Monday, August 31, 2015

3 Lifesaving Tips For Men’s Health.

Health is the vital asset of men and even in women also, because without this you can’t do something in your ‘life’. A healthy person can enjoy well the blessings of GOD he gave out on earth. He can appreciate his personal, educational and professional visions without any issue.
In contrast, unhealthy men are dependent to someone. He is depressed of having life as people by health do. As a result, it is definitely very important to distinguish after yourself.
Actually, most men are run to ignore their health. But they require to ‘take into consideration’ that it is very important to care after their health, so that, they can accomplish a well life and also stay away from certain illnesses. Applying some health guidelines for men – can help you to maintain a healthy life. These are some lists of health guidelines among men that will guarantee their health and let them to have a great life.

1: Balanced Diet
It is very important among men to consume a healthy balanced diet. You must gain foods with minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Your diet must also involve with plenty amounts of water. Dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits must also be gained to a healthy living.

2: Exercise
Other helpful tip to a healthy living is by having a healthy ‘exercise’, each day. Exercising has full health benefits and scores. It keeps you strong, controls your blow circulation and boosts your metabolism. Best examples of healthy exercise may include swimming, running, jogging and more.

3: Health Check-ups
 It is really important among men to visit a physician regularly. You must take yourself checked every so often, so that your physician can monitor your medical condition, and give right treatments or tips for better living. Some people ignore this, but regular check-ups help you to keep healthy, and delayed some illnesses.
Last of all, it is also necessary to quit bad health habits like smoking and drinking in order to avoid nerves damages

Fitness Tips To Improve Your Bench Press.

If there’s one exercise every man should perform, it’s the bench press. The bench press is one of the most effective moves to target your upper body muscles. To help you lift heavier weights and improve your bench press, we’ve put together this list of eight fitness tips for men:

1. Use visualization:

Visualization has been used successfully for everything from personal achievement to business success. Because the technique can be applied to virtually any activity, bench pressing is no different. Prior to performing a max attempt, picture yourself doing just that. Really see yourself benching the weight, such that you imagine how it feels, as well. Go through the motion in your head from every movement. Think of yourself in the gym and imagine what it feels like, from sounds to how others look.

2. Take a men’s tri-creatine supplement:

 Research shows that creatine supplementation can help you significantly increase muscle size and strength. Taking creatine helps increase your muscle’s energy stores for longer, harder workouts, which in turn can help improve your bench press and speed up workout results. MenScience takes things a step further by using a proprietary tri-creatine matrix in our Creatine Workout Results Booster. This mix of three high-quality creatine maximizes muscle strength and size gains.

3. Take adequate breaks:

In between heavy sets, take breaks. Every successful power lifter knows how important this is. If you don’t give your muscles time to recover between sets, you’ll increase your risk of injury and fatigue a lot faster. Don’t finish one set and power into another one unless you want diminishing returns. Aim for 30-60 seconds of rest between sets for best results.

4. Make sure you’re hydrated:

You need to be hydrated if you want to perform at your best. Before lifting, consume a pre-workout supplement for men with nitric oxide activators. This type of men’s workout supplement will not only keep you hydrated, but also improve your energy, focus and alertness for an overall better workout.

5. Don’t neglect surrounding muscles:

The bench press is typically associated with chest and arm muscles, but other muscle groups play a big role in this exercise as well, especially your back (lats) muscles. Following a fitness program that includes regular back exercises and other upper body exercises will help you build strength and improve your bench press. For a structured fitness plan.

6.Vary your exercises and intensity:

 You should target your chest muscles from all angles so experiment with different positions like incline and decline bench presses. This will help you develop a well-rounded chest and prevent any muscle imbalances. You should also experiment with reps and weight; for one set, you may want to

7. Optimize your recovery:

 After a workout, your body’s nutrient supply is depleted. To replenish glycogen and other necessary nutrients, you need a post-workout supplement for men. A post-workout supplement with carbs, protein and amino acids can help muscles recover faster and reduce muscle soreness. As a result, you’ll be more than ready for your next workout.

