
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The best Supplements to Bulk up fast .(everything you need to know)

If you're looking to bulk up and build muscle there are a number of supplements ideal for bulking and packing on muscle mass.

Here’s a look at one of the most effective and most popular right now among Instagram bodybuilding folks.

High Volume is a Pump Product manufactured byPES. It is meant to increase blood flow, muscle pumps and increase vascularity. It can be stacked with a stimulant based pre-workout for an added stimulant effect. This promotes an environment for increased muscle mass and fat loss.

Its recipe is fairly simple, yet highly potent due to the massive amount of active ingredients - there are no "fillers" or unnecessary ingredients added.

Features & details

•High volume is a stimulant free pre-workout supplement

•The formula was created to provide intense pumps and endurance

•New from PES.

More info.

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How to build Muscle Without breaking the bank.

Bodyweight exercises are those that use the weight of your own body and nothing else. For men who don’t have the money or space for workout equipment, bodyweight exercises are a godsend; they can help you burn calories and build muscle without breaking the bank. Below, you’ll find a list of the best bodyweight exercises for men.

1- Squats :

Squats are a fantastic way to keep the lower body toned and strengthened as they mostly work the quads and glutes. For easier squats, you may use a chair or wall for balance. For more difficult squats, skater squats and single leg squats are excellent choices. Squats can also be combined with other exercises for combination moves for increased workout efficiency.

2- Push-Ups

Push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise to benefit the upper body. Muscles targeted include the chest, triceps, and shoulders. For easier push ups, perform them standing against a wall or with hands on a chair or bench. Push-ups can be performed on the knees or the feet. You may also spread you feet, use your fingertips, or perform them with one arm or leg lifted for greater difficulty.

3- Sit-Ups

Sit-ups and crunches are great exercises to use to strengthen mostly the abdominals, but the entire core as well. A strong core helps by improving balance, stamina, and overall health. Both sit ups and crunches can be modified and made more difficult with the addition of leg movements while lifting the upper body or by twisting the upper body as you lift.

4- Planks

Planks are effective at tightening and strengthening the abs and obliques. A plank is performed by holding the beginning push up position for a period of time. Planks can be modified to make them easier or more difficult to perform, depending on your fitness level and muscle strength. Modified planks allow you to rest on your bent arms and elbows while keeping your body straight. More difficult versions include the side plank and performing a plan with one arm or leg raised.

5- Lunges:

Lunges are another great lower body working using bodyweight. The muscles that benefit most are the quads and glutes. As with squats, you may use a chair or wall for balance if necessary. When you bend at the knee, don’t go further than a 90 degree angle to reduce the risk of injury. Lunges can be performed forward, backward, or to the side.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

How to get perfect Legs for this Summer.

If you have long legs, then you’re already a lucky person. To keep them attractive and strong, you have to train them by doing exercises for perfect legs.

These exercises for perfect legs must be performed dynamically and regularly.

*Thin thighs:

1. Start the exercise in orthostatic position with legs shoulder-width apart and arms on waist.
2. Then flex one leg in front to the trunk, forming a 90-degree angle between leg and thigh, and then extend up laterally the lifted leg, feeling the lateral thigh muscles. Repeat 20 times the movement with one leg and then change it and repeat the movement again.
This exercise trains inner and side thigh, as well as the buttocks muscles.

* Strengthen the inner thigh!

1. Start the exercise in squat position with knees to the side and legs apart.
2. From this position, move them down rising on your fingertips, and then return to starting position, holding the squat position. Repeat the movement 30 times.
This exercise trains very well internal thigh muscles.

* Well-shaped buttocks:

1. Start the exercise in the standing position with hands on the ground and one leg extended parallel to the floor.
2. Then flex your leg at the knee, bringing the heel closer to the buttock. Return to starting position, and then extend the leg as high as possible. Repeat the movement 30 times, and then change the leg and repeat the exercise.
The exercise involves the buttocks and back thigh muscles.

