
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How To Get Strong Biceps Without Using Protein Shakes.

You can get ripped biceps without protein shakes by following the right training regimen and nutrition plan.

Having a pair of well-defined biceps can complement your short-sleeve shirts and tank tops. Increasing muscular definition in your biceps involves developing your bicep muscles through strength training, while decreasing your body-fat percentage to give your arms a leaner appearance. Getting enough protein is an important part of gaining muscle mass, but protein supplements such as shakes are not necessary for building muscle. Including targeted-biceps exercises in your workout routine, while modifying your diet, can help you get ripped biceps without the use of protein shakes.

•Step 1

Perform arm-focused strength-training workouts two times per week to build muscle. Include exercises to activate your biceps and triceps. Perform exercises such as dumbbell curls, barbell curls and concentration curls for biceps. For triceps, do barbell presses, triceps overhead presses and body-weight dips. Execute each exercise for four sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. Lift with moderately heavy resistance to encourage muscle development; you shouldn’t be able to perform more than 12 repetitions.

•Step 2

Engage in cardiovascular intervals four days per week to help burn off fat deposits that rest on top of your muscles. Walk on the treadmill for two minutes, then sprint for one minute, repeating this cycle for 30 minutes. Perform cardio intervals on the elliptical machine, treadmill or stationary bike to add variety.

• Step 3

Make adjustments to your diet to help improve your results. Follow a diet that consists of whole foods in their natural form, such as whole grains, low-fat cheeses, eggs, vegetables, lean meats, skinless poultry, nuts, fruits and seeds. Avoid manipulated or refined foods such as boxed meals, pre-seasoned foods, deli meats, white breads and potato chips.

•Step 4

Modify your protein intake to encourage muscle development. Include a variety of natural protein sources in your diet, such as lean cuts of steak, skinless chicken breasts, ground turkey, tuna, whitefish, salmon, nuts and legumes. Try to get 0.73 to 0.82 grams of protein per pound of your body weight per day, suggests the College of the Canyons.

Step 5
Measure your protein sources using a food scale to make sure you are getting enough protein at each meal.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fitness: How to Get Rid Of Man Breasts Through Exercise.

As a man you may want to have lean, sculpted muscles that let you rip off your shirt without any hesitation. When you start to gain excess body fat you might find that it shows up in your chest and gives you man breasts. Through exercise you can reduce your body fat levels, increase your lean muscle mass and build a sculpted chest. Use daily cardio exercise combined with two to three strength training sessions per week to see results.

1- Cardio for Fat Loss:

Cardio exercise is the foundation for any weight-loss program. You can't target fat loss from your chest, but you can use cardio to burn calories and reduce all of your body fat. Use high-intensity cardio exercises to get the most out of your workouts. At high intensity your body burns more calories and loses more body fat than when you exercise at a low- to moderate-intensity level. Alternate between a few types of cardio exercises to keep your workouts interesting and to avoid hitting a weight-loss plateau. The American Council on Exercise recommends mountain biking, water sports, martial arts, hiking and boxing as effective fat-burning exercises. Other effective cardio exercises include running, skiing, team sports  like basketball and football  and cycling.

 2- Dumbbell Fly:

The dumbbell fly can be performed on a weight bench or an exercise ball. The dumbbell fly targets your entire chest, along with your stomach muscles. Start on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your knees. Hold the weights directly over the center of your chest with your arms straight. Place a small bend in your elbows to avoid locking your arms. Slowly lower the weights to the sides of your body until your arms are even with your chest and parallel to the floor. Lift the weights back upward and repeat until you can no longer complete a full repetition. Use weights that are heavy enough to make six to eight repetitions challenging.

3- Inchworm Your Way to a Slimmer Chest:

Inchworms exercises use your body weight to strengthen your chest muscles. Start in a standing position with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Bend only at your waist, while keeping a slight crease in your knees, and touch the floor with your hands. Slowly walk your hands away from your body until your back is in a straight line. Once you are in this position, perform one full push-up. Walk your feet in toward your hands until your body creates an upside down “V.” Start the exercise over by walking your hands outward again and performing another push-up. Continue doing inchworms until your muscles fatigue.

4- Bench Press Exercise:

The bench press can be performed using a barbell with added weight plates or with two dumbbells. This exercise starts in the same position as the dumbbell fly, on your back on a flat surface. Face your palms away from your body and position your hands over your shoulders. Bend your arms and lower the weight until it almost touches your chest, then press back upward. Continue exercising until you reach muscle failure.

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How To Take Creatine ( the best time).

Regardless of the multitude of advice we can find on the internet on how to take creatine supplementation with this product could not be simpler.

Take 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day with your favorite drink or shake when you see fit. There, simple.

