
Monday, January 4, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " Tom Heiden"

You want to get fit. But you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

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How To Make the Most of Your Six-Pack.

Every man dreams to have a perfect body, but not many of them get succeeded. If one desire to get in shape, then he must also persevere to get it. You can achieve nothing if you do nothing. Six pack abs is not an easy thing to get. It requires a huge determination from your side. You also have to be disciplined.

Men's Fitness & Workouts will show u my Beloved Readers How 2 Make the most of your six-pack sculpting routine by avoiding these common training errors.

So Let's Begin:

1- pulling on your neck:

It might feel natural to pull on your head as you crunch away, but frankly your hands are supposed to be just supporting your head. The hyper-flexion of the cervical spine can stress the discs between the vertebrae. Also, the actual focus of the work takes place in your midsection, not your neck. Try unlocking your fingers behind your head, or remove your hands completely.

2- Doing Just Bodyweight Moves :

While there’s a bit of controversy surrounding whether you should train with low reps (with added weight) or high reps (using just bodyweight) for abs, one thing is for certain: If you don’t overload the muscles of the midsection, they simply won’t grow stronger. If you’re using only bodyweight moves (and your bodyweight doesn’t fluctuate wildly), then the only way you can get stronger is by doing more reps (and with bodyweight you always need to reach failure to be effective) or reducing your between-sets rest periods. If you’re doing moves like cable crunches, you can physically increase the resistance from one workout to the next, and that’s where you can build up those abs. That’s why they call it progressive overload, folks.

3- Arching Your Back :

You’ve heard it so many times that it’s practically beaten into your brain: Maintain a flat or slightly arched back when you train with weights. And while that’s good advice to protect the spine, a flat back means you aren’t contracting your abs actively  though they may be isometrically contracting to keep your core tight. You often see this when guys are doing cable crunches or decline crunches with an arched back. A better way to get the abdominals actively engaged is to round your lower back, which allows the rectus abdominis to shorten. Just watch out for explosive movements when rounding your back.

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

How to Build Muscle Mass in a Hurry.

Curious about how 2 build muscle in a hurry?
There is a right way and a wrong way to work out.

So let's found out How to Build Muscle Mass in a Hurry:

1-  What are your top 3 favorite muscle building exercises?

The deadlift, the squat, and the pull up. All 3 are compound movements that make the posterior chain work hard, plus they promote hormone release.

2- Do you think a body part split, or full body workout is best for building muscle?

It really depends on the maturity level of the lifter. With newbies I always go total body because their bodies will grow and respond well to the hormone release and spinal loading. As you start developing size and also experience in the gym, switching things up to a body part split would be the way to go, to add more volume to your workouts and focus on a bodybuilding style template.

3- Do you have an opinion on rep ranges for optimal muscle building?

For most muscle groups, I’d recommend a rep range between 8 and 12. I’d focus on the lower end for most pushing exercises, and towards the high end for pulling exercises. In general each group of muscles tends to respond well from these parameters.

4} Do you recommend cardio while trying to build muscle? How many times per week?
Unless you’re looking to slow your rate of change, I don’t recommend cardio while bulking. There’s nothing anabolic about it.

5- What are the biggest mistakes you see most people make when trying to build muscle?
The first one that comes to mind would be not using full range of motion. I’ve seen too many gym goers slap 225 on the bench press, and then pump out a set of 10 quarter-range reps. I wish they’d understand that the weight doesn’t matter  exhausting the muscle through complete range does!

Second, not eating nearly enough food. If you’re a hardgainer, you have to eat like a pig to see results from your hard work. You have to eat as much as a guy the size you want to be would eat. Don’t be afraid to throw in a dirty meal or three, to get your calorie count up.

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FITNESS : How To Build Up Those Strong Leg Muscles.

Leg strength is essential to many sports and recreational activities, such as soccer, martial arts and weightlifting. Although there are various methods to increase the size and strength of your legs, the best ways to build them up would depend on your goals, fitness condition and what you play.

1- One at a Time:

The isolation technique often focuses on one muscle group and one joint at a time rather than moving several of them together. Sample exercises include the leg extension, leg curls and calf raises. By isolating these muscle groups -- usually with a machine -- with minimal movement in other body parts, you can apply more resistance upon the muscle you're training. This can stimulate more muscle growth than multi-joint exercises, such as squats and lunges. Although isolation exercises don't translate well with sports skills and multi-joint movements, they are ideal for those who want to increase specific muscle size, such as bodybuilders and fitness models.

2- Go Full Body:

A larger muscle doesn't always mean that it's stronger or faster. Isolation leg exercises don't train your body to move to specific sports and activity skills and may hinder your performance. This is based on the SAID principle, which stands for specific adaptation to impose demands. For example, sitting on a machine and doing leg curls doesn't coordinate your hamstrings to work with the rest of your body when you kick a soccer ball. To improve your performance and skill, you must perform the specific skill itself or an exercise that closely mimics the skill. Compound exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, step-ups and lunges, coordinate your leg muscles to work together. These exercises often mimic the foot positions and movement patterns that are common in most daily activities and sports.

3- Eccentric Strength:

During resistance training, your muscles contract concentrically and eccentrically, which refers to the shortening and lengthening of muscle fibers under tension, respectively. Whether you use the isolation or compound method, emphasize on the eccentric contraction because the amount of force that lengthens the muscle is greater than concentric contractions, according to exercise physiologist Len Kravitz, Ph.D. This stimulates a greater increase of muscle growth. For example, lift the resistance at a rate of one to two seconds and lower at a rate of three to six seconds.

