
Friday, April 8, 2016

How to build strength by using just your body.

Bodyweight workouts have been something we’ve been doing for many years and still enjoy them. We personally have seen a huge improvement in our strength through bodyweight exercises.  By using just our bodies to get a good workout in empowers us inside and out. Just go do a headstand and you will see what we mean.

YOU CAN build strength by using just your body!

You will also notice your balance improve, your posture, even your mind will be sharp.

Some of the basic bodyweight moves are plank, push-ups, mountain climbers, lunges, etc. But as our Purely Fitters know, there are many other ways to use your body to challenge yourself.

1) flexible -do anywhere – limits your excuses, convenient, ”No time” really becomes no excuse.

2) cheap – non expensive way to workout

3) no limits – you control your tempo and intensity, as easy or as hard as you want

4) your body provides all the resistance you need.

5) highly efficient –> little time in between sets so keeps heart rate boosted and keep burning those calories, you don’t have to take as many breaks

6) both cardiovascular and strength training – win/win! You burn calories after you finish your workout

7) overall stronger core, be more flexible, and have better balance  –> can help with better posture  and improve overall performance

8) anyone can do it -perfect place for beginners to start their fitness journey.

9) easy to vary your workouts to fit your level of strength and endurance  -progression and using advanced variations.

10) sharpens your mind –  use different techniques to provide a challenge and change of pace, keeps you motivated.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to Get Massive and well-defined Arms.

Nothing stands out more in the gym than having massive and well-defined arms. While there might be a genetic factor to determining the overall size and growth of your arms, there are some very great exercises you can use to develop your biceps and triceps.

Biceps and triceps tend to be one of the most highly trained muscle groups by men. Because of the simplicity of exercises, many men have a tendency to stick with basic bicep and tricep exercises such as standard curls and triceps pull downs. However, here is a list of less frequently used exercises that will really shock and grow your arms.

Remember to take weight-lifting supplements like creatine to maximize your results. Creatine as well as an anabolic activator will help increase arm size significantly.

1- Hammer Curls:

Hammer Curls are done by simply using a neutral grip versus a standard grip while curling. This exercise engages the front part of the biceps muscle more than the regular bicep curl and also gives the forearm some action.

2- Reverse Curls:

Reverse Curls are another great exercise that shocks the front part of the biceps muscle. This exercise is done by simply using a supinated or reverse grip with a barbell. This exercise is also good at developing great forearms.

3- Suicides:

At the end of any biceps workout, perform three sets of varied curls for 15-20 reps. This is known as suicides.

4- Overhead Tricep Extensions:

These extensions are performed by taking a set of dumbbells and extending them from behind your neck and over your head. This is a direct challenge to the triceps and does not require a lot of weight to be performed correctly and effectively. A barbell can be used in this exercise too.

5-Plyo Push Ups:

Many men love showing off how many push ups they can do, but can you actually do a push up that is explosive? Try pushing your own bodyweight up in an explosive fashion and clap in the air before coming back down. This exercise will help develop triceps, biceps and forearms.

6-Close Grip Bench Press:

Shortening the grip of your bench press forces you to use more triceps to perform this exercise. This is another less frequently used exercise when it comes to developing thick triceps.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The best 3 core exercises for perfect abs.

We all want a toned, flat stomach. No surprise there. But since many women are still relying on crunches to get it, we want to make one thing clear: Crunching is not the most effective abs workout. "Crunches work only the muscles on the front and sides of your abdomen, but it's important to target all the muscles of the core to get more defined abs—including lower back, hips, and upper thighs," says Lou Schuler, co-author of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs.

Here's the best 3 core exercises you've never done, and they'll reveal the abs you never knew you had.


HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back and raise your legs. Bend your knees 90 degrees and spread them apart while keeping the bottoms of your feet together. Lift a kettlebell straight above your head, holding the sides of the handle in both hands. Lower the weight behind you, stopping a foot off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, and lift it back above your head. That's 1 rep. Do 5.

WHY IT WORKS: "Pulling things overhead while lying on your back is what you did when you were a baby," says Hartman. "It's a natural movement that perfectly aligns your extremities and loads your trunk, activating and strengthening your core."


HOW TO DO IT: Attach a handle to the low pulley of a cable station and face it in a plank position, resting your weight on your forearms. Grab the handle in your right hand with your arm outstretched. This is the starting position. Pull the handle toward your right side, stopping when your elbow touches your ribs. Return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps per arm.

WHY IT WORKS: "Pulling weight toward you in a plank engages your lats, abs, and obliques," says Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., a trainer at Cressey Performance in Massachusetts. "That not only rocks your core and boosts torso stability but also helps you build a better-looking back."


