Monday, November 30, 2015

How To Use Weight Lifting To Build Powerful Muscles.

Weight lifting is one of many workouts that will give you a well-toned body and powerful looking muscles. Weight lifting is a form of strength training that puts a lot of stress on the muscles, forcing them to adapt to the stress by growing larger.

By lifting weights for 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times per week, you should start witnessing muscle growth. You can sign up for a weight-lifting program if you are not sure how to start incorporating weight lifting into your muscle building routines.
In order to master weight-training, you need to consider the following factors:

1- Use the Proper weights:

The proper weights should start straining your muscles after 12 to 15 lifts.

2-  Learn the proper weight-lifting techniques:

 If you are new at weight lifting, you may need a fitness trainer to guide you on which technique to use for the particular muscles you want to build.

3- Eat the Proper weight-lifting Diet:

As you start lifting weights, you will be expending a lot of energy. Muscles will also begin to develop, and both of these changes require that you eat a specific weight training diet in order to keep your health in tiptop form. Fitness trainers recommend that you eat foods rich in proteins.

4- Get Enough Rest:

You need to give your body enough time to rest. Take full-day breaks between exercising different muscles.

There are various other nitty-gritty details that you also need to consider when using weight training as part of your muscle building routine. Remember that your safety and health comes first, muscles and body tone second.

How Your Workouts can Actually Help Ease Your Anxiety .

How long has it been since you’ve felt good—really, really good as you go through your busy day full of responsibilities and deadlines? If you struggle with anxiety from time to time (or on a daily basis), you know the drill: your anxiety can paralyze you, and prevent you from living the healthiest, happiest life possible. Here’s the good news: your workouts can actually help ease your anxiety, and minimize its symptoms. Keep reading to find out why.

•Why Exercise Can Lessen Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety can manifest itself physically or mentally. How does yours appear in your life? If you experience any of the following, increasing your movement is a must:

Sweaty palms;Interrupted night’s sleep, tossing and turning, insomnia;Irritability;Anticipating the worst;Shortness of breath;Fatigue..

Emotional anxiety, which often comes in the form of fear and worry and manifests itself in many different ways, can become minimized simply by moving. If you’re sedentary, it’s easy to dwell on the negative, causing more anxiety to result. But when you take just one simple step to get your body moving (a walk outside, a yoga class with a friend, or simply dancing around in your underwear, Risky Business style!) guess what? Endorphins (which is the chemical in your brain responsible for feeling and thinking happy thoughts) is released. As a result, you can gain a fresh perspective, allowing you to step outside of your anxiety.

During a workout, you immediately begin to feel better because you’re being productive, and moving towards a goal—no matter how insignificant it may seem. Exercise boosts your confidence, which is more powerful than anxiety itself. And, instead of coping with your anxiety by drinking, overeating or simply dwelling in negative thought, exercise provides the perfect coping strategy. When you’re exercising in any form, you give your body and your mind something positive to focus on.

•Exercise is Distraction for Your Body and Mind

When you’re anxious, depressed, or simply feeling ‘the blues’, getting off of the couch, out of the house and into the weight room is probably the last thing you feel like doing. Whether you have minor or major anxiety attacks from time to time, take that first step—which is indeed the hardest. Know that as you commit to tomorrow’s pilates class, or take a hike at your nearby national state park that getting in your car and moving is the hardest part. Once you get there, it’s a breeze. Know why? Because the exercise isn’t really about working off last night’s dinner, or improving your heart health.  Taking that step to exercise is about your confidence and your commitment to squish your anxiety to bits. You deserve to have a peaceful life—and exercise is your shortcut there!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Today Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram is " Damiano_Frascaroli "

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing so,Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Don't forget 2 Follow .

Ready, set, start scrolling!

Today our pick is: "Damiano_Frascaroli"

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The Best Workout Tips That Help You Lose Weight Easily.

If someone told you right now what the absolute best exercise to lose weight was, would you do it?

So Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix ™® as Usual will break down These workouts and exercises that designed 2 help you burn calories, banish cellulite, and lose weight.
So  Let us get rid of this unnecessary fat.

1- Exercise on empty once a week:

“When you wake up in the morning your body is depleted of carbs,” says conditioning coach Rob Blair. “Cardio will cause your body to raid its fat stores to get the energy necessary for 30min on the rower.” A ‘cardio-fast’ session like this equates to just over 300kcal.

2- Switch your exercise programme:

According to a Mayo Clinic study, your metabolism slows as you lose body mass. To stop your results from flatlining, swap your usual gym session for half an hour of kickboxing (to burn 431kcal) or don your wetsuit and get out on the water with a surfboard for an hour (635kcal)

3- Branch out on a longer walk:

Every time you’re out for a long walk, pick up a sturdy branch, ideally one that comes to chest height. Walking with one promotes longer, forceful strides which increase the calorific cost of your march by as much as 67%, according to research in The Journal Strength and Conditioning Research.