8. Refrain from overtraining:

There is absolutely no need to bench press every day. Your body has other muscles besides your chest that need working out. Your body also needs adequate rest to repair and improve itself, something it can’t do if you’re hitting the weights every day. Space out your workouts by at least 24 hours and take a day off each week – you deserve it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Building big muscles seems as an easy task as just getting to a gym and lifting the weight frequently for a few months and lay your expectations of great muscle mass, enough to be presented to a body building contest.  Muscle building involves more than hitting the weight at the gym. The following are hints for muscle mass gain fast :

1)   Eat well :

Eating well entails consuming nutritious food rich in calories.  Calories consumption should always be greater than calories expenditure. The excess calories are crucial for muscle growth.

2)   Ensure that you consume adequate proteins:

At least one gram of protein per pound of your body weight on a daily basis is recommended.

3)  Incase the required amount of protein cannot be acquired from your usual meal then consider supplementing it. Take creatine supplements to attain more strength for lifting heavier weights.

4)  Weight training also assists in muscle building:

Your muscles require a gradually varying resistance to keep the growing. This resistance can only be attained in weight training.  Though lifting heavy is advised, do not forfeit right lifting techniques and form in the name of lifting heavier.

5)   Lift free weights such as dumb bells and barbells to involve more muscle fibers in the workout.

6) Concentrate on compound exercises such 

as bench presses, squats, barbell rows, chin ups and dead lifts to build big muscles. Dealing only with biceps leads to growth of only puny muscles.

7)  Resting enables your muscles to recover and be ready for the next workout.  It is a rule of the thumb to have rest days in between exercise days. Consequently avoid performing exercise on the same muscle group for more than two times a week.

8) Since muscles grow when you sleep, ensure that you get adequate sleep, at least 8 hours or more.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to Lose Fat But Not Weight.

•Why You’ve Stopped Losing Weight

When you’re dieting for fat loss and the scale hasn’t changed in a couple of weeks, it’s for one of two reasons:

You haven’t lost any fat (at least you haven’t gained any though!).
You have lost fat but you don’t see it on the scale.
Breaking down number one is going to take longer than number two, so let’s start with the short and sweet.

• How to Lose Fat But Not Weight

The most common reason people lose fat and not weight is fluid retention.

This is particularly true for women, who are hormonally inclined to retain fluids and who also have to deal with large fluctuations due to menstrual cycles.

What happens is very simple: you lose a pound of fat in a week but you “pick up” an additional pound of water along the way. Obviously it’s not always 1:1 so, when it comes time to weigh in, it can look like you only lost a negligible amount of fat that week or even gained some.

If you want to see how much water retention can affect your weight, double your sodium intake for a few days and watch the scale. You can easily gain 1 to 2 pounds per day for several days.

Fortunately, water retention issues are fairly easy to fix. It usually requires little more than balancing sodium and potassium intake, drinking enough water every day, and keeping your cortisol levels under control.

Once these things are in–when your electrolytes are balanced, you’re properly hydrated, and your cortisol levels are normal…and you’re not about to get your period…you can rest assured that you fluid retention levels are stable.

Another common reason why people lose fat but not weight is they’re new to weightlifting.

This matters because when you’re new, you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, and building muscle means adding weight, of course.

Furthermore, when you first start training your muscles intensively, they soak up and hold quite a bit of additional glycogen and water. This too adds weight.

These “newbie gains” are so predictable that I often tell people new to weightlifting and proper dieting to expect not to lose weight for their first 3 to 6 weeks.

Sure, keep track of your weight, but your waist measurement is a more reliable indicator of fat loss progress during this period. If your waist is shrinking, you’re losing fat regardless of what the scale says.

Now, if you have any real amount of fat to lose, you eventually need to see your weight go down. Unfortunately the joyride does come to an end and your body simply can’t continue building muscle as quickly as it can lose fat (and eventually you can only do one or the other).

