
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How Strength Training Make you Stronger and Raises the Metabolism.

Strength training is a key ingredient in a successful fitness plan. Whether your goal is to build mass or lean muscle tone, building muscle has several health benefits. Weight training not only helps make you stronger, it also raises the metabolism, helps burn fat, and increases bone density. Whether you use your own exercise equipment at home or work out at a gym, it’s easy to get started.

•Step 1

Think about the type of body you want to achieve. Whether your goal is to bulk up and build mass, or simply to build strength and muscle tone without adding size, your goal will determine the type of exercise program you take on, which will in turn determine the size, strength and endurance of your muscles. Also, keep in mind that genetics play a role in how much muscle you can build. Genetic factors that help to determine whether you’ll be able to build large muscles include testosterone output, body type and number and length of muscle fibers, according to ExtremeBodyFit.com

•Step 2

Decide which muscles you want to build and which exercises will target those areas. Determine your one repetition maximum, or 1RM, for each exercise. This is the maximum amount of weight with which you can complete a full repetition. To build muscle size, you’ll want to develop a workout program in which you lift between 67 and 85 percent of your 1RM. Do three to six sets of six to 12 reps, with 30 to 90 seconds of rest between each set. For muscle building, the goal is to overload your muscles for each set to the point where you can’t complete another rep while maintaining proper form, according to ShapeSense.com.

 •Step 3

Determine how often each week you are able to devote time to working out. ShapeSense.com recommends weight training two to four times per week, although different muscle groups can be broken up into different sessions, which can make it easier to fit workouts into your schedule. For example, you can focus on the upper body one day, and work on the leg and gluteus muscles the next. However you decide to segment your weightlifting routine, be sure to allow at least 48 hours of recovery time between sessions for each muscle group.


In order to see results your muscle-building workout routine must be supported by diet. Men will need to add about 250 extra calories to their daily intake; women should add about half that. Daily caloric intake should include about 1 g of protein per pound of bodyweight, and about 25 percent of your calories should come from healthy poly- and monounsaturated fats like those found in fish, nuts and olive oil. The remaining calories can be made up by complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, beans, rice and whole grains.

•Things You'll Need:

-Weightlifting bench
-Free weights
-Weight machine.

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Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

You want to get fit. But you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " Alex Lo".


Alex Lo

 📍Mexico City 🔊Resident DJ in @ArenaFestival and@Karmabeat 📩Contact alexlodj@me.com ⚫️Twitter@alexlodj ⚪️Fan Page www.facebook.com/Alex.Lo.Dj.Mexwww.soundcloud.com/alexlodj

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How To Get Fit and Healthy without Toiling in the Gym for Hours.

When it comes to How To Get Fit and healthy, we’ve cancelled enough gym memberships come to realise that for a long term solution, slogging it out in the gym just isn’t always the answer.

Here are our tips for whipping yourself into shape without toiling in the gym for hours on end…

÷ Arm Yourself With Apps:

Get an app like My Fitness Pal to give yourself an idea of how many calories you plough through on average a day. There’s no point in cheating and missing off that cheeky post work pint, be as honest as you can with amounts or you won’t get a good idea of where you can make small cuts. This sort of app is great too as you can add in your activity to give yourself more calorie allowance. You might become a bit keener on walking the dog, shopping with the missus or hoovering the house when you realise the extra pizza allowance the activity will buy you! You need to burn 500 extra cals per day than you eat to loose a pound a week. It’s a long process, but if you stick to your guns you’ll get the results you’re after.

Get a workout app too, something like 100 push ups, Full Fitness or the Nike+ app. The Nike + app is great as if you sign up with your mates, the competitive element might give you that added drive to run that bit further and faster! Running isn’t for everyone though, there are loads of strength training apps which will show you great arm, ab and leg workouts you can do at home. Pick something that takes less than 30 mins to complete and work it into your daily routine, for example the minute you get in from work, before dinner or first thing in the morning before you shower.

÷ Improve Your Eating:

We love a takeaway as much as anyone, but even we have to admit they make us feel sluggish and lacking in energy. Get yourself down to the supermarket and do a clean shop. Loads of veggies, good carbs (wholwheat pasta, brown rice etc) and lean meats and fish. If you can’t get by without crisps and chocolate then go for baked crisps and dark chocolate. If you’re already doing a bit of exercise and you stick to the healthier eating for a few days you’ll be surprised at how much more energy you have than when you were sat on the sofa with your takeout! We all fall off the wagon every now and then. Don’t give-up, just enjoy your cheat day and then get back on it the next morning.

÷ Stick To Your Guns (pun intended)

You start with the best intentions, but by the first Saturday you’ve already had a few pints, a kebab and half a pack of biscuits. Every time you feel your motivation waning, give yourself a bit of a kick up the butt. Find something that really works for boosting your morale, whether it’s watching the stairs scene from Rocky, or motivational ads.

