
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fitness: How to Make Your Breasts Bigger & Perkier .

If a recent study is to be believed, padded push-up bras are actually hurting our quest for gravity-defyingKate Upton breasts. Would we be crazy to attempt a little boob-boosting exercise?

"Many women ask me how they can make their breasts more perky and prevent future sagging," says certified personal trainer and Morph & Thro fitness model Lauren Pappas. "I suggest doing a series of chest, shoulders, back and core exercises 3 to 5 times a week."

Try 15-20 reps and two to three sets of the following moves:

 1- Pectoral Flys :

Grasping two dumbbells, lie on your back on the floor or bench. Bring your arms straight to your sides. Lift dumbbells above your chest, internally rotating shoulders, with elbows pointing out to sides.

Lower dumbbells to your sides until you feel chest muscles are stretched with elbows in a slightly bent position and repeat.

2- Chest Press :

Lie with your back to the floor or bench, clutch dumbbells and position your hands to the sides of your chest with bent arms.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to side until your arms are extended over your chest.

Lower weighst to sides of upper chest and repeat.

3- Push-Ups :

Lie facing the floor with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Keeping your core tight and your body straight, raise your body slightly off the floor by extending your arms.

Lower your body to the floor by bending arms and repeat. (You know the drill.)

4- Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise :

Grasp dumbbells in front of your thighs, keeping elbows and hips slightly bent.

Raise upper arms to your sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower slowly and repeat.

5- Ab Plank :

Get into a push up position on the floor, rest your weight on your forearms, bending them at 90 degrees beneath your shoulders, keeping your body tight and in a straight line. Hold it for one minute and repeat.

Bonus Tip: The simplest way to keep your boobs high and mighty is to hold your head up high. "Improving your posture will help you achieve a more lifted look," suggests Pappas. Looks like your mom was onto something about standing up straight!

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How to boost your energy naturally and feel your best ever

We’d all like more energy to get through the day or improve our workout results. After all, falling asleep at your desk is a good way to get on your boss’s bad side. Luckily, there are some proven ways to boost your energy naturally and feel your best ever. Try these simple tweaks to your daily routine and you’ll definitely notice a difference:

1. Get more sleep.

Do you really need to stay up until 2 a.m. watching talk shows? Turn off the tube and hit the sack earlier, even if it’s only 30 minutes earlier.

2. Time your meals better.

Getting certain nutrients at different times of the day can boost your energy when you need it most, whether it’s right before a workout or a big company presentation.

3. Drink green tea.

Instead of your morning cup of Joe, have some tea instead. The natural ingredients in green tea serve as a thermogenic and kick-starts your metabolism. While coffee also contains caffeine, it lacks green tea’s antioxidant content, which can help reduce the appearance of aging signs.

4. Supplement your diet.

 Sometimes, exhaustion can be a sign that you’re not getting enough nutrients from your diet. A men’s multivitamin, an omega-3 fish oil supplement and a men’s thermogenic formula are just a few of the men’s nutritional supplements that can help perk you up.

5. Lose weight.

 Extra pounds can slow you down – literally. By eating right and exercising regularly, you’ll shed fat and feel a lot lighter.

6. Manage stress.

 Easier said than done, huh? Do some yoga, go out with your friends, take a vacation or just chill out. Getting stress under control not only boosts your energy levels, but also reduces the risk of acne breakouts and other skin issues.

7. Stay hydrated.

Make sure you’re drinking enough liquids.

8. Eat complex carbs.

The complex carbs found in whole grains and legumes provide your body with steady supply of energy. Processed foods and soft drinks, on the other hand, contain simple carbs that provide a quick boost but may not last as long.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Get Motivited: Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Be in Shape.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.



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Fitness: How to Control Your Food Portions.

If there’s one thing you can do to push your weight and health in the right direction, it’s controlling the amount of food you eat. Portion control is still a huge problem for many of us, especially those of us who eat restaurant food on a regular basis.

If you’re worried that smaller portions will leave you unsatisfied, have no fear: a well-portioned diet should actually leave you feeling more energetic and truly satisfy your hunger.

