
Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Keep the Muscle You Worked So Hard On?

Trying to tone up and get ripped?
Finding it hard to lose the weight and keep the muscle you worked so hard on?

This may be one of the biggest challenges in most people’s workouts. So what can you do about it? Keep reading to find out…

I’ve found this challenging at times myself, and I’ve learned that it all comes down to a little balance and the right approach.

First, it’s important to understand that your body is complicated, simply put. And this is especially true when it comes to burning fat.

Nothing’s quite as simple as we’d like it to be.
Case in point: If you work too hard at burning fat and calories without refueling, your body may end up burning muscle rather than fat. But of course, if you do too little cardio, you may not burn enough fat to reach your weight loss goals.

So what’s the trick? Over the years, I’ve learned a number of methods to lose weight but keep muscle. Here they are…
Tips to Lose Weight and Keep Muscle

1. Increase Your Reps :

After you’ve packed on the muscle, try reducing the amount of weight you’re lifting and increasing the number of reps. Aim for 12-15 reps per set.

This is an easy solution to the lose weight keep muscle problem, because it changes your focus to lean muscle gain. You’ll also burn more calories WHILE you lift, which means you’ll build and tone muscle while you lose weight.

2. Fuel Your Muscles :

This is another big one. Without adequate nutrition, especially protein, you won’t be able to maintain your muscle gains while working out. It’s recommended that you consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Sounds like a lot right? It is, but you can easily get there with the help of a protein supplement.

Try the tasty Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion or Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey. Both are great options for increasing your protein intake.

3. Quality Over Quantity :

 When it comes to workouts in general, and especially cardio workouts, you need to cut back on the time but increase the intensity. This will prevent your body from going into a state where you start burning muscle mass.

The best solution for solving this problem is high intensity interval training. Check out my article on HIIT here. Interval training can be applied to any workout. It basically consists of alternating high intensity and low intensity exercises, without much rest in between. A great at-home option for interval training is jumping rope. Check out the LCD Digital Jump Rope for great results.

4. Hit It Hard :

When it comes down to it, it’s all about increasing the intensity of your workouts so that you burn more calories while simultaneously building more muscle mass.

A great pre-workout supplement to help you lose weight, keep muscle, and get ripped is USPLabs Jack3d. If you’re looking for something a little less intense, you can also try adding Irwin Naturals Green Tea Fat Metabolizer to your diet. It will help increase your energy and burn more calories.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Best Instagram Accounts That Will Actually Inspire You to Hit the Gym.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " fernandokamana"

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing So Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Don't forget 2 Follow .

Ready, set, start scrolling!

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How To Get a Perfect Beach Body for Guys.

When warm weather strikes, will your body be beach-ready? If your goal is to get a perfect body, you’ve come to the right place. This list of seven diet and fitness tips will help you get a body you’ll be proud of showing off when shirts come off. Let’s not waste any more time: Here’s what you need to do for a lean physique.

1. Everything Starts With Your Diet:

Diet – not fitness – has the biggest influence on whether you’ll shed the necessary fat to get the perfect beach body. You can work out 20 times a day, but it won’t do you much good if your diet isn’t up to par. Besides plenty of fruits and vegetables, a healthy diet should consist of whole grains and lean protein. Most foods that are high in these nutrients are low in calories and fat. You should also be taking a men’s multivitamin to fill any nutritional gaps in your eating plan. Ultimately, you need to create a calorie deficit to burn fat, so cut calories each week to stimulate weight loss.

2. Drink Enough Water :

Experts now suggest you drink at least 10 glasses of water to stay sufficiently hydrated throughout the day – and even more if you’re physically active. You don’t necessarily have to drink that much water – you can also get water from fruits.

Insufficient water intake can lead to dehydration, which can result in muscle cramps and other problems.

