
Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Best New Health and Fitness Stars on Instagram Right Now.

💪 The Best New Health & Fitness Stars on Instagram Right Now" Dominicolai". 💪

November 3, 2016 by Nathan Fitness™

If you need a little push to get yourself to the gym, look no further.

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Instagram is loaded with fitnessaccounts but some aren't as good as others. ... From (healthy) food porn to impressive exercises, Instagram is a goldmine for any fitness .... Could Insects Be the New Superfood?

Their fitness account features healthy foods, inspiring ... borderline prophetic captions that just make you feelgood.

Here are The Best New Health and Fitness Stars on Instagram you should follow now " dominicolai".

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Top 5 ab Exercises For Women (If You Don't Have Equipment).

For a flat and toned tummy, you need to work out all you muscles in the ab region and not just focus on one exercise or one muscle specifically.

Top 5 Exercises For Women.

Here are our top 5 ab exercises (if you do not have equipment they can still be done without):

1»Dumbbell Push-Up Row: place yourself in a sit up position holding dumbbell handles that are on the ground shoulder width apart, lower yourself to the floor and raise up again, lift one arm to your chest with the dumbbell and repeat with the other arm

2»Opposite Arm and Leg Raise: on all fours, raise your left arm to shoulder height and right leg to hip height, hold and repear with the opposite arm and leg (for higher difficulty on returning to the start position try touching your knee with your elbow)

3»Planking Frog Tuck: start in a push-up position, bring your right foot forward next to your right hand or as close as possible keeping your body straight and not dipping the whole time, repeat with the other side

4» Twsiting Squat Thrust: standing with feet shoulder widtth apart and arms extended in front, bend your knees at 90 degrees angle and twist your upper body the left and return, repeat but twisting to the right

4»Single-Leg Stretch: lying on your back with your knees bent, inhale bringing your chin towards your chest, bring your left knee towards our chest holding your ankle with your left hand and your knee with your right, raise your opposite leg to a 45 degrees angle, repeat with opposite leg

÷ The Best Ab Workout for Women:

No matter if you are looking for a perfectly toned tummy for summer, for yourself or to boost your performance, this is the workout for you! Give it a try and add other abdominal exercises if you wish, add these into a cardio workout, or simply try fitting them in when you have 5 minutes spare at the office:

•Plank – 2 sets of 10 reps, 20 second rest
Twisting Squat Thrust – 3 sets of 12 reps, 10 second rest

•Dumbbell Push-Up Row – 2 sets of 12 reps, 15 second rest

•Cobra Position – 2 sets of 8 reps, 10 second rest
Single-Leg Stretch – 3 sets of 12 reps, 20 second rest.

Feel free to modify what you want to change, to make things tougher, use weights of a Swiss Ball, if you are straining with the suggested requirements then lower the repetition count.

For a speedy workout, have a look at our 10 minute ab workout you can fit in as many times a day as you want!

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Merits of Taking Creatine [ Everything You Need to know].

The Merits of Taking Creatine [ Everything You Need To Know].

Pure, unflavoured Creatine Monohydrate has been a staple supplement in my stack for many years and can not only help recreational lifters in the gym but also a range of athletes in a variety of different spots.

During short-term, intense activities (such as Sprinting, Weight Lifting, Rugby or Gridiron) a large amount of power needs to be produced by the muscles in order to generate enough force capable of propelling one’s body down the track or field as fast as possible or alternatively lift as much weight as possible. This creates a high demand for ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

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 When we engage in exercise that requires fast, explosive movement we are using our Creatine Phosphate energy system. It is the body’s predominant energy system used for anaerobic activity lasting up to around 10 seconds. However, there is a limited amount of stored Creatine Phosphate and ATP in skeletal muscles so fatigue occurs quite rapidly. For example, when you watch the 200m in the days to come you will notice that some athletes will appear to hit a second gear and accelerate past the rest of the field when in fact the reality is that they are simply capable of maintaining top speed in their Creatine Phosphate energy system for a longer period of time than their competitors.

» How can this help you in the gym?

By supplementing with Creatine you can increase your Creatine Phosphate stores thus providing you with more energy to perform explosive movements for longer periods of time. In simple terms, by supplementing with Creatine you will be able to push out a few more additional reps on those heavy sets of Bench Press. Increasing your strength will inevitably lead to increases in muscle hypertrophy.

So much win! 🏻Whilst studies are inconclusive as to when the most optimal time is to take Creatine Monohydrate I personally take 5g (teaspoon) before I train and ensure that I am well hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. Creatine is safe to stack with any other supplement but always remember that supplements are the icing on the cake... Prioritise your diet first and then look to supplements for that extra edge.

For More Bodybuilding & Supplement Fix Keep Checking Nathan's Fitness.

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

6 Reasons why Diets Fail and what You Can Do About Them.

 6 Reasons Why Diets Fail & What You Can Do About Them.

Add to Flipboard Magazine. October 23, 2016 by Nathan's Fitness ™

When we first start a diet, it’s easy to picture ourselves well on our way to weight-loss success. The reality is that the path to men’s weight-loss success is going to take some hard work. Healthy eating habits and a consistent fitness program are crucial for weight-loss success and long-term health. We’re here to help you along the way to make sure you avoid diet failure. Here are the nine big reasons why diets fail and what you can do about them.

÷  Why Diets Fail:

>> Reason 1: "You’re too impatient "

A lack of patience is a big reason why diets fail. We men like to see results immediately. Just because you turned your diet inside out doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to become a magazine cover model in a few days. Realistically, you can expect to lose anywhere from 1-2 pounds a week — that’s considered the norm for healthy weight loss. While fad diets may help you lose more faster, you’ll gain the weight back just as fast. The key is to set realistic goals.