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Control Your Food Portions:

1- Eat at home more often :

Although there are more restaurants offering health-minded options these days, the best way to ensure that you are sticking to proper portion sizes is to make and serve it yourself. When you do eat out, consider splitting your food with a friend or eating half and taking the leftovers home to eat for another meal.

2- Eat a varied diet:

Instead of eating a lot of two items for dinner, eat smaller portions of different foods. Ideally, each meal should provide a variety of foods from all of the food groups. Start by trying to at least include one lean protein, one whole grain, a fruit and a vegetable in each meal.

3- Buy a portion control tool :

For a little added help, there is a handy-dandy, reasonably priced portion control tool that makes controlling your portions a snap. The Meal Measure 1 Portion Control Tool (about $10 on Amazon) sits on top of your plates and has labeled compartments for your vegetable, fruit, starch and protein

4- Stick out your hand :

Another kind of portion control tool you already have “at hand.” An average adult-sized fist is comparable to about 1 cup of food and is a great guide for portioning out beverages, cereals, casseroles, soups, fresh fruit and salads. The amount of food that would fill a cupped hand equals about ½ cup, and is good for knowing the right sized portion for oatmeal, pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, cooked veggies, and desserts. Your palm (which measures out about 3 ounces) is the best reference for knowing how much meat you should have per meal. And your thumb is about the size of a tablespoon, which is the right amount for salad dressings, peanut butter, sour cream and cream cheese.

5- Divvy it out ahead of time :

If you’re a person who eats on the go often or likes to graze throughout the day, having foods pre-portioned may work best for you. Buy the snack-size (NOT sandwich-size) plastic baggies and measure out the right portions. Some examples of what to measure out include 1/3 cup of nuts, ¼ cup of dried fruit, ½ cup raw veggies, or 1.5 ounces of cheese.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fitness: Morning Habits That Can Wreck Your Day.

So many things can make for a less-than-ideal morning: like hitting a traffic jam in the middle of your commute or realizing you’ve forgotten an umbrella just as a downpour hits. Some things are out of your hands but other little morning habits could be starting you off on the wrong foot. Set yourself up for the best day possible by nixing these bad-for-you a.m. behaviors.

1- You Drink Coffee Too Early :

Is there really a bad time for coffee? Yup. Energy levels rise naturally when you first wake up, so drinking coffee then causes an extra energy surge that can leave you jittery.You’ll reap the most benefits from coffee if you save it for an hour after you’ve gotten out of bed. That’s when your energy levels begin to plummet, so coffee keeps them up well into the afternoon.

2- Your Breakfast is Too Small:

A handful of berries mixed into a container of Greek yogurt may sound like the perfect healthy breakfast, but it can set you up to binge in the afternoon. Not only is it just not enough food, but it’s also lacking in some nutrients that are key to ensuring you feel full until your next meal. A filling breakfast should consist of around 15 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fiber, complex carbs, and some healthy fat, says Davenport. A morning meal that contains all of those isn’t going to clock in at less than 450 calories it’s just impossible so you’ll want to make sure your breakfast’s at least that big. On the go? You can make thesehealthy breakfasts in just five minutes.

3-You Check Your E-mail First Thing :

This is one nasty habit you should break ASAP. Checking your inbox the moment you open your eyes in the morning can set you up for stress all day long.Instead of worrying about work first thing, focus on starting your morning with an activity that calms you exercising, sipping a cup of tea, or talking to a roommate. This will actually help boost your productivity and get your creative juices flowing which will pay off at work way more than checking that e-mail from your boss would.

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How to train your abdominal muscles? ( everything you need to know).

There is still a lot of confusion regarding the training of the abdominal muscles and especially few have clear ideas. Of course! Each of us is done differently and what works for me is not necessarily good for you and vice versa, then do not listen to anyone who tells you "I know how you must train your abs!", Because who says so is the first not to have understood anything.

What I urge you to do is to try on your skin the different exercises and choose 3 or 4 you hear your most or those that you like the most and run with the correct technique can (which you can read below).