3. Have 5-6 Meals a Day :

Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big meals can help you control hunger better, which in turn may lead to more efficient weight loss. You shouldn’t make each of these meals a 5-course affair, or a small bag of trail mix counts toward this total.  If you eat large portions at every meal, you’re going to do more harm than good.

4. Perform Cardiovascular Exercise At Least Three Times a Week :

Aerobic activity such as running or swimming helps people lose weight and get a beach body. Find out what exercises and setting work best for you. Maybe you’re the type of person who prefers the treadmill at the gym rather than a dip in an outdoor pool. Regardless of what you choose.

Remember to take a men’s supplement to boost workout performance for faster, visible results.

5. Perform Strength Training At Least Twice a Week:

This is crucial for those who want a toned body. If all you do is cardio, you’re going to end up with loose skin and almost no muscle tone. Make sure to work all of your major muscle groups – don’t just focus on glamour muscles like your arms. You should also target your legs and back, which are often neglected. For more muscle strength and power, consider a men’s creatine supplement; creatine provides your muscles with extra energy for anaerobic exercise like weight-training.

6. Get Plenty Of Sleep :

Although some people can run on as little as five hours of sleep, aim for 7-9 hours. Some studies suggest that a lack of sleep may contribute to weight gain – not to mention an assortment of other health problems. If you’re having trouble sleeping, start counting some sheep or do some basic breathing exercises to take your mind off things. Sometimes, a growling stomach can keep us from falling asleep. If evening hunger is affecting your slumber, mix a whey protein shake to fill you up without filling you out.

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Monday, May 2, 2016

How to Increase Your Body Strength & Gain Weight Quickly.

Want to build muscle fast? These expert-approved strength training strategies will help you increase your body strength & gain weight quickly.

Follow these muscle-building tips for the best results that you aspire to it.

1- Stop The Cardio:

Cardio exercise is specifically for calorie burning. If your goal is to build muscle you’ll need those calories to do it. If you want to incorporate cardio into your routine just remember to keep it light.

2- Increase Protein:

Protein is what your body uses to build muscle. So be sure to eat enough protein daily. One good way to calculate the amount of protein you should be eating is by your weight. If you weigh 150 pounds then you should be consuming somewhere around 150 grams of protein a day.

3- Heavier Is Better:

The heavier the weight the more your muscles will have to work. If you are doing 10 curls with a dumbbell the weight should be heavy enough that even the first rep is difficult; however, use your common sense with this trick. You don’t want to injure yourself.

4- Give Muscle Time 2 Heal:

Once you have worked out to the point of muscle fiber tearing, you’ll need to rest your muscles to let them heal properly. Not getting enough rest in between workouts can slow down the effectiveness of them, drastically.

5- Be Sure 2 Stretch:

Too many people underestimate the power of stretching. A simple stretch warm-up can not only decrease recovery time but also prevent you from injuring yourself while working out. The faster you can recover the quicker you get your desired results.

6- Rest Between Workouts:

After you finish your set make sure to take enough time to recover and prepare yourself for next set. How much time you should rest depends on if you are lifting light or heavy weight. If you are lifting light weight with more reps make sure your rest periods are short to keep the heart rate up. If you are lifting heavy weight with low reps make sure you get enough rest for another heavy set.

7- Eat More Than You Think You Need:

When you are really trying to gain weight and muscle you should eat more then you think. Great tip is to try add an extra serving meal to every meal, but that does not mean that you are allowed to eat anything you want, try to stay away from foods that are high in sugar and filled with unhealthy fats.

8- Stay Hydrated:

Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. You should aim to drink at least 3 liters per day.

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

10 Reasons Why You Need More Fish In Your Diet.

Fish has a reputation for being low calorie, high protein “brain food,” thanks to the long strands of polyunsaturated essential omega-3 fatty acids (popularly referred to as “omega-3s”) found in fish oil.

Packed with essential Omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies can’t produce on their own, the little guys are literally swimming with nutrients. From protecting our eyesight, to improving our health. Fish have a higher protein value and fewer calories than chicken and beef; and also have vitamins such as B2 and vitamin D, calcium, iron, magnesium and other healthy minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart. Here are ways adding a dose of fish to your diet can improve your health.

