
Monday, April 25, 2016

Fitness: 10 warm up exercises for inspiration.

Let's be honest: warm ups are like breakfast. You know you shouldn't skip them - in fact, they might be the most important part of your workout - but you might not exactly look forward to them. Your pre-exercise routine should always include mobility drills, a pulse raiser, and flexibility exercises. It's also a good idea to blast out some motivational tunes during your warm up to gear up mentally for your workout too.

Check out our top 10 warm up exercises for inspiration!

÷ Mobility Exercises:

Rotations and dynamic stretches prepare the joints for exercise. You'll improve range of movement and reduce the risk of strain or injury.

1- Neck rolls :

the first step to maintaining good posture throughout your workout. Slowly roll your neck clockwise for 30-60 seconds, then change direction. If you're prone to stiffness, repeat this exercise regularly.

2- Leg swings :

 side-to-side and front-to-back - are the easiest way to prepare hip joints for exercise. As adults, we lose flexibility in our hips. Lubricating these joints improves performance and is an essential strength training precaution. Perform 10 in each direction, ensuring that the hip initiates movement.

3-Trunk twists :

 facing forward with feet hip-width apart, twist the upper body to one side. Keep your hands on your hips to ensure the pelvis remains stationary throughout 10 rotations per side.

4- Pulse Raiser:

Jogging - jogging is an easy way to raise your heart rate without fatiguing. Use the cross trainer, which also engages your upper body, or if jogging on a treadmill, swing your arms with control.

5- Cycling :

 it takes a certain level of cycling endurance to warm up on an exercise bike - if you feel the burn in your legs before reaching your target heart rate, switch machines!

6- Swimming :

 If you're hitting the pool for your main cardio workout, begin with a slow front crawl to engage all the major muscle groups. Strokes like the butterfly and backstroke should come after you've thoroughly warmed up.

7- Rowing :

 This is one of the best pulse raisers to prepare for any kind of workout. The rower engages your full body, and it's easy to gradually increase your speed throughout the warm up.

Usually performed on a cardio machine, these exercises warm your muscles, protecting them from shock during the main workout. As your pulse climbs, oxygenated blood is sent throughout your body. Improved circulation and oxygenation helps all of your muscles perform better - including your heart.

÷Flexibility Exercises:

These exercises keep the muscles warm, preparing them for exercise by introducing movements that will be repeated throughout the main workout, reducing the risk of strain.

8-Squat stands:

with hands raised above your head, squat until thighs are parallel to the ground before returning to full height. Your goal is to further improve hip flexion, so don't worry about holding the squat.

9- Walking lunges :

 ideal for runners, these improve range of motion and blood flow to the legs.

10- Arm circles:

  simple but effective, small or large circles mobilise your shoulder joints and warm the surrounding muscles.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to Get Toned chest and Arm & Improve the Way You Look.

Toned chest and arm muscles can improve the way you look, feel and perform activities that require upper body strength and endurance. Perform a comprehensive weight training routine that targets the chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps muscle groups at least two days each week. Start each workout with a five- to 10-minute thermal warm-up that includes some form of cardiovascular activity followed by dynamic and static stretches for your chest and arms.


Your chest muscles, called the pectorals, pull your arms and shoulders across the front of your body. Flat barbell or dumbbell bench presses tone and strengthen your whole chest. Dumbbell flys and cable crossovers help define your chest muscles. Use a weight that allows you to complete two to three sets of each exercise for eight to 12 repetitions. These exercises also work your shoulders and arms and should be completed before other exercises.


Your shoulders each have a muscle group called the deltoids that allow you to lift and rotate your arms in various positions. Overhead barbell or dumbbell presses should be performed first. Lateral and front dumbbell raises are isolation exercises that shape your shoulders. Upright rows and dumbbell shoulder shrugs can help tone your shoulders and upper back. Perform two to three sets for at least three of these exercises for eight or more repetitions.


The muscle on the front of your arm is called the biceps. It enables you to lift and curl your arm. Biceps curls, a standard arm toning exercise, can be performed using a barbell, dumbbell or machine. Try variations of curls using an underhand or hammer grip, when the palms turn inward, in a standing, seated or inclined position. Pick two or three exercises and complete two to three sets for at least eight repetitions.