Sometimes what you need is a bit of healthy competition so instead of hitting the pub with your mates then go for a kick about, or a run. Maybe going along to a pay as you go exercise class is what you need to get you back on track? Find out what works for you and stick to it when you feel yourself losing interest. We usually find that it’s much easier to get your health kick back underway by exercising rather than trying to diet.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to Determine What Exercise is best for you.

One of the best ways to boost your chances of success with an exercise program is to choose an activity that fits your lifestyle. Lifestyle considerations include your schedule, budget and even where you live. Here are some things to consider when deciding what exercise is best for your lifestyle.

1- Health Concerns:

Your health can have a significant impact on lifestyle and exercise choices. For example, if you have asthma you may want to limit outdoor exercise on unsafe air quality days. Instead, choose indoor activities such as aerobics or the elliptical machine. Likewise if you have joint or heart issues you may want to sign up for yoga or tai chi instead of marathon training. If you have health concerns, or are over 40 and new to exercise, talk with your healthcare provider before getting started. Together you can decide on an exercise plan that offers the most benefit without putting you at increased risk for health problems.

2- Personality Type:

Some people use exercise as a time to sort things out. They may look forward to workouts as personal time to boost creativity or blast through anxiety. If that sounds like you consider activities you can enjoy alone like running, swimming, skating or cycling. Other people may think of exercise as a social outlet. If you are one of them go for an activity you can enjoy with a buddy or even a group. Ideas include rowing, team sports like softball and dance or exercise classes.


There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Perhaps you have offered your busy schedule as the reason you rarely exercise. News flash – being busy doesn’t mean you can’t exercise, it just means you have to plan well. Take a look at your schedule and plan exercise that can be broken down into ten minute increments. For example, you may have a session of jump rope or jumping jacks along with some squats and planks for a few minutes before your morning shower. Then you can work in a ten minute power walk at lunch and finally a yoga routine before bedtime. As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

4- Work setting:

Maybe you work in a very casual setting. If you do it may be easy to bike to work because you won’t have to worry too much about mussing your hair or suit. If you do work in a formal setting, take advantage of the company or local gym after work. If your budget doesn’t have room for a gym membership start a walking group among your neighbors or coworkers.

5- Neighborhood:

If your neighborhood has few sidewalks or feels unsafe, consider an Internet or DVD workout that you can do in the safety and comfort of your home. This is also a great option if you are a parent and have trouble finding childcare to exercise.

 No matter your lifestyle, weight or fitness level there is an exercise regimen that can be tailored to your needs. Do some investigating, experiment and get started. You’ll be glad you did.

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How To Design a Fitness Program That Works For You

Fitness is crucial to people staying in shape and maintaining balance in their lives. However, it can be difficult to find the right information you need about fitness due to the vast amount of articles that are out there that claim they know it all, but usually, they do not. Read this article to learn more about fitness, establish your own goals and design a program that works for you.

1-Pick One exercise That You Will Enjoy Every  Day :

To hep yourself stay with an exercise routine, pick one that you will enjoy every day. If you choose something you enjoy, you’ll be excited to work out.
You can remain dedicated to your fitness program by setting goals for yourself. This encourages you to stay focused on defeating obstacles rather than becoming overwhelmed by their difficulty. Having a goal discourages thoughts of quitting and will keep you motivated to continue on with your fitness program.

2- Target Your Problem Areas:

The best fitness routines target your problem areas and allow you plenty of flexibility. Try to find classes that are held near your location.
When you have decided to commit to a fitness routine, do not just do what you think is normal. Many different activities are available to participate in that will give you an excellent workout without stepping foot in a gym.

3- Participating in Physical Activities:

Participating in physical activities that you enjoy will help to keep you motivated to reach your fitness goals.
Depending on your ultimate goal, the frequency of your strength training will vary. If larger, more powerful muscles are desired, you need to strength train less frequently. If you prefer more leaner muscles, do more strength training.

It is recommended you work on contact skills for playing volleyball. Playing foosball can help you to to improve your contact skills. Foosball is a sport that requires special hand-eye coordination to succeed. You can become better at volleyball through football.

4- Building Tougher Abdominal Muscles:

 Is a great way to maximize the efforts you are making to obtain better fitness. You can achieve this by doing morning sit-ups with weights or not. Abs are in the center of you and will give you the ability to flex, this can make you successful at weights.

When you’ve been injured, start exercising as soon as possible. Of course, be easy on the muscles you’ve injured. You can help to heal injured muscles by doing less intense exercises, as long as you do not do it too intensely. If you do stretches that focus on your injury, it will focus circulation there.

5- Exercise With Friends:

Join up with your friends to exercise if you find that you are having a hard time sticking to your exercise plan. By having a friend to exercise with, you will stay motivated. When you exercise with someone else, you get support and a little competition. You are going to push harder, and that is going to help you reach the goals you have.

When you first get in shape, it can be easy to over do it. If you are out of shape and have not done any exercise for a while, you need to start slow or you can injure yourself. If your body and muscles are not accustomed to this level of activity, you are more susceptible to injury.

