
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The best High-Protein Foods You Should Eat After You Workout

Eating after you exercise is almost as crucial as the workout itself. WebMD notes that eating protein after exercising helps your muscles recover and grow, and ensures all of the hard work you just put in doesn’t go to waste. This doesn’t mean you need to go home and make a large meal containing hundreds of grams of protein, though — WebMD explains that eating 10 to 20 grams of protein will suffice. Wondering which foods you should be reaching for after your next sweat session?

Here are five protein-packed foods perfect for your post-workout snack.

1. Greek Yogurt:

Yogurt is a great food to eat after workouts, just as long as it’s Greek. Men’s Fitness states that Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as regular yogurt. “Mix it with cereal or fruit,” Dr. Louise Burke, head of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport and coauthor of The Complete Guide to Food for Sports Performance: Peak Nutrition for Your Sport, recommended to Men’s Fitness. You’ll then have a snack that’s the perfect balance of protein and carbs. We recommend pairing your yogurt with berries; they’ll help fight muscle soreness.

According to SFGate, fat-free Greek yogurt contains between 17 and 20 grams of protein for a 6- to 7-ounce serving. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition determined you only need 20 grams of protein to promote muscle synthesis, which helps the body grow and repair its muscles.

2- Whey Protein Powder:

Intense-Workout.com states that whey protein powder is the best source of protein to eat after a workout. Your body can digest a whey protein shake much faster than solid foods, ensuring you get a nice dose of protein promptly after your sweat session. It’s also a great portable post-workout snack; simply have your protein ready to go in a shaker cup and add liquid to it when you’re ready to start sipping. You’ll get more than enough protein per serving, as some powders contain up to 80 grams of protein, per WebMD.

3. Eggs:

Eggs are the perfect post-workout food for two reasons: They’re high in protein and are also a great source of many other nutrients, which help your body repair after an intense gym session. According to Livestrong, one egg has 6 grams of protein, or 15% of your daily recommended value. Furthermore, eggs contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs to digest and absorb protein. Steady Strength recommends having hard-boiled eggs on hand for your post-workout snack. Consider pairing your eggs with a piece of fresh fruit; its carbs will replenish your glycogen stores, which are usually depleted after a tough workout.

4- Chocolate Milk:

Flavored milk, which includes chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, has a great carb to protein ratio and aids in muscle recovery and rebuilding, Rebecca Scritchfield, a D.C. nutritionist, told The Washington Post. Your post-workout snack should have a ratio of 4 grams of carbs to 1 gram of protein. To compare, an eight-ounce glass of 2% milk has 12 grams of carbs and 8 grams of protein.

In order to meet the recommended ratio, The Washington Post recommends adding a few more carbs to your after-workout snack. You can easily do this by blending a banana with chocolate milk, or drinking/eating the two separately.

5- Kefir:

Kefir, a fermented milk product, is a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, per Livestrong. Interestingly, kefir is made the same way as yogurt: Milk combines with bacteria and is allowed to ferment. The main difference is that more and different types of bacteria and yeast are used to create kefir, which has a tangy taste and a texture similar to pourable yogurt.

 A serving of this dairy product packs a serious protein punch. Livestrong notes that one cup of kefir has 11 to 14 grams of complete protein. . It’s also a good source of calcium and vitamin D.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to get well-toned body and powerful looking muscles.

Weight lifting is one of many workouts that will give you a well-toned body and powerful looking muscles. Weight lifting is a form of strength training that puts a lot of stress on the muscles, forcing them to adapt to the stress by growing larger.

By lifting weights for 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times per week, you should start witnessing muscle growth. You can sign up for a weight-lifting program if you are not sure how to start incorporating weight lifting into your muscle building routines.

In order to master weight-training, you need to consider the following factors:

1- Use the proper weights:

The proper weights should start straining your muscles after 12 to 15 lifts.

2-  Learn the proper weight-lifting techniques:

 If you are new at weight lifting, you may need a fitness trainer to guide you on which technique to use for the particular muscles you want to build.

3- Eat the proper weight-lifting diet:

As you start lifting weights, you will be expending a lot of energy. Muscles will also begin to develop, and both of these changes require that you eat a specific weight training diet in order to keep your health in tiptop form. Fitness trainers recommend that you eat foods rich in proteins.

4- Get enough rest:

You need to give your body enough time to rest. Take full-day breaks between exercising different muscles.

There are various other nitty-gritty details that you also need to consider when using weight training as part of your muscle building routine. Remember that your safety and health comes first, muscles and body tone second.

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Monday, April 18, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Start Healthy Life.

You want to get fit. But you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

Today our Motivating Fitness Girl On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is "  TAMRA DAE"

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

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The Best Gym Tip Every Beginners should know.

Planning to hit the gym, but have no idea where to begin?Don’t worry, we have created a step by step guide to help transform you into a gym bunny. From gym clothes to gym etiquette, we have covered it all.

1- Get familiar:

Take a tour of your gym and get familiarised with all the equipment. Ask the gym staff, on how various equipment works and what precautions, if any, need to be taken.

2- Hygiene:

Hygiene is a first thing you should maintain, during your workout and before hitting the gym. It is evident that you will sweat during your workout, still make sure, you enter the gym premises clean, by taking a shower in order to keep the bad odour away.

3- Ask for help:

Your gym may be equipped with several new and advanced technologies. So, remember to ask a trainer for a demonstration before you use that particular piece of equipment.

4-Warm up:

Before getting onto any machines, make sure you include a warm up session as part of your training. A warm up will prevent gym injuries and prepare your body for rigorous training.

