
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Fitness Top 3 Tips For The Perfect Warm-Up:

Add to Flipboard Magazine. If you said the warm-up, you win! Without a proper warm-up, there are many risks associated with working out, including but not limited to injury, less-than-optimal performance, or slowed progress (aka plateauing).

There are five integral parts of a warm-up that must be addressed before even touching a weight or setting foot on the treadmill. Start strong, finish stronger!

3 Tips For The Perfect Warm-Up:

1- Dynamic Mobility:

Dynamic mobility is the body’s ability to move in multiple directions safely. Closely related to flexibility (but arguably even more important),“dynamic mobility gently increases range of motion to reduce chance for injury,” Johnson says. Injuries caused by lack of joint mobility can be especially debilitating for long periods of time. According to Colin Eakin, MD, a physician at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, recovery from a torn labrum (a common shoulder injury), for instance, could take anywhere from four weeks post-operation rest plus two months of physical therapy to heal, or it could continue indefinitely. To up your chances of staying in the game, dynamic mobility can help. Try dynamic movements, such as arm circles and leg swings against a wall (working the upper and lower body is key!).

2- Movement-Specific Preparation:

You turn on your car before heading out for a drive. By the same logic, you need to turn on the parts of your brain that control motion in preparation for a workout. The main benefit to movement-specific preparation is activating muscles that will be used in that day’s workout to ensure your workout is as effective as possible. For example, bodyweight squats would make sense if you are doing front barbell squats, and light band presses or push-ups for a day you’re doing a pressing motion, like a bench press.

3- Increase Core Temperature:

It’s called a “warm-up” for good reason. “The increase in blood flow and higher muscle temperature makes muscles more pliable, and that pliability prevents strains,”.

A muscle strain may seem like a minor setback, but once strained, the likelihood of that strain reoccurring becomes much higher, Johnson says, which can lead to more strains, more time out of the gym, and slowed down (or nonexistent, gasp!) results.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fitness: 2 Major Factors for a Healthy Weight Loss.

Food is used for energy. Your body stores any excess energy as fat. So if you consume more food than your body needs, you’ll definitely gain weight.

To lose weight, you need to “force” your body to use up these stores of fat. The most efficient way to do this is to:

decrease the amount of calories you eat
increase your levels of activity.

You should think of healthy weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits. Since weight loss objectives are usually set in short terms, your final purpose is to keep these changes over months and years, i.e. lifetime changes.

1- Increase your activity levels:

If you increase the frequency of your workout, but maintain the same diet and calorie intake, you will almost certainly lose weight.

Even light exercise, such as a short 20 minute walk, will be helpful. Every time you exercise more than usual, you burn more calories and fat.

2- Reduce your calorie intake:

If you’re obese or overweight, you need to change your eating habits if you really want to lose weight.
In terms of healthy weight loss, you can get your body to use up existing stores of fat by eating less and making healthier choices.

This doesn’t mean severe dieting (limiting to less than 1500 calories), which usually ends up with you getting irritated, confused, and overtired. Quick diets can lead to a drastic weight loss followed by weight gain – no results, in fact.

Here are some suggestions to reduce calorie intake without having to change your diet significantly.
Drink water instead of all other unhealthy and sweetened beverages.
Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
Reduce the food portion sizes.
Avoid unhealthy treats – such as sugary cookies and crisps between meals.
Cut down on alcohol intake.

It might take a week or two before you notice any changes, but they will gradually appear. Be strong and patient!

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Top 5 Basic Principles To Accelerate Muscle Definition.

Regardless of your goal be competing, look good for summer or simply dazzle the fruits of your effort, at some point you will want to remove the excess fat and show their muscle quality. For this purpose, there are certain tips that are more efficient and practical than the other, then see the five basic principles to accelerate and enhance the definition mus cular.

1 - Calories Are The  Determining Factor:

There are many tricks you can use in burning fat, but what really decide whether you lose fat or is not the amount of calories. To force the body to use fat as an energy source is necessary to generate a calorie deficit / energy, that is, eat less calories than you spend during the day. If this factor is not in order, everything else breaks down.

2 - Proteins Are Even More Important In The Definition Phase:

When cut setting to generate calories, the body end up burning small amounts of the protein amino acids or the muscle itself to generate power. This is normal, but we can avoid this loss paying attention to protein intake should be further ruled this stage.

3 - Aggressive Diets Are Not The Way:

Many people, when they realize that fat burning occurs when only deprive the body of energy, make the madness to drastically cut the amount of calories to speed up weight loss. The logic makes sense, yet this practice besides wasting muscle mass, can mess up your metabolism forcing him to go into "emergency mode" facilitating the accumulation of fat and generating the opposite effect in the long run.