No matter how important it is; there will always be people who aren’t willing to learn about proper fitness. These people may not want to learn or they may just be lacking the right methods. The article you just read is designed to impart the basic information you require to design a robust fitness program that you can use to achieve your fitness goals.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

6 Reasons Why Drinking Beer is Good for Your Health .

We all like to go out every Friday and during the weekends and drink a couple of beers to cool off and enjoy time with our friends. However, while doing so; many people don’t know how many healthy benefits they are getting from the beverage that they enjoy drinking so much. We have decided to show you how good it is to drink a few beers weekly. So, the next time you order this drink in a bar, remember that there are serious health benefits you gain from it.

1 – Beer is a Great Vitamin Mix:

Many people tend to think that beer is just a beverage people use to cool off or get wasted. However, what you should know is that this drink is actually quite a great vitamin mix, as it contains high amounts of Vitamin B and Vitamin C. It is also known to contain significant amounts of magnesium, potassium, biotin, and selenium.

2 – Beer is Good for your Heart:

A great number of scientific studies have shown that moderate consumption of a few alcoholic beverages (including beer) can reduce the risk of a heart disease. Numbers show that people who moderately consume beer have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of a heart disease than people who don’t consume beer at all.

3 – Beer Can Prevent Kidney Stones:

Just think about what usually happens when you drink a beer; you feel the urge to pee. So, it is clear that this drink has the ability to be a diuretic, as it washes away the matter that constructs kidney stones. Studies have shown that people who drink moderate amounts of this beverage reduce the risk of developing a kidney stone by 41 percent.

4 – Beer Prevents Strokes:

Besides it being good for the heart, know that by moderately drinking beer you can help prevent the formation of blood clots in your system. Blood clots are known to block arteries in several places around your body, including the heart and the brain; and when these arteries are blocked, the consequence is a stroke.

5 – Beer is Good for your Bones:

A pretty sure way to constantly strengthen your bones is to moderately drink beer. This is because of this beverage’s high content of the silicon nutrient. So practically, every glass of beer is a boost in bone density.  Keep in mind that ales have more of the silicon nutrient than lagers do. Also, beers that have a lot of malt have high levels of silicon.

6- Avoid Diabetes by Drinking Beer:

This is also one of the primary reasons why you should moderately consume beer. The reason why you can avoid diabetes by drinking this beverage is quite simple; beer is proven to effectively lower the blood sugar levels in the people who drink it. Studies have shown that people who consume this drink reduce the chance to develop diabetes by 25 percent.

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Fitness: The Ultimate Beginner's Body Sculpting Guide.

Body sculpting, also called weight training, resistance training or strength training, is a form of exercise which uses external weight or resistance or your own body weight to stress the muscles. The end result is newly toned or sculpted muscles. Body sculpting can help you get in shape, tone the body and lose weight. The basics of body sculpting are simple, even for beginners and it doesn't require a lot of equipment. Doing a body sculpting routine can yield many benefits for men and women--an increase in lean muscle mass, increased strength and stronger bones and joints. Increased muscle mass increases metabolism, resulting in more calories burned in everything you do.

•Before Starting:

If you've never done any sort of exercise program before, you're a beginner. Be sure to get the green light from your doctor before you start. If you've been injured or had surgery, you can be considered a beginner because of loss of strength or range of motion and have to modify or simplify your workout to a beginner's level. The same goes for post-natal women. And if you've been a cardio junkie and never included body sculpting into your routine, you are a beginner as well.


You don't need much equipment when you start body sculpting. First, you'll need a set of hand weights or resistance bands in a weight heavy enough to challenge you. If you don't have either, use cans from your kitchen cupboard or filled gallon jugs. You'll also need a mat or a carpeted area, if you're working out at home, and a mirror to watch your form. Beginners can also benefit from using an exercise ball or physio ball. Make sure you select one that is right for your height to prevent injury and incorrect form. You can also use exercise videos.


You can do body sculpting at home, at the gym or outdoors by using park benches, your front steps or the curb in your driveway. Doing a body sculpting routine at a fitness center gives you access to machines designed for beginners, which can be safer than free weights--and personal trainers, if you need some tips.


A beginner's program targets all the major muscles of the body in either single joint (bicep curl) or multiple joint exercises (squats, push-ups). Do one or two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions (reps).

When you do squats, sit back so your knees don't go past your toes. You can also place an exercise ball between the small of your back and a wall do wall squats while holding hand weights.

When you do lunges or split squats, step forward with one foot and lower your body by bending both knees, forming 90-degree angles. The motion should be up and down, not back to front.

To do a bridge, lie on your back, push up through your heels raising your hips and squeezing your butt. Be sure to engage your abs.

To do a good push-up, place your hands under your shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and keep your abs tight. If necessary, do the push-ups on your knees or against a wall.

Do lateral shoulder raises by keeping a slight bend in your elbow as you lift your arms out to side. Don't hunch your shoulders.

When you do bicep curls or tricep extensions, don't swing your arms. You're cheating if you rely solely on momentum to lift the weight, use a lighter weight if necessary.

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