
Friday, June 3, 2016

Top 5 Mistakes We Make When We Are Depressed ( what we should do?!)

During my struggle I came to realize that I was hindering myself with mistakes I was making, and it was only when I overcame these that I started to make real progress.

I often talk with people who have been or are going through the same kinds of problems, and I notice just how many of them also come up against these mistakes. So what are they?

1. Resisting:

When we feel a bad mood, depression, or panic coming on, our first wish is to get rid of it as quickly as possible, to change the “bad” mood into a “good” one. This is natural; it’s how we’re made. But all too often our attempts just make everything worse.

Resistance forces us to think constantly about our condition, to focus all of our attention on it, to feel bad because it won’t go away, to wait tensely for relief.

But the simple truth is that you can’t control everything. Attempting to get your condition “under control” often leads to extra stress and unwanted bad feelings. It’s sometimes best just to relinquish control and cease resistance.

If we relax and let our depression or panic come without trying to control anything, accepting that they’re only temporary feelings which will pass in due course, things become much easier.

2. Feeling bad about feeling bad:

We start to have thoughts such as “I’m going to die or go crazy,” “This’ll never end,” and “I hate that I can’t enjoy life like other people; I feel utterly miserable.”

Our mind starts to add new fears and negative emotions to the depression we already have. And, as I saw for myself, these fears and feelings end up constituting the main part of our condition.

It’s actually your mind, not the depression and panic themselves, which makes each episode so unbearable.

If you don’t believe me, try this experiment: The next time you’re overwhelmed by an attack, try to simply observe it without getting caught up in or assessing it in any way. Just watch it in its pure form, without any thoughts. Try to notice which parts of your body you feel it in and how it comes and goes.

In this way, you’ll remove your mind from the formula of your distress. You’ll notice how much weaker the attacks become when they’re no longer supported by your thought processes. Give it a try, making notes of the results if you like. Would it be true to say that it’s not all as terrifying and dreadful as it seemed at first?

When you stop feeding your depression with fears and thoughts it becomes much easier to shake off.

3. Comparing:

“Everything was so good when I wasn’t depressed! What an amazing time it was, and how awful it is now. Why can’t I go back?!” These are the kinds of things many people think, me included, but such thoughts bring nothing but harm.

If you want to beat depression or panic, you have to stop comparing. Forget that there’s a past and future. What’s happened has happened. Don’t dwell on it, and instead live in the here and now.

Start with what you have, and don’t think about how it all was before. Learning how to live in the present moment will make your depression or panic much more bearable.

4. Asking pointless questions:

Many people spend hours asking themselves all kinds of questions: “When will this end?” “Why me?” and “What have I done to deserve this?”

To make use of a well-known Buddhist parable, these questions are as much use as trying to figure out the source of the arrow which blinded you: it’s just not that important. What you need to know is how to pull the arrow out.

Questions of the “Why me?” ilk just make your condition worse, forcing you as they do to complain and be upset about something that’s already happened. Focus on what will help you get past your depression and don’t bother with questions which don’t serve this purpose.

5. Believing your fears:

We think that because we experience such fear at the idea of going outside, meeting people, or going on the underground, it means that something bad is going to happen. There’s nothing surprising in this, because nature has made fear in order to warn us of danger. We’re made in such a way that we instinctively believe this fear and respond to it.

But our fear hardly ever arises due to a real threat. For example, the fear of losing your mind or suffocating during a panic attack is simply fallacious. Stop believing this fear. Whatever it is you’re afraid of at these times isn’t going to happen.

Fear is nothing more than a feeling, a chemical reaction in your head. If you’re overcome with terror when you go down into the underground, it doesn’t mean that something horrific is laying in wait there. It’s like a malfunctioning fire alarm—just because it’s going off doesn’t mean there’s actually a fire.

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So stop listening to your “inner alarm” every time it goes off. Don’t pay it any heed: go out, meet your friends, get on a plane, and let the alarm keep ringing. Nor should you try to “switch it off,” as this doesn’t always work. Just ignore it. In other words, stop taking your fear as something real.

Hopefully this article helps a lot there.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Get killer Triceps (when and how to do it and what weights to use.)

The biggest muscles in your arms aren't your biceps. Your triceps makes up two-thirds of the muscle mass in each, so you need to target them if you want to fill out your T-shirts. As well as helping you to look good, bigger triceps will also improve your performance in other upper-body exercises, such as the bench press. If you play a sport then you’ll benefit from more power during throwing and pushing movements.

This six-move workout will help you get killer triceps. And here's all the information you need about when and how to do it and what weights to use.


Allow 45 minutes, including the warm-up.

2- Days:

Add this workout to your weightlifting regime by doing it once a week for four weeks.


