
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fitness: The Best Ways To Prevent Heart Disease.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among older men. Though risk is partially determined by genetic factors, there are a number of things that individuals can do to ward off the condition. With encouragement from family and friends, they’ll likely find that many of the required lifestyle changes will soon become second nature:

1. Follow a Healthy Diet:

By avoiding junk foods and making subtle substitutions here and there, you can quickly improve their
cardiovascular health. Fatty meats should be avoided whenever possible. If meat must be eaten, you should choose grilled varieties, which are not cooked in oil and are thus much healthier. Beyond this, make a concerted effort to bring more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes into your diet.

2. Exercise Several Days Per Week:

 Proper exercise goes hand-in-hand with a healthy diet, but some men are not clear on how much physical exercise is appropriate for them. In short, you should exercise at least three or four days per week at a moderate level. Find a relatively comfortable activity in which your heart rate becomes elevated for 30-40 minutes. Running and biking are just a few activities you can try.

3- Reduce Stress:

This is a tough thing to do, but it’s pretty important in the grand scheme of things. Engaging in some sort of meditative activity can do wonders for the body and the mind, and you might very well want to consider yoga. Most towns and cities feature yoga classes at the local recreational hall or gym, and instructors will provide excellent tips and guidelines on how to knock out stress.

4. Lose Weight:

If you’re carrying some extra baggage, you should try to lose those extra pounds. Excess weight means that the heart must work harder to pump blood throughout the body. The added strain can affect your heart health negatively. In addition to a healthy diet (#1) and regular exercise (#2), you may also want to consider using supplements. Certain supplements like a thermogenic formula and a pre-workout supplement can boost your metabolism and speed up fat loss.

5.  Promise to Quit Smoking:

 Smoking can have debilitating effects on the heart, so quit smoking ASAP. Once you’ve weaned yourself from the habit, most systems of the body will begin to function more efficiently, which is always good for overall heart health. Avoiding cigarettes will also allow men to exercise longer, which represents another path to better fitness.

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The Best Building Muscle Steps to Improves your Appearance.

 You know that building muscle improves your appearance and daily function. A stronger, leaner body enhances your athletic performance, potentially helps you prevent injury, improves bone density and boosts your self-confidence. There's no downside to building muscle, except for the work required. You must do a total-body strength workout at least three times per week to build lean muscle. Head to the gym with a plan, though; winging it usually doesn't bring about great results.

Step 1

Designate three non-consecutive days for your strength-training days. Allow at least 48 hours between sessions. Treat these sessions as your highest priority; do not miss or reschedule workouts unless you have no other option

Step 2

Plan a full-body routine for every session. Training your entire body three times per week means you hit each muscle group multiple times and you stimulate the release of more muscle-inducing hormones at each workout, which can result in faster muscle growth.

Step 3

Opt for compound exercises over isolation exercises. Compound exercises use multiple joints and muscles with each lift, which means you get more out of every move. Plus, you get to work the same muscle group multiple times during your session without having to spend hours at the gym. For example, the chest press primarily targets the pectoralis major and secondarily uses the triceps and anterior deltoids. Add triceps dips to that workout and you'll use the triceps again as the primary mover and the chest and anterior delts as secondary muscles. You won't have to do three to four exercises for each body part -- which saves time and energy so you can put more into your entire workout.

Step 4

Perform three to six sets of eight to 12 repetitions of an exercise for every major muscle group. For example, do presses for the chest, rows for the back, squats and deadlifts for the hips and legs, lateral raises for the shoulders, weighted dips for the triceps and curls for the biceps. Use weights equal to between 80 and 85 percent of your one-repetition maximum -- the greatest amount of weight you can lift one time. Rest 30 to 60 seconds between each set.

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Saturday, January 9, 2016

How To Keep your Mind Cool & Calm With Yoga.

There are more ways to cool down in the hot summer months than switching on the air conditioner. Pranayam and meditation are known to help you stay cool when outdoors and hydrated round the clock.

1-  Chandrabedhan pranayam:

Sit in any meditative posture on the floor keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed. With your right thumb, close the right nostril and breathe in from the left nostril. Next, close the left nostril with your right index and middle finger, and breathe out from the right nostril.

•Benefit: Heat makes us fly off the handle easily. Chandrabedhan pranayam has a cooling effect on the nervous system and on the nadis (energy pathways). This pranayam reduces body heat, high blood pressure and has a calming effect on the mind. It also induces muscular relaxation and promotes emotional well-being.

2- Sheetkari pranayam:

Sit in a comfortable posture on the floor; keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands on your knees and close your eyes. Now put your lower and upper teeth together and put your tongue between the gap of the teeth. Then, separate your lips while baring your teeth; breathe in from your mouth and exhale through your nose.