How To Get Buff Without Weights At Home.

Although it can make your sessions more challenging, if you’re creative and follow muscle-building principles, you can get buff while working out at home. Your muscles grow in size when they’re broken down with high-volume weight-training workouts and then given an adequate amount of time to heal. Muscle-building concepts remain the same whether or not you use weights, but you’ll likely have to do a higher number of reps to fatigue your muscles.

1- Workout Schedule and Volume:

Although you won’t be lifting actual weights, your workouts still have to overload and break down your muscles if they’re going to be effective at building muscle. Because your muscles will need two days off to rest, do all upper-body exercises on Mondays and Thursdays and all lower-body exercises on Tuesdays and Fridays. This also gives you more time to focus on each muscle group. Do four to six sets of each exercise, completing each set to failure. Reaching failure means your muscles are so fatigued that you’re unable to complete another rep.

2- Be Creative with Resistance:

Since you don’t have weights, you have to figure out how to provide a load for your muscles to lift so you can reach failure during each set. Some exercises, such as pushups and pullups, use your own body weight and that’s often adequate for fatiguing your muscles. When you’re doing lower-body exercises like squats, however, you’ll likely need to find something heavy to hold. For example, if you have a couple of empty paint cans, you can fill them with rocks.

3- Chest, Shoulder and Triceps Exercises:

To work primarily your chest, but also your shoulders and triceps, incorporate an array of pushups into your workout. A wider hand position places more focus on the chest, while a narrower hand position will make your triceps and shoulders work harder. Place your feet atop an elevated surface like a step stool to increase difficulty. Another way to work your shoulders and triceps is to do bench dips on a coffee table. With your hands on the edge of the table and the feet of your extended legs atop a chair, bend and straighten your elbows to lower and raise your hips from the floor. If you have paint cans, hold them at your shoulders and extend them over your head in an at-home version of the shoulder press.

4- Build Your Back and Biceps:

For your back and biceps, head out to a nearby park with a playground to do an array of pullup exercises. A wide grip on the bar is more challenging and focuses more on your back. Bring your hands in to shoulder-width to increase how much your biceps have to contribute. To really work your biceps, use a narrow grip and flip your hands around so your palms are facing you and perform a chinup. With filled paint cans, you can work your back and biceps with bent-over rows. Hold the cans and bend forward at the waist, then pull the cans up to your torso. Isolate your biceps by holding the cans down by your sides and then bending your elbows to bring your hands up to your shoulders.

5- Develop Your Lower Body:

Develop all of the major muscles in your lower body with squats, lunges and deadlifts. You'll need to find some heavy objects to hold when performing these lower-body exercises. If you don’t have paint cans, you can also use sandbags, tires, big rocks, chairs or logs. Hold the objects at your shoulders as you do the exercises. Squats involve setting your feet at hip-width and then lowering your hips to the floor by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. For lunges, take a big step with one foot to get into a staggered position and then bend your lead knee to drop your back knee toward the floor. During deadlifts, you’ll hold the weighted implement in front of your thighs. With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward at the waist to lower the object toward your feet.

2015 Best Fitness Programs For Women.

Working out is a key part of any fitness goal, whether you're aiming to lose weight, burn fat and increase definition, build your strength or just maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. Five days per week at the gym might sound like a lot, but the bonus of working out more frequently is that you can keep each individual workout time down. Combine cardio and strength training for best results and find a way to enjoy training.

If you’re new to weight training, don’t worry. Perkins created this four-week program to help you to build a solid foundation of strength training and shift your body into a new place after all that cardio. The really great news? You only have to do this routine twice a week. Each week, the moves will stay the same, but we'll make the routine harder by changing the program variables (like rest, sets, reps, or load).

Put at least two days of rest between strength training days, but you can do cardio on those rest days (to be clear: cardio is not bad—it’s just not the best method for long-term weight loss or maintenance!)

