Sunday, December 13, 2015

5 Common Errors In The Diet You should Avoid for Better Results.

There is a reason most people who train not achieve the expected results, and because only a minority stands out with a higher physical. And, unlike most think, is rarely a matter of practice rather wrong eating wrong.
In this article, we will see what are the most common mistakes in the diet and, as simple as people think they are, can destroy your efforts in the gym.

•Error 1 - Ignore The Obvious :

Many people have the habit of looking for errors in the diet where they do not exist. It is easier to find a convenient reason for the lack of results than admit that their own habits are crap.

Think that the time taking creatine may be affecting the results, but the 8 cans of beer drinking every weekend never jeopardize the gains. If you can not see the problem here is not the time of creatine intake, you are the equivalent of chubby eating the steak, but asks for coffee with sweetener because it is dieting to lose weight.
In short, before getting fancy looking for flaws in the diet, we need to stop everything and just look at the obvious, seeing if our actions and current habits consistent with the body that we want to win.

 •Error 2 - Overestimating How Much You Eat:

When it comes to diet, all say eat like real monsters, but at least 20% of people really do driving as they think they are feeding, there would be more expensive giants on the planet. Overestimate (exaggerate) how much you eat is more common than you might think.

Before thinking about what you eat "a lot" and its genetics is that does not let you grow, try to calculate how many calories you actually need to eat and start recording what you eat. Only in this way you can be sure you're eating enough to generate muscle hypertrophy.

•Error 3 - Fear  Of Gaining  Fat:

Excessive fear of gaining fat or trying to grow and lose fat at the same time is one of the most common reasons people fail to gain muscle mass. Gain fat (in minute quantities) for the mass gain phase is common, and unless their genetic permits, will be impossible to grow without losing a bit of definition. Just as.

•Error 4 - Follow The Lie Of Someone Else :

While there are many types of diets and methodologies for hypertrophy, each of which needs to be carved according to their individual needs. You can not give "CTRL + C and CTRL + V" in one's diet (particularly an athlete) and follow it to the letter thinking that can generate the same results.

•Error 5 - Diet Absent In Days That Do Not Train:

Many have the custom to kick the bucket in the diet at the weekend and only back on track on Monday. Big mistake. Muscle hypertrophy is a process that occurs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether it be training day or not. Therefore, the diet is not something we can pause to continue on another day, we need to be aware of nutrition especially when we are resting. Ironically, it is outside the academy we will rebuild and gain muscle mass.

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