•Benefit: Those who live very stressful lives and experience tiredness or lethargy must practise this form of pranayama. It helps reduce anger, anxiety and stress. It is also beneficial to the skin.

3- Sheetali pranayam:

Sit in any meditative or a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Put your tongue on the lower lip, then roll your tongue and inhale deeply from your mouth. Now, slowly close your mouth and exhale through your nose.

•Benefit: The sheetali pranayam helps cool down your body. It has a great energising, soothing, relaxing and cooling effect on all the nerve channels and the entire body. This asana purifies the blood and expels toxins. It also helps cool you down if you're angry or in a bad mood.

4- Shavasana:

Lie down on your back with arms on your side. Now slowly move your legs apart, keeping your heels inside and toes outside. Keep your hands away from the body, palms facing upwards. Close your eyes, loosen and relax all the muscles in the body and breathe normally.

•Benefit: Shavasana helps combat mental and physical fatigue. It also relaxes the nerve network and improves breathing.

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Top 5 Mistakes Might be Stopping you building More Muscle.

So many people head to the gym day after day, week after week, spending countless hours on the weight floor and cardio equipment, doing everything right from a commitment perspective, but still find they just cannot put on the amount of muscle they would be satisfied with. One problem, is that they read muscle magazines and blogs and see images of bodybuilders and believe thats achievable. Unfortunately, unless you're doing this professionally like that are, and can spend half your day in the gym, you're just not going to get there.

Another issue is steroid use. A lot of professional bodybuilders use them to build muscle, without disclosing it, making the everyday guy like you and me question why we can't get as big as they are. Well, with those two things aside, here are 5 reasons, or mistakes you might be making, thats stopping you from building more muscle:

1- You're Not Eating  Enough:

No matter what your body type is, if you are not eating enough calories each day, your body wont allocate enough calories to building muscle. People who are hard gainers and naturally thin and lean may find this difficult but its the only way you will pack on the muscle.

2- You're Not Doing Compound Exercises:

Spending your time on the machines when you hit the weight floor? That might be your problem. While machines are great for isolating individual muscles, they should form the lesser part of your routine and you should instead focus on compound exercises which force your body to use many muscles at ones. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull ups and dips. They will not only help you build muscle, but burn fat.

3- You're Skipping Legs:

Squats are the most important exercise in the gym. If you're not squatting, you're not going to put on as much muscle as you potentially could. Squatting and doing other leg exercises not only build leg muscle, but they build core and upper body muscle too. Squatting gives your whole body more strength and mass.

4- You're Doing Too Much Cardio:

Obsessed with being really lean with no fat? Thats fine but don't expect to put on much muscle. Doing too much cardio eats into those precious calories your body should be using to burn fat. Cut down on your cardio, do light cardio, or do quick (20 mins) interval training to burn fat. Long bouts of cardio are great and keep you and your body healthy, but if you want to build muscle its no productive.

5- You Stick To The Same Routine:

Have you been doing the same routine week in week out? Your body has probably adapted to your exercise routine and is not being challenged, so therefore not packing on any new muscle. Mix things up week after week. Try new machines, new exercises, go heavier one week, play around with how many reps you do, take a week off from the gym (yes its good to do that every now and then too).

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Friday, January 8, 2016

The Best Full-Body Muscle Workout for Beginners.

It's the ultimate answer to the question "What workout should
I do?" No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully stocked supergym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in your garage, or nothing but your body weight alone, you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.

Full-body workouts sound like they would take a long time. But when you boil down the exercises you need to perform in order to cover every area, there are only three you need to be concerned with a push, a pull, and a squat. This is the ultimate in minimalism and works superbly for beginners or people who are short on time.

Here are one of the best Full- body workouts for beginners that turn the world of bodybuilding upside down.


Complete all five sets for the squat and then perform the overhead press and weighted pullup in alternating fashion. That is, complete a set of the press, rest, then do a set of the pullup, rest again, and repeat until you’ve finished all five sets for each.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 120 sec.
Set up in a squat rack or cage. Grasp the bar as far apart as is comfortable and step under it. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and nudge the bar out of the rack. Step back and stand with your feet shoulder width and your toes turned slightly outward. Take a deep breath and bend your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. Push your knees outward as you descend. Extend your hips to come back up, continuing to push your knees outward.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 60 sec.
Set the bar up in a squat rack or cage and grasp it just outside shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at shoulderlevel with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze the bar and brace your abs. Press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward and shrugging your traps as the bar passes your face.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec.
Attach a weighted belt to your waist, hold a dumbbell between your feet, or if you can’t complete your reps with weight, use body weight alone. Hang from a pullup bar with hands just outside shoulder width. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.