Now, stay with us: we're going to break down the weekly workouts for you. 

•Week 1: Complete the exercises in each workout as Straight Sets. For example, you'll do one set of leg presses, rest for 30 seconds, do a second set, rest, do the third set. Then, move on to the next exercise. You'll complete all movements in both workouts this way. Complete 12 reps of all movements for 3 sets each, and rest for 30 seconds in between each set. Choose a weight load where the last two reps of every set are extra hard, where you wouldn't be able to do a 13th rep. You may find that you increase the weight load for each set while keeping the 12 reps for all three sets.

•Week 2: This week, you'll continue with the Straight Set format for both workouts. But now, you'll complete 15 reps of all movements for 3 sets, and you will only rest for 15 seconds in between each set. Therefore, this week, you'll complete more work in less time. This is a great stimulus to take your fitness to the next level.

•Week 3: We're going to mix it up this week! Instead of Straight Sets, you're going to complete your workout in a circuit style. This week, you'll complete 1 set of each exercise for 15 reps, then you'll immediately move on to the next movement with no rest in between. For example, on the Day 1 workout, you'll perform your first set of leg presses for 15 reps, then you'll immediately go to the goblet squat and perform 15 reps and then continue on to the next exercise with no rest in between movements. At the end of these four movements, you'll rest for one minute, then complete the circuit two more times.

•Week 4: This week you're going to continue with the circuit-style sets; this time you'll perform only 12 reps of each movement, but there are two (tough!) changes: You'll complete a total of 4 full circuits (that's four sets of each exercise for both workouts) and there will be no rest in between each circuit. This week is all about keeping you moving! After you finish the last movement of either workout, you'll immediately return to the first movement and begin a new circuit!

Friday, August 28, 2015

6 Reasons You Aren't Sleeping Enough at Night.

We've all been there. It's 3 a.m., we have an important meeting the next morning, we're completely exhausted and the sleep gods have chosen that evening to torture our souls.
It comes without warning and, while you're struggling to fight them and get your Zs, the anxiety you begin to feel as you realize the following day is going to be longer and more arduous than usual only perpetuates the problem.

As with any health issue you're facing, you have to identify the culprit and nip it in the bud. You already know that the source of your sleeplessness isn't utter exhaustion, so we'll rule that out. Chances are you'll probably identify with one of these 10 common reasons why you aren't sleeping at night.

1. Stress:

The root of all evil. When we're stressed during the day, it isn't a piece of cake to turn it off when the lights go out. The brain keeps going. And going. And, at 1 a.m., it's likely not going to a place worth visiting. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to this one. You're going to have to pinpoint the source of your stress and tackle it — while the sun is up — so that you can rest easily at night.

2- You sleep in:

You've had a difficult week and you deserve a break on Saturday morning. But, if sleeping at night proves a constant struggle, you'd be better off treating yourself with a morning run or breakfast out than by sleeping in. If you don't maintain a consistent sleep schedule every day, even on the weekends, your body may suffer in the long run and decide to take its revenge out on you Sunday night.

3- Your bed has become your home and office:

Experts say your bed should be the place where you engage in everybody's favorite two S activities: sleep and sex. That's it. If you're using your bed to conduct business meetings, eat lunch and read, you're going to find it more difficult to wind down at the end of the day and find comfort in a place that is usually a hotbed (bad pun) of activity.

4- You feast right before bed
We all know we're not supposed to eat after 7 p.m. for reasons that have to do with carbs, fat and all that boring stuff. But, an even better reason not to snack — or if you're truly starving, choose something extremely light and void of carbs — is that it is going to affect your digestive system and could cause heartburn.

5. You aren't eating enough:

One the other hand, if you're following a strict diet and seriously restricting your calorie intake during the day, your body may nudge you throughout the night because it has a serious message that you're ignoring: feed me please. If you listen closely, it's not asking you to feed it cookies or trying to sabotage your weight loss efforts. But, it still needs protein. Fuel. And it isn't going to let you sleep unless you're treating it with kindness.