HOW TO DO IT: Attach a triceps rope to a cable machine and turn away from it while holding the ends of the rope in your hands on either side of your head. Drop into the bottom position of a lunge, with your front knee bent 90 degrees and your rear knee touching the floor. Brace your core and press the ends of the rope overhead until your arms are fully extended. Pause, and lower them. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

WHY IT WORKS: "This move forces your abs to battle against the backward pull of the weight stack," says Gentilcore. "That's a new stimulus for most guys, making it a good core builder that also smokes your shoulders."

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Build Muscle.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " luisguerrafit".

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The 6 Best Kettlebell Exercises You Need To Do .

Resembling a mini bowling ball with a handle, kettlebells are great for cardio, strength, and flexibility training. Start by picking up the weight of your choice. Women usually grab between eight and 16kg weights, while men go for 16 to 32kg, though these weights vary depending on the exercises of choice. And hey, no harm in starting low and working your way up. Reps and sets will depend on intensity and fitness levels, for most of these moves, we recommend aiming for three to five sets of 10-30 reps with good form. (We strongly suggest starting with a trainer or kettlebell aficionado to make sure everything’s kosher.

1. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing:

•Targets: Shoulders, back, hips, glutes, legs
•Level: Beginner
•How to: This exercise is all the kettlebell rage! Stand up straight, with feet a bit wider than hip-distance apart. Grab hold of the handle with both hands, keeping the palms face down and arms in front of the body. Maintain a slight bend to the knee and drive the hips back, lowering the body—but not too low, this isn’t a squat! Then, in a fluid motion, explosively drive the hips forward while swinging the kettlebell, keeping the glutes and core engaged.

•Remember: The motion should come from the hips (not the arms!) as the body returns to standing. Lower the weight back down between the legs while lowering again, and keep this swinging motion going for 12-15 reps (or more, depending on your kettlebell capabilities).

2. One-Handed Kettlebell Swing

•Targets: Shoulders, back, hips, glutes, legs
•Level: Beginner-Intermediate
•How to: This movement is the same as the two-handed swing, except using only one hand at a time. Swing the kettlebell up with one arm, but still swing the other arm to help drive momentum. Alternate hands when the kettlebell is behind the legs; aim for 10-12 reps with each arm.

3. Two-Arm Kettlebell Row

•Targets: Back, arms, shoulders
•Level: Beginner-Intermediate
•How to: Grab two kettlebells for this one. (Double the pleasure, double the fun, right?) Place them in front of the feet and bend the knees slightly. Next, bend over, grab both kettlebells, and pull them towards the stomach, keeping the elbows close to the body and the back straight. Lower the weights, repeat for 12-15 reps max, feel like a champ.

4. Kettlebell Figure-8

•Targets: Arms, back, abs
•Level: Intermediate
•How to: Looking to impress a certain someone at the gym? Then try this: Start with legs a bit wider than hip-width distance apart, and lower yourself into a quarter-squat position. (Keep that back straight and chest up!) Grab the kettlebell with the left hand and swing it around the outside of the left leg and then back between the legs. Next, pass the kettlebell to the right hand and swing it around the outside of the right leg. Keep this motion going, similar to the classic basketball drill! Can you do a minute straight? (Be sure to switch directions half-way through!)

5. Kettlebell High Pull

•Targets: Shoulders, arms, glutes, legs
•Level: Intermediate
•How to: Turn those toes out 45 degrees with feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Place the kettlebell on the ground between both legs and begin to squat while keeping the core engaged, and grip the kettlebell handle with one hand. Then, using force from the hips, push through the heels to rise to standing, pulling the kettlebell upwards while the elbow drives up. Lower back down and switch arms. Shoot for 10-12 for each arm.

6. Kettlebell Front Squat

•Targets: Legs, glutes, back
•Level: Intermediate
•How to: What’s a squat without a kettlebell in hand? Stand up straight, holding the kettlebell in front of the chest with both hands, keeping the elbows close to the body. Start squatting by driving the heels into the ground and pushing the hips back until the thighs are parallel to the ground or just below. Return to standing, and repeat for 15-20 reps (or more) Just remember: quality over quantity.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

The Best Yoga Postures that can actually help Improve your Skin.

Thought yoga was just to improve your muscle tone and help you relax? Think again. There are particular yoga postures that can actually help improve your skin, depending on the skin issue that you may be having at any given time.

Yes, this may seem a bit silly to some, but these yoga postures have offered significant improvement for women and their skin.

