Add to Flipboard Magazine. If you take the time to go to the gym or head out the door for a run, surely you want the best possible results for your hard work? Like the smart banker looking for the best return on his investment, it makes sense to try and optimize your workout so your investment of sweat pays off as much as possible. Stop wasting your time and effort.
1- Never skimp on your warm up:
Get the most from your workout by making sure your body is adequately prepared for what you are about to do. Warming up is a double-edged sword in that it increases your performance AND lowers your risk of injury. Your warm up should include some light cardio, joint mobility exercises and dynamic stretching as a minimum and you would also benefit from the inclusion of some foam rolling, movement preparation exercises and ramped sets to ease you into the workout. If you don’t have time to warm up properly, you don’t really have time to work out either.
2- Embrace the suck:
The things that you suck at are probably the things you should be doing more of. For example, if you can’t do pull-ups, you are weak and/or heavy whereas if you can’t run a mile, you are unfit. Ignoring these things means you will NEVER address what is holding you back. Of course, it’s easier to just do the things you like or are good at but that’s not going to plug those fitness gaps. Work on your weaknesses and they’ll soon become strengths.
3- Train with someone better than you:
Being the biggest fish in a small pound is great but it’s not a good way to make progress. If you want to take your fitness and or strength forward, you should try and train with someone better than you. While you won’t be able to match their performance, working out with someone better than you will inspire you to work harder than normal and that is what is needed to bust out of fitness plateaus. Yes, you will have to move out of your comfort zone but that’s okay the results you get will make the temporary sting of discomfort worthwhile.
4- Choose compound exercises 80-percent of the time:
Compound exercises are moves that use multiple joints and therefore multiple muscle groups at the same time. Examples of compound exercises include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, press-ups and lunges. These types of exercises provide much more “bang for your buck” than isolation exercises like calf raises and triceps pushdowns. By focusing on compound exercises, you will develop greater strength, greater muscle mass and a better physique than would be otherwise possible if you focused your efforts on isolation exercises. Isolation exercises are not necessarily bad it’s just that compound exercises are better and should be your priority. Keep the isolation exercises for after you have finished your compound exercises and make sure that only 20-percent (or less) of your total workout volume is made up of this type of exercise.
5- Eat like a man:
Your body is a marvellous meat machine that is capable of running for miles, jumping over high obstacles and lifting heavy weights. In fact, as machines go, it’s arguably the most versatile one on the planet. To function at its absolute best, your body needs a plentiful supply of top quality fuel in other words, food!
While your body will run on junk food, it does not function optimally when the fuel you ingest is low quality. Like a formula one car with a tank full of contaminated fuel, your body will not run smoothly if you don’t pay attention to what you eat.
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