The muscle in the back of your arm, the triceps, works in opposition to the biceps to extend your arm. Lying triceps extensions can be performed on a bench with a barbell or dumbbells. One-arm overhead extensions or triceps kickbacks with dumbbells can also firm up the back of your arms. Triceps push-downs or close grip pushups are effective, advanced exercises. Complete any two or three of these exercises for eight or more repetitions.


Perform chest and arm weight training exercises on nonconsecutive days to allow muscles time to recuperate. Vary your routine by increasing weight or number of repetitions or trying new exercises. To see improved tone in your chest and arms, you should include cardiovascular activity in your workouts on at least three days each week to body burn excess body fat. Be sure to drink water and eat healthy to fuel your body for exercise.

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Get Motivited: Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Be in Shape.

Meet @Jeanette Jenkins a Hollywood Trainer and nutritionist is known for her specialty in toned abs and bikini bootcamp.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

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Fitness: 9 Reasons Why You Should Practice Yoga.

Yes, the obvious is true: most yoga classes are attended by a majority of fit, flexible females in tight clothes. But, contrary to what you might think, it’s not just a sport for sexy ladies. And we have tons of reasons why you should be doing it—other than picking up women.

With yoga, you’ll hone your mental focus, rid your system of toxins, and maybe even boost your performance in the bedroom. You’ll even be able to touch your toes — improved flexibility is a bonus for just about every sport.

Yes, the real results of regular yoga practice are quite practical, and you don’t need any special equipment—just a few square feet of space and a mat. Here’s how that extra bit of stretching will not only enhance your other workouts, but also your life.

1. Relieve stress :

We all find ways to deal with stress. But Terrence Monte, a managing teacher at Pure Yoga, says, “going to amped up gyms or punching a punching bag can make you more aggressive or more tired.” Yoga, on the other hand, employs a number of relaxation techniques, which, with regular practice, can make you calmer overall. Sadie Nardini, host of “Rock Your Yoga,” adds, “Along with training your body, yoga trains your mind to see the bigger picture and act from integrity instead of freaking out. If you want to be more James Bond than Charlie Sheen, get yourself on the mat.” Being forced to unplug from text, calls, and email for 60 to 90 minutes doesn't hurt either.

2. Get flexible:

Most series of yoga asanas (physical postures) include one or more spinal twists to loosen the many joints that make up your spine. This can improve your tennis game and golf swing, as well as promote detoxification and good digestion. Yogi Cameron Alborizan, Ayurvedic healer, yoga guru, and author of The One Plan, says, “Think of the body as a sponge filled with dirty sink water. Gentle twists help to wring the sponge out and purge toxins.”

3. Sculpt muscles:

Yoga uses the weight of your own body to build mass and strength. Don’t believe it? Think about how many clunky free-weights it takes to bench press your bodyweight (150–200 lbs.)—yoga allows you to get the same muscle-building benefits by performing long, extended pushups, squats, and leg lifts. The results are well-worked muscle groups, which get stronger with each class.

4. Prevent workout injuries:

Most yoga classes begin with a reminder to honor your body’s particular needs and limits on that particular day. This basic ability to scan and assess yourself as you practice will help reduce the incidence of injury when running or playing other sports. Plus, flexible, well-stretched yoga muscles will heal and recover more quickly after working out or getting strained.

5. Have better sex:

One way to improve your performance in the bedroom is to translate all those relaxation and breathing techniques from yoga class into better, longer sex. Yogi Cameron says these strengthened concentration skills will help you focus your mind and better channel your sexual energy, helping to prevent premature ejaculation. “This can lead to increased sexual endurance,” he says, “and will make you far more sensitive and responsive to your partner.” Trust us, she’ll thank you for it.

6. Push your limits:

There are many types of yoga classes, some gentler than others. But when you find the class that matches your abilities—and pushes them? “Watch out!” says Nardini. “With long holds and often continual movements, you’ll amp up cardio at the same time you’re building whole-body lean muscle mass.