6- . Your bedroom is distracting
We have so many electronic devices these days that we sometimes fail to realize every corner of our room is glowing — and that all of that light is keeping us from settling in. Eliminate as many computers, phones or lighted alarm clocks as you can and invest in a set of blackout curtains to create a true sanctuary in your bedroom.

Fitness: Why Should Men Exercise?

Why should men exercise? It is a question that has been asked many times before, a long time ago. Out of all the activities that occupy men daily, do they still really have to burn their time in a gym? Will it not be enough for them to focus their attention on their work since they are usually doing heavy and mind-breaking task?

The answer to the last two questions is yes. They still have to burn something, and that would be their fat deposits and not their time alone. They can either do it in a gym or in the comforts of their homes. They can even do it in their offices. What they need are the instructions on how to do so. Once they do it properly, they will certainly gain the results of a healthy body. 

It is vital to exercise early in the morning. Contrary to common ideas, exercising will not make you sleepy because you are tired the whole day. You may feel a bit tired after the actual exercise but once you are thru doing it, It will make you feel awake, energized and ready for your work. 

Exercising will ensure the proper circulation of oxygen in your body. With proper oxygenation, you are sure to feel awake and alert. You will then have ample energy to finish all your tasks. You will also feel stress-free since you will be able to finish more tasks than during days without exercising. 

Exercise can also increase your strength and endurance. Your muscles are all worked out and ready to keep you moving the whole day. It will also free you from common diseases like coughs and colds. You will also be free from fat deposits that will make you feel really heavy. This freedom to move around and fast at that is enough reason for men to get their bodies to exercise.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Best Exercises To Lift And Enhance Breast Size.

Want stronger, perkier pecs. Here are the best workouts for a firmer bust, no surgery required!

1- Dumbbell Bench Press:

Lie faceup on a bench with your arms straight, a dumbbell in each hand (A). Lower the dumbbells until they’re close to the sides of your chest (B), then press them back up to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 10 reps, then go to move 2 without rest.

2- Pushup:

Start on all fours, your palms slightly wider than your shoulders, feet close together. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe (A). Lower down until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your upper arms at a 45-degree angle to your torso (B). Pause, then push back to the starting position. Do 10 pushups and rest 90 seconds.

Repeat moves 1 and 2 one more time (so you'll do each exercise twice). Rest 90 seconds before move 3.

3- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press:

Sit on an adjustable bench set to a low incline (about 15 to 30 degrees) and place your feet flat on the floor. Grasp two dumbbells and hold them up above your shoulders, arms straight (A). Slowly lower the weights down to the sides of your chest (B). Pause, then press the dumbbells back up toward the ceiling. Do 10 reps, then go to move 4 without rest.

4- Dumbbell Fly:

Lie faceup on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor. Hold a pair of dumbbells above your shoulders with your elbows slightly bent (A). Keeping the slight bend in your elbows, lower the weights until your elbows are even with your chest (B). Keep the same bend in your elbows as you press the weights back up. Perform 10 reps. Rest 90 seconds.

Repeat moves 3 and 4 (you'll do each exercise twice).

Top 3 Best Exercises For Forearms.

Obviously, in some measure forearm involved when performing any exercises that require the involvement of the hands - deadlifts , pull the belt , pull-ups , exercises for the biceps and so on. However, the muscles of the forearm part is not too large.

For a complete study of the forearm required "isolation" exercises designed to involve a minimum number of additional muscle groups. Isolation exercises for forearms are divided into three types:

1. Exercise With Barbell:

The first group of exercises to work out the forearms are exercises performed with a barbell. Their main advantage is that the muscles of the left and right hands equally participate in motion, allowing to engage both arms evenly.

In turn, exercise forearm with a bar divided into two types: for flexor (during exercise palm facing up) and extensors (grip on top, palm facing down). Performing on the bench is a simplified version.

