Add to Flipboard Magazine. When it comes to getting fit and healthy, we’ve cancelled enough gym memberships come to realise that for a long term solution, slogging it out in the gym just isn’t always the answer.
Here are our tips for whipping yourself into shape without toiling in the gym for hours on end…
÷ Arm Yourself With Apps:
Get an app like My Fitness Pal to give yourself an idea of how many calories you plough through on average a day. There’s no point in cheating and missing off that cheeky post work pint, be as honest as you can with amounts or you won’t get a good idea of where you can make small cuts. This sort of app is great too as you can add in your activity to give yourself more calorie allowance. You might become a bit keener on walking the dog, shopping with the missus or hoovering the house when you realise the extra pizza allowance the activity will buy you! You need to burn 500 extra cals per day than you eat to loose a pound a week. It’s a long process, but if you stick to your guns you’ll get the results you’re after.
Get a workout app too, something like 100 push ups, Full Fitness or the Nike+ app. The Nike + app is great as if you sign up with your mates, the competitive element might give you that added drive to run that bit further and faster! Running isn’t for everyone though, there are loads of strength training apps which will show you great arm, ab and leg workouts you can do at home. Pick something that takes less than 30 mins to complete and work it into your daily routine, for example the minute you get in from work, before dinner or first thing in the morning before you shower.
÷ Improve Your Eating:
We love a takeaway as much as anyone, but even we have to admit they make us feel sluggish and lacking in energy. Get yourself down to the supermarket and do a clean shop. Loads of veggies, good carbs (wholwheat pasta, brown rice etc) and lean meats and fish. If you can’t get by without crisps and chocolate then go for baked crisps and dark chocolate. If you’re already doing a bit of exercise and you stick to the healthier eating for a few days you’ll be surprised at how much more energy you have than when you were sat on the sofa with your takeout! We all fall off the wagon every now and then. Don’t give-up, just enjoy your cheat day and then get back on it the next morning.
÷ Stick To Your Guns (pun intended)
You start with the best intentions, but by the first Saturday you’ve already had a few pints, a kebab and half a pack of biscuits. Every time you feel your motivation waning, give yourself a bit of a kick up the butt. Find something that really works for boosting your morale, whether it’s watching the stairs scene from Rocky, or motivational ads.
Sometimes what you need is a bit of healthy competition so instead of hitting the pub with your mates then go for a kick about, or a run. Maybe going along to a pay as you go exercise class is what you need to get you back on track? Find out what works for you and stick to it when you feel yourself losing interest. We usually find that it’s much easier to get your health kick back underway by exercising rather than trying to diet.
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