Having performed a set of exercises for the buttocks or thighs at home, you need to perform some exercises to relieve muscle tension of your body.
Exercises to relieve muscle tension not only relieve muscle pain, but also increase physical relaxation and mental capacity, reducing the risk of injury to joints.
Unica Sport instructor, Veronica Perciun, presents five exercises to relieve muscle tension and pain very well. Do not perform these stretching exercises, if your leg muscles are not enough warmed.
1- Waist extension:
Start the exercise by sitting on the buttocks, legs sideways, knees extended and the fingertips facing up. Keep your hands on the waist.
In this position, bend sideways, extending a hand in front and the other over the head until you reach the foot by hand. Return to starting position and repeat the movement in the other direction.
Repeat this exercise 10 times in a slow tempo. Breathe in through your nose in initial position and exhale through your mouth when muscles are extended. You will feel the extent of the oblique muscles of the waist and back muscles.
2- Thighs extension:
Start the exercise by sitting on the buttocks. Extend one leg forward and the other flex so that you get the other thigh soles. Extend your hands above your head.
From this position inhale through the nose and lean forward, touching the sole of the foot. Return to starting position and repeat.
Repeat this exercise 10 times in slow tempo, then change leg and perform 10 repetitions. You will feel the extension of back thigh muscles.
3- Extending the back thigh muscles:
Start the exercise lying on your back, leaning on your forearms. Keep one leg extended and the other flexed. From this position, flex the extended leg so as to touch the knee with the sole.
Then, expand it so that the foot goes up. Then return to starting position.
Repeat this exercise 10 times in slow tempo, then change leg and still perform 10 repetitions. You will feel the expansion thigh muscles. When you’re relaxed, inhale through the nose and exhale when you extend the muscles.
4- Extending the inner and back thigh:
Start the exercise by sitting on the buttocks with both legs bent.
From this position, extend one leg at side. Return to starting position, and then extend the other leg. Slowly alternate the leg 10 times. Feel the stretch of inner posterior thigh muscles. Breathe calmly and deeply. When you’re relaxed, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth when you extend the muscles.
5- Waist extension:
Start the exercise by sitting on the buttocks and leaning on palms. Keep one leg extended and the other flexed, with the sole fixed behind thigh.
From this position, bend the elbow to the knee, so that you feel waist muscles stretching.
Perform the exercise in slow tempo in one direction and stop for a few seconds, then in the other. You will feel the stretching of waist and back muscles. When you’re relaxed, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth when you extend the muscles.
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