However , every now and then someone comes along wanting to complicate things or simply reinvent the wheel saying that you do not fully takes advantage of creatine taking it the way "common" and that it is necessary to do something preposterous to take full advantage of product, a very common example of this is the suggestion that it is best to take creatine with warm or hot water than normal / ice water.

The idea behind this design is that creatine dissolves best in warm / hot water maximizing absorption. Despite logic, to what extent should we care about this?

While there are no studies camparem uptake of the product using liquids at different temperatures, it is very unlikely that taking creatine with warm water improves the absorption of creatine, at least in a remarkable way.

There are two reasons for this ...

First, as long as you are using a quality creatine and is following the label directions to keep the product away from light and moisture, the powder will dissolve well in water anyway (regardless of temperature).

Second, the temperature of the stomach is around 37 degrees Celsius at a pH of 2. Since creatine arrives in the stomach, any amount which has not been dissolved in the water itself will be broken during digestion the body processes that occur at a higher temperature and significantly acidic.

Instead of worrying about such tiny details as the temperature of the water we drink creatine, we are simply to focus on consuming sacredly 3-5 grams of creatine per day quality and ready. There are things that may influence the results much more than this mere detail.

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Bodybuilding: 6 Easy Ways To Build Strength.

Building muscle and building strength go hand in hand. Many of the methods used to pack on muscle are also effective in building your overall strength. To become the strongest guy at the gym, follow these men’s nutrition and fitness tips that will build your strength and improve your fitness.

1. Grab some dumbbells:

 For building strength, few types of exercises can beat weightlifting. Hit the weights and/or machines to start building strength. When it comes to lifting weights, you want to aim for low repetitions and heavy weights. Use weights that you can only lift for 6-8 repetitions; more repetitions than that will help your muscular endurance rather than your muscular strength. If you want an extra boost during your workouts, consider a men’s creatine monohydrate supplementand a men’s muscle builder formula. A men’s creatine monohydrate supplement can help boost muscle strength so that you can lift heavier weights more easily while a men’s muscle builder will help you pack on muscle mass.

2. Eat enough protein:

Chances are you aren’t getting enough protein in your diet. Protein is critical to building muscle and strength, and there are many ways you can boost your protein intake if you aren’t already getting enough. Eating high-protein foods such as lean chicken breast, salmon, nuts and a men’s whey protein powder are just a few great protein sources you should consider.

3. Get more rest:

Spending hours at the gym in hopes of seeing results faster is a common men’s workout mistake. The truth of the matter is that overtraining won’t do anything except significantly increase your risk of injury, which can set back your progress by weeks or even months.  Space out your workouts by at least 24 hours and make sure you’re taking a men’s post-workout supplement. A men’s post-workout supplement can help shorten your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness after a workout.

4. Challenge yourself :

 If you’ve been doing the same fitness regimen for the past few months, it’s high time you switch things up. You’re never going to build strength if you continue following the same fitness plan day in and day out. In order to gain strength and see progress, you need to continuously challenge your body. Increase your weights in 5-pound increments every few weeks or change the order of your workouts; these are two simple changes that can help you break a fitness plateau and gain more strength. You may also want to consider a men’s CLA supplement and men’s anabolic supplement to maximize muscle gains as well.

5.  Stay positive :

If you’re just beginning a strength-training program, you’ll probably start seeing results rather quickly. As you continue to progress, however, strength gains slow down since your body begins to adapt more efficiently to the stresses of strength training. This slowdown can be discouraging, but rest assured that you’re still gaining strength – just not as fast. If you want to speed up your results, the right men’s sports nutritional supplements can give you that extra boost. A men’s pre-workout supplement, in particular, can help increase your energy, focus and alertness for better workout performance.

6. Cross train :

It’s easy to focus on the “glamour” muscles like your arms and abs. Don’t limit yourself, though. Do a variety of exercises to incorporate all the muscle groups. That way, you won’t end up with huge arms but skinny legs.

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Fitness: The Best Foods to Eat to Detox .

Detoxification can help to remove harmful chemicals from your system, and this is an important step in ensuring your optimal health. While there are many detox kits on the market, they are not one-size-fits-all. Each person has unique biological and chemical needs, so it is wise to consult with a health care professional before you embark on a serious detox regimen. However, there are some foods that can give you a daily mild detox. Here are 6 of the best detox foods to eat.

1 Organic Apples:

Apples provide many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and flavenoids. They contain pectin, a soluble fiber which can help to detox food additives and metals from your body. They also have phlorizin, a flavenoid that helps to stimulate bile production, therefore aiding your liver in removing toxins. Make sure your apples are organic, so that you don’t sabotage your efforts by ingesting pesticide residues.