Among the many debates, one concerns the choice of the optimal number of repetitions. It is better to train these muscles with weights and more reps or lighter with greater loads and fewer repetitions?

Here too, the answer is "it depends on how your body reacts." If you are not trained will not recommend to start with overweight and few repetitions, if you train then a session with overweight you do it and always doing utmost attention to technique.

In conclusion, of course, neither method is inherently better than the other because both methods are based on principles physiologically correct. It may be right to alternate phases of work with a high number of repetitions (15-25 reps) to work stages at low reps but with heavier weights (6-10 reps) bearing in mind that the purpose is not to use the maximum weight but make sure that the lighter weight seems the heaviest possible contracting at maximum and maintaining the contraction during each single repetition. However, if you use the abdominal toning to prevent low back pain, you should not use overweights to train your abs, because the first is easy to make mistakes in execution, according easy overstraining their lower back.

Any exercise you want to do to run it properly are important suggestions that are valid for all exercises that tone your abs:

Before starting the exercise exhale (throw out) all the air you have in the lungs

Run the exercise, contracting your abdominal muscles, in apnea until you're back to the starting position
Inspira (throws in air), exhale and start exercising
Make sure that your pelvis is always in retroversion, ie forward and the lumbar curve and not in lordosis
Your concentration must necessarily be focused on abdominal contraction
Stop 2/2 the point of maximum contraction all times
Count to three outward, that is, after you've exhaled when you start exercising and count to 2 at maximum contraction and count to 6 to return.
As for the kind of exercises do you list a few, the ones I like the most, know that there are countless others that you know looking on the internet.

- Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Reverse Crunch on the ground or on fitball

- Crunch oblique to the ground or on fitball

- Total abdominal (+ crunch reverse crunch)

- Crunch free alternate (for oblique crunch + Crunc for reverse oblique)

Finally: do not ask me "how soon will begin to look at my turtle?" Because they do not know you first, second is not toning the abs that these magically jump out. Rather ask yourself how much fat you have in front of your abs and to eliminate this fat is not the best thing to do exercises for abs, lose weight but taking care of your power your daily movement and your mind.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Fitness: How To keep Your Prostate Healthy .

Men’s health…it tends to be a topic that scares a lot of men, but we all know it is so utterly important. A general healthy lifestyle is of course key, but for men, prostate health is something they should really start to pay attention to around the age of 40. So I have compiled a list of important nutritional tips for the men in all of our lives. We want them healthy and hardy for years and years to come…hopefully some of these tips will ensure just that.

The following foods are helpful to keep your prostate healthy:

•Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower—they contain isothiocyanates, which are protective phytochemicals, while at the same time are high in antioxidants.

•Fish oil that is high in omega-3 fats seem to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

•Vitamin E is known to reduce prostate inflammation and may protect against cancer. This can be found  in nuts and seeds, wheat germ and whole grains.

•Whole grains offer fiber, selenium, vitamin E and phytochemicals, all of which play a role in the prevention of cancer.

•Increase your lycopene! This is in tomatoes, tomato products, red grapefruits and watermelons. This appears to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Cooking appears to release more of the lycopene in tomatoes; so tomato-based pasta sauces and soups may be especially beneficial. Lycopene is fat soluble so is better absorbed when eaten with a little fat.

•Selenium is another mineral that may offer protection. This antioxidant is found in nuts—especially Brazil nuts—seafood, some meats, fish, wheat bran, wheat germ, oats and brown rice.

•Soy products can help prevent prostate enlargement and may slow tumor growth. I always really caution people with soy though when buying them. So many of them are genetically modified and can therefore can cause numerous issues in other departments including your reproductive system.

•Cut back on red meat. It is high in saturated animal fats and has been linked to an increased incidence of prostate problems.

A few other great tips? Drink plenty of water and green tea every day. Take a Vitamin C supplement, a quality fish oil supplement, and a Vitamin B liquid supplement. Add the three wonder spices of garlic, turmeric and ginger to your daily diet.

I know when started any lifestyle change it can be overwhelming in the beginning. So start slowly. Pick a few things from the above tips list and work them into your life. I promise your body will thank you for it!

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