
Thursday, May 12, 2016

How Much Do You Need To Eat per Day to Setting up your diet.

You have zero muscle fullness, can’t get a pump, and get gassed 20 minutes into your workout. Plus, you get exhausted as soon as you start doing high intensity conditioning.

When it comes to setting up your diet or building muscles don’t overthink it. You can spend hours analyzing your set up, trying to come up with the PERFECT plan. But it’s a waste of time.

You just need to pick a sensible starting point.

From there, the real magic is in the adjustments you make. This is where having a coach comes in handy. You’ll always benefit from an objective eye to make those decisions for you.

Now, I don’t expect you to obsessively weigh and measure every single thing that goes in your mouth at all times. But you’ll need to do it for the first month or two so you get good at eye balling portions.

Then once you get in the range of 10% body fat and want to start getting leaner, you will have to track and measure a little more strictly.

I recommend using an app on your phone for that like My Fitness Pal or My Net Diary.

Here are your starting calorie recommendations:

Fat Loss: 12 cals per lb bodyweight

Maintenance: 14 cals per lb bodyweight

Muscle Building: 16 cals per lb bodyweight

• Consume 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight.

• Eating more than this is unnecessary and does not lead to more muscle gain. (More on that below).

• Consume 1.5-3g of carbs/lb bodyweight.

• The fatter you are or the more aggressively you’re trying to lose fat, the fewer carbs you should eat.

• The leaner you are and the more size you’re trying to gain, the more carbs you can eat. I’d cap this at 3gm per pound of bodyweight, however. Once you get beyond that and need more calories, you should start to add them from fat.

• Fill in the rest of your calories with fat.

• For optimal hormone function that should be around 0.4g of fat per lb bodyweight. The only time you would need to go lower might be towards the end of a fat loss phase.

÷ Eat 2-3 Meals Per Day:

The old days of following a pro bodybuilder 6-meal per day style diet are long gone. Research has proven that meal frequency and meal timing don’t really matter that much. How much protein, fat and carbs you eat at the end of each day are what really matter.

Eating 5-6 small meals is a royal pain in the ass, highly inconvenient and very unsatisfying. If I’m gonna eat I’d rather load up my plate and enjoy it. Picking like a bird every few hours is no fun. It’s actually quite torturous.

I prefer to have my biggest main meal at dinner. Then on a training day I will have another big meal after my workout. In addition to that I will have 1-2 snacks, which is usually just a protein shake mixed in some green juice or something along those lines.

On off days, I might have a protein shake during morning hours a small sized lunch and a huge dinner.

Eating more often is not only an inconvenience, but it can also negatively affect digestion and testosterone levels.

When eating carbohydrates, go for good ones, also known as slow-release carbohydrates. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats as much as possible, plant oils, fish and nuts are the best sources. Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber. When eating fruit and vegetables eat a variety of colors. If you are not a great milk drinker, make sure your consumption of calcium is adequate.

If your main concern is to know how much (quantity) food you should eat, you still have to be aware of their calorie values. With high-calorie foods your quantity will have to be less, while with lower-calorie ones you can eat more, if you do not want to gain weight.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016


One of the major reasons why people don’t find the time to work out is because they say that they are simply too busy, but what people don’t realize is that they don’t necessarily need hours a week to have a successful workout. My motto is: break a sweat every day!

Here is a quick yet effective way to build your back muscles that I do a few times a week!

Note: I use 40 lb. dumbbells, but be sure to use weights that provide a challenging workout without putting too much strain on your muscles. Form is very important on the below!

1. Overhead Press: 3 reps of 15

Stand with your feet firmly placed on the ground, hip-wide distance apart. Keep your elbows squared and in line with your shoulders and slowly lift straight up all the way up and down.

2. Wide Angle Overhead Press: 3 reps of 15

Stand with your feet firmly placed on the ground, hip-wide distance apart. Keep your elbows squared and in line with your shoulders and slowly lift in a wide angle v, returning back to starting position.

3.Back Fly: 3 reps of 15

Grab a bench and lie down on your stomach/chest, keeping your arms at a 90 degree angle. Raise you arms so that they are parallel to the ground and slowly lower back to 90 degrees.

4.Standing Planted Dead Lift: 3 reps of 15

Grab your dumb bells and spread your feet hip-wide distance apart. Keep your arms straight down to your sides while holding the dumbbells. Lift your shoulders up towards your ears while keeping your arms straight, then bring them back down.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to Lose Belly, Hip and Thigh Fat (Everything you need to know).

