
Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Best Way to Gain 10 Pounds of Muscle Per Month.

Lifting the heaviest weights that you can carry will not put you on the path to gaining muscle. Eating enough to support your work in the gym is essential for gaining mass. Weight lifting, a nutrition plan high in protein and proper rest, will help your muscles grow consistently.

•Step 1

Lift heavy weights four days per week. Train with compound exercises, which work several major muscle groups at the same time, to see the most gains. Perform exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, bench press, lunges and squats for four sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

•Step 2

Eat more food. Consume frequent meals made from foods in their most natural state like vegetables, whole grains, fruits, low fat dairy and lean meats to constantly feed your muscles and increase energy. Eat at least six times per day or every three hours. If you don't eat enough to support your workouts, your muscles will not have the nourishment to grow.

•Step 3

Increase your protein intake. Eat foods like fish, eggs, lean beef, legumes, soybeans and chicken. Daily protein recommendations for adults are 10 to 35 percent of daily calories, or about 50-175 grams of protein per day based on a 2000 calorie-per-day diet, according to McKinley Health Center.

•Step 4

Get some rest. Take at least one day off from weight lifting to allow time for your muscles to recuperate. Aim for eight hours of sleep per night. Many of the major restorative functions in the body like muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis and growth hormone release occur during sleep, states Harvard Medical School.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

6 Reasons to Stop Drinking Energy Drinks Immediately.

A lot of people have created the habit of grabbing an energy drink during the day, because they are simply in need of something that will pick them up.

However, you may need more than one if you become addicted to caffeine, which is contained in these drinks in huge amounts. And consuming a lot of energy drinks can lead to serious problems. They mostly have a bad effect on your heart, but they can also have a negative effect on your behavior. Although they are unhealthy, energy drinks can be consumed irregularly and in small doses.

1 – Sleep Problems:

It may be hard to believe, but even if you decide to consume just one energy drink at the beginning of the day, it may lead to difficulties regarding falling asleep at night. This is because of the high amount of caffeine and other stimulants that are used as ingredients for energy drinks. They can also cause a chronic lack of concentration in the long run, which will surely harm your work process, as you won’t have proper concentration and will not be able to rest well.

2 – Health Problems:

The high caffeine levels in energy drinks are known to have quite an impact on serotonin and endorphin levels, which can lead to some problems in your behavior. You may experience restlessness, nervousness, irritability, and increased blood pressure. There are also other health problems that may happen if you are consuming energy drinks, such as seizures, chest pains, and dehydration. Caffeine-sensitive people are more likely to experience these problems.

3 – Caffeine Addiction:

It can be risky to get addicted to caffeine. The more you consume it, the more you will have tolerance for it. And when you consume large amounts of caffeine it makes your adrenal glands secrete huge amounts of adrenaline. So, if you consume energy drinks often, it will be harder for you to get the energy boost you need. And if you choose to stop consuming them, you will experience headaches and a huge lack of concentration.

4 – Acids:

The acids contained in energy drinks (carbonic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid) are quite bad for your body. They are known to cause tooth rot, and very bad-looking and yellow teeth. They can also cause stomach damage, bone fractures and also other physical damages.

5 – Type 2 Diabetes:

The high concentration of sugar in energy drinks can lead to really bad problems, one of them being type 2 diabetes. The sugar can wear out the insulin producing cells over time, which leads to this disorder. This may also lead to kidney failure, strokes, and heart disease.

6 – Alcohol Risks:

Although it is very tempting and many people choose to mix alcohol with energy drinks, it can have very bad effects on you. It is no joke to do this, especially not often. Mixing these two things can highly increase the risk of heart-related problems. Choosing to mix these drinks can also lead to enormous risk of high levels of intoxication.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Build Muscle.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " Henrik Sundvall"

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

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Fitness: How to Use Weight Lifting To Build Muscles.