If you have tried every cream on the shelf to try and help your skin, or if you are looking for a more holistic way to improve your skin’s texture and tone, yoga is the way to go.

•How to Get Rid of Dry Skin with Yoga

To help cure your dry skin woes with yoga, start off by sitting on the floor while taking care to keep both you back and your chest straight. Close your eyes and your mouth by drawing your palms over your face and bring your palms down. Breathe in slowly and deeply, and exhale slowly and fully. Continue with this until you feel that your body and your mind are completely relaxed (this may take some time for beginners). You can do this by using your index finger to close off one nostril and making you breathe from the other. Alternate every few seconds, always making sure that you are breathing from the open nostril. Continue with this process up to 5 times.

•How to Get Rid of Oily Skin with Yoga

If you have oily skin, chances are that you will do anything to get rid of it. To get rid of oily skin through yoga, begin by sitting straight. Close your eyes and your mouth, and relax. Make sure you stay in a relaxed state for at least 5 minutes. After that time, take one long breath and hold it for 5-15 seconds. When you are ready to release the breath after those 5 seconds, squeeze your abdominal muscles. Now loosen the muscles and then release all of the breath from your nose. Continue with this process for 5-10 times.

•How to Get Rid of Sensitive and Acne Skin with Yoga

The best way to start this off is to sit on the floor and become completely and fully relaxed. Keep your mouth wide open and curl your tongue so that it forms a tubular shape (if you cannot curl your tongue, try stretching it out as long as you possibly can on the inside of your upper jaw). Try to not allow the tongue to come in contact with the teeth while you are doing this. Now close your mouth and bring the tongue back to its normal shape while also breathing out of your nose. Do this for up to 3 minutes a day and you should find that your skin is far less sensitive than it was previously, and you should notice that any pimples are fading away.

You may feel a bit silly doing these poses at first to help improve your skin, but even just taking those 10 minutes or so every day to relax will do wonders not only for you physically, but mentally as well.

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The Best Fitness & Health Tips for Men over 30.

The most important rules of strength training for men over thirty years its all about how to create a sporty and muscular figure after adolescence.

1-  Forget Everything You Know About Fitness:

If you exercise more than a year, but the long-awaited news cubes and relief muscles and do not appear, you are probably doing something wrong. The first thing you should start - is radically update your knowledge regarding fitness and nutrition.

The second step should be an objective assessment of the positive and negative features of their own body. If you have always been powerful legs, but a weak upper part, it is necessary to reduce the running and redirect its efforts on the development of the pectoral and deltoid muscles.

2- Correct Posture:

The easiest way to make the body more sports is to correct posture. If the set of muscles need at least six months, the exercise posture will give visible results within a few weeks - people will start to emphasize that you look better.

Remember also that sports figure is impossible to create an exceptional collection of muscles. Kyphosis hide developed muscles of the shoulders and chest, and an incorrect statement of the pelvis due to flat feet make the stomach too convex, stretching abdominal muscles and giving the impression of "belly" .

3- Replace The Running To Walking:

Despite the generally positive effect on the body running, jogging wrong gives more minuses than pluses. In addition, by itself running is not so important for weight loss, as the right diet - running burns only 2 times more calories compared to walking.

To create a sports figure will be much more effective regular 40-50 minute walks with close attention to how you hold your body. The ideal option would be walking on a treadmill in front of the front and side mirrors.

4- Do Exercises With Body Weight:

With high probability, you'll perform the basic exercises like pull-ups and push-ups, wrong, not using those muscles that you want to use. In this case, the correct execution of bench press or the thrust of the upper block, you can also forget.

Consider a visit to the gym as training to improve posture and learning the mechanics of the key exercises performed with the body weight -  pull-ups , sit-ups , push-ups , crunches, and so on. Only then go to barbells and dumbbells.

5 - Change The Way Of Life

It would be naive to believe that the three-hour sessions per week can make you a different person. If the remaining 165 hours you will continue your normal life, you will look just like look. No matter how much you exercise is not made in the gym.

Think about how you sit at work - excessive bending forward bends the spine. Think about how you sleep - high theft provokes pain in the neck. Think about how you value your body, or use it only as a working tool.

6- Be Careful What You Eat:

Despite the fact that the diet has traditionally considered "female subject" men in reality they show a greater weight loss efficacy than girls. Besides, it is easier to abandon cola cans (150 kcal) than jogging for 15 minutes (150 kcal).

Remember, and that is a surplus of simple carbohydrates, not fat, is often a cause of weight gain. This is primarily due to the fact that the products containing mainly sugar calories, do not cause a feeling of fullness .

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