ingredients like green tea extract and caffeine. “What is a Pre-Workout Supplement?” for men explains the many benefits of a pre-workout supplement.

6. You’ll Avoid Stretch Marks

Weight gain can contribute to the formation of stretch marks. The longer you’re overweight, the likelier stretch marks will develop. Once they form, they can persist for a very long time even with the best of treatments. Being proactive and losing extra weight when you first notice it will help you avoid this problem and other issues like loose skin that can hurt your confidence.

Best Women's Butt Lifting Workout at Home .

So sick of squats? We hear you. The key to a gravity-defying backside is introducing new exercises that tone every inch of your rear. These 5 moves from the Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises target all the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings to give you a fitter, firmer butt. Get ready to look even sexier in those skinny jeans! 

1- Marching Hip Raise:

Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.(A) Lift one knee to your chest (B), lower back to the start, and lift your other knee to your chest. Continue to alternate back and forth.

2- Single-Leg Hip Raise:

Lie faceup on the floor with your left knee bent and your right leg straight. Raise your right leg until it’s in line with your left thigh. (A) Push your hips upward, keeping your right leg elevated.(B) Pause, then slowly lower your body and leg back to the start position. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions with your left leg, then switch and do the same number with your right leg.

3- Swiss- Ball Hip And Leg Curl:

Lie faceup on the floor and place your lower legs and heels on a Swiss ball. (A)Push your hips up so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. (B) Without pausing, pull your heels toward you and roll the ball as close as possible to your butt. (C) Pause for 1 or 2 seconds, then reverse the motion, by rolling the ball back until your body is in a straight line. Lower your hips back to the floor. 

4- Barbell Deadlift:

Load the barbell and roll it against your shins. Bend at your hips and knees and grab the bar with an overhand grip, your hands just beyond shoulder width. (A)Without allowing your lower back to round, pull your torso back and up, thrust your hips forward, and stand up with the barbell. Squeeze your glutes as you perform the movement. (B) Lower the bar to the floor, keeping it as close to your body as possible. 

5- Dumbbell Deadlift:

Set a pair of dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Bend at your hips and knees, and grab the dumbbells with an overhand grip. (A) Without allowing your lower back to round, stand up with the dumbbells. (B) Lower the dumbbells to the floor.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Top 3 Best Supplements For Weight Gain And Bulk Up Fast.

Supplements are fast becoming a large part of bodybuilding and justly so. If you estimate what is left of actual bio-active nutrients in today's series of processed foods you can also figure out that you'd need to eat a massive amount of calories to get the necessary building blocks for growth. And sadly, these foods comprise most of our daily intake in the Western World. Supplements may give you those nutrients in an undenatured, concentrated form so that you can focus on your calories, sleep and training. Alas someone smelled money and the world of supplementation became one of advertising and deception, which in turn lead to many young lifters believing supplementation was the legal alternative to steroids.

So what should you buy? Well, keep it simple and keep it cheap. If it costs too much chances are you won't get enough out of it to justify what you spent on it. And I don't know about you, but I'd hate to go broke over adding a few pounds. This is why, in combination with some other experienced lifters, I made a Top 10 list and dug very deep on how and why you should use them, but above all why that choice is better than alternatives. Note that all the supplements are some of the cheapest and cost-effective if you calculate what all you get for the price of a daily dose. So for your entertainment, and hopefully more, here are the top 3 supplements in order of importance in relation to the goal:PACKING ON MUSCLE AND SIZE!


Why you need it: When eating a diet meant for mass, you will no doubt be targeting the foods that can pack the most calories on from the needed macro-nutrients. In turn this can lead to a deficiency in Micro-nutrients, meaning vitamins and minerals. Such a deficiency can impair optimum functioning of the body and consquently hinder your growth. Minerals are building blocks, they are used for cellular actions, building bone, transporting nutrients and so, whilst vitamins provide enzymatic functions in digesting foods and and protect the system against damage from the outside and inside. Levels of these substances must be kept above a certain level to maintain proper health, but kept a great deal higher for optimal functioning of your system. That's why supplementing with a multi-vitamin above all else makes sense: you get at least your daily minimum of all these nutrients avoiding anything going wrong with your quest for growth, and together with the rest of the vitamins and minerals found in every food to some extent, you are bound to be on the road to getting everything you system needs.

How it works: A good multi-vitamin contains at least 100 percent of the FDA minimum needed daily to avoid deficiency. While it is true that some of these things will compete for absorption in the stomach, the body knows what it needs. Normally a large amount of calcium will hinder absorption of Zinc and Magnesium, even Iron. The body favors calcium because it needs a lot of it. But if you have enough calcium and a severe deficiency in one of the aforementioned substances, the body will not ignore a possibility to get some more. So the ingenuity of the body and the way it works makes this a top supplement rather than the supplement itself. These absorption competitions should be taken into account if you buy extra supplemental minerals, but for your basic multi, it's not a true issue.