2- Broccoli & Broccoli Sprouts:

Broccoli is a powerhouse food that contains many important phytochemicals. When you cook, chop, chew, and digest broccoli, it releases sulphorophanes called D-glucarate and indole-3-carbinol. These two substances are both known for their detoxification effects. Try adding broccoli sprouts to salads or sandwiches. The sprouts actually contain about 20 times as much sulfurophane as regular broccoli.

3 -Beets:

Beets are a wonderful source of vitamins, including vitamin C, B3, B6, and beta-carotene. They also contain essential minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. All of these are essential for promoting optimal elimination and detoxification. Beets also help to ensure a healthy liver and gall bladder, both of which aid in removing toxins from your body. Beets also have a beneficially high amount of fiber.

4 Lemons:

Lemons are a flavorful fruit that aids your body’s detoxification by releasing enzymes that help to convert toxins into a form that dissolves in water for easy removal from the body. If you drink a glass of lemon water each morning, it helps to form alkalines that balance out acidity from many of the other foods we eat. You can add a little flaxseed to your lemon water for even greater toxin removal benefits.

5- Turmeric:

The spice turmeric contains curcumin, a substance that gives it the familiar yellow colour. Curcumin is used in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to aid in treating digestive and liver disorders. This substance is also known to help in reducing inflammation throughout the body.

6- Garlic:

Garlic is a powerful substance, and it’s good to have some garlic every day as part of your regular detoxification plan. Garlic has antibiotic, antiseptic, and antiviral capabilities which help your body fight off disease and stay healthy. Removing these dangerous microbes from your body helps to reduce toxins. It also contains sulphuric compounds that act as an essential detoxifier.

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Loss Weight.

You want to loss weight and get fit but you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Meet Lisa G 19 years old and fitness model.


Lisa G

 ▫ 19 years old, 176cm 💖 ▫ FITNESS Model 🔸 Snapchat: lisadelpiero ↪ cooperation: lisadelpiero@mail.de Facebook:m.facebook.com/LisaG.Topmodel.2014/

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

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The Most Important Rules of Strength Training for Men Over 30.

The most important rules of strength training for men over thirty years its all about how to create a sporty and muscular figure after adolescence.

1- Forget Everything You Know About Fitness:

If you exercise more than a year, but the long-awaited news cubes and relief muscles and do not appear, you are probably doing something wrong. The first thing you should start - is radically update your knowledge regarding fitness and nutrition.

The second step should be an objective assessment of the positive and negative features of their own body. If you have always been powerful legs, but a weak upper part, it is necessary to reduce the running and redirect its efforts on the development of the pectoral and deltoid muscles.

2- Correct Posture:

The easiest way to make the body more sports is to correct posture. If the set of muscles need at least six months, the exercise posture will give visible results within a few weeks - people will start to emphasize that you look better.

Remember also that sports figure is impossible to create an exceptional collection of muscles. Kyphosis hide developed muscles of the shoulders and chest, and an incorrect statement of the pelvis due to flat feet make the stomach too convex, stretching abdominal muscles and giving the impression of "belly" .

3- Replace The Running To Walking:

Despite the generally positive effect on the body running, jogging wrong gives more minuses than pluses. In addition, by itself running is not so important for weight loss, as the right diet - running burns only 2 times more calories compared to walking.

To create a sports figure will be much more effective regular 40-50 minute walks with close attention to how you hold your body. The ideal option would be walking on a treadmill in front of the front and side mirrors.

4- Do Exercises With Body Weight:

With high probability, you'll perform the basic exercises like pull-ups and push-ups, wrong, not using those muscles that you want to use. In this case, the correct execution of bench press or the thrust of the upper block, you can also forget.

Consider a visit to the gym as training to improve posture and learning the mechanics of the key exercises performed with the body weight -  pull-ups , sit-ups , push-ups , crunches, and so on. Only then go to barbells and dumbbells.

5 - Change The Way Of Life

It would be naive to believe that the three-hour sessions per week can make you a different person. If the remaining 165 hours you will continue your normal life, you will look just like look. No matter how much you exercise is not made in the gym.

Think about how you sit at work - excessive bending forward bends the spine. Think about how you sleep - high theft provokes pain in the neck. Think about how you value your body, or use it only as a working tool.

6- Be Careful What You Eat:

Despite the fact that the diet has traditionally considered "female subject" men in reality they show a greater weight loss efficacy than girls. Besides, it is easier to abandon cola cans (150 kcal) than jogging for 15 minutes (150 kcal).

Remember, and that is a surplus of simple carbohydrates, not fat, is often a cause of weight gain. This is primarily due to the fact that the products containing mainly sugar calories, do not cause a feeling of fullness .

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