>> Reason 2:  "You don’t let yourself make mistakes "

Another big reason why diets fail is that once we make a mistake, we let it that one mistake loom over us and affect the rest of our day. OK, so you gave into your pizza craving and scarfed down half a pie. That’s no excuse to let yourself eat junk food the rest of the day, too — all hope is not lost. Hit the gym, eat smaller portions and move on. The occasional lapse won’t lead to diet failure and affect your weight-loss success. It’s when you let that one mistake spiral into a series of bad decisions that you should start worrying.

Reason #3: You do too much too soon:

 A lot of guys revamp their entire diet the first day they decide to start eating healthier. This is one of the biggest reasons why diets fail. Changing your entire diet on Day 1 is unrealistic because let’s be honest: Your bad eating habits aren’t going to change overnight. You’re better off making gradual changes. Start with one tweak, such as taking a men’s thermogenic formula or replacing a meal with a whey protein shake. Then work your way up from there. The next week, you can cut out soda and replace it with water or start taking a men’s multivamin, too. Even the tiniest of tweaks can result in big weight-loss success over the long term.

>> Reason 4: "You’re not informed enough "

We’re notorious for jumping into projects without reading the instructions or planning accordingly. The same holds true for weight loss. When it comes to something like weight-loss success, you want to make sure you have the best information available to help you reach your men’s weight-loss goals.

>> Reason 5: "You give into peer pressure"

 It’s easy to eat healthy in the comfort of your own home. After all, you have complete control over the foods in the fridge. But when that happy hour invitation or dinner party invitation comes your way, it can throw a wrench into your diet efforts. Whether you’re out having a beer with coworkers or dining out with some friends, you still have the choice to eat something healthy. You can always order a salad or a light beer, for example, so that you can indulge a little without completely derailing your diet. You could also have a whey protein shake beforehand so that you aren’t so hungry. Just be aware of all the food and drink options available and use your common sense — you’ll be fine. For help on dining out on a diet.

>> Reason 6: "You revert to your old habits"

Once you reach your goal weight, you have a little more leeway in terms of what you can eat, but that doesn’t give you full reign to eat whatever you want. If you made the commitment to start eating healthier, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a long-term commitment. Many guys lose weight, only to gain it back in a few years — you don’t want that to happen. Make your healthy eating tweaks a habit and you’ll truly achieve weight-loss success.

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  For More Fitness, Muscle, Weight loss... Fix Keep Checking Nathan Fitness ™

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

What Is The Most Complete Workout For Building Huge Arms?

 What is The Most Complete Workout For Building Huge Arms?

Add to Flipboard Magazine. October 15, 2016 by Nathan's Fitness ™

Building size in both your biceps and triceps will give you a fully developed upper arm. The biceps brachii muscles run down the front of each of your arms and are responsible for bending, or flexing, your elbows. Your triceps brachii are located at the back of your upper arms and they straighten, or extend your elbow joints. To develop size in the biceps and triceps, your weight training workouts need to have enough volume. As your biceps and triceps heal and recover, they’ll also get bigger.

>> Step 1

Perform your biceps and triceps workouts twice per week, spreading them out throughout the week so that your arm muscles get two to three days off in between.

>>  Step 2

 Organize your workout into a superset structure, going back and forth between biceps and triceps exercises. Instead of doing all sets of a biceps exercise and then all sets of a triceps exercise, switch back and forth between them until you complete all sets of each exercise. Working out this way will allow you to get through your high-volume workout more quickly.

>> Step 3

Complete three to five sets, with eight to 20 reps in each set, for each exercise. In order for this workout volume to elicit muscular gains in your biceps and triceps, lift a weight that’s appropriately based on your strength levels. You should be able to do at least eight reps with correct technique, but no more than 20.

>> Step 4

Include standing biceps curls, incline curls and chin-ups to develop your biceps muscles and incorporate the lying triceps extension, the overhead triceps extension and bench dips to build your triceps.

>> Step 5

Perform standing biceps curls by holding a pair of dumbbells down by your sides with your palms facing ahead. Keep your elbows into your torso as you bend them to bring your dumbbells up to your shoulders, and then lower them back down.

>> Step 6

Complete incline bicep curls by holding a pair of dumbbells while you sit and recline on an incline bench with your arms hanging down by your sides and palms facing ahead. Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells to your shoulders and then lower them back down.

>> Step 7

Incorporate chin-ups into your workout to work your biceps. Reach up and grip an overhead bar with your hands set shoulder-width apart and your palms facing you. Pull your body up until your chin is over the bar and then lower your body back down.

>> Step 8

Work your triceps with the lying triceps extension. Hold a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a bench. Begin with your arms extended up towards the ceiling and your palms facing each other. Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells to either side of your face and then extend them to bring the weights back up.

>> Step 9

To perform the overhead triceps extension, stand and hold a single dumbbell with both hands over your head with your arms fully extended. Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head and then straighten them to bring the weight back up.

>> Step 10

Finish your workout with bench dips. Sit perpendicular to the length of the bench and place your hands onto the bench on either side of your hips. Extend your legs with your heels set on the floor. Lift your hips up by supporting your body weight on your hands and then shift your hips forward so that they clear the bench. Bend your elbows to lower your hips to the floor. Once your elbows are bent to 90 degrees, extend them to lift your hips back up.

* Warnings:
Visit your doctor for a check-up before starting a new workout program.


Work out with a friend so they can motivate you and also act as a spotter during the triceps exercises that involve holding the weights over your head.

*Things You'll Need:


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  For More Fitness, Weight loss, Bodybuilding, Health... Fix Keep Checking Nathan's Fitness ™

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