It is possible to generate fat burning calories with small cuts, ranging from 200 to 500 per day. Remember, the more "slow" is the process of defining, more muscle mass is preserved and the better the end result.

4 - It Is Sometimes Necessary To Break The Diet:

Over time, all diets end up affecting the metabolism, slowing it. When you realize that fat loss has become more difficult or more are not seeing results, it's time to take a diet of flight. Choose a day to get out of routine and eat all you want (using common sense in quantities). This in addition to being healthy for the brain, not destroy its gains and "reload" the thyroid hormones that are affected by diets continuous weight loss.

5 - Thermogenic Are a Great Tool:

The thermogenic stimulating substances found in the central nervous system by increasing the production of noroepinephrine, which facilitates the release of fat cells to be burned. To boot, the thermogenic prevent the metabolism slows due to deprivation of calories and still generate a good willingness to face training.

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Secrets to a Flat Belly without Spending Endless Hours on the Gym.

Add to Flipboard Magazine. Looking for ways to flatten your belly without spending endless hours on the mat or at the gym. Try these five exercises just three times each week. You will begin to notice a difference in time for swimsuit season. In fact, this may just be the year you dare to wear that bikini you’ve been dreaming about.

1- Standing side crunch – Stand with feet hip width apart. That is about enough space to fit your two fists between your feet. Extend your right arm for balance. Place your left arm behind your head with elbow extended. Bending at the side, lift your left leg toward your left elbow. Aim for two sets of 10 to 15 reps per side.

2- V-Up – Lie flat on your back on a towel or mat with arms fully extended above your head. Keeping your core engaged and knees together lift feet off of the floor. At the same time lift your shoulders  and arms, reaching as if trying to touch your toes and your body moves into a V like position. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat for two sets of 10 to 15 reps.

3- Standing bicycle – Stand with feet together, abs engaged and knees slightly bent. Place hands behind your head. Twist the body slightly and bring the right knee toward the left elbow. Return foot to the floor and repeat 20 times before switching feet.

4- Abdominal hold – Sit on a sturdy chair with your spine straight. Place your hands face down around the edge of the chair – your fingers should be facing your knees. Keeping your abs engaged, lift your feet a few inches from the floor. Now lift your bottom so that you are holding yourself above the chair with your arms only. Hold as long as you can. Sit and repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.

5- Planks – Get into position as if preparing to do a push-up. Hold your body so that your spine is straight, your feet are resting on your toes and your arms fully extended below shoulders. Remain in this position  as long as you can and build up to one minute as you build strength.

While you are working on whittling your middle, try these tips to slim your silhouette:

•Avoid chewing gum, as well as food and drinks that cause excess gas and bloating.

•Eat slowly to avoid swallowing a lot of air, which can also cause bloating.

•Stand up straight

•Choose clothing styles that draw the gaze up. V necklines, forgiving fabrics and designs, eye catching jewelry and empire waists can draw attention away from tummy trouble.

If you just want to look and feel better in your clothes, these exercises will get you there in combination with a sensible diet. The goal is not perfection.  Hang in there.

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Fitness: Exercise Benefits the Skin and Improves Your Mood.

Add to Flipboard Magazine. When we think of exercise, we think of the usual benefits: 6-pack abs, weight loss and improved cardiovascular health. We don’t normally think of men’s skin care. Well, it’s time that we did because exercise has a direct effect on how you can look – and that includes our skin.

Combined with a men’s skincare routine and the right men’s sports nutrition supplements, a fitness program may help clear up your skin problems. Here are a few ways that exercise and men’s skin care go hand-in-hand. Just remember to consult a physician before starting any fitness plan:

1. Exercise improves circulation:

 Aerobic exercise like running increases your heart rate, which in turn helps circulation and delivers more nutrients to skin cells. The result? Healthier, younger-looking skin! The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week.

2. Exercise relieves stress:

Work, family and other obligations can wreak havoc on a guy’s skin, specifically in the form of acne. Stress has been linked to acne breakouts, so the best thing you can do for your skin is relax. A strenuous workout not only distracts you but also helps boost the production of endorphins, which are feel-good brain chemicals and the source of “runner’s high.” After exercising, remove impurities and dull buildup from your body by using an effective body scrub.

3. Exercise can help firm up loose skin:

 If you’ve lost a lot of weight quickly, you probably have some loose skin. While exercise won’t directly tighten loose skin, weight training can help build muscle that can minimize the sagging effect. To tighten your skin further, use a daily body wash and exfoliating gloves; follow up with an advanced body lotion to leave your skin revitalized also Workout supplements like a men’s pre-workout supplement and a post-workout supplement may also help boost your workout results.

