Thursday, October 29, 2015

Body Weight Exercises To Build Muscle & Blast Fat ANYWHERE .

No time to get to the gym? No problem. You can use your own weight to build muscle.

Here's How:

1- Bodyweight Exercise 1: Push Ups:

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Chest, Triceps

(1) Extend your legs and get into push up position. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your hips up so your body is in a straight line.

(2) Lower down until your chest hits the floor. Press through the floor and powerfully explode up. Keep your elbows tucked in throughout.

If regular push ups are too difficult, start with your knees on the floor.

2- Bodyweight Exercise 2: Spiderman Push Ups:

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Chest, Triceps, Obliques, Lower Abs

(1) Move into push up position.

(2) Lower your body, and as you descend, pull your right knee in towards your elbows. Repeat and continue to alternate sides.

3- Bodyweight Exercise 3: Twisting Push Ups:

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Chest, Triceps, Obliques

(1) Move into push up position.

(2) Lower down, and as you press up, twist your body and extend your left hand up into the air. Your body should be supported by your right hand, so that you form a “T” shape.

(3) Lower back down and repeat for the opposite side.

4- Bodyweight Exercise 4: Incline & Decline Push Ups

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Lower/Upper Chest, Triceps

(A) Incline Push Ups — do a push up, but place your hands on an elevated surface (e.g. a bench or box). These targets the LOWER chest.(B) Decline Push Ups — do a push up, but place your feet on an elevated surface. Your hands should be on the floor. These targets the UPPER chest.

5- Bodyweight Exercise 5: Diamond Push Ups

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Triceps, Chest

(1) Do a push up, but form a diamond shape with your fingers. They should be touching. The narrow grip emphasizes thetriceps. Keep your arms tucked in throughout the movement.

6-Bodyweight Exercise 6: Dive Bomber Push Ups

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Chest, Triceps, Core

(1) Start in a downward dog position with your butt in the air and arms locked in front of you.

(2) Dive down, drop your hips and triceps, and push up into a cobra position — it should feel like you’re trying to maneuver under a bar.

(3) Drop your triceps, slide back, and push your body back up into downward dog.

7- Bodyweight Exercise 7: Pull Ups & Chin Ups

How To:

Primary Muscle(s): Back, Lats, Biceps

(A) Pull Ups — hang from a bar with your hands wider than shoulder width. Use anoverhand grip. Pull the top of your chest up to the bar, squeeze for 1 second, and lower down to a full extension.

(B) Chin Ups — hang from a bar, but flip your hands to an underhand grip. Pull the top of your chest up to the bar, squeeze for 1 second, and lower down to a full extension.

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