
Friday, April 15, 2016

The best Fat-Burning Fruits & Vegetables help fat loss.

Fruits and vegetables are the best source of carbohydrates and sugars with a high nutritional value and fewer calories. some types of fruit and vegetables are better than others to help in weight loss.

Eating fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight -- and thus burn fat. According to a study published in 2007 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reducing overall calorie and fat intake while eating more fruits and vegetables "is an effective strategy for managing body weight while controlling hunger." Eating the right fruits and vegetables will help fill you up for longer while providing you with the energy to burn off fat.

Here's a list of some of the vegetables & fruits that help you lose fat fast:


All forms of peppers are excellent for weight loss, pepper is one of the richest sources of vitamin C which enhances the function of the immune system, and help to absorb other nutrients. Cup of the pepper contains only 30 calories.


According to a researcher at Texas Women's University, blueberries may inhibit the development of fat cells because they are packed with polyphenols, an antioxidant that has many health benefits and prevents harmful chemical reactions in the body. According to the study, presented at the 2011 meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, a group given three doses of blueberry polyphenols experienced a significant reduction in body fat compared to a group given placebos. In a similar study in 2009, University of Michigan researchers showed that rats whose diets were infused with a mixture of freeze-dried blueberries over the course of 90 days experienced a reduction in belly fat.


One cup of the tomato contains only 25 calories, the biggest reward healthy tomatoes is that they are rich in lycopene & a carotenoid who's working on the prevention of cancer.


An apple provides 4.4 grams of fiber, which is nearly 18 percent of the recommended daily value. The high fiber content in apples will help keep you full for longer -- possibly reducing the temptation to snack on calorie-dense, processed foods. Researchers at the University of Washington found in a 2014 study that apples are full of "nondigestible compounds" that can help fight obesity.


From less sugary vegetables, one cup of spinach contains 10 calories and a lot of fiber.


Contains very low calories and high water makes it an ideal vegetables to satisfy hunger without an increase in weight, the cucumber   contains many vitamins and minerals as it helps the body get rid of dangerous toxins.


CNN notes that broccoli contains only 30 calories per 1-cup serving, yet has plenty of fiber -- 1 cup provides 2.4 grams -- and polyphenols. In addition to its fiber, a nutrient in broccoli called sulforaphane helps cells burn fat, according to Elle magazine. A study published in 2006 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry found that this nutrient actually starts a chemical reaction in the body that leads directly to fat loss.


Cabbage characterized by low calorie, high nutrient cleared of blood by getting rid of free radicals and uric acid, which can lead to pain in the joints and gout. Cabbage contains a high percentage of vitamin C, and contains iodine, which is essential to the health of the brain and the endocrine and nervous system work.

I wish you, dear reader continued good health and happiness & remember a "healthy body in a healthy mind".

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fitness: 82 push-ups you Need to Try.

For those who can do handstand push-ups, we salute you

Drop and give me… 82? That’s right. Push-ups are one of the simplest and most functional exercises you’ll ever add to your routine, and they work almost every muscle we’ve got: the triceps and chest get a great workout, but the movement also engages the shoulders, core, lats, lower back, legs, and glutes.

This said, doing the same old push-ups day in and day out can feel a little bit vanilla, so it’s worth shaking things up. Variety can supercharge a workout and throw a whole range of new muscles into the mix. Ever tried a Spiderman push-up? How about an alligator or a jackknife push-up?

Here @ Men's Fitness & Workout ™ will rounded them all up, from beginner versions to explosive ones, expert ones to ones that involve equipment. Just be sure to spend some time perfecting your form and nailing the basics before you jump into the variations that require increased strength, coordination, and balance.

An explosive push-up with a clap is closer than you think if you start hammering out reps of standard push-ups right now

Check out 10 of our Favourite.


1. Shoulder Tap Push-up. This version takes the standard push-up, one of the most fundamental bodyweight exercises on earth, one step further. At the top of your push-up simply maintain form and tap one hand with the other. This improves balance and makes the exercise more isometric, which is a great way to boost strength.

2. Single Leg Raised Push-up. Not as crazy as it sounds! Perform a push-up, but extend one leg off the ground os that it’s parallel with the floor. This adds some extra instability and recruits your abs for extra balance.


