Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Muscle & Fitness: The Best Heavy Weight Bicep Workout.

The biceps are a favorite muscle group to train among bodybuilders and other avid trainees. To build mass in the biceps, you need to primarily target the Type IIb, or fast-twitch, muscle fibers, because these fibers grow the most.

To do so, you must use heavy weights that allow you to perform between six and 12 repetitions. Multiple sets, between three and five, are recommended for each exercise, and a total of three to four exercises should be performed per biceps workout. This is required for maximal stimulation of the muscle fibers.

• Standing EZ-Bar Curl

Standing EZ-Bar curls are a variation of the barbell curl. Because of the curved parts of the bar, they reduce the stress on your wrists, thus are a more comfortable and safer alternative to a straight barbell. To do the exercise, grasp the EZ-curl bar in an underhand grip shoulder-width apart, stand with your body upright, and keep your elbows by the sides of your torso. Bend your elbows to raise the EZ-curl bar upward, then extend your elbows to lower the bar to the start.

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 • Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl

The seated alternating dumbbell curl minimizes cheating because of its seated position, with the back up against the bench. This position keeps the lower back out of the movement, so the biceps are mainly used while performing the reps. To execute the seated alternating dumbbell curl, begin by holding a dumbbell in each hand using an underhand grip, and sit on the bench with your back up against the upright part of the bench. Place the dumbbells by your sides and keep your elbows by the sides of your torso. Bend your right elbow, bringing the right dumbbell up toward your right shoulder, then extend your right elbow, bringing the right dumbbell downward. Repeat the movement with the left side, then keep alternating between the right and left arm until you reach the required number of reps.

• Preacher Machine Curl

Preacher machine curls allow you to primarily train the outer head of the biceps, known as the long head, along with the brachialis, a muscle underneath the biceps. This exercise also works the inner head of the biceps, known as the short head, although not as much because of the flexed shoulder position. To perform the movement, first sit on the preacher machine bench, position your elbows on the pad, and grasp the machine handles in an underhand grip. Flex your elbows to raise the handles upward, then extend your elbows to lower the handles down to the beginning position.

• Standing Cable Bar Curl

The standing cable bar curl is safe exercise for the biceps and a great way to end a biceps workout. To do the exercise, begin by holding the cable bar using an underhand grip, and stand with your body upright and elbows by your sides. Bend your elbows to move the cable bar up toward your shoulders, then extend your elbows to move the cable bar downward.

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