Select a weight that allows you to complete all the reps with perfect form. You should not reach failure before the last set of the last exercise. If you’re having to move your upper arm around to control the weight, it’s too heavy.

4- Warm-up:

Spend five minutes on a piece of cardio equipment and then do four sets of bodyweight exercises such as burpees.

5- Tempo:

Allow one second to lift the weight, pause at the top for one second, then take two to three seconds to lower. Each set should take 40-60 seconds.

6- Rest:

Rest for one minute between sets and two minutes between exercises.

If you want to mix things up a bit, swap the two-arm dumb-bell kickback for this ultra tough pike headstand triceps kickback.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Best Exercises to Tighten Your Glutes (Really Works)

Your glutes can do more for you than keep the pants in place. Strong glutes allow run faster, jump higher, throw further and dominate the dead weight (Deadlift). In other words, stronger buttocks improve performance sports.

The muscles of the gluteal region play an important functional role in body posture, keeping our body upright when we walk; and are responsible for extension, abduction and rotation of the hip. Although many do not know, have weak glutes may be the reason that recurring pain in the lower back and hips or their  knee problems . When the muscles of the buttocks go on vacation, its function has to be compensated by other parts of the body and the back, hips and knees end up doing the work that is not for them. So train your glutes to avoid a lazy ass and all the problems associated with it, especially if raisins all day sitting.

Weight training exercises with bar
The exercises that follow will help you strengthen your glutes and improve your appearance. You can start by using only the weight of your body and then go to the bar.

{1} Bridge:

Starting position : Lie on your back, place the bar on top of the hips (you can use a bus protection for comfort) and bending your knees.
1. Hold the bar, lean on the heels and raise your hips.
2. Contract the glutes and maintain the position for a few seconds.
3. With contracted glutes, low slowly the body.

{2} Lift the hips (hip thrust)

Starting position : Sit on the floor in front of a bank, with the bar on top of the legs (you can use a bus protection for comfort).
1. Scroll the bar to the hips and sit back on the bench, so that it is aligned below your shoulder blades.
2. Slowly raises the hips and ends the movement with the contraction of the glutes. Maintain a straight back, so that the trunk is parallel to the ground, with the fully extended hips and shins vertical.
3. With contracted glutes, low slowly the body.

{3} Full Squat

Start position : Place a barbell on the shoulders and position yourself with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned out.
1- Lower the body slowly, bending your knees and sitting back with your hips. Continues until the back of the thighs get the twins. Keeps your head up and your back straight during the movement.

2- Raises the body and propping his feet on the ground, while esticas legs and stretch the hip to get back to the starting position.

{4} Squat Bulgarian:

Starting position : Stand in front of a bank, with a wall in the shoulders, extending one leg back and place the top of the foot on the bench.
1. Fold the front knee and squat until the back knee almost touches the ground.
2. Stretching the front leg and back to the starting position. Repeat.
3. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

{5} Lunge:

Starting position : Stand with a bar on the shoulders.
1. Gives a step forward, the first supporting the heel. Bending the front knee and lower the body until the back knee almost touches the ground. Your front knee should not exceed the toes.
2. Pushes to the front of the heel to ergueres the body.
3. Takes a step forward with the back leg and repeat the previous movements.
Note: The wider the step, the greater the strain on the buttocks. A shorter step tends to focus on the quadriceps more.

{6} Deadweight Romanian:

Starting position : Grasp the bar with your hands facing inward (pronated grip) and a little farther apart than shoulder width. Get up and slightly bend your knees, keeping the vertical shins, hips back and right trunk.
1. Keeping the arms straight and your back straight, raises the bar with the push hips forward.
2. Once the entire body is in a vertical position, pushing the lower bar back and hips bending the knees slightly.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Best New Health and Fitness Stars on Instagram.

If you need a little push to get yourself to the gym, look no further.

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Instagram is loaded with fitnessaccounts but some aren't as good as others. ... From (healthy) food porn to impressive exercises, Instagram is a goldmine for any fitness .... Could Insects Be the New Superfood?

Their fitness account features healthy foods, inspiring ... borderline prophetic captions that just make you feelgood.

Here are The Best New Health and Fitness Star on Instagram you should follow now " juniorhaikel"

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How To Lose Belly Fat at Any Age.

How many times have you been told that middle age spread the weight gain that comes with hitting 40 and beyond is unavoidable? Well, next time someone starts going on about the inevitable metabolic slowdown, know this: You can turn the ship around. It's not even that hard.

Metabolic slowdown is a real thing. It's due to your muscle mass declining by up to eight percent each decade after age 30 and up to 10 percent after the big 5-0. "You lose about a half pound of lean muscle every year in your twenties, thirties, and forties, and once you hit your fifties, you lose roughly a pound a year," says Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist at Quincy College in Boston. Although researchers aren't exactly sure how this happens, the leading theory is that your body starts breaking down muscle at a faster rate than it can build it back up again. Muscle is metabolically active, so your metabolism slows as it declines.