4. Exercise stimulates collagen production:

Collagen is found in your skin and is responsible for its elasticity and strength. Unfortunately for us, collagen doesn’t respond well to age. As we get older, it starts to degrade and contributes to wrinkles and other age-related skin problems.  A steady workout program may help preserve existing collagen and increase its production.  In addition to exercise, regular use of an anti aging formula can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and maintain a youthful look.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

The best Lifesaving Tips for Health every men should know.

Add to Flipboard Magazine. Health is the vital asset of men and even in women also, because without this you can’t do something in your ‘life’. A healthy person can enjoy well the blessings of GOD he gave out on earth. He can appreciate his personal, educational and professional visions without any issue.

In contrast, unhealthy men are dependent to someone. He is depressed of having life as people by health do. As a result, it is definitely very important to distinguish after yourself.

Actually, most men are run to ignore their health. But they require to ‘take into consideration’ that it is very important to care after their health, so that, they can accomplish a well life and also stay away from certain illnesses. Applying some health guidelines for men – can help you to maintain a healthy life. These are some lists of health guidelines among men that will guarantee their health and let them to have a great life.

1: Balanced Diet

It is very important among men to consume a healthy balanced diet. You must gain foods with minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Your diet must also involve with plenty amounts of water. Dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits must also be gained to a healthy living.

2: Exercise

Other helpful tip to a healthy living is by having a healthy ‘exercise’, each day. Exercising has full health benefits and scores. It keeps you strong, controls your blow circulation and boosts your metabolism. Best examples of healthy exercise may include swimming, running, jogging and more.

3: Health Check-ups.

 It is really important among men to visit a physician regularly. You must take yourself checked every so often, so that your physician can monitor your medical condition, and give right treatments or tips for better living. Some people ignore this, but regular check-ups help you to keep healthy, and delayed some illnesses.

Last of all, it is also necessary to quit bad health habits like smoking and drinking in order to avoid nerves damages.

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The best exercises for perfect breasts that will help to keep them firm.

Add to Flipboard Magazine. Beauty and health should go hand in hand with longevity. Everybody knows that it’s harder to keep the beauty and firmness of our breasts as we get older. Therefore it is appropriate to begin to take special care of your breasts when you are still young.

Men's Fitness & Workout ™ will shows 6 exercises for perfect breasts that will help to keep them firm! To perform the exercises for perfect breasts you need a mattress and two dumbbells!

1. Strengthening the pectoral muscles!
a) Start the exercise leaning on hands and knees, raise feet towards the ceiling and cross them.
b) From this position, lower your body toward the floor without touching it and lift it. Inhale, when you lift the body and exhale when you get it off.
Make 4 half moves, as many times as you can you resist!

2. Breast lifting!
a) Take one dumbbell in each hand, lie down on your back, knees bent, and fix the feet well on the floor keeping your back straight.
b) From this position, raise your hands, forearms slightly flexed and lower arms back so that the dumbbells touch the floor. Exhale when arms are extended, and inhale when you get them down to the ground.
Makes 4 half slow movements, as many times as you can you resist!

3. Exercise for perfect breasts!
a) Take one dumbbell in each hand, lie down on your back, knees bent, and fix the feet well on the floor keeping your back straight.
b) Hold dumbbells in your hands flex forearms a little; stretch one arm back so as to touch the floor with dumbbell, while the other arm is perpendicular to the floor. Exhale when the arm is lifted and inspire when you get it down to the ground.
Perform movements 4 innings of 20 times.

4. Toning pecks!
a) Take one dumbbell in each hand, lie down on your back, knees bent, and fix the feet well on the floor keeping your back straight.
b) With dumbbells in hands, stretch the arms toward the ceiling, and then flex them to side until you touch the floor with your elbows. Inhale when you extend your arms toward the ceiling and exhale when you flex them to the sides – then return to starting position.
Perform these movements 3-4 innings of 20 times.

5. Breast skin elasticity!
a) Take one dumbbell in each hand, sit down on the mat, legs positioned in front, so as to be comfortable and cross them. Sitting in this position keep back straight.
b) From this position, stretch arms forward, then cross them, so as to get the effect of shear. Make 2 each horizontal shears and extend laterally.
Perform movements by 3 innings, each 40 times.

6. Beautiful breasts!
a) Sit on the mat, legs positioned in front, so as to feel comfortable when you cross them. Take care to keep the back straight.
b) From this position, raise your arms, flex them, so that they are overhead, join your hands apart and flex your pectorals. At the same time, push palms toward each other. Hold the position for several seconds and then relax your muscles.
Perform these movements by 3 innings of 30 times.

These exercises for perfect breasts will definitely help you to achieve a wonderful body!

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