4- Recovery and Timing:

Proper nutrition and timing optimize your ability to increase muscle size and performance. Dr. Kravitz recommends that you consume a meal consisting of proteins and carbohydrates within 45 minutes after your workout. This replenishes your carbohydrate stores into your muscles and helps repair damaged muscle fibers immediately. The ratio of proteins to carbs should be a one-to-three ratio. Within the next one to three hours, consume another protein and carbohydrate meal at a five-to-one ratio. Consult with a sports dietitian to help you personalize your meals to obtain the optimum amount of nutrients you need to achieve the results you want.

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Weight Loss: How Your Body Actually “burns” Fat.

Why Belly Fat is Hard to Lose and how your body actually “burns” fat.

To better understand why belly fat hangs on so tenaciously, I want to quickly review how your body actually “burns” fat.

“Burning fat” is really a two-part process: releasing energy from fat stores into the blood (lipolysis) and cells taking those molecules in and utilizing them (oxidation).

This first step, lipolysis, is triggered by chemicals known as “catecholamines.” Adrenaline is a catecholamine, for example, and once these chemicals are in your blood, they attach to “receptors” (attachment sites) on fat cells, which causes them to release some of their energy stores.

These molecules so released (free fatty acids) are then used as fuel (burned or “oxidized”) by various types of cells in the body. Well-trained muscle is particularly good at oxidizing fats, by the way, which is why it’s easier to lose fat when you have a good amount of muscle.

Now, here’s where we get to the difference between belly fat cells and fat cells that are easier to lose.

Fat cells have a certain number of receptor sites for catecholamines, but they aren’t all the same. One type of receptor is known as an “alpha-receptor” and another is a “beta-receptor.” The physiology gets pretty complicated, but here’s the bottom line: beta-receptors accelerate lipolysis and alpha-receptors hinder it.

What this means is fat cells that have more beta-receptors than alpha-receptors are relatively easy to mobilize, whereas fat cells that have more alpha-receptors than beta are harder to mobilize.

This is the problem with belly fat, and all other forms of “stubborn fat“: the ratio between beta- and alpha-receptors is heavily weighted toward alpha (it has many more alpha-receptors than beta).

Thus, when you’re losing fat, you immediately start seeing reductions in fat masses with high amounts of beta-receptors, but the masses with amounts of alpha-receptors are slow to respond.

For most of us, this means rapid reductions in places like our arms, shoulders, chest, face, and legs, and slower reductions in our stomachs, hips, lower back, and thighs. These latter areas are always the last to really get lean, because they contain the most fat cells high in alpha-receptors.

So, if that’s the science of belly fat, how do we get rid of it?

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Amazing quick tips to avoid injury in the gym.

Generate an injury in training is easier than many people realize. There is no "closed body" within the academy, sooner or later an injury can "get" you. See a short list with 6 quick tips to avoid injury in the gym.

1 - Make a medical check up:

Nowadays no one does it, but if you have questions about their health or is leading a sedentary life, consider a check up before you start training hard or some problems may appear and generate a delay in their earnings.

2 - Heating:

Always do a warm up before you start training. There are 10 minutes can save you weeks without training. You can do 10 minutes of mild aerobic to circulate blood and some series weightless only to heat the ligaments that will be used in training.

3 - Use tabs:

Use clips in bars so that the weight does not fall during the year. It sounds silly, but many people are distracted and end up dropping the weights of a side of the bar and causing injury.

4 - Ask for help when needed:

Avoid trying to increase the burden of compound exercises like squats, bench press and others, without the help of someone. You can not take it and end up injuring some ligament trying to return the weight to support.

5 - Good run forever:

Do not sacrifice the quality of the exercise by the amount of charge. Execution weak, poor results.

6 - If you have doubt, do not:

If you have questions about performing an exercise, do not try to do alone, ask someone more experienced help before doing anything you're not sure how to do.

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Friday, January 1, 2016

How to Make New Beard Hair Growth More Comfortable.

If you have been trying to grow out a beard for a while but are just now having some success then you might notice the process is less comfortable than you expected. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do make growing a beard easier and more comfortable.

1-  Wash and Moisturize:

As your stubble starts to fill in, you are going to need to change your daily routine. You need to start washing your facial hair the same way you do the hair on your head. Since you may be experiencing some irritation if your skin isn’t used to facial hair then consider a mild shampoo. You can also make your beard softer by regularly using conditioner. One thing to remember is it is incredibly important your thoroughly rinse out all of the shampoo and conditioner. If you don’t, then you will quickly end up with flakes (which always seem to end up covering the front of your shirt.

2- Always Pat Dry With a Towel (Gently)

Most men, especially those with thicker beards, have made the mistake of trying to use a hair dryer to take care of their full, luscious beard. The problem is that the excess heat is incredibly hard on your skin. It can cause mild skin irritations and make your hair feel itchier. After washing facial hair the best option is using a towel to gently pat dry it.

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 3- Don’t Forget to Comb It:

Once you start growing out your beard or facial hair more than a ½ inch it is important to comb it after your shower. Using a wide tooth comb is more than enough to remove tangles without irritating your skin. This will also make your beard easier trim.

Beards and other forms of facial hair are fantastic, stylish additions to your personality so why should they be uncomfortable? Following these 3 tips will make your beard softer, easier to manage, and much nicer to your skin.

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