
Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Best bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Instagram is a Great Repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing So Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Want a daily dose of eye-candy with a side order of motivation and workout ideas? Of course you will when you check out the hottest male trainers of Instagram. Here are some of our favorites, your picks, and a few fitness trainers that we couldn’t leave out. Get your drool bib ready—your Instagram feed is about to get a whole lot better looking if you start following these fitness trainers.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " Michael Tranchina

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Learn How to Build Muscle with These 8 Tips.

With so much contrasting information out there these days online and in magazines, it can be very confusing to know what the right way to build muscle is. In truth, there isn’t one set rule. Rome wasn’t built in a day and your body won’t be either. ‘I don’t want to get too big’ is a frequent quote I hear from beginners. Worry about that once you have started adding muscle. You will not become muscle-bound monster over night. Start by setting small achievable goals and progress from there. For example,   how to gain weight fast or
aim to add 1-2lb per week of lean muscle tissue and increase strength with it.

1) Leave The Ego At Home:

Where I see a lot mistakes, is people (especially younger guys) trying to lift too heavy with incorrect form. I was no different when I first started. I was too busy thinking about the number written on the dumbbell or what others would think if the weight was light, rather than thinking about how to move it properly. Quality of movement wins every time and prevents injury that can hamper continual progress. If you can’t lift it correctly drop the weight and your ego. You can have the best plan, diet and supplements in the world, but if you aren’t training properly you will not grow.

2) Track Your Progress:

Tracking your results is essential to both short and long term goals. Without an actual plan, workout log or goal you could be banging your head against a brick wall for years in a quest to build some muscle, wasting a lot time and money in the process.
Take pictures, your body weight and body fat before you start training, and again the same time and day the following week. Not only is this good for motivation but also makes your accountable to yourself to stay focused with your weekly workouts.
You should also be recording your workouts, beating your previous numbers, and setting new targets each week. In the end, however you do it, track your workouts and your body so you know you’re making progress! If you’re not making progress, it’s time to change the routine.

3) Don’t Over Complicate:

Keep it simple. Develop a simple workout program that includes all big lifts like the squat, incline bench press, overhead press and deadlifts for around 6-8 reps maximum each set. Then work the rest of your exercises around these big muscle builders for around 8-12 reps. It’s not necessary at the beginning to look into advanced workout protocols. This will allow you to build a solid foundation for future gains.

Work the biggest muscles of your body first (glutes, quads, hamstrings, pectorals and back). By training your big movers with compound lifts, you’ll be able to lift safely – and heavily – in the gym.

Use a simple workout, work hard, refuel post-workout, and rest properly. For as hard as you train, you must recover harder for quicker muscle gains. That’s the best advice I have for everyone — from beginning lifters to experienced gym rats.

4) Eat Big To Get Big :

You can be the hardest working guy in the gym but if your nutrition isn’t right you won’t grow. Your diet doesn’t need to be perfect, but pay attention to these basic rules:

1. You must be in positive caloric balance to build mass. If you want to put on weight of any kind – whether muscle or fat — you need to eat more! That’s how the mathematics of weight gain works.

5. Eat your protein! :

You can’t build new muscle without it. Good sources of complete proteins include fish, beef, chicken and any other dead animal. Milk, Greek yogurt and eggs are also great choices. Your bare minimum should be 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. For more rapid muscle gains, bump that amount up to 1 1/2 or even 2 grams per pound.

6.Eat fat! :

It will support healthy hormone production and testosterone levels, both crucial for building muscle, fat loss and a health heart. Great choices are nuts, oily fish and avocado.

7. Don’t be scared of carbohydrates:

 Eating sufficient carbs are essential for both energy and recovery around sessions, especially if you have fast metabolism trying to grow. Choose your carb intake from oats, white potato, sweet potato and whole grain rice to minimise body fat gains as you get bigger.

8- Take The Right Supplements:

You’re not going to need a barrage of supplements your first day in the gym. In the beginning, focus on eating healthfully, recovering, and performing well.
However, a good protein powder is a must if you’re going to want to add some muscle. Whey protein isolate (Iso:Pro 97) is essential post-workout and beneficial any time of the day. Multivitamins (Alpha Men) are your insurance against any vitamin deficiencies. Creatine Monohydrate will help maintain and build new muscle tissue, as well as increase your strength.
It’s okay to add more supplements as needed, once your priorities are in order and you can make good use of them.

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 For More muscle building Tips or gain weight fast keep Checking Men's Fitness & Workout Fix ™®

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Friday, May 27, 2016

3 Insane Exercises That Will Give You Massive Biceps.

The biceps should be the most worked muscles in all the academies. They cause people to have more strength and endurance, as well as become more prominent. So do  exercises for the biceps  is a good solution to gain strength and to shape this important muscle.

To start performing  exercises for the biceps , which are responsible for elbow flexion, the movement of the forearm rotation and flexion of the shoulder, you have to find your ideal routine. So, depending on your level, you can choose one of two programs:

1-If you are beginner:  Choose from 1-2 years, 1-2 sets with 15-20 repetitions.

2- If you are intermediate / advanced:  Choose an exercise for 2-3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, resting between each.

The best exercises for the biceps are the ones that allow us to use a lot of weight, exercising all muscle, showing better results. Here are three examples that should be performed, due to its motion:

It is the most common exercise for the  biceps . To perform a basic thread, hold the weights with your palms facing forward, bringing your elbows to the body. Bend your elbows and bring the weights towards the shoulders without moving the elbows. Re-download and repeat the movement.  .