3. Staggered. By staggering the hands (that is, by placing one hand farther forward than the other), one is able to emphasize one side of the chest—a super useful variation for those whose strength is lagging on their non-dominant side.

4. Alligator. Some people use this name for staggered push-ups, but we’re using it to refer to a staggered push-up that walks the body forward, just like an alligator crawling along the ground. Have fun with these!


5. Feet on the Wall. A wall counts as equipment, right? There’s probably a cooler name for these, but we don’t think they need one. Brace the soles of the feet against the wall and perform a push-up. This puts extra emphasis on the legs and ab muscles, as well as the upper chest and, well, the whole body.

6. Fingertip. This variation requires a huge amount of strength in the forearms and fingers (any volleyballers out there?). The fewer fingers on the ground, the more strength is involved. Bruce Lee was known for performing one-armed push-ups on one finger, but we’re not recommending anyone try that at home.


7. Explosive. This is ground zero for these kind of push-ups. Push so hard off the ground that the upper body soars into space and the hands are briefly in mid-air. Be sure to stretch the wrists, since this exercise puts extra impact on them.

8. Explosive Single-Arm Alternating. Also known as the Rocky, this requires a one-armed push-up that’s so explosive the landing hand can be switched in mid-air.


9. Single Hand on a Medicine Ball. Place one hand on a medicine ball and one on the ground to perform this push-up. It is a great way to strengthen a particular side of the body while also building balance and coordination.

10. Both Hands on a Kettlebell. Balancing both hands on a kettlebell (or, for the fearless, on a kettlebell handle) is a great way to mimic a diamond push-up (a push-up done with hands together so that the thumbs and index fingers form a diamond; hands below the center of the chest), but with more instability.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Truth About Belly Fat everything you need to know

Even if you have a rock-hard pack of abs, you still have belly fat. And how much flab you have around your middle has a big impact on your health.

 Here’s help getting a handle on your belly fat.

* Location, Location, Location:

People store most of their fat in two ways – one you can see and one you can't.

The fat you can see is just under the skin in the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. That's called subcutaneous (under the skin) fat.

The fat you can't see is deeper inside, around the vital organs (heart, lungs, digestive tract, liver, and so on) in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. That's called "visceral" fat.

Many people are self-conscious about the fat they can see. But actually, it's the hidden fat -- the visceral fat -- that may be a bigger problem, even for thin people.

*Like Another Organ

We all have visceral fat -- and it isn't all bad. It provides necessary cushioning around organs.

But, the fat doesn't just sit there. It makes "lots of nasty substances," says Kristen Hairston, MD, assistant professor of endocrinology and metabolism at Wake Forest School of Medicine. And having too much of it is linked to a greater chance of developing high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and certain cancers, including breast cancer and colon cancer.

*How You Get Extra Visceral Fat:

When a body's obese, it can run out of safe places to store fat and begin storing it in and around the organs, such as around the heart and the liver.

What kind of problem does that create? Carol Shively, PhD, professor of pathology-comparative medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine, says, “Fatty liver disease was, until recently, very rare in non-alcoholics. But with obesity increasing, you have people whose fat depots are so full that the fat is deposited into the organs. In addition, she says, more fat is also being deposited around the heart.

*Checking Your Risk:

The most precise way to determine how much visceral fat you have is to get a CT scan or MRI. But you don't need to go that far to get a sense of whether or not the fat inside you is putting your health at risk.

Get a measuring tape, wrap it around your waist, and check your girth. Do it while you're standing up, and make sure the tape measure is level.

For the minimal effect on your health, you want your waist size to be less than 35 inches if you're a woman and less than 40 inches if you're a man.

Having a "pear shape" -- fatter hips and thighs -- is considered safer than an "apple shape," which describes a wider waistline.

“What we’re really pointing to with the apple versus pear,” Hairston says, "is that, if you have more abdominal fat, it’s probably an indicator that you have more visceral fat."

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 *Thin People Have It, Too:

But even if you're thin, you can still have too much visceral fat.

It's partly about your genes. Some people have a genetic tendency to store visceral fat.

