There are a lot of things in a lot of health articles that are simply not true. Because of this, a lot of people are misinformed due to the fact that they read only the most shared or most popular nutrition articles and make changes in their lives according only to that one or two articles. To really figure out what you need to adjust when it comes to nutrition, you need to read a couple of articles on every subject that interests you. Due to a large number of articles out there, we can’t name all the things that are untrue in them, but we have gathered what we think are the 6 biggest most common lies of mainstream nutrition.
1 – High Fat Foods Will Make You Fat:
A lot of people think that foods that contain a lot of fat will make you fatter. Most people don’t even do the basic research, as they conclude themselves that these foods will make you fat. It is known that if you go on a diet which is high in carbs and fat, you will get fatter (but not because of the high fat foods). However, if you go on a diet that is high in fat, but low in carbs, you will actually experience more weight loss than by going on a diet which is low in fat.
2 – Carbs Should Be Your Biggest Source of Calories:
A lot of people suggest that if you want to live healthy, carbohydrates should be the biggest source of calories for you. But, like we mentioned on the previous page, diets that are high in carbs and low in fat may not be the wisest choice. This type of diet may not represent a problem to people who are skinny, but those who are obese should never try out this type of diet, as you will eat a lot of grains and sugars, which can be pretty dangerous for your health in the long run.
3 – Eat Many Small Meals Throughout the Day:
For some reason, this myth has been around for quite a lot of time and is constantly being said that by eating many meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high, but that is simply not true! The thing is, even though by eating you raise your metabolism a bit, the combined amount of food you eat throughout the day will determine your metabolism. You can’t manipulate it. Apart from that, you should keep in mind that it is completely unnatural for the human body to be constantly fed.
4 – Low-Fat Foods are Good for You:
The truth is that the people who buy low-fat foods actually have no idea whatsoever regarding how food would taste if only the fat was removed from it. The answer is that it would taste awful, and you would never want to try it again. As all the food manufacturers know this fact, they add other unhealthy products in the food (such as artificial sweeteners) to make up for the lack of fat in it. So, by buying a low-fat product, you are buying food that is low in natural fats (which are healthy), and replaced by high amounts of fake and unhealthy sugars such as Acesulfame Kand Aspartame. Remember that too much sugar can cause diabetes, heart diseases, depression, and obesity!
5 – Whole Grains are Good for Everyone:
Let’s get one thing clear first – whole grains are not actually that good for you, they are just ‘less bad’ than refined grains. Whole grains don’t contain much nutrients compared to other healthy foods (e.g. vegetables). They can also be bad for you, as they contain something called phytic acid, which attracts essential minerals and prevents them from getting absorbed.
6 – Eating at Night is More Fattening:
To put it in layman’s terms, calories are calories. Many people believe they should never eat food at night because their metabolism slows down at that part of the day. However, those assumptions are completely wrong; your metabolism does slow down a bit, but it is because you slow down after an exhausting day. Eating a lot in the morning and going to sleep, or just watching TV afterwards is as fattening as eating a lot before you go to sleep at night, because you don’t burn off the calories.
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