1- Improve the heart condition:

By eating more fish, one can improve blood vessel elasticity and improve cardiovascular health, replacing proteins from other sources with fish will also increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acid in the diet, which will lower the blood cholesterol. We cannot produce omega-3 fatty acid, and therefore, must receive it from fish fat.

2-  Healthy bones:

 Fish has high levels of calcium, Omega-3 also boosts the level of calcium in the body, giving one healthy bones and joints. Many of the recent studies confirm that eating fish will fight against rheumatism, arthritis, muscle soreness and stiffness, and osteoporosis. In a recent study it has been found that a regular supply of omega-3 fatty acids will actually help reduce bone loss or even increase bone density in some individuals.

3- It can improve the memory:

Recent study found that older people with memory problems may witness a slowing of symptoms if they up their intake of fish oils.

4- Keep diabetes under control:

If one is suffering from diabetes, eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is essential. People suffering from type II diabetes often have high levels of bad fat and low levels of good fat in their bodies, eating fish regularly can increase the levels of HDL, or good fat, in blood which decreases the amount of bad fat. Some fish is rich in selenium, which is rich in its cancer fighting properties. Also, fish can give one radiant skin and healthy teeth and gums. It is recommended that fish be eaten at least twice per week, it tastes great, is easy to prepare, and is healthy all at once.

5- Increase the brain power:

Fish is also food for the brain, recent studies show that eating more fish will increase your brain’s ability to process information and will retain its power as one ages. Omega-3 present in fish has amazing power to fight high blood pressure, stroke, and dementia.

6- Protect the hearing:

Whether they’re slashing the heart disease risk, keeping the eyes sharp, or even possibly extending one’s lifespans, fish really do seem like the go-to food for those planning to have a rocking retirement. Study found a strong link between moderate fish consumption and better hearing. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why this is, but there is strong suspicion that Omega-3 could be helping regulate blood flow to the inner ear.

7- They are a healthier alternative to red meat:

 White fish, such as cod, tilapia etc are low in fat, making them a great substitute for many red meats, if you’re trying to lose a few pounds.

8-  Improve skin and hair:

One of the biggest drawbacks to a low-fat diet is one often deprive the skin and hair of the healthy fat it needs, leaving it dull and dry. The omega-3s in fish are exactly the type of healthy fat to eat to keep the skin looking nourished and the hair shiny. Research has also linked fish and omega-3 consumption to treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis.

9- Dose of Vitamin D:

Saltwater fish is a sun-less source of vitamin D, which scientists say can help ward off disease, promote bone health, and with the help of the omega-3s in fish, ward off cognitive decline. Just one three-ounce serving of salmon contains 75 percent of your daily recommended amount of the vitamin.

10- Ease Depression:

Several studies have found that when taken along with prescription antidepressant medications, the omega-3s in fish are more effective at treating depression that just prescription medication alone. One study of 52 pregnant women found that taking a 300 mg capsule of omega-3s during pregnancy significantly reduced the women’s risk of postpartum depression.

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Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Best Fitness Girls to Follow on Instagram That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

From ballerinas to yogis & celebrity trainers, these stylish & in shape girls show the best workout motivation in Instagram. Follow along and be inspired to work it out the healthy way.

Instagram is great for all sorts of things:
sharing fitness motivation, inspiration, tips and videos. And occasionally we happen to stumble across some eye-candy in the process. And there's nothing wrong with that. Hard work in the gym should be both flaunted and celebrated. So today @ Men's Fitness & Workout Fix we're going to celebrate the best fit women who motivate us all to live a healthier lifestyle and look pretty damn good while doing it.

Our Fit Mom to Follow on Instagram That Will Inspire You Working out is the bombshell " that taking Instagram by Storm is " anllela_sagra  "

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