5- Bring a towel:

Make it a habit to bring a towel every time you are in the gym. Use a towel to dab away the sweat, so it does not fall on the equipment.

6- Water bottle:

While you workout, it is obvious that you will sweat a lot. Excessive sweating can cause dehydration. To avoid dehydration, keep a bottle of water with you always.

7- Keep the equipment back in its place :

If you take a piece of equipment to use during your workout, make sure you place it back, so that, other people don’t have to hunt around for it.

8- Don’t take too long:

We know, running on a treadmill is fun and healthy, but you must remember that in the gym equipment has to be shared. So, time yourself and step down from the machine when the time is up.

9- Gym attire:

Clothing is one of the most important things, when it comes to gyming. Make sure you choose proper comfortable clothes, not too tight or too loose. Ladies, be cautious, you don’t want men to star at you, while you workout, so, choose well-fitted bras.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

6 Reasons You Should Drink Coffee Every day.

The benefits of coffee are far from being only related to the increase of energy. Despite being commonly demonized as an evil habit, science proves that things are not so. In fact, a few cups of coffee a day may generate various benefits that can affect directly and indirectly in its objectives.

1 - A Great Source Of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant are molecules that prevent cell damage, which over time can lead to several types of diseases and health problems. According to a study, coffee is a major source of antioxidants of the Western diet.

2 - You can Increase The Life Expectancy:

A recent study where researchers analyzed the coffee consumption among 400,000 people, was discovered a significant link between coffee and longevity.

Simply put, the study found that those who drank more coffee, generally lived longer those who drank less or nothing, and interestingly, the more they drank, the more they lived.

And that connection was both normal and decaffeinated coffee, so do not confuse consumption of coffee with caffeine alone.

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3 - Natural Antidepressant:

Anyone taking coffee can prove this, but the fact has also been proven scientifically.

Research conducted by scientists at Harvard found that regular coffee consumption reduced the risk of depression in women by 20% and suicide by 53%.

4 - Performance Increase:

Caffeine is the "drug" world's most popular, and can improve strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic performance, and breaking, aid in weight loss.

5 - You can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is something epidemic these days, affecting about 300 million people around the world. It is characterized by generating insulin resistance, high levels of blood sugar and insulin production incorrect.

And studies show a significant link between coffee consumption and reduced risks of developing the disease. Some studies, come to show that consumption of at least 3 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 42%.

6 - You can reduce the chances of developing certain types of cancer:

Research shows that coffee consumption may protect the body against cancer of the liver and colon, the more types of fatal cancer.

A review of nine studies involving more than 240,000 people, found a strong link between coffee consumption and reduced risk of liver cancer. Only two cups per day was associated with a 43% reduction in the risk of developing the disease.

Another study, which involved the analysis of diets and lifestyle of almost 490,000 individuals found that people who drank coffee were less likely to develop cancer of the colon and rectum.

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

How to Get a Slender Waist for the Beach.

Do you want a slender wasp waist without any imperfection? To achieve the desired results and have a slender waist, you can do exercises at home.

*Slender waist:

1. Start the exercise in orthostatic position with support on one leg, the other extended at side. Keep one hand on the waist, another extended over head.
2. Leaning on one leg, extend the other hand back by turning the trunk.
When muscles are relaxed, inhale through your nose, and when they are in motion, exhale through the mouth. Repeat the exercise 20 times, and then change direction and repeat it again. This movement trains the oblique abdominal muscles.

*Wasp waist:

1. Start the exercise lying, leaning on your shoulder. Extend a hand before and the other flex behind over the head.
2. Then rise a leg up at the same level with the trunk.
3. Then raise the other leg and trunk up, relying upon the forearm. Return it to its original position.
When muscles are relaxed, inhale through your nose, and when they are contracted, exhale through the mouth. Repeat the movement 20 times for both sides of the waist. This exercise involves external and internal oblique muscles.

*Well defined waist:

1. Start the exercise lying laterally with support in one hand and the other over the waist.
2. From this position, raise the trunk from the ground leaning on palm, thus contracting the oblique muscles. Return it to its original position.
Repeat the exercise 20 times, and then turn and work the other side of the waist. This movement trains the external and internal oblique muscles.

*Waist with toned muscles:

1. Start the exercise lying down laterally, leaning on your forearm, the support leg extended and the other diagonally back, arm extended diagonally as well, thus extending the oblique muscles.
2. From this position, move the arm back and leg forward. Change position and practice with the other arm.
The exercise trains waist muscles. Repeat the movements 20 times with an arm and leg and then change position in the other direction and again perform the exercise.

*Thin perfect waist:

1. Start the exercise in lateral position with support on the forearm and the other hand fixed in front.
2. From this position, raise both legs to the trunk level. Return to their original position.

Repeat the exercise 20 times and you will feel oblique abdominal muscles. Perform the exercise for both sides of the trunk to get a perfect waist.

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Insanely bodybuilding's Motivation Guys to follow On Instagram.

Want a daily dose of eye-candy with a side order of motivation and workout ideas? Of course you will when you check out the hottest male trainers of Instagram.

 Here are one of our favorites
 d-o-b-i-e , your picks, and a few famous celebrity trainers that we couldn’t leave out. Get your drool bib ready—your Instagram feed is about to get a whole lot better looking if you start following these fitness trainers .(And no, we won’t hold it against you if you need to click through twice!).

 d-o-b-i-e is a fitness professional, who has become increasingly popular on social media over the last year due to his workouts and stunning looks, also a fitness cover model who has been featured in Muscle & Fitness magazine, as well as many others. His abs are insane, he shares fitness videos, and yes, we can’t get enough of him.

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