•Concentrated thread
  By placing your arms in the form of an angle, you will work your  biceps  in a different and much more intense way, forcing to use more force.

•Alternating thread
This  exercise  is similar to the traditional, but here there is a toggle. The alternating thread exercises a little more than the previous forearm .

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 For More Fitness, Muscle, Bodybuilding Tips Keep Checking Men's Fitness & Workout Fix ™®

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fitness: How to Sculpt the Physique You've Always Wanted.

It's the ultimate answer to the question "What workout should
I do?" No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully stocked supergym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in your garage, or nothing but your body weight alone, you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.

Full-body workouts sound like they would take a long time. But when you boil down the exercises you need to perform in order to cover every area, there are only three you need to be concerned with a push, a pull, and a squat. This is the ultimate in minimalism and works superbly for beginners or people who are short on time.

So JustLifeStyle™® will break down one of the best Full- body workouts  that turn the world of bodybuilding upside down.
Enjoy it.


Complete all five sets for the squat and then perform the overhead press and weighted pullup in alternating fashion. That is, complete a set of the press, rest, then do a set of the pullup, rest again, and repeat until you’ve finished all five sets for each.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 120 sec.

Set up in a squat rack or cage. Grasp the bar as far apart as is comfortable and step under it. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and nudge the bar out of the rack. Step back and stand with your feet shoulder width and your toes turned slightly outward. Take a deep breath and bend your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. Push your knees outward as you descend. Extend your hips to come back up, continuing to push your knees outward.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 60 sec.

Set the bar up in a squat rack or cage and grasp it just outside shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at shoulderlevel with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze the bar and brace your abs. Press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward and shrugging your traps as the bar passes your face.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec.

Attach a weighted belt to your waist, hold a dumbbell between your feet, or if you can’t complete your reps with weight, use body weight alone. Hang from a pullup bar with hands just outside shoulder width. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fitness Gadgets: "LiftUp" The First Smart Resistance Band That Tracks Your Workout.

LiftUp is the first smart resistance band. It marries the convenience of a resistance band with the automatic tracking of a wearable to create a new type of workout. As a resistance band, LiftUp offers an effective way to strength train without the 2-hour gym commitment. It’s also portable and easy-to-store, perfect for business travelers.

As the first smart resistance band, LiftUp wirelessly connects to a mobile app for guided workouts, real-time feedback, and automatic tracking of reps, strength, and calories. This helps make strength training more convenient, more interesting, and more insightful. Plus, its stylish and modern look prove that strength training equipment doesn’t have to look ugly.

More info.

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 For More Fitness Gadgets Keep Checking Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix™®

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How to Wake Up Early With a Positive and Fresh Mind.

Rising early can help you complete all the unfinished tasks and, thus, relieve you of the stress or pressure of getting the same done.

Starting one's day with a positive and fresh mind is extremely important. The more you delay the process of getting up early, the more inactive you'll become. However, getting up early does not mean you will sleep less. Our body normally needs 6-8 hours of sleep, which if you do not follow, might make you feel weak, ill or tired. Therefore, to lead a healthy and balanced life, follow these simple tips to wake up early:

1) Follow The "Early To Bed Early To Rise" Rule:

 As simple as it sounds, the first step to rise early is indeed to sleep early. Doctors say that, to get enough sleep, you should go to bed at 9 or 10 p.m at night, which in turn will help you in getting up early.

2) Prepare Yourself Mentally:

The most important thing here is to build a mind set and remind yourself of things, which you can miss out on if you do not get up early, like deadlines, the morning bus to work, daily visit to the grocery store, etc. Once your mind is alert, your body will automatically respond to your alarm clock.

3) Set Up An Alarm Clock:

Buy yourself a nice-looking alarm clock, so that you feel good just looking at it once you get up to snooze it off.

4- Choose A Suitable Ringtone For Your Alarm:

 Remember, you should neither use an alarm tone which is irritating and annoying nor too "sleep-friendly", as you are about to start a new day and nobody likes to get up either feeling too irritated or sleepy and lethargic. Select a tone that suits you best.

5- Set Your Alarm Clock Earlier Than The Scheduled Time:

Suppose you need to get up at 7.30 a.m. For that, you should set your alarm clock at 7.15 a.m., so that you give yourself a "mental preparation time

6-Utilise Your Mornings To Pursue Your Hobbies:

 Every night, list down certain activities like writing, cleaning, singing, jogging, etc., which you would like to do but cannot because of your busy schedule. Before sleeping, think about the activities that you would like to do, so as to make yourself feel excited to get up early.

7-Wake Up To A Clean Room:

Clean your room the night before, so as to wake up to a visually appealing environment, thus motivating yourself to start your day feeling fresh and energetic

8- Never Sleep During The Day:

Avoid sleeping during the day. You can take a power-nap of half an hour or so; but doctors recommend that there should be a gap of 7-7.5 hours between your power-nap and your actual sleep. The reason is, if the gap is less you are less likely to fall asleep early at night

9-Follow Other Relaxing Practices:

In addition to the above-mentioned tips, follow certain other practices like meditation, a gadget-free sleeping rule, a flash back of daily activities, etc, that can help you follow a healthy sleep routine, thus helping you to "rise (early) and shine.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Get Motivited: Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Be in Shape.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

Meet @ "D i l y a  D i a z".

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