Spot reduction is impossible, and if you are solely focusing on slimming fat from your thighs and belly, you’re most likely not successful. There’s no way around it: to reduce fat in your problem areas, you must lose fat from your entire body. When your body slims down, your thighs and waist will also reduce. Healthy eating habits, regular exercise and a good dose of determination can give you the upper hand.

•Female Fat Storage:

Aging, genetics, and hormones are some of the factors responsible for weight gain in women. Women already have more body fat than men, and are predisposed to store it in their lower bodies namely around their hips and thighs. As you get older, lean muscle tissue reduces and you might start gaining fat around your middle. Although jiggly thighs are undesired, it's belly fat that's really dangerous, because it increase your risk of serious health conditions, such as breast cancer, stroke, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

•Lose Weight Gradually:

For long-term results, losing weight gradually is best. You want to develop a weight-loss regimen that's easily incorporated into your lifestyle. Drastically cutting calories in the hopes to lose weight quickly isn't recommended, because it's hard to keep up, and can result in nutritional deficiencies, heart problems and gallstones. The Weight-Control Information Network, recommends losing weight at a rate of 1/2 a pound to 2 pounds per week. A daily deficit of 250 to 1,000 calories is required to achieve this.

•Reducing Your Caloric Intake:

Eating fewer calories can contribute to your daily caloric deficit. Replacing high-calorie foods with food that have fewer calories is a good start. For instance, drink water instead of sugary soda and alcohol, skip cookies and go for fruit, and eat low-fat dairy instead of full-fat dairy. Although you're eating fewer calories, you should still eat healthy to get the nutrients and energy that your body needs to get through the day. Emphasize foods, such as lean cuts of meat, fruits, veggies, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free dairy.

•Burn Calories and Maintain Muscle:

Performing 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on most days of the week and doing strength training on at least two days can contribute to weight loss according to the American Heart Association. Cardio burns calories while strength training helps you maintain muscle tissue, which is essential because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat.For cardio, you can go jogging, walking briskly, swimming or bicycling, while strength training requires that you target all major muscle groups including your back, abs, hips, chest, shoulder, legs and arms.

•Crunches and Lunges:

Targeted exercises, such as crunches and lunges, increase and maintain muscle tissue and should be part of your strength-training routine. Solely doing these exercises won't be effective as long as you have excess fat covering your muscles. According to Askthetrainer.com, exercises that target a large percentage of muscle mass are most effective for weight loss. This can include lunges, step-ups, and dead lifts for your thighs, and bicycle crunches, situps, and toe touches for your abs.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Build Muscle.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " AJFITNOW  "

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

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How to Get into the Routine of Working Out and Eating Healthy.

I’ve had some requests to talk about how to get into the routine of working out and eating healthy so I wanted to share some hopefully helpful tips!

1. My favorite time to exercise is in the morning before the work day begins :

You feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day may bring, and you don’t have to worry about missing a work out later in the night if you become too busy. The hardest part is getting up. Set your alarm on your phone, and leave it across the room so you are forced to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. Once you are physically out of bed, you are more inclined to stay up and get dressed for a pre-work morning workout.

2. Make a workout schedule :

You should always alternate what body parts you exercise per day. For example, I like to do back, biceps and quads one day and then shoulders, pecs, triceps and calves another day. Know what muscle group you are targeting before you get to the gym so that you have a game plan and don’t waste any time figuring out what to workout.

3. Have a buddy :

 If you can’t work out with a friend physically early in the morning, have someone that you can text who is also working out at the same time you are. You can motivate each other and can somewhat feel accountable for your workouts knowing that your bestie is up sweating in the gym!


It may take a few weeks for your body to completely adjust to your new fitness regime, but STICK THROUGH IT! I would say after two weeks, your body will be accustomed to the schedule you have created and it will begin functioning on auto-pilot and you will see that you will wake up naturally around the same time each day, regardless of whether your alarm goes off or not. The biggest mistake people make is that they try to work out for a week and then stop for two, and then never can get back into it. Stick with it, and trust me, your wake up calls will begin getting easier.

5. You put in the hard work, now follow it up with healthy foods throughout the day :

Getting back into shape is part physical but also heavily based on the foods you are putting into your body. Why sweat in the gym for an hour and then eat fast food? Stick to clean proteins (grilled chicken) and veggies, fruits, and non processed foods. Limit your sugar intake and drink lots of water throughout the day!

Hope these tips helped and best of luck on your quest for a more healthy lifestyle!

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fitness: 3 Reasons that Weight Gain Was So Difficult.