It's also about physical activity. Visceral fat likes inactivity. A British study showed that thin people who maintain their weight through diet alone, skipping exercise, are more likely to have unhealthy levels of visceral fat.

So the message is get active, no matter what size you are.

*4 Steps for Beating Belly Fat:

There are four keys to controlling belly fat: exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management.

•Exercise: Vigorous exercise trims fat, including visceral fat. It can also slow down the build-up of visceral fat that tends to happen over the years. But forget spot-reducing. There aren't any moves you can do that specifically target visceral fat.

Half an hour of vigorous aerobic exercise, done four times a week is ideal.

Jog, if you're already fit, or walk briskly at an incline on a treadmill if you're not yet ready for jogging. Vigorous workouts on stationary bikes and elliptical or rowing machines are also effective, says Duke researcher Cris Slentz, PhD.

Moderate activity – raising your heart rate for 30 minutes at least three times per week – also helps. It slows down how much visceral fat you gain. But to torch visceral fat, your workouts may need to be stepped up.

“Rake leaves, walk, garden, go to Zumba, play soccer with your kids. It doesn’t have to be in the gym,” Hairston says.

If you are not active now, it's a good idea to check with your health care provider before starting a new fitness program.

•Diet: There is no magic diet for belly fat. But when you lose weight on any diet, belly fat usually goes first.

A fiber-rich diet may help. Hairston’s research shows that people who eat 10 grams of soluble fiber per day -- without any other diet changes -- build up less visceral fat over time than others. That’s as easy as eating two small apples, a cup of green peas, or a half-cup of pinto beans.

“Even if you kept everything else the same but switched to a higher-fiber bread, you might be able to better maintain your weight over time,” Hairston says.

•Sleep: Getting the right amount of shut eye helps. In one study, people who got six to seven hours of sleep per night gained less visceral fat over 5 years compared to those who slept five or fewer hours per night or eight or more hours per night. Sleep may not have been the only thing that mattered -- but it was part of the picture.

•Stress: It’s unavoidable, but what you do with your stress matters.

You probably already know that people tend not to make the best food choices when they're stressed. And when you've got chronic stress, that can be a problem.

Shively recommends getting social support (turn to your friends and family), meditating, and exercising as ways to handle stress. Signing up for a workshop or some counseling sessions can also help you tame your stress.

Short on time? “If you could only afford the time to do one of these things," Shively says, "exercise probably has the most immediate benefits, because it gets at both obesity and stress.”

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Fitness: 7 Amazing Tricks to help Build Muscle Fast

Most people are not blessed with the ability to lose weight and gain muscle very quickly. Yes, genetics plays a big part in this, but they aren’t crucial. The biggest problem is that a large number of people don’t exercise properly or pay any attention to their eating and sleeping habits. In this article we will show you 7 great tricks to help build muscle.

1 – Eat Every 3 Hours:

Nutritionists say that if you don’t eat very often, you are actually limiting the rate at which your body builds new proteins. By eating every three hours you are maximizing this number. Just make sure you consume protein in every meal (20-25 grams).

2 – Go Easy on the Carbs After a Workout:

Carbs are great on your rest days, as they help your body rebuild muscle faster. However, researches have found that you should go easy on the carbs after a workout, as they can slow down the rate of protein breakdown. Instead, opt for a peanut butter sandwich, a sports drink, or a banana.

3 – Eat More Protein:

This may sound obvious, but you’ll be surprised by how many people don’t change their diet (or make an insignificant change) when they start exercising. If you’re trying to pack on muscle, you simply need to consume more protein. Try eating 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. Aim for the groceries that are rich in protein – cottage cheese, eggs, milk, nuts, fish and of course, meat.

4 – Exercise Your Biggest Muscles:

A good amount of quality sleep is essential if you want to build your muscles faster. Rest improves your growth hormone profile, and allows your muscles to fully recover. It will allow you to train harder and make progress. Some people might need less sleep than others, but generally aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every day.

5 – Get More Quality Sleep:

A good amount of quality sleep is essential if you want to build your muscles faster. Rest improves your growth hormone profile, and allows your muscles to fully recover. It will allow you to train harder and make progress. Some people might need less sleep than others, but generally aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every day.