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The Best Ways To Have That Fitness Effect.

Fitness is not just conquered attending the academy. What counts is what is done there and then. Therefore, we list seven points that make all the difference in training effects.

 1- Cakewalk Custom:

Six months of gym and a lot of sweat later, the training becomes a breeze and you already know all color movements. That is, there is no challenge to their training status and you are not gaining anything by it.

2- The lazy gene :

A survey of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University, suggests that some people just do not respond to exercises. More than 700 people underwent a 20-week resistance training program, while the aerobic conditioning brands improved 17% on average, some people did not show any progress, while others come to improve 40%.

3- Light weight too :

To make the muscles lose tone sagging and win, you need to offer them the overhead of a greater weight than that to which they are accustomed. If you can, for example, do 25 more repetitions of an exercise without much effort, then certainly are not using a proper load to the requirement of your physique.

4- Do not post-workout snack :

 Finished out of the academy? Before the sports drink or cereal bar, ask yourself: Malhou less than an hour? There will exercise tomorrow? "If the answer to one of the questions is yes, stay on the good old water to rehydrate, dispense bars, beer and snacks, and make a normal meal to come home," says nutritionist Anita Bean.

5- Leisure in the rest of time:

Research published in the "Journal of Applied Physiology" in 2002 shows that the reason why the total daily expenditure of calories people does not increase when doing exercises is that they burn fewer calories during the rest of the day by becoming less active. Unfortunately, 20-minute treadmill at not give carte blanche to stand upside down the rest of the day. Beginners can wear too in excessive workouts. So should not exercise to exhaustion.

6- constant pace:

Staying in shape is like climbing a ladder - each workout helps to reach the next step. Conversely, each session that you lack is a step behind. A study of Swedish scientists reveals that after a break of only six days, up to 10% of aerobic capacity may be lost. The force fortunately lasts a little longer. If you have to slow the pace of the exercises because of other commitments, try to keep the intensity instead of frequency.

 7- Training with goals:

If you are one of those individuals who dazzled tirelessly run all Academy players, beware: not you must use all equipment. Is not that what will determine a good result. You will benefit much more of a proper workout to your specific goals. Do not know what are they? Think about why began to work out, as would like to achieve (definition, fitness, weight loss, etc.), and arrange a professional trainer to oversee your program. So you will be sure you are not wasting time or effort in the gym.

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

How to Make Muscles Grow Bigger.

Muscle fibers do not grow from strength training, and their number is set genetically.

How you can make muscles grow?

•What is a muscle, and as it "grows"

1- Muscle fibers (actin, mozion and myofibrils) - the basis of the muscles responsible for their movement. Their number is genetically determined and does not change throughout life.

2-Sarcoplasm - nourishing fluid that fills the space between the muscle fibers. Consists of glycogen (carbohydrate reserves), fat-free proteins and enzymes. It is believed that by increasing the amount of sarcoplasmic muscles become larger.

3-Connective tissue - has two roles: the connection (mount muscle to bone) and protective (environment of muscle fibers). Increases in size with strength training, the same effect on the visual increase in muscle.

•What affects the growth

1-Hormones. Training affect testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). These substances directly affect the muscle tissue, causing it to grow .

2-The food in general and in particular protein. The importance of nutrition for strength training is known to all - the energy obtained from food is needed for the production of new muscle tissue, not to mention the energy to exercise themselves.

3-Inflammation. After strength training muscle becomes inflamed, and it causes an increase in the recovery process.

4-Satellite cells. Responsible for the "healing" of muscle tissue after a hard workout.

•Types of training

As already mentioned, the training effect on two things: the launch of the mechanism of hormone production and "damage" of muscle tissue, resulting in satellite cells into work. Three variants of the training, causing growth:

1-The maximum stress caused by raising  the maximum weight . The exercise weight, which can be done with only not more than 5 repeats ; negatives (helping you lift the weight, and lower it yourself). This includes the concept of "work to failure" - the state, after which no longer possible to make a single repeat.

2-The maximum stress caused by  the most rapid  weight lifting. Quite heavy and a large number of very fast repetitions (15-20).

3- The maximum stress caused by  work to exhaustion  - drop-sets (drop-Sets) . Three approaches with different weight: the maximum weight and 3-5 repetitions; 75% max. and 8-12 weight repetitions; 60% max. weight and 15-19 repetitions.

Each of these types of training leading to muscle growth; to see which one works best, you need to try each and evaluate the results - you may find one that works best for you. But do not forget that kind of training it is necessary to alternate.

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