Weight lifting is one of many workouts that will give you a well-toned body and powerful looking muscles. Weight lifting is a form of strength training that puts a lot of stress on the muscles, forcing them to adapt to the stress by growing larger.

By lifting weights for 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times per week, you should start witnessing muscle growth. You can sign up for a weight-lifting program if you are not sure how to start incorporating weight lifting into your muscle building routines.

In order to master weight-training, you need to consider the following factors:

1-  Use the proper weights:

The proper weights should start straining your muscles after 12 to 15 lifts.

2-  Learn the proper weight-lifting techniques:

 If you are new at weight lifting, you may need a fitness trainer to guide you on which technique to use for the particular muscles you want to build.

3- Eat the proper weight-lifting diet:
As you start lifting weights, you will be expending a lot of energy. Muscles will also begin to develop, and both of these changes require that you eat a specific weight training diet in order to keep your health in tiptop form. Fitness trainers recommend that you eat foods rich in proteins.

4- Get enough rest:

You need to give your body enough time to rest. Take full-day breaks between exercising different muscles.

There are various other nitty-gritty details that you also need to consider when using weight training as part of your muscle building routine. Remember that your safety and health comes first, muscles and body tone second.

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Monday, April 25, 2016

How to Pack More Muscle on Your Chest at Home.

Increase the size of your chest by participating in a high volume weight training program that consists of exercises that target your chest muscles. After you complete a high volume workout, your muscles are left damaged with minor tears throughout their fibers.

This damage stimulates the muscle building process, because your body works to heal your muscles with the ability to produce an increase in size. This way, your muscles will be better prepared for the stress of lifting from subsequent workouts. Numerous chest exercises can be completed at home with a bench and dumbbells. Visit your medical professional prior to starting a new exercise program.

•Step 1

Work out your chest two days per week. You will need 48 to 72 hours of rest in between workouts for your muscles to recover from the high volume workouts, according to Georgia State University's Department of Kinesiology and Health.

•Step 2

Complete each workout at a volume of three to five sets of eight to 20 repetitions. This training volume will stimulate muscle growth, according to Dr. Lee E. Brown of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Step 3

Perform dumbbell chest press. Lie on your back on a bench with the dumbbells at chest level and palms facing your feet. Push the dumbbells up toward the ceiling, extending your elbows fully.

•Step 4

Complete incline chest press. Set the bench at about 45 degrees and while seated in an incline position, complete the same movement as the regular dumbbell chest press.

•Step 5

Perform pushups. Position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders with your fingers pointed forward. Lower down until your elbows bend to about 90 degrees.

Step 6

Complete chest flyes. Lie on your back on a bench, holding the dumbbells above your chest with extended arms and palms facing each other. Keep your elbows straight as you open up your arms to the side until they become parallel with the floor.


Use a spotter during dumbbell exercises to reduce the risk of dropping the weight on your head.

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Fitness: 10 warm up exercises for inspiration.

Let's be honest: warm ups are like breakfast. You know you shouldn't skip them - in fact, they might be the most important part of your workout - but you might not exactly look forward to them. Your pre-exercise routine should always include mobility drills, a pulse raiser, and flexibility exercises. It's also a good idea to blast out some motivational tunes during your warm up to gear up mentally for your workout too.

Check out our top 10 warm up exercises for inspiration!

÷ Mobility Exercises:

Rotations and dynamic stretches prepare the joints for exercise. You'll improve range of movement and reduce the risk of strain or injury.

1- Neck rolls :

the first step to maintaining good posture throughout your workout. Slowly roll your neck clockwise for 30-60 seconds, then change direction. If you're prone to stiffness, repeat this exercise regularly.

2- Leg swings :

 side-to-side and front-to-back - are the easiest way to prepare hip joints for exercise. As adults, we lose flexibility in our hips. Lubricating these joints improves performance and is an essential strength training precaution. Perform 10 in each direction, ensuring that the hip initiates movement.