6 – Hydrate:

It is common knowledge that you can’t perform at your best, neither physically nor mentally, if your body is dehydrated. In order to perform every set and repetition at your maximum, you have to make sure that you’re well hydrated. Drink adequate amount of water during the day. During a serious workout session opt for a bottle of smart water (water rich with electrolytes), if possible.

7 – Minimize Cardio:

If you’re trying to gain muscle, then avoid excessive cardio. Yes, some running every now and then is OK, but don’t overdo it. This is especially important if you are a “hard gainer,” as burning a lot of calories will make it even more difficult to add mass.

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Insanely Fitness Girls on Instagram That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

From ballerinas to yogis & celebrity trainers, these stylish & in shape girls show the best workout motivation in Instagram. Follow along and be inspired to work it out the healthy way.

Instagram is great for all sorts of things:
sharing fitness motivation, inspiration, tips and videos. And occasionally we happen to stumble across some eye-candy in the process. And there's nothing wrong with that. Hard work in the gym should be both flaunted and celebrated. So today @ Men's Fitness & Workout Fix we're going to celebrate the best fit women who motivate us all to live a healthier lifestyle and look pretty damn good while doing it.

Our Fit Girl to Follow on Instagram That Will Inspire You Working out is the bombshell " that taking Instagram by Storm is " Christine Lewis ".

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How to Get a Flat Stomach Before Summer

Gaining excess belly fat can be blamed on many things; overeating, baby weight gain and getting older are just a few. A waist measurement of 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men, regardless of your weight, is an unhealthy sign of visceral fat, according to The National Institutes of Health. To reduce belly fat naturally you will need to cut down on your calories, eat a diet rich in monounsaturated fats and exercise. With a little patience and effort, it is possible to see those abdominal muscles again.

Step 1

Evaluate your current diet. Eating a diet high in processed, fast and sugary foods may be causing weight gain in your abdominal region. For three days, prior to beginning a belly fat-burning program, write down everything you eat in a food journal. Write down all foods and drinks you consume, even if it is just a bite or a piece of something. At the end of the three days, see where your weak spots are and figure out a replacement for them. If you notice that you consistently eat sugary snacks in the afternoon, replace them with a healthy alternative like fresh fruit or yogurt with fruit. Identifying your food weaknesses will allow you to prepare for them ahead of time and help you stick to a healthy eating plan.

Step 2

Eat clean foods daily. Tosca Reno, author of "The Eat Clean Diet," suggests eating whole, clean foods for maximum fat-burning potential. Eating clean consists of eating fresh lean proteins, complex-carbohydrates and essential fats. Bodybuilders have used this diet to burn fat for many years. Choose proteins such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, tofu, fish, beans and legumes. Whole grains, brown rice and fresh fruits and vegetables are all excellent complex-carbohydrates.

Step 3

Add some belly-burning fats to your daily diet. Eating a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), with every meal has been proven to reduce belly fat, according to Liz Vaccareillo, author of "Flat Belly Diet." Foods that are rich in MUFAs are olives, oils, avocados, dark chocolate and nuts and seeds. Eat a variety of these good fats throughout the day in moderation.

Step 4

Burn fat with aerobic exercise. Doing a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic activity four to five times a week will increase your body's natural fat-burning abilities. The body burns energy from fat stores when in an aerobic state; to achieve this state, you must be in movement within your training heart rate for a minimum of 30 minutes. Choose cardiovascular exercises that motivate you and that are easy to incorporate into your weekly routine.

Step 5

Burn more fat calories with muscle. Scientists estimate that with each additional pound of muscle you will burn an extra seven kilocalories per day. Weight training two to three times a week will help increase your lean muscle fiber and your metabolism. Extra muscle also helps you work out longer and harder, producing a training effect that adds to the extra calories burned, according to Len Kravitz, PhD.

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Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Instagram is a Great Repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing So Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Want a daily dose of eye-candy with a side order of motivation and workout ideas? Of course you will when you check out the hottest male trainers of Instagram. Here are some of our favorites, your picks, and a few fitness trainers that we couldn’t leave out. Get your drool bib ready—your Instagram feed is about to get a whole lot better looking if you start following these fitness trainers .

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " dannykeane"

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