Gaining Weight is not an easy task for most guys out there. While some genetically gifted guys can put on weight at fast, that just isn’t the case for most of us. Over the years of coaching and training, there are 3 common reasons why you are not gaining weight. The good news is, these mistakes can easily be avoided but first you need you to realize what is wrong. Once you realize what is wrong, you will be on your way to gaining lean muscle mass!

1. Bad Food Selection :

When it comes to packing on lean muscle mass, many guys think that they can down anything they want. Truth is if you put crap into your body, your going to look like crap. The important thing to remember when it comes to food selection is not all calories are created equal. Having 700 calories of steak and potatoes is a lot different then having 700 calories from the dollar menu at McDonalds.

You see, in order to gain weight you need to eat a lot of quality food. Here is a good rule of thumb to follow, “if man made it, don’t eat it” – Jack LaLane. Instead of eating empty calories like fast food, processed foods and sugary snacks and drinks, eat calorie dense and nutrient rich foods. Foods like steak, chicken, eggs, fish, potatoes, rice, nuts, berries, oats, rice etc…These are the foods that will help you gain weight, more importantly gain lean muscle mass.
So next time you even think about eating crappy food because you need to gain weight, stop and think twice before you do it. Remember that in order to gain lean muscle mass, you need to eat quality food, not the crap most guys eat.

2. Nutrient Timing :

Another HUGE mistake you are making is not timing your meals properly. You see, if your goal is to gain weight, you need to take advantage of eating first thing in the morning when you wake up and also late at night before bed.  Guys that don’t take advantage of these crucial windows of opportunities will have a hard time gaining weight.

Post workout is another crucial time to get in a lot of quality food – especially protein and carbs. Some of my favorite post workout meals include protein oatmeal, homemade weight gainer shakes, steak and potatoes and chicken and rice.

3. Not Tracking Your Progress:

Winston Churchill once said “he who fails to plan plans to fail”. If you want to gain weight yet you don’t know where you are at right now, how can you formulate a plan to succeed? You can’t. So before you start on your mission to gain weight, ask yourself “where am I at right now and where do I want to go?” Think about what has worked for you in the past and what has not.

What do you currently weigh? How much do you currently eat? What are you currently eating?
By answering these questions you will know what you need to do moving forward and you will be able to track your progress. If you are not tracking your progress, you are taking a shot in the dark and setting yourself up to fail. This is a common mistake that many guys make, but it could easily be fixed with some self assessment and willingness to write down your goals.

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

The 15 Minute Ab Workout ( Everything You Need to Know).

Let’s get right to the point…

We’re all short on time, and I know better than anyone the value of a short powerful workout that can be packed into a busy day.
And abs are the perfect candidate. Why? Keep reading to find out…

Abdominal muscles are limited in how big they can get, which means they can be exercised frequently in small bursts. They also play a key role in balance, posture, and all-around support, so they need to be exercised regularly.

So if there’s any workout that you want to squeeze in, this is it. Here’s the plan:
Perform this 15 minute ab workout 2-3 times a week. It can be done before or after other workouts, or it can be done on its own when your day is extra busy. Getting in this workout 2 or 3 times a week will help keep your abs hard and toned.

So let’s get to it…

The 15 Minute Ab Workout


Before your 15 minutes start, do at least 2 minutes of warm-up. This can include jumping jacks, sprints, or jumping rope. Check out the LCD Digital Jump Rope for a great in-home warm-up option.


For each exercise, perform only one set. This will allow you to hit your abs and core from all angles in a short period of time. Rest only 15-20 seconds between exercises.

Aim for 25 reps of each exercise, or work until exhaustion, depending on your level of fitness. This workout is great for beginners and advanced exercisers alike, and can be done at home with simple pieces of equipment.

And remember, you’ve gotta move fast! Follow this order, and you’ll really feel the burn…

1- Lunge Ab Twist with Medicine Ball .

2- Ab Rollout with Stability Ball

3- Oblique Crunches

4- Ab Twist with Weight .

5- Ab Crunch with Toe Touch

6- Bicycle Crunch

7- Ab Crunch on Stability Ball

8- Side Plank Crunch (both sides) .

9- Superman Exercise .


Follow with 2 minutes of abdominal stretches. Some great stretches for your core include side bends and cobra stretches. Stretching alone will help keep you toned.

This is also a great time to refuel your muscles with a great protein shake like Optimum 100% Natural Whey and a glutamine supplement like Optimum Glutamine to sustain muscle repair and growth throughout your day.

•15 Minute Ab Workout Conclusion:

So there you have it, a killer ab workout that takes only 15 minutes! Whether you’ve got an early morning or a late night, this one can be squeezed in anytime of the day. Get the most out of your time, and give yourself the abs you’ve been looking for.

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