4- Complete a brick session:

This triathlon drill burns 440kcal and leaves you with a raised metabolism: ride a bike for 15min, followed by a 15-min run. Without rest, hop back on the bike for 10min and finish with a 10-min run. Easy.

5- Learn to fry doing the butterfly:

Front crawl or breast stroke are all very well, but get a couple of lessons in the butterfly and you’ll master the most fat-burning stroke in the pool. It devours 150kcal for every 10min you can keep it up. Which isn't easy.

6- Take a hit:

High-impact sports like rugby or squash cause your body to convert cells into lean tissue rather than fat. A study in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport found these sports send signals to the body that it needs to be protected by muscle rather than flab, so at a cellular level it does exactly that.

7- Add a weight plate to your sit-ups:

“This simple tweak can add an extra 40kcal of energy usage to every 30 reps in a session,” says conditioning coach Rob Blair. Perform the classic sit-up  but hold a plate to your chest with both hands, tucking your chin in to your chest as you rise and fall. This builds your abs as your trim the fat that’s hiding them.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Best Inspiring Fitness Guys To Follow On Instagram.

Today Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix™® Inspiring Fitness Guy Must To Follow On Instagram is " callumfitness"

Instagram is basically a virtual look book for models, celebrities and ordinary Mens...

Male fitness Gus have taken over Instagram.

Everyone knows the social media site Instagram is aspirational – it’s filled with perfectly captured shots of food, flawless outfits, seemingly effortless flower arrangements and more. With careful photography and a curated account, an individual can make their life seem Insta-perfect, even if that might not be the case. While many focus on the negative aspects of the overly perfect images that are often on Instagram, when it comes to health and fitness, it can actually be hugely beneficial.

If you opt to follow several accounts focused on health and fitness, whenever you start scrolling through your feed, you’ll find everything from videos of work out moves you could incorporate into your next exercise session to super healthy meal ideas you may have never thought of. It can be a great motivator to get off the couch and get moving, to forego those French fries for some crispy vegetables.

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8 Expert-Approved Strength Training Strategies to Build Muscle Fast.

Want to build muscle fast? These expert-approved strength training strategies will help you increase your body strength & gain weight quickly.

Follow these muscle-building tips for the best results that you aspire to it.

1-  Stop The Cardio:

Cardio exercise is specifically for calorie burning. If your goal is to build muscle you’ll need those calories to do it. If you want to incorporate cardio into your routine just remember to keep it light.

2- Increase Protein:

Protein is what your body uses to build muscle. So be sure to eat enough protein daily. One good way to calculate the amount of protein you should be eating is by your weight. If you weigh 150 pounds then you should be consuming somewhere around 150 grams of protein a day.

3- Heavier Is Better:

The heavier the weight the more your muscles will have to work. If you are doing 10 curls with a dumbbell the weight should be heavy enough that even the first rep is difficult; however, use your common sense with this trick. You don’t want to injure yourself.

4- Give Muscle Time 2 Heal:

Once you have worked out to the point of muscle fiber tearing, you’ll need to rest your muscles to let them heal properly. Not getting enough rest in between workouts can slow down the effectiveness of them, drastically.

5-  Be Sure 2 Stretch:

Too many people underestimate the power of stretching. A simple stretch warm-up can not only decrease recovery time but also prevent you from injuring yourself while working out. The faster you can recover the quicker you get your desired results.

6- Rest Between Workouts:

After you finish your set make sure to take enough time to recover and prepare yourself for next set. How much time you should rest depends on if you are lifting light or heavy weight. If you are lifting light weight with more reps make sure your rest periods are short to keep the heart rate up. If you are lifting heavy weight with low reps make sure you get enough rest for another heavy set.

7- Eat More Than You Think You Need:

When you are really trying to gain weight and muscle you should eat more then you think. Great tip is to try add an extra serving meal to every meal, but that does not mean that you are allowed to eat anything you want, try to stay away from foods that are high in sugar and filled with unhealthy fats.

8- Stay Hydrated:

Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. You should aim to drink at least 3 liters per day.

Friday, November 27, 2015

How To Get a Toned Six Pack Abs Without Frustrating Yourself.

Developing a toned six pack abs can be very frustrating if you do not have the correct information at hand. There are hundreds of different methods and myth out there regarding developing of six pack abs. So the end question is who can we trust and this leads to majority of people giving up hope and accept their huge belly as part of their life.

getting a six pack abs won’t be far away from now. So the secret to your tone six pack abs is simply to reveal your hidden abdominal muscles by shedding away the unwanted layers of fats at your belly.

So Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix © as usual will reveal 2 you how you can get a six pack fast by following what I suggested below. In order for the methods to be effective, make sure that you know why you are using the method so that it gets you motivated and let you have an insight of what you are targeting for.

1- Dietary habits:

This is far most the most important method everyone hates when they think of getting a six pack abs. Wrong dietary habits is the sole reason why most people will never get their washboard abs to be visible. It is very important to select the choice of food you are eating as close to 90% of your workout is about losing the belly fats.

You can train all day with all the various advance techniques, but if your diet is poor, you can never get your body fats low enough to see your six packs. I have written an article on how to get six pack abs diets for the solution.