2. Exercises With Dumbbells:

Exercises with dumbbell exercises can be repeated as the pole (you pick up two dumbbells and, in fact, exercise copy) and engage in the work of only one hand. In the latter case, increased control over the movement commission.

In addition, you can perform a rotational movement of the wrist, holding a dumbbell. However, remember that it is safer to use a moderate operating weight and movement to make the most slowly and with full control over the rotation.

3. Exercise With Rotation:

e third type of exercises are exercises, further developing the rotator cuff and increases grip strength. Take meter rope, connect one end with a pancake in 5-7 kg, the second - with an empty handle of the dumbbell.

Then stand up straight, take the handle with both hands, and then, making a rotational wrist movement, start to wind the rope with a weight attached to the handle of the dumbbell. Perform each exercise slowly, no more than a total of 3-5 repetitions.

The program for the muscles of the forearm

To train the muscles of the forearm and hand, add two or three different exercises on a forearm to the hand muscles training program, performing 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions each. Use the average weight and perform exercises slowly.

Start with exercises with dumbbells, using the support of -or support under the elbow and wrist (see. Photo), or sitting on the bench and putting his forearm on his thigh. Gradually move on to the exercises standing, without any support arms.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Supplement: Alphamine PES Fat Burning Powder - Strong is the New Sexy.

Alphamine is a fat burning drink mix that dieters and fitness enthusiasts have been raving about since 2012. It’s made by PES, or Physique Enhancing Science, a name that perfectly describes this incredible supplement.

After two years of undeniable feedback from Alpha-T2, we sat down to begin our research into an even greater, more innovative, more powerful thermogenic product… We realized all the fat burners on the market hold MAJOR flaws…we set out to create a solution.

This powerful thermogenic powder is designed to give a quick custom serving for every user. As a powered product, each and every user can fully customize their serving size and frequency however they choose. No more being stuck with only 1 to 2 capsules…enjoy fully customizable serving anytime, anywhere. Everyone has different tolerances or “happy zones” for stimulant-based products…find YOUR sweet spot.

Alphamine mixes quick and easy with a spoon and tastes like something you’d only drink on your cheat days…no medicine mouth here! Two small scoops with 8-10 oz. of water and you can be on your way….

More info.

How To Treat Osteoarthritis knee Naturally.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, occurs due to the gradual daily wear and tear of our joints. The cartilage that provides a buffer between bones breaks down and wears away, allowing the bones to rub and grind against each other. Doctors have plenty of medications that can help you deal with osteoarthritis pain, and for people in extreme pain there are surgical treatments. But there also are a number of natural remedies you can use, often at home, to treat your pain.

1- Exercise Gets You Moving

Gentle weight training and aerobic exercise is a great osteoarthritis treatment that can strengthen the muscles around the affected joint, providing it with greater support. "This is really important," says Roy Altman, MD, a professor of rheumatology in the department of medicine at UCLA. "Six times your weight goes through your knee every time you stamp down. If you have decent muscles around the knee, they absorb some of that shock." Aquatic exercise is one of the natural remedies that have been shown to help.

2- Get Your Weight Under Control

If you’re overweight, you’re putting tremendous amounts of pressure, stress, and strain on knees and hips, worsening osteoarthritis pain. "Weight control in those who are overweight is one thing you can do to control symptoms and perhaps even slow progression," Dr. Altman says. Losing weight also makes a difference in the success of physical therapy and in surgical outcomes. Eat a balanced diet, count calories, and do as much exercise as you can.

3- Use Ice or Heat Therapies

A lot of people swear by thermotherapy, the osteoarthritis treatment that uses heat or cold to relieve osteoarthritis pain. Heat is believed to work as natural remedy by increasing circulation in the joint and relaxing muscles that have clenched in pain. Cold can numb pain by cooling the nerve impulses to the joint and decrease swelling by constricting the blood vessels there. Ice massage has been shown to increase range of motion and function in knