
Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Make Time for Exercise with a Busy Schedule.

As you already know, regular exercise is crucial to good health. Unfortunately, a lot of us guys can’t seem to find the time to work out; lack of time is probably the most common reason men don’t work out. Although this may seem like a valid excuse, the bottom line is that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and many people can still squeeze in exercise. Your goal shouldn’t be to find time – it should be to MAKE time.

 Here’s how you can make time to work out with busy schedule:

1-Schedule It:

Any time management guru can tell you that the things that get done are the things that get scheduled. To make sure your get your exercise in, schedule it. Just like any meeting you have for business, write down a time for exercise. Oh and as a bonus tip, if you schedule it first thing in the morning, the benefits are incredible. First, you’ll have it done and over with so you can get on with the rest of the day. Secondly, studies have shown exercising first thing in the morning boosts the metabolism for the rest of the day. Combined with a thermogenic supplement for men, an early workout can do wonders for your waistline. So set your alarm half an hour earlier than usual and get that workout in.

2-Work It :

Sometimes, carving out 30 minutes to an hour of an already jam packed schedule seems next to impossible. Nowhere is it written that exercise needs to be done in one fell swoop. Exercise is moving your body, so put moving your body into your daily routine. Park at the end of the parking lot and power walk your way to your office. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to your colleague’s office instead of sending an email or calling. All these may seem like tiny things but little things do add up over the long term. Read “How to Exercise at Work” for more calorie-burning tips.

3-Get a Partner:

Getting a partner may seem out of place in an article on how to make time for exercise but the addition is valid. By having a partner that you have scheduled time to exercise with, it gives you that extra impetus to make sure you take the time to exercise. By skipping a workout, you’re letting both you and your partner down; this could be just the motivation you need to exercise. Recruit a friend, family or even a personal trainer. “The Pros and Cons of a Personal Trainer” can help you decide if a trainer is right for your lifestyle.

4-Set a Goal:

Exercise for exercise’s sake may be fine for some but to get the extra push to make it to the gym, some need a goal. Whether the goal is competitive like running a 5K marathon or health related such as lowering blood pressure, having a goal can keep you focused and sticking to your exercise schedule. For a little extra push in reaching your goal, consider taking men’s workout supplements. Supplements like creatine and whey can help you speed up visible results and help you transform your body.

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Bodybuilding: How to Get The Arm Of Your Dreams.

The biceps tops the list of muscles with priority for most men. Is it flexes when you want to show your muscles. Go into any gym and you'll see men dumbbell rows in trying to build a monster biceps. However, the biceps is in the small muscles of the body group and believe me, it's not the greatest arm muscle. Your triceps makes up about two-thirds of the total upper arm muscle mass.

 1 - Keep pumping intensity:

If you want to stimulate muscle growth arm as part of your fitness routine is important that you increase the intensity of your exercise regularly. Go to gym focused on expanding its cargo to build bigger and stronger muscles instead of just lifting what you already know you can easily manage. You need to focus on the increased load or the number of repetitions you are doing in each workout, or at least decrease the amount of rest time between sets. The biceps workout should always be growing; you simply need to beat the record for weight / repetition / the last training session time out. This is the most successful formula.

2 - Do not forget the triceps:

While the biceps muscle is really the showpiece, do not forget that the triceps is almost 60% of your arm.

3 - Enter multi-jointed exercises:

On days when you're training chest, shoulders and back, be sure to use the most of multi-jointed exercises you can. This will work the biceps (back) and triceps (chest) as secondary engines. The multi-jointed exercises will help you build bigger arms and faster.

4 - Limit your workouts to not go into Over-Training:

Over-training, very carefully! Your arms, it bears repeating, are not in the group of the largest muscles in your body. They require a good recovery time. Many people tend to make a lot of arm exercises to put that shirt and let the sleeve almost tearing in the so stretched arm. Your biceps and triceps do not need more than a primary and secondary training a week.

5- Make time to stretch:

Yes, I know, in the rush lack training time for stretching. Perform this activity after training arms will help in recovery and there is ample evidence that stretching these muscles will also increase them.

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Fitness: Learning How to Get Ripped.

For most guys in the gym, figuring out how to get ripped is a priority. Some just want to be "big," but they make up a very small group of the population. Most men want more: They want to not only be big, but also be lean enough that all of their muscle definition is visible. After all, for most of you, part of the reason for going to the gym is to help you look better. Learning how to get ripped will certainly accomplish that.

But what does it take to get ripped? A proper diet? A specific exercise program? Or is there a supplement that holds the key to making the biggest difference? It takes time to get ripped.