Why you need it: What better for packing on mass than a WEIGHT gainer. The main thing when bulking, next to getting your needed share of macro and micro nutrients is of course packing on all the calories you can handle without turning into a balloon. Since you will be expending quite a bit of calories while bulking, trying to add all that muscle, sometimes it will be hard to make your calorie-count every single day from nutritious self-prepared meals. Your family will not always be as supportive of an 8-meal a day habit. Take it from me. That's where weight gainers come in. Ranging from 600 to 3000 calories these gainers allow you to add serious additional calories from quality sources without having to spend hours behind a stove. Just mix and you have an instant high-calorie meal... and cost-effective too. They may seem expensive, but if you try to calculate what it would cost to make a similar meal yourself taking into account calories, quality and bio-availability of the nutrients, additional vitamins and minerals and ease of preparation, you'll soon find just how little they really cost.

How it works: As an additional easy to prepare meal they add calories to your daily totals drastically while giving you a correct balance of protein and carbs (1 to 1 up to 1 to 2, with most carbs coming from simple sugars) and a good helping of fat. Not to mention extra vitamins and minerals, which is not always the case with calorie-dense foods, which will be what your targeting if growth is what you seek. This way you can get to your target healthily without running up the grocery bill too high.

How to use it: Use it as a post-workout meal, as a meal before going to bed (your burn up to 70 cals an hour while sleeping, keep that in mind) and potentially as meals when it is hard to prepare a meal, like midmorning or mid-afternoon, times you spend at work and so on. Use a serving, but be sure to pick a weight gainer that in combination with your regular meals and the amount of shakes you will take will meet or exceed your demands without turning you into a sumo. No need to invest in a 3000-cal shake if you already eat 3000 cals a day and take 2-3 shakes daily. That will only make you fat with that amount of sugar.

If you are of an endo-morphic (heavy) body-type it may be best to look in to a low-carb gainer or even an Meal Replacement powder (negative protein to carb rate) to avoid excess bodyfat. The trouble with these is that they are very expensive, don't always provide the best balance of nutrients and they are pre-packaged, so they don't allow you to choose your doses and amounts. But for the endomorphs the amount of protein takes priority. If you are ecto- or meso-morphic its is best to get a weight gainer, it'll be hard to digest all protein and replenish Glycogen on an MRP. Protein powders are not an option because you need quite a lot, but the amount of pure protein that can be absorbed without extra fat or carbs is limited (30-35 grams). That's why neither protein nor MRP is included in this 'bulking' list.


Why you need it: B-vitamins have many anabolic properties separately and have often been the subject of supplementation. Hereby I think of Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6) and Cobalamin (B12). But people often forget that for a lot less money they can get better gains by getting a B-complex which combines all of them in optimal doses (50-100 mg, there is no way you need 500 mg of Niacin). This harnesses the synergistic effect of B-vitamins which means better digestion and absorption of carbs, protein and fat and the fact that they comport themselves as enzymes in many bodily functions. You can't overdose on them anyway since water-soluble vitamins are readily excreted if you have too much.

How it works: In the stomach B-vitamins will release and control gastric juice, help absorb and digest macronutrients, which in turn get more out of the things you eat. Next to that all of them have a host of individual properties. B6 is a good liver-protector, B9 is good for absorbing things in cells, B12 is needed for energy and so on and so on. If we could get all our nutrients from food easily and eat enough, this would no doubt be my Nr2 supplement. If you are a person who can eat big and watch his grocery bill and you have decent genetics, a B-complex and multi-vitamin is all you really need to grow.

How to use it: Take these with a meal as well, but not at the same one as your multi. Take one serving (with 50-100 mg of all B-vitamins) immediately after your meal. Say you get your multi, like most people, at breakfast, take one serving of B-complex after lunch.

3 Effective Six-Minute Exercises Can Be Done From Home Or The Gym To Kill Lower Belly Fat.

If you want to get rid of your lower belly pouch, then it's going to take a healthy dose of exercise and clean eating, but not just any ab exercises will do.

Many traditional core exercises like crunches neglect the lower abs, so make sure you include lower abdominal exercises in your routine for best results . Don't forget that working your core isn't a replacement for a healthy diet because fat must be lost equally over the whole body.

This effective six-minute workout can be done from home or the gym.

1- Sprinters 4 x 30 seconds:

Start by sitting on the ground with your legs out in front of you and lean back on a 45-degree angle. Bring one knee up and keep one leg straight up off the ground. Bend both arms until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. Alternate kicking one leg out straight and while bringing the other knee up. At the same time rotate your arms at the shoulders in a running motion.

2- Leg Raise + Hello Dolly 4 x 30 seconds:

Lie flat on your back with your hands under the small of your back. With your legs straight, raise them up off the ground to a 45-degree angle. Open your legs and then close them. Lower them to three inches above the ground and then repeat.

3- Reverse Lift Crunch 4 x 30 seconds:

Lie flat on your back with your hands out to your side. Raise your legs straight until they are perpendicular to the ground. Next, use your abs to raise your hips up off the ground while reaching for the ceiling with your feet. Control your hips as you lower them back down to the ground.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pre Workout Vitamin : Why You Should Take Vitamin c After Working Out.