2- Eating Pattern and habits:

This is another important fact that a lot of people do not follow when training for six pack abs. They assume that dieting = not eating/eat minimal till starvation, thus helping them to get rid of the belly fat at their stomach. This in fact is not going to lose any inch of fat but gain more as a result. This is because when your stomach goes into starvation mode, your body will be smart and give a signal that says "Food shortage Food shortage lets reduce the metabolism rate by storing fats for later use." In this case, your metabolism rate will be reduce and thus burning less fats for you.

Therefore, I highly recommend that you avoid skipping your meals and have at least 6 small meals throughout the day in order to increase your metabolism rate and burn fats all day.

Do You Have a Healthy Breakfast Routine You Should?

Increasingly busy lives often means less time for healthful practices like eating breakfast or getting regular exercise. Taking the time for these habits may actually yield more time in the form of increased energy, productivity and focus. In other words, if you don’t have a breakfast routine developing one is a good idea for more reasons than one.

For example, eating breakfast may help you maintain a healthy weight. Studies have shown that skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of overeating or making poor food choices later in the day. There are other benefits, too. Eating breakfast can help you do better by boosting brain power, mental energy and concentration. That sounds like the makings of a pretty good day.

• What to Eat For Breakfast:

Include lean protein in your breakfast routine. A whole wheat English muffin with egg and a few slices of tomato with spinach or avocado is a great choice. You can put eggs and salsa in a tortilla, too. If you are worried about time just microwave the egg and you have breakfast on the go in less than a minute. Other good choices on the go include bananas and hard boiled eggs. You can have low fat yogurt with berries or oatmeal with raisins and nuts if you have more time at home.

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Some studies dispute the value of breakfast as well as claims that it is as the most important meal of the day. My lived experience does not bear this out. Although I eat breakfast most days on the rare days that I skip it I am so uncomfortably hungry it is difficult to focus on anything other than my hunger by about 10am. If you aren’t sure about the value of a good breakfast, try a personal challenge. Keep a food diary for about one week. Note what you eat (including calorie count) and how you feel in terms of energy and focus on a scale of 1-10.

•Benefits of Breakfast

According to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, eating breakfast gives you a head start on getting the vitamins and nutrients you need to meet daily requirements for optimal health. Breakfast also gives you enough fuel to get through the morning without the slump to slow you down.

•Find Time to Fuel Up

Does the morning rush make you reach for a donut and head out the door? You can do better. If you can’t get up ten minutes earlier you can plan ahead. Prep your breakfast the night before or think easy morning convenience when shopping.  Also make choices you will be excited about so getting breakfast together doesn’t feel like such a chore. You wouldn’t send your child out without a good breakfast. Be just as good to yourself and start your day off right with breakfast.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now.

Today Hottest bodybuilding's Motivation Names On Instagram Right Now is " TENELL87".

Instagram is a great repository for photos and videos of insane feats of fitness & bodybuilding. If you're not already doing so,Start with them, and you'll be sure to discover many more fit-minded folks as you fall down the Instagram rabbit hole (don't say we didn't warn you).

Don't forget 2 Follow .

Ready, set, start scrolling!

Today our pick is: "TENELL87"

Mitt liv, min vardag med träningsfokus 👊
Dedication, motivation, inspiration
2016 gonna be my primetime
Team Tillskottsbolaget
Kik: tenell87

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The Best Full-Body Workout Ever For Bigger Muscle.

It's the ultimate answer to the question "What workout should
I do?" No matter what equipment you have available, from a fully stocked supergym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in your garage, or nothing but your body weight alone, you can build muscle, lose fat, and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.

Full-body workouts sound like they would take a long time. But when you boil down the exercises you need to perform in order to cover every area, there are only three you need to be concerned with a push, a pull, and a squat. This is the ultimate in minimalism and works superbly for beginners or people who are short on time.

So Men's Fitness & Workouts Fix ©  will break down one of the best Full- body workouts  that turn the world of bodybuilding upside down.
Enjoy it


Complete all five sets for the squat and then perform the overhead press and weighted pullup in alternating fashion. That is, complete a set of the press, rest, then do a set of the pullup, rest again, and repeat until you’ve finished all five sets for each.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 120 sec.
Set up in a squat rack or cage. Grasp the bar as far apart as is comfortable and step under it. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and nudge the bar out of the rack. Step back and stand with your feet shoulder width and your toes turned slightly outward. Take a deep breath and bend your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. Push your knees outward as you descend. Extend your hips to come back up, continuing to push your knees outward.

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Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 60 sec.
Set the bar up in a squat rack or cage and grasp it just outside shoulder width. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at shoulderlevel with your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze the bar and brace your abs. Press the bar overhead, pushing your head forward and shrugging your traps as the bar passes your face.


Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec.
Attach a weighted belt to your waist, hold a dumbbell between your feet, or if you can’t complete your reps with weight, use body weight alone. Hang from a pullup bar with hands just outside shoulder width. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.