Here are 9 rules 2 get ripped , check them out below:

•Rule #1: "I will eat protein with every meal and every snack"

•Rule #2: "I will never eat the world's worst breakfast... (none)"

•Rule #3: "I will eat before and after exercise"

•Rule #4: "I will eat it if it grows on a tree"

•Rule #5: "I will eat the salad even if it makes me feel girly"

•Rule #6: "I will not drink sugar water"

•Rule #7: "I will follow the rules of the ripped 80% of the time"

•Healthy Boy's Rule #8: "I will always workout legs, no matter what" Yes that's right folks legs are not to be forgotten in your weekly workouts, in fact working out your legs twice a week will get you even more shredded. Whether your bulking up or trimming down, leg workouts help you achieve your goals by burning more fat than any other muscle group.

•Healthy Boy's Rule #9: "I will always read the label". Whether it's your protein shake, protein bar, or packaged chicken at the supermarket, anything in a package no matter how healthy it can seem, can contain hidden sugar and fat, and artificial ingredients that have no place inside any healthy boy... or girl.

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How to Speed Up Metabolism & Melt More Fat In Less Time.

If you are trying to burn fat, without a doubt, the most efficient way to accelerate this process is by changing the metabolism. The faster and more active it is, the easier the fat loss process. With this in mind, check out the best ways to speed up metabolism and melt more fat in less time.

1 - Aerobic High Intensity Interval Make (HIIT):

Studies show that aerobic short duration and high intensity results in increased fat burning than standard aerobic made with low intensity and long duration. Research also shows that this type of aerobic saves more muscle mass than spend an hour on the treadmill at the pace of a turtle.

To increase metabolism and burn more fat, replace the aerobic mode by HIIT, doing sessions 20 to 30 minutes on the same days you did before. For those who do not know, HIIT works like this:
Start aerobic with 2-3 minutes of heating using low intensity.

And then run with all possible speed for 30-60 seconds (if you have never done before HIIT, do 30, but look strive to reach 60).

Now, lower the intensity to recover at the same time he was in high intensity. If you ran with it for 30 seconds, stay low intensity at the same time. At first you will have to recover any longer, but seek rest the correct time.

Repeat this procedure for low and high intensity for a total time of 20 to 30 minutes.

Finally make a "cool-down" 2-3 minutes on low intensity.
speed up metabolism

You can apply the type of aerobic HIIT you see fit. You can go to the street walking and running, cycling slowly and fast, using the treadmill, a stationary bicycle, elliptical, is up to you ...

2 - heavy Train:

Among the many benefits of heavy training, it also helps in burning fat.
A study published in Greece (6) found that men who trained heavyweight (using 80-85% of its maximum load in exercises) increased the speed of metabolism for up to three days in a row, burning hundreds of calories more than men who trained with lightweight.

With this in mind, bury the concept that to burn fat you need to train using pesinhos and many repetitions. To speed up the metabolism, train heavy with low reps and if you want a bonus, give emphasis on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench press, which are movements that burn more calories after the workout.

3 - Avoid Resting For Consecutive Days:

Stand by and do exercises followed by two days or more can decrease the metabolic rate.

Instead of training 5 consecutive days and rest on the weekend, try creating a gap during the week and train on Saturday. The division is irrelevant, the important thing is to avoid getting more than one day off.

4 - Separate Aerobic Training:

Rather than train hard for an hour and still do 30 minutes of aerobic soon then separate them. Train before work in the morning and evening make aerobic or vice versa.

This division in addition to "pumping" your metabolism twice during the day, keeping it constantly high, also preserve muscle mass.

5 - Eat Spicy Foods Red Pepper:

Spices such as red pepper and cayenne can discreetly increase your metabolic rate, thus helping in burning fat. Not to mention that pepper goes great with chicken, red meat and even vegetables, which makes it perfect to leave a little more enjoyable diet.

6 - Don't  Drink Calories:

Liquid calories are a disaster when you are trying to burn fat. They are very easy to consume even when we have no appetite, do not satisfy hunger, are often full of sugar and leave their high insulin (which can make you store more fat)

Instead of drinking juices, soft drinks, sweetened teas, etc .. keep up with the good old water, sweetened teas with Stevia, unsweetened coffee or other drinks with no calories.

Final words
If you are trying to burn fat and are having trouble, try to incorporate all the above tips into your routine. As long as your diet is correct, to speed up the metabolism, your body will have no choice but to melt more fat.

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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fitness: 6 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition.

There are a lot of things in a lot of health articles that are simply not true. Because of this, a lot of people are misinformed due to the fact that they read only the most shared or most popular nutrition articles and make changes in their lives according only to that one or two articles. To really figure out what you need to adjust when it comes to nutrition, you need to read a couple of articles on every subject that interests you. Due to a large number of articles out there, we can’t name all the things that are untrue in them, but we have gathered what we think are the 6 biggest most common lies of mainstream nutrition.