7. Calm your mind:

In the midst of a jam-packed schedule, committing to the relaxed space of a yoga class might be the only way for some guys to slow down and breathe right. Scott Rodwin, founder of Radiance Yoga, explains that breathing exercises, called pranayama, have been developed over thousands of years to calm and tame that endless stream of thoughts. This, he says, leads to greater concentration as you work your way through each pose—and, in most cases, a calmness that lasts the rest of the day.

8. Smell better:

Seriously. Michael Hewitt, founder of Sarva Yoga Academy says yoga is very much about waste removal. “Pheremonally, regular practice is more effective than cologne,” he says. Exhaling and sweating help get rid of toxins during class, so that afterward, your sweat really will smell sweeter. “After a class,” says Hewett, “[your body is] cleaner, more confident and focused than when you walked in.”

9. Set goals :

Most yoga teachers ask you to set an intention for that particular session or in some other part of your life. This simple act saying something in your head like, “I’ll be easier on myself for one hour,” can have far-reaching effects. “We all know how to get what we want,” says Monte, “but many of us struggle with knowing what we want. Yoga can help that question become more real, tangible, and accessible in everyday life.”

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Fitness: Which body parts are good to work together?

Your muscles need a day of rest in order to recover from a strength training workout, so if you are going to the gym every day, you may want to split up your workout routine into groups that you can work together.

Your muscles vary in size from large groups such as your chest and back to smaller groups such as your shoulders and arms which assist many of the larger groups during your exercises.

1- Pressing:

Your chest, shoulders, triceps and the back of your upper arms are strengthened when you push a weight away from your body. For example, your shoulders contract when you press a weight overhead. Your shoulders and triceps are assistors during your chest exercises, so these three muscles are one grouping you could work on at the gym.

2- Pulling:

Your back, biceps, the front of the upper arm, and forearms are strengthened when you perform pulling movements. For example, a pull-up in which you hang by your hands and pull your body weight toward the sky uses your back, biceps and forearms. Your biceps and forearms assist in most of your back strengthening movements and these three muscles combine well during resistance training.

3- Upper/Lower:

You may want to divide your body into upper and lower training groups. You could train your chest, back, shoulders and arms on one day and your legs and core the next day. This allows your upper body a day of rest while you strengthen the lower body and the vice versa. If you are a beginner, choose one or two exercises for each body part so as not to over train your muscles.

4- Full Body:

You may work all of your body parts on one day if you allow for a complete day of rest the next day. This type of training is comfortable for beginners, but can also be used if you are short on time, or short on available days to train during a week. When you exercise the entire body at once, choose one exercise for each body part and aim for two to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Best Weight Gain Supplements for Skinny Guys.

Do you want to gain weight and build muscle? If so, this article is for you. In it I reveal the best supplement for gaining weight fast. I’m talking about supplement that can help you add several pounds of muscle quickly when used properly.

NUTREX RESEARCH was founded in 2002. The focus and direction has always been to bring cutting-edge products to the industry. We were the first supplement company to release liquid capsules. While everyone else was busy trying to copy our successful liquid capsule formulation Nutrex invested time and resources and took it to the next level by developing liquid multi-phase capsules, which are two capsules in one. Nutrex products are truly in a class by themselves and we will continue to provide a way to make them even better.

ANABOL-5® is a powerful non-steroidal anabolic agent. It is for those who are seeking to build lean, dense high quality muscles with extra hardness. By helping to create an anabolic environment ANABOL-5 assists in increasing the amount of protein a muscle can synthesize.†

More info.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Best Instagram Accounts That Will Actually Inspire You to Hit the Gym.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " liamjolley"

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing So Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Liam Jolley is fitness models & Lifestyle Coach, born in Northamptonshire in the UK on the 4th August. He has an older sister and a fantastic mother and father that we are still a very close knit family.

He started training at 15 years of age with a basic dumb-bell set in a spare room in his parents house, at the time he started doing this it was purely to build his strength and formulate a bit of bulk because at that time he was quite small for his age. However, this training developed into what can only be described as an obsession and by the age of 17 bodybuilding and fitness was his true passion and all he wanted to do was be in the Gym to improve his body physically and stimulate his mind.

More info via: liamjolley.com.

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