So what do you think might reverse the trend? That's right, more muscle!

Research shows that lifting weights twice a week for 25 minutes will get you the additional brawn to keep your metabolism humming. One study done by Westcott of more than 1,600 people between the ages of 21 and 80 showed a muscle gain of around 3.1 pounds after 10 weeks of resistance training twice a week. "That's the equivalent of reversing about six years of aging," says Westcott. The subjects did one set of 12 different exercises, using a high enough weight that they fatigued after eight to 12 reps. Best part is, it didn't matter whether they were 25 or 75, there were similar results across all age groups. We're sold!

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Fitness: How To Lose More Fat while maintaining Muscle.

The trick to getting laid is to boot fat while maintaining muscle. Luckily for you, there are some strategies used by bodybuilders to maintain muscle mass while accelerating the fat burning. Maintaining muscle mass is important not only for aesthetic, but also to prevent the metabolism does not decrease.

1. Increase The Fibers:

Fiber slows the digestion of carbohydrates and the speed they enter the bloodstream. When the speed decrease the digestion of carbohydrates, insulin levels decrease, which promotes fat burning. Studies show that a diet rich in fiber are associated with low levels of body fat when compared with diets low in fiber. If you have cut calories to lose weight and has not seen such a stagnation in the results, you could swap food with few fibers by other high-fiber (eg white rice for brown rice). You can include small portions of vegetables rich in fiber at every meal.

2. Use MCTs:

Medium chain triglycerides are fats that burn quickly in the body preventing muscle breakdown and assisting in providing energy in a cutting. Essentially MCTs provide high-quality energy and are not stored as fat, preventing the loss of muscle mass being burned preferably in place of muscle tissue.

The results of the MCT use? Your body will start turning fat into energy and MCTs will be burned in place of muscle mass or glycogen, resulting in less fat and more muscle mass over time.

3. Arginine And Leucine After Training:

Even in cutting, post workout meal should contain a decent amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates increase insulin levels, which paralyzes the action of catabolic hormones. The amino acids arginine and leucine also induce the increase of insulin. Add 2-4G arginine and leucine 3-4g post workout can help promote a greater anabolic response. The higher this response after training, more muscle you can maintain during the cutting.

4. Use Thermogenic in Days To Consume  More Carbohydrate:

Despite the carbohydrate consumption is highly controlled in cutting, is not a bad idea slightly increase the amount of carbs on days that you're really need them, such as in days is to train larger muscle groups such as legs or back. Thermogenic can be useful in these days. Stimulants can increase found in thermogenic fat burning generated by cutting by increasing the metabolic rate. Nothing better to use them preferably on days that carbohydrate consumption is greater.

5. The Diet Is a Higher Priority Than The Aerobic:

A bodybuilder granting greater attention to diet than to aerobic able to always maintain more muscle mass than the athlete who gives more attention to aerobic and less attention to diet. The more muscle mass you have and keep, the greater the speed of your metabolism. When it comes to cutting, limit aerobic sessions not exceeding 45 minutes. If you think you need to burn more calories rather than overdo aerobic, cutting carbohydrates and dietary fats.

6. Do Not Overdo, Beware Of Overtraining:

The biggest mistake anyone can make in a cutting is to overdo the training and end up doing more sets than necessary in order to burn more calories or something. Train others at the risk of overtrain increases cortisol levels, which is a highly catabolic hormone. Cortisol decreases testosterone, and this is the worst news you may have: you will become weak and small. Cortisol also causes the body to use more amino acids and muscle tissue as energy and still triggers your immune system. Affect the immune system is the key to paralyze the muscle mass gain.

7. Make Good Use Of Glutamine, Vitamin C And E:

The three can help the metabolism in the fight against cortisol. This nutrient trio may contain cortisol actions, which in turn will help maintain testosterone levels and muscle mass during cutting.

8. Omega-3 And CLA May Also Be Useful:

Surely we must reduce consumption of fats during the cutting, but there are two types of them that do just the opposite (Omega-3 and CLA). The omega-3 found in salmon and other foods and supplements, has the ability to redirect the fat to be used as energy rather than being stored in adipose tissue. A study shows that Omega-3 promotes nitrogen retention in catabolic situations. (Nitrogen is a common compound to proteins that scientists use as an indicator of muscle growth)

Such as omega-3, CLA may also be useful. This supplement can interfere with the action of some enzymes, decreasing the amount of fat stored in the body.

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You loss weight.

You want to loss weight and get fit but you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

Meet " hannahpolites "Mumma to be 🍼 Midwife. Fitness junkie. Fashion addict. Food lover. Author. Aussie Adventure

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

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