1 – High Fat Foods Will Make You Fat:

A lot of people think that foods that contain a lot of fat will make you fatter. Most people don’t even do the basic research, as they conclude themselves that these foods will make you fat. It is known that if you go on a diet which is high in carbs and fat, you will get fatter (but not because of the high fat foods). However, if you go on a diet that is high in fat, but low in carbs, you will actually experience more weight loss than by going on a diet which is low in fat.

2 – Carbs Should Be Your Biggest Source of Calories:

A lot of people suggest that if you want to live healthy, carbohydrates should be the biggest source of calories for you. But, like we mentioned on the previous page, diets that are high in carbs and low in fat may not be the wisest choice. This type of diet may not represent a problem to people who are skinny, but those who are obese should never try out this type of diet, as you will eat a lot of grains and sugars, which can be pretty dangerous for your health in the long run.

3 – Eat Many Small Meals Throughout the Day:

For some reason, this myth has been around for quite a lot of time and is constantly being said that by eating many meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high, but that is simply not true! The thing is, even though by eating you raise your metabolism a bit, the combined amount of food you eat throughout the day will determine your metabolism. You can’t manipulate it.  Apart from that, you should keep in mind that it is completely unnatural for the human body to be constantly fed.

4 – Low-Fat Foods are Good for You:

The truth is that the people who buy low-fat foods actually have no idea whatsoever regarding how food would taste if only the fat was removed from it. The answer is that it would taste awful, and you would never want to try it again. As all the food manufacturers know this fact, they add other unhealthy products in the food (such as artificial sweeteners) to make up for the lack of fat in it. So, by buying a low-fat product, you are buying food that is low in natural fats (which are healthy), and replaced by high amounts of fake and unhealthy sugars such as Acesulfame Kand Aspartame. Remember that too much sugar can cause diabetes, heart diseases, depression, and obesity!

5 – Whole Grains are Good for Everyone:

Let’s get one thing clear first – whole grains are not actually that good for you, they are just ‘less bad’ than refined grains. Whole grains don’t contain much nutrients compared to other healthy foods (e.g. vegetables). They can also be bad for you, as they contain something called phytic acid, which attracts essential minerals and prevents them from getting absorbed.

6 – Eating at Night is More Fattening:

To put it in layman’s terms, calories are calories. Many people believe they should never eat food at night because their metabolism slows down at that part of the day. However, those assumptions are completely wrong; your metabolism does slow down a bit, but it is because you slow down after an exhausting day. Eating a lot in the morning and going to sleep, or just watching TV afterwards is as fattening as eating a lot before you go to sleep at night, because you don’t burn off the calories.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The best supplement which give your body's strength and energy.

Refuel is an advanced recovery supplement for endurance athletes which contains protein in the form of PeptoPro® and the slow-release carbohydrate  PalatinoseTM to give your body's strength and energy.

Refuel combines the world’s best protein in the form of PeptoPro® with a low GI carbohydrate source in the form of PalatinoseTM. Refuel is formulated to accelerate recovery between intense and/or prolonged exercise bouts. The unique combination of PeptoPro® and PalatinoseTM provides the means to accelerate muscle recovery and replenish energy stores without causing large fluctuations in blood sugar normally associated with recovery products high in carbohydrate. Because PalatinoseTM provides a steady sustained release of glucose, it can help to promote fat burning when consumed following exercise, rather than blunt fat burning and increase glucose oxidation like most recovery products.


PalatinoseTM is one of the few carbohydrate sources that has been proven to result in a gradual and steady release of glucose over several hours. This helps to reduce high and low blood glucose concentration and the associated insulin spikes. Lower insulin means more fat burning during the process of recovery.


PeptoPro® is the only protein in the world with a guaranteed minimum 60% content of di- and tri-peptides. While many other protein hydrolysates claim to have di- and tri-peptides, very few actually specify their actual content. Di- and tri-peptides require virtually no digestion and are taken up quickly into muscle tissue to initiate repair and recovery. This serves to reduce the time needed for recovery. PeptoPro® has also been proven to help reduce muscle soreness post-exercise compared with conventional protein powders.

•Low Carbohydrate Diets

Refuel is an ideal recovery supplement for endurance athletes following low carbohydrate diet or train low-compete high regimes.

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Insanely Motivating Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Start Healthy Life.

Today our Motivating Fitness Girl On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " pamela_rf"

With around 1.9 million people now following her, 19 year old @Pamela_Rf is a real Instagram sensation. But her success story is not a coincidence. As you can tell from her daily uploads, the young fitness model has worked hard on her success to shape her body and her career path. In addition to endorsing products and providing valuable nutrition and workout tips, she is a true motivation for both, men and women.

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

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