*Thighs without “fins”

1. Start the exercise in the standing position with hands on the ground and one leg extended sideways.

2. From this position by flexing the leg, bring it to shoulder and then extend it laterally, returning to the original position. Repeat the movement 40 times and then change leg and repeat the exercise again.
This exercise is very efficient in training lateral thigh and buttocks.

* Enviable thighs :

1. Start the exercise in the standing position with hands on the ground and one leg extended parallel to the floor.
2. From this position get the extended leg to the trunk, reaching lateral position and then return to starting position. Repeat the movement 20 times, and then change the leg and repeat the exercise.
This exercise involves back and lateral thigh muscle.

This set of exercises for perfect legs proposed by Natalia Criganuta – Unica Sport instructor, will tone thighs and buttocks muscles.

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6 Amazing Tips To Beat Depression (everything you need to know).

To be depressed, is not necessarily a mental disorder. There is a form of “every day” depression, which can be a normal symptom, and a form which is called “clinical depression”, which is much more serious and requires getting professional help. The difference between those two forms is the duration and the severity of the negative feelings.

To a person with more serious problems, a happy event is not able to change the sad feelings or lift their spirit. Also, when depressed, the person often feels worse at the morning than at the evening, in contrary to a person who is just in a bad mood, who feels better after a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are things one can do in order to change their negative state of mind.

1 – Get to Know Yourself:

Try to study your feelings and your thoughts by writing them down into a journal and taking notice of what is happening, what makes you feel better and what makes you feel worse. That way, you can deal with what is bad for you or avoid the people or things that make you feel that way. Take the time to think about what you like about yourself, what you did good during the day and what you will make good tomorrow.

2 – Choose Your Words Wisely:

If you use words like “must”, “should”, “never”, “bad”, “I have to”, those words will make you feel stressed, anxious and put you down if you don’t succeed in living up to them. Replace those words with more positive and open-ended words like “maybe”, “I might”, “it is better to”, “I want to”.

3 – Talk to Others:

Don’t keep your feelings to yourself. As soon as somebody hurts you, tell the person who is responsible for that. To surround yourself with trustworthy, supportive and loving people is a huge help in fighting the negative feelings.

4-Know That It’s OK to Be Sad Sometimes:

Don’t judge yourself for feeling what you feel. Sometimes, being sad and even depressed is something we have to go through in order to process events and eventually to learn to appreciate the happy moments in our lives.

5 – Do What is Good For You:

Whenever some negative feeling seems to get over you, try to do whatever makes you feel better. Try a loved hobby or listening to music that uplifts you. Watch your favorite movies, take a walk or drive the car along a beautiful route. Also, even a mild exercise can help keeping those negative thought out of your head. Take the stairs and not the elevator or park your car further away so you get a chance to walk a little. Get out in the sun and seek out a little green surroundings, like a lake or a park. Try to have those activities in your daily or at least weekly routine. It can be difficult to overcome the urge to stay all day inside and isolated, so be patient and give yourself the necessary time.

6 – Set Small & Realistic Goals:

Take little steps and try to achieve simple goals each day. It is better to say that you will take a little walk around the block tomorrow, than to say every day that you will begin next week going to the gym.

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Build Muscle.

Whether you want workout tips or you're just looking for a little motivation, there's no doubt that Instagram is great spot for fitness lovers. It's full of yogis, trainers, and people who just want to document their fitness journeys. But with the many hashtags and 'grammers out there, we know it can be hard to find the best of the best.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " tornn2shredzz "

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5 Mistakes Might be Stopping You From Building More Muscle.

So many people head to the gym day after day, week after week, spending countless hours on the weight floor and cardio equipment, doing everything right from a commitment perspective, but still find they just cannot put on the amount of muscle they would be satisfied with.

One problem, is that they read muscle magazines and blogs and see images of bodybuilders and believe thats achievable. Unfortunately, unless you're doing this professionally like that are, and can spend half your day in the gym, you're just not going to get there. Another issue is steroid use. A lot of professional bodybuilders use them to build muscle, without disclosing it, making the everyday guy like you and me question why we can't get as big as they are. Well, with those two things aside, here are 5 reasons, or mistakes you might be making, thats stopping you from building more muscle:

1- You're Not Eating  Enough:

No matter what your body type is, if you are not eating enough calories each day, your body wont allocate enough calories to building muscle. People who are hard gainers and naturally thin and lean may find this difficult but its the only way you will pack on the muscle.

2- You're Not Doing Compound Exercises:

Spending your time on the machines when you hit the weight floor? That might be your problem. While machines are great for isolating individual muscles, they should form the lesser part of your routine and you should instead focus on compound exercises which force your body to use many muscles at ones. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull ups and dips. They will not only help you build muscle, but burn fat.

3- You're Skipping Legs:

Squats are the most important exercise in the gym. If you're not squatting, you're not going to put on as much muscle as you potentially could. Squatting and doing other leg exercises not only build leg muscle, but they build core and upper body muscle too. Squatting gives your whole body more strength and mass.

4- You're Doing Too Much Cardio:

Obsessed with being really lean with no fat? Thats fine but don't expect to put on much muscle. Doing too much cardio eats into those precious calories your body should be using to burn fat. Cut down on your cardio, do light cardio, or do quick (20 mins) interval training to burn fat. Long bouts of cardio are great and keep you and your body healthy, but if you want to build muscle its no productive.

5- You Stick To The Same Routine:

Have you been doing the same routine week in week out? Your body has probably adapted to your exercise routine and is not being challenged, so therefore not packing on any new muscle. Mix things up week after week. Try new machines, new exercises, go heavier one week, play around with how many reps you do, take a week off from the gym (yes its good to do that every now and then too).

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

How To Get Ripped Six Pack Abs For Summer.

There is still a lot of confusion regarding the training of the abdominal muscles and especially few have clear ideas. Of course! Each of us is done differently and what works for me is not necessarily good for you and vice versa, then do not listen to anyone who tells you "I know how you must train your abs!", Because who says so is the first not to have understood anything.

What I urge you to do is to try on your skin the different exercises and choose 3 or 4 you hear your most or those that you like the most and run with the correct technique can (which you can read below).

Among the many debates, one concerns the choice of the optimal number of repetitions. It is better to train these muscles with weights and more reps or lighter with greater loads and fewer repetitions?

Here too, the answer is "it depends on how your body reacts." If you are not trained will not recommend to start with overweight and few repetitions, if you train then a session with overweight you do it and always doing utmost attention to technique.

Any exercise you want to do to run it properly are important suggestions that are valid for all exercises that tone your abs:

1- Before starting the exercise exhale (throw out) all the air you have in the lungs

2-Run the exercise, contracting your abdominal muscles, in apnea until you're back to the starting position

3- Inspira (throws in air), exhale and start exercising

4- Make sure that your pelvis is always in retroversion, ie forward and the lumbar curve and not in lordosis

5- Your concentration must necessarily be focused on abdominal contraction

6- Stop 2/2 the point of maximum contraction all times

7- Count to three outward, that is, after you've exhaled when you start exercising and count to 2 at maximum contraction and count to 6 to return.

As for the kind of exercises do you list a few, the ones I like the most, know that there are countless others that you know looking on the internet.

- Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Reverse Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Crunch oblique to the ground or on fitball

- Total abdominal (+ crunch reverse crunch)

- Crunch free alternate (for oblique crunch + Crunc for reverse oblique)

Finally: Don't ask me "how soon will begin to look at my turtle?" Because they do not know you first, second is not toning the abs that these magically jump out. Rather ask yourself how much fat you have in front of your abs and to eliminate this fat is not the best thing to do exercises for abs, lose weight but taking care of your power your daily movement and your mind.

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