3-Trunk twists :

 facing forward with feet hip-width apart, twist the upper body to one side. Keep your hands on your hips to ensure the pelvis remains stationary throughout 10 rotations per side.

4- Pulse Raiser:

Jogging - jogging is an easy way to raise your heart rate without fatiguing. Use the cross trainer, which also engages your upper body, or if jogging on a treadmill, swing your arms with control.

5- Cycling :

 it takes a certain level of cycling endurance to warm up on an exercise bike - if you feel the burn in your legs before reaching your target heart rate, switch machines!

6- Swimming :

 If you're hitting the pool for your main cardio workout, begin with a slow front crawl to engage all the major muscle groups. Strokes like the butterfly and backstroke should come after you've thoroughly warmed up.

7- Rowing :

 This is one of the best pulse raisers to prepare for any kind of workout. The rower engages your full body, and it's easy to gradually increase your speed throughout the warm up.

Usually performed on a cardio machine, these exercises warm your muscles, protecting them from shock during the main workout. As your pulse climbs, oxygenated blood is sent throughout your body. Improved circulation and oxygenation helps all of your muscles perform better - including your heart.

÷Flexibility Exercises:

These exercises keep the muscles warm, preparing them for exercise by introducing movements that will be repeated throughout the main workout, reducing the risk of strain.

8-Squat stands:

with hands raised above your head, squat until thighs are parallel to the ground before returning to full height. Your goal is to further improve hip flexion, so don't worry about holding the squat.

9- Walking lunges :

 ideal for runners, these improve range of motion and blood flow to the legs.

10- Arm circles:

  simple but effective, small or large circles mobilise your shoulder joints and warm the surrounding muscles.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to Get Toned chest and Arm & Improve the Way You Look.

Toned chest and arm muscles can improve the way you look, feel and perform activities that require upper body strength and endurance. Perform a comprehensive weight training routine that targets the chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps muscle groups at least two days each week. Start each workout with a five- to 10-minute thermal warm-up that includes some form of cardiovascular activity followed by dynamic and static stretches for your chest and arms.


Your chest muscles, called the pectorals, pull your arms and shoulders across the front of your body. Flat barbell or dumbbell bench presses tone and strengthen your whole chest. Dumbbell flys and cable crossovers help define your chest muscles. Use a weight that allows you to complete two to three sets of each exercise for eight to 12 repetitions. These exercises also work your shoulders and arms and should be completed before other exercises.


Your shoulders each have a muscle group called the deltoids that allow you to lift and rotate your arms in various positions. Overhead barbell or dumbbell presses should be performed first. Lateral and front dumbbell raises are isolation exercises that shape your shoulders. Upright rows and dumbbell shoulder shrugs can help tone your shoulders and upper back. Perform two to three sets for at least three of these exercises for eight or more repetitions.


The muscle on the front of your arm is called the biceps. It enables you to lift and curl your arm. Biceps curls, a standard arm toning exercise, can be performed using a barbell, dumbbell or machine. Try variations of curls using an underhand or hammer grip, when the palms turn inward, in a standing, seated or inclined position. Pick two or three exercises and complete two to three sets for at least eight repetitions.


The muscle in the back of your arm, the triceps, works in opposition to the biceps to extend your arm. Lying triceps extensions can be performed on a bench with a barbell or dumbbells. One-arm overhead extensions or triceps kickbacks with dumbbells can also firm up the back of your arms. Triceps push-downs or close grip pushups are effective, advanced exercises. Complete any two or three of these exercises for eight or more repetitions.


Perform chest and arm weight training exercises on nonconsecutive days to allow muscles time to recuperate. Vary your routine by increasing weight or number of repetitions or trying new exercises. To see improved tone in your chest and arms, you should include cardiovascular activity in your workouts on at least three days each week to body burn excess body fat. Be sure to drink water and eat healthy to fuel your body for exercise.

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