Perhaps the most widely spoken about nutrient, Vitamin C is the go-to vitamin for fighting off illness and boosting our immune system.

•Vitamin C

Vitamin C, or Ascorbic acid as it’s also known, is a water-soluble vitamin containing antiviral, antibacterial and anti-allergenic properties. It’s most important role is to protect us against free radical damage that’s often associated with the onset of chronic diseases. It does this by boosting production and function of white blood cells, and increasing the concentration of antibodies in the blood.

Not only that, this essential nutrient helps the body produce collagen, the elastic tissue found in the skin, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and blood vessels. It’s fundamental to the growth and repair of our bones, teeth and tissues. No wonder it’s the super-star of nutrients.

•Where it's found

Citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables including red capsicum, tomatoes and broccoli are the best natural sources of vitamin C. As it easily gets destroyed by cooking, it’s important to eat these foods fresh and raw (or lightly steamed) where ever possible.

•Natural sources of vitamin C include:

-Citrus fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit
-Kiwi fruit
-Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, -cranberries
-Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
Green and red peppers
-Spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, and other leafy greens
-Sweet and white potatoes
-Tomatoes and tomato juice
-Winter squash

•How it can benefit you

It’s widely believed that Vitamin C plays a role in protecting us against the following:

Heart Disease
High blood pressure
Common cold
Age related macular degeneration

•Other benefits include:

Protection against immune system deficiencies, and prenatal health problems
Helps to heal wounds and form scar tissue
Repair and maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth


Take it as a C complex with other nutrients including the bioflavonoids and zinc. It helps boost your immune system and in larger doses it’s a good antihistamine.

5 Easy Everyday Habits To Help You Lose Belly Fat Fast .

Belly fat, or visceral fat, is the most dangerous type of fat there is. This deadly fat wraps around the organs deep in your abdomen, spiking your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome. You can’t see or pinch visceral fat, and it’s often associated with a large waist. Ditch it and you'll not only save your health, you'll also lose weight and trim your waistline.

The good news is you can start blasting both types of fat today with these 5 healthy habits.


How bad can your calorie-free Diet Coke habit be for your belly? Belt-bustingly bad, researchers say. A study in the journal Diabetes Pro found that people who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist-size increases that were six times greater than non-drinkers. Diet drinks are loaded with deceptively sweet artificial sweeteners, which, researchers say, trick the metabolism into thinking sugar is on its way, spike insulin levels, and shift the body from a fat-burning to a fat-storing state.


For years, diet experts beat the “multiple small meals a day” drum—an eating rhythm purported to “stoke the metabolic fire!” Now, some researchers are singing a different tune. A study published in the journal Hepatology found that snacking between meals contributes to increased abdominal fat. Researchers say the findings suggest three balanced meals may be the way to go. Try weaning yourself off the snack wagon by nixing your morning nibble first. Research suggests mid-morning snackers tend to consume more throughout the day than afternoon snackers.


Dietary fats are kind of like lovers. Some of them make you a better person, and others—as you often discover too late—are catastrophically bad for your health. The good news is, unlike shoddy boyfriends, dietary fats come with red flags. The absolutely worst match for your apple-shaped figure? Saturated fats. A study published in the journal Diabetes found that while unsaturated fat can help reduce abdominal fat, saturated fat can increase waist size. Saturated fats, like the kind you’ll find in baked goods and red meat, “turn on” certain genes that increase the storage of fat in the belly, researchers say. Polyunsaturated fats on the other hand, activate genes that reduce fat storage and improve insulin metabolism. At about 13 grams per one ounce serving, walnuts are one of the best dietary sources. Sprinkle a handful on your morning oats or entree salad for belly-busting benefits.


Open any fitness magazine, and it’s clear: high intensity interval training (HIIT) is having a bit of a moment. But when it comes to your shrinking your belly, the start-and-stop exercise strategy won’t get you anywhere … other than into a larger pair of pants, researchers say. A study published in the Journal of Obesity found people who performed interval training on an exercise bike for 24 minutes three days a week, actually gained 0.7 percent abdominal fat over a 12-week period. Meanwhile, those on the same dietician-regulated diet, who performed traditional aerobic exercise—45 minutes of continuous moderate cycling three days a week—lost nearly 3 percent of their abdominal fat over the same 3-month period. The study authors did notes that HIIT improved fitness, but suggest that the only evidence to support interval training as an efficient weight loss method was research using young people who were already lean and healthy. Remember: Workouts are only half of the equation.


Green tea and weight loss are a natural pair. Sipping on green tea throughout the morning has proven to whittle your waist, but too much coffee has the opposite effect. What makes green tea so waist friendly are compounds called catechins, belly-fat crusaders that blast adipose tissue by revving the metabolism, increasing the release of fat from fat cells (particularly in the belly), and then speeding up the liver’s fat burning capacity. In a recent study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea with a 25-minute sweat session (or 180 minutes a week), lost 2 more pounds than the non tea-drinking exercisers. Meanwhile, a research team in Washington found that the same amount of coffee (5+ cups/day) doubled visceral belly fat.

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