Monday, February 29, 2016

The Best Exercise You Can Do for your Butt.

There are many myths and misconceptions about exercise and most of them center around weight training. One of the most popular myths is that doing certain exercises will help you get rid of trouble spots. Despite evidence that spot training does not work, you might see people frantically doing crunches to get rid of a tummy pooch, or doing leg lifts to get rid of saddle bags.

While it is true that these exercises will strengthen and tone muscles, they don't do much about the overlying layer of fat. The body draws energy from everywhere, not just the muscle you're working at the moment, so the the only way to get rid of fat is to burn more calories than you take in. If you want to tone up your backside, you'll need strength training, cardio and a healthy diet, but there are great exercises for working the glutes, hips and thighs. Ask any fitness expert and they'll probably agree that the squat is the best exercise you can do for your butt. The reason squats are so effective is because it's a compound exercise that works more than one muscle group. The muscles involved in a movement, the more calories you burn and the more weight you can use. Using heavier weight is how you build lean body tissue. The more lean body tissue you have, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you burn on a regular basis. In addition, you're targeting every major muscle in your upper leg, up to and including your quadriceps (front of the thigh), hamstrings (back of the thigh), and gluteal muscles (the muscles in your rear). Below you'll find more great exercises for your butt:

1- The Squat :

Form Pointers:

1- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding weights at the shoulders or at your sides if desired.

2- Slowly lower your body as though you are 'sitting' in a chair until your thighs are parallel with the ground.

3- Keeping the weight in your heels, push yourself up slowly until you're back where you started.

Key points:

•Don't allow your knees to extend over your toesKeep your abs contracted and the torso upright

•Do this exercise 2-3 times a week for 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

2- The Lunge:

Next to squats, lunges are the next best thing for your butt and thighs. This is also a compound movement so, like squats, when you do them you get more bang for your buck.

Form Pointers:

1- Stand in a split stance with one leg forward and one leg back, holding weights if desire.

2- Slowly bend the knees, lowering into a lunge while keeping the front knee and back knee at
90 degree angles.

3- Keeping the weight in your heels, push back up to starting position.

Key points:

• Avoid locking the knees at the top of the movementKeep your front knee behind the toe as you lunge (you should be able to look down and see your toe)

•Keep your abs engaged and the torso upright

•Do this exercise 2-3 times per week for 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

3- Deadlifts:

Deadlifts are great for your back, hamstrings and the glutes.

In a deadlift, you are tipping forward from your hips and keeping your legs straight or a little bent rather than squatting. This puts pressure on your back, which is why keeping your back flat is critical for this exercise to work without causing pain or injury. At the bottom of the movement you should tighten your butt and hamstrings as you pull your torso back to starting position.

Form Pointers:

1- Stand with feet wide or together, weights in front of the thighs.

2- Keeping back straight the entire time, tip forward from the hips and lower your torso until the
weight reaches mid-shin.

3- Squeezing your butt and hamstrings, raise your
torso back to start.

Key Points:

•Keep the weight close to your legs through the entire movement and keep your shoulders back.

•Do this exercise 2-3 times per week for 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

Remember, weight training alone will not get rid of body fat. A regular cardio program and a healthy, low- calorie diet are essential for losing body fat.

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Fitness: How To Face Pull Exercise Properly.

Pull face is one of the most underrated exercises and neglected that there are (if you knew of his existence, which is very unlikely).

Despite being a common exercise among powerlifters, it is extremely rare to see a person "common" including the pull face in training, and rarer still to see someone doing this exercise properly.

The pull face is a multi-functional exercise that also aids in the growth of the posterior deltoid, trapezius, rhomboid and mangu ito rotator, it still helps to treat and prevent postural problems like stooped shoulders.
And for those who do not know, have fallen shoulders is not the result of wrong just sit on the computer chair. This postural problem can also be generated within the academy to give exaggerated emphasis pushing exercises that only stimulate the anterior deltoid (forgetting the posterior portion).

In short, include the pull face in training can stimulate more muscle growth in certain areas and still balance the stimuli between the opposing regions of the deltoid, "bringing" the shoulders back and improve your posture.

÷How to face pull:

-Take a rope and set it to the crossover at the time of the upper portion of the chest.
-Grab the rope ends as if it were doing triceps rope.
-Now pull the rope toward the face and at the same time as if it were "tear it up" in half.
-Pause briefly to achieve the fully contracted portion of the movement.
-Return controllably for the initial portion of the exercise.
-Repeat the process for the desired number of repetitions.

When in doubt always ask for assistance to the teacher before performing a new exercise.


The pull face is not an exercise in "charge". The key here is control. Use excess load to the point of affecting the execution of the exercise, you may end up generating the opposite effect and at worst to injure the shoulders. Use moderate loads and, aiming to do 3-4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

This exercise can be done up to three times a week both in training and in the back of shoulders. As the load is not the "x" of the issue here, you can play this movement to the end of the workout.

•Final words:

Make no mistake about the pull face just because he is unknown and you may have never seen anyone doing it in academies of Brazil. This movement undoubtedly has its value in training, and also aids in muscle mass can also improve the health of your shoulders and posture.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Insanely Motivating Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Loss Weight.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.

You want to loss weight and get fit but you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Ana Cheri was born and raised in beautiful Southern California. Growing up in a family of all boys she had to balance the girly side that just wanted to play dress up and cake on the makeup, with her inner tomboy that wanted to play football in the dirt with the guys. Having a diverse childhood gave Ana Cheri the upper hand to mix her softer side with the inner tough girl. That fierce personality can be seen in her images and on screen. Ana Cheri is a chameleon in the modeling world, her Native American, Mexican and Caucasian heritage lets her exotic features deliver diverse looks! Ana Cheri is a very experienced model and has worked with many big name companies, charities and events around the world.

As a model, fitness and health have become a huge part of her lifestyle so its only natural she has combined the two. Currently she works for Shredz Supplements as a Brand Ambassador/ Motivational Speaker representing strength, positivity and sexy physiques around the world.

With the launch of her new gym Be More Athletics in Santa Ana, California and her recent debut in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, along with several NPC Bikini titles she holds, Ana Cheri is taking a strong hold on the fitness industry.

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Looking to bulk up Naturally? ( everything you need to know).

Looking to bulk up? Follow this 5 sure-fire ways to build muscle naturally:

1. Eat more :

If you want to gain more muscle then you need to up your calorie intake, which means eating more. If you aren’t consuming more calories than you are burning throughout the day, you won’t be able to put on any muscle. Your diet should be made up of nutritious, unprocessed foods that are rich in complex carbs, protein, healthy unsaturated fats, and important nutrients needed for muscle growth, energy production and good health. Steer away from processed, sugary and fatty foods that will only mess with your blood sugar levels and promote fat gain.

2. Increase your protein intake :

Protein is essential for providing your body with amino acids, which are vital for building and repairing muscles. Have some good quality protein with each meal and with snacks. Having protein with each meal and with snacks will help increase amino acid levels to optimize muscle growth. Choose healthy, lean protein choices such as lean meat, chicken, eggs, fish, legumes and low-fat dairy foods. Healthy protein-rich snacks include nuts and seeds, quinoa, yoghurt, muesli and protein bars and balls, and hummus with wholegrain crackers.

3. Protein powders are a great way to boost your protein intake:

There are lots of different protein powders on the market. If you find whey-based protein powders difficult to digest, and you suffer from bloating and gas when you consume them, go for a brown-rice-based protein powder instead, that is still a fantastic protein source without the tummy upset. You don’t need to go overboard with protein either as excessive amounts of protein can put you at risk of putting on fat.

4. Don’t forget to have some complex carbs with each meal:

You need carbohydrates for energy, and to fuel your muscles when you train to stimulate muscle growth. Choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, whole oats, grainy breads and root vegies like sweet potato. These types of carbs will supply you with sustained energy.

5. Eat 5-6 smaller meals:

Eating 5-6 smaller means throughout the day ensures that your body is getting a good constant supply of fuel and amino acids to build and repair muscles. Having a protein shake (that also contains some carbohydrates) around 30 to 60 minutes after weight training will help encourage muscle development by upping the production of anabolic hormones. Protein fruit smoothies are another healthy post-workout snack, made with healthy ingredients like low-fat milk, banana, berries, LSA, chia seeds, yoghurt and protein powder.

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Top 5 Best Ways to Stop Being Hungry and Look Healthy.

Cutting calories while dieting might help you lose weight, but it can also leave you feeling hungry and deprived. Giving into hunger pangs can sabotage your diet and ultimately make your weigh-loss efforts seem ineffective. To avoid getting hungry, eating too much and gaining weight, adjust your eating habits and lifestyle.

1- Consume Solid Foods:

Rather than getting your calories from liquids, get them from solid foods. Solid foods require chewing, which is associated with feeling full. Solids also take longer to consume and are more filling. Chew each bite of food at least 20 times to help keep hunger at bay. Chewing your food thoroughly results in better digestion

 2-  Add Fiber and Protein:

Adding fiber and protein to your meals can help prevent hunger, because they digest slowly and trigger the secretion of fullness hormones. Additionally, they keep your blood sugar stable so you're less likely to experience cravings. For protein, consume foods such as skinless poultry, fish, nuts and egg whites. Get your fiber from foods such as oats, plums, brown rice, oranges, whole grains and vegetables.

 3- Drink Water:

Because thirst is often mistaken for hunger, it's essential to recognize whether you really are hungry. If you think you're hungry and feel tempted to reach for food, drink a glass of water instead. Your urge to eat might be gone afterward. If you're not sure whether your hunger is real, wait 20 minutes to see if you still feel hungry. If it's been longer than three hours since your last meal, you might actually be hungry.

4- Manage Stress:

When you're stressed, your body produces cortisol. Nutritionist Marilyn Glenville, founder of The Natural Health Website For Women, notes that high levels of this stress hormone trigger hunger and hard-to-control cravings for unhealthy foods. Glenville recommends managing stress by delegating tasks, practicing relaxation techniques and getting enough sleep. She also suggests not skipping meals and eating often, about every three hours, to help stabilize your blood sugar so you don't get hungry.

5- Get Enough Sleep:

Hormones in your body control whether you feel full or hungry. Sleep influences these hormones. If you lack sleep, leptin levels, which signal your brain that you're full, decrease, and ghrelin levels, which tell you that you're hungry, increase. You start craving fattening, unhealthy foods in the hopes to get a quick energy boost. To avoid this, get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation

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Insanely Motivating Fitness Guys That Will Inspire You Get Fit.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

You want to get fit. But you don't want to join a health club -- it's too expensive, there's no gym convenient to you, or maybe you're just the independent type. Or perhaps you're already a gym member, but your schedule has been too manic for you to get away.

That leaves working out at home. But can you really get a great workout without leaving the house?

In today's world, the reality of it is people don't have time to go to a facility every day anyway.

Today our Motivating Fitness Guy On Instagram That Will Inspire You To Get Fit and start a Healthy Lifestyle is " eliyahu shabtai "

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How to build a big, thick and strong back.

Nothing is more impressive then a big, thick and dense back. The size of your back is a HUGE indicator of how you train in the weight room. How many strong dudes can you think of with a small and weak back? Probably not many and that’s because a big back is an indicator of how strong you are.

Here are my top 5 back exercises to build size and strength:

1- The Deadlift:

We have all herd it before, the deadlift is the king of all exercises. There’s nothing more impressive then picking up heavy ass weight off the ground. There’s also nothing that will build a big and strong back like the deadlift. During the deadlift, your lats must stabilize to keep the bar in tight to your body. Also, your traps will get rocked and will grow like weeds! Just look at guys like Arnold and Franco Columbo who used the deadlift in their routine. Those guys had huge deadlifts to go along with their massive backs.

2- Pull-ups

Pull-ups are a great exercise to build stronger and thicker lats. In order to make your back grow with pull-ups, it’s best to use high volume. Instead of doing 4 X 8 or 3 X 10, go for a set number of reps and get it done as fast as possible. This will give you the ultimate back pump. What if you suck at doing pull-ups? If this is the case, add in very low reps in-between sets of your main exercise. This approach will help you get good at doing them.

3- Chest Supported DB Rows

Over the years, chest supported DB rows have become a staple in my training because it allows me to isolate the back muscles better then most other exercises. When you do this lift, make sure you don’t use momentum. Train this lift as a bodybuilder would. Do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps for best results.

4- 1 Arm DB Rows

1 arm rows have been a staple in my training since day # 1. This lift will allow you to toss around some heavy weight and really help you build strength in your lats. While I prefer to do these strict most of the time, there’s nothing wrong throwing in 1 heavy set where you go heavier then normal and use some momentum to get it done.

5) Bent Over DB Rows

Bent over rows are probably the best mass builder for the back but you just have to watch for your lower back on this. If you’re doing tons of squats, deadlfts etc.. doing bent over rows can be tough. But regardless, it’s still a great lift to build serious size. Just make sure you leave your ego at the door when you do this lift – do these strict with your chest as parallel to ground as possible.

There you have it – my top 5 exercises to build a big, thick and strong back. What’s your favorite lift? Drop a comment below and share your opinion!

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Friday, February 26, 2016

How to keep Yourself Healthy and Reduce your risk of Diabetes.

Aside from heart disease, diabetes is one of the most common diseases to affect men.. Not only does diabetes reduce one’s quality of life, it puts one at risk for developing a host of other issues. There are many common sense things men can do to reduce their risk for developing diabetes. Most of these are things you already know, but they really are worth their weight in gold as they have and will continue to work. What follows is just a short list of tips and hints on how to keep yourself healthy and reduce your risk of diabetes.

1- Be Active:

It’s vital that you keep moving. It’s been shown that even modest physical activity can reduce one’s risk for many diseases including diabetes. There are also links between mental health and physical health. You don’t have to hit the gym: a 30-minute walk a couple of days a week will help keep you healthy and fit.

The important thing is to get moving. To maximize your workout performance and results, you may want to consider taking exercise supplements such as creatine and whey; both these supplements can help you achieve a lean, muscular figure.

2- Get Your Weight in Check:

Type 2 diabetes, the most common type of diabetes in adult men, is mainly – but not entirely — the result of lifestyle choices. Most people who have this type of diabetes tend to follow a diet that is rich in sugar, which can elevate blood sugar levels; elevated levels of glucose in the blood are contributing factors of diabetes.

Reduce your intake of refined sugars and get comfortable with the glycemic index (GI). This shows you how certain foods can affect your blood sugar – for better or worse. And don’t forget to take a multivitamin supplement to fill in gaps in your nutrition plan.

3- Keep Track of What You Eat and Do:

This might sound boring or unnecessary, but it is actually very helpful and can be very enlightening for men who are trying to get in better shape and reduce their risk for developing diabetes. Most of us do not realize how much we eat and drink.

Logging what you eat and do as you do it, and making sure to be honest, can show you where you need to put extra effort towards. We might think we are getting more exercise than we are, or forget to account for liquid calories. Keeping a log of what you consume and do makes it much easier to keep on track and assess your progress. “How to Make a Food Journal” can help you get started on your own food log.

Diabetes is a very real and scary disease that affects men of all ages. These are some common sense things that men can do to reduce their risk of developing this often debilitating disease, and they also go a long way toward improving overall health and wellness.

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The most effective ways beginners can use to build muscle

Men who want to start building muscle should know the right steps to take to get the results they want. Building muscle takes time, and men should not resort to taking unhealthy shortcuts in an attempt to achieve faster results. Here are a few of the safest and most effective ways beginners can use to build muscle:

1- Eat More:

Men who are not eating enough will have more trouble achieving bulk. Some men may even want to increase their calorie intake by an additional 500 calories each day in order to make sure they are getting the nutrition they need to build muscle. In order to grow muscle, you need to eat more – period.

2- Eat the Right Kinds of Foods:

Filling up on sugary edibles or foods containing large amounts of saturated fats will only increase a person’s body fat percentage. This does no good in building muscle. It is best to eat foods containing higher levels of calories from healthier sources such as protein and carbohydrates. Extra levels of protein should also be incorporated into a diet so that muscles can grow. Healthy supplements like a protein shake can also be incorporated into a diet in order to help muscles grow more effectively.

3- Exercise:

Exercising is one of the main components required to develop bigger and stronger muscles. Free weights and weight machines at a gym should be used regularly as part of a strength training regimen. Some fitness experts claim that doing too much cardio will only be counterproductive in building muscle, so it is best to limit cardio workouts to shorter durations if a person feels they need to still do these types of exercises.

5-  Rest Muscles

Some people may be surprised to learn that muscle growth actually occurs while muscles are at rest. Strength training exercises actually cause small tears in the muscle tissue as each muscle group is worked. Adequately resting muscles after a workout is required in order for these tears in the tissue to heal. Muscles get bigger and stronger as these tears heal. Muscles cannot get bigger and stronger if they are overworked and are not allowed to rest properly. It is best to alternate strength training exercises on certain days in order to work certain muscle groups while others are allowed to rest.

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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fitness: How to Make Your Breasts Bigger & Perkier .

If a recent study is to be believed, padded push-up bras are actually hurting our quest for gravity-defyingKate Upton breasts. Would we be crazy to attempt a little boob-boosting exercise?

"Many women ask me how they can make their breasts more perky and prevent future sagging," says certified personal trainer and Morph & Thro fitness model Lauren Pappas. "I suggest doing a series of chest, shoulders, back and core exercises 3 to 5 times a week."

Try 15-20 reps and two to three sets of the following moves:

 1- Pectoral Flys :

Grasping two dumbbells, lie on your back on the floor or bench. Bring your arms straight to your sides. Lift dumbbells above your chest, internally rotating shoulders, with elbows pointing out to sides.

Lower dumbbells to your sides until you feel chest muscles are stretched with elbows in a slightly bent position and repeat.

2- Chest Press :

Lie with your back to the floor or bench, clutch dumbbells and position your hands to the sides of your chest with bent arms.

Press dumbbells up with elbows to side until your arms are extended over your chest.

Lower weighst to sides of upper chest and repeat.

3- Push-Ups :

Lie facing the floor with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Keeping your core tight and your body straight, raise your body slightly off the floor by extending your arms.

Lower your body to the floor by bending arms and repeat. (You know the drill.)

4- Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise :

Grasp dumbbells in front of your thighs, keeping elbows and hips slightly bent.

Raise upper arms to your sides until elbows are shoulder height. Lower slowly and repeat.

5- Ab Plank :

Get into a push up position on the floor, rest your weight on your forearms, bending them at 90 degrees beneath your shoulders, keeping your body tight and in a straight line. Hold it for one minute and repeat.

Bonus Tip: The simplest way to keep your boobs high and mighty is to hold your head up high. "Improving your posture will help you achieve a more lifted look," suggests Pappas. Looks like your mom was onto something about standing up straight!

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How to boost your energy naturally and feel your best ever

We’d all like more energy to get through the day or improve our workout results. After all, falling asleep at your desk is a good way to get on your boss’s bad side. Luckily, there are some proven ways to boost your energy naturally and feel your best ever. Try these simple tweaks to your daily routine and you’ll definitely notice a difference:

1. Get more sleep.

Do you really need to stay up until 2 a.m. watching talk shows? Turn off the tube and hit the sack earlier, even if it’s only 30 minutes earlier.

2. Time your meals better.

Getting certain nutrients at different times of the day can boost your energy when you need it most, whether it’s right before a workout or a big company presentation.

3. Drink green tea.

Instead of your morning cup of Joe, have some tea instead. The natural ingredients in green tea serve as a thermogenic and kick-starts your metabolism. While coffee also contains caffeine, it lacks green tea’s antioxidant content, which can help reduce the appearance of aging signs.

4. Supplement your diet.

 Sometimes, exhaustion can be a sign that you’re not getting enough nutrients from your diet. A men’s multivitamin, an omega-3 fish oil supplement and a men’s thermogenic formula are just a few of the men’s nutritional supplements that can help perk you up.

5. Lose weight.

 Extra pounds can slow you down – literally. By eating right and exercising regularly, you’ll shed fat and feel a lot lighter.

6. Manage stress.

 Easier said than done, huh? Do some yoga, go out with your friends, take a vacation or just chill out. Getting stress under control not only boosts your energy levels, but also reduces the risk of acne breakouts and other skin issues.

7. Stay hydrated.

Make sure you’re drinking enough liquids.

8. Eat complex carbs.

The complex carbs found in whole grains and legumes provide your body with steady supply of energy. Processed foods and soft drinks, on the other hand, contain simple carbs that provide a quick boost but may not last as long.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Get Motivited: Fitness Girls That Will Inspire You Be in Shape.

Believe it or not, at Instagram Fitness Pros they encourage folks to exercise at home as much as at the gym. This way, they are more apt to adopt fitness as a lifestyle. "The key thing is that you do something, somewhere, sometime.

Fitness experts say it doesn't take much effort or money to design an effective workout program at home. Things like fit balls, dumbbells, exercise bands or tubing, and push-up bars are an inexpensive way to create a routine that works all the major muscle groups.

But even with no props or machines, you can build muscles and burn calories.


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Fitness: How to Control Your Food Portions.

If there’s one thing you can do to push your weight and health in the right direction, it’s controlling the amount of food you eat. Portion control is still a huge problem for many of us, especially those of us who eat restaurant food on a regular basis.

If you’re worried that smaller portions will leave you unsatisfied, have no fear: a well-portioned diet should actually leave you feeling more energetic and truly satisfy your hunger.

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Control Your Food Portions:

1- Eat at home more often :

Although there are more restaurants offering health-minded options these days, the best way to ensure that you are sticking to proper portion sizes is to make and serve it yourself. When you do eat out, consider splitting your food with a friend or eating half and taking the leftovers home to eat for another meal.

2- Eat a varied diet:

Instead of eating a lot of two items for dinner, eat smaller portions of different foods. Ideally, each meal should provide a variety of foods from all of the food groups. Start by trying to at least include one lean protein, one whole grain, a fruit and a vegetable in each meal.

3- Buy a portion control tool :

For a little added help, there is a handy-dandy, reasonably priced portion control tool that makes controlling your portions a snap. The Meal Measure 1 Portion Control Tool (about $10 on Amazon) sits on top of your plates and has labeled compartments for your vegetable, fruit, starch and protein

4- Stick out your hand :

Another kind of portion control tool you already have “at hand.” An average adult-sized fist is comparable to about 1 cup of food and is a great guide for portioning out beverages, cereals, casseroles, soups, fresh fruit and salads. The amount of food that would fill a cupped hand equals about ½ cup, and is good for knowing the right sized portion for oatmeal, pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, cooked veggies, and desserts. Your palm (which measures out about 3 ounces) is the best reference for knowing how much meat you should have per meal. And your thumb is about the size of a tablespoon, which is the right amount for salad dressings, peanut butter, sour cream and cream cheese.

5- Divvy it out ahead of time :

If you’re a person who eats on the go often or likes to graze throughout the day, having foods pre-portioned may work best for you. Buy the snack-size (NOT sandwich-size) plastic baggies and measure out the right portions. Some examples of what to measure out include 1/3 cup of nuts, ¼ cup of dried fruit, ½ cup raw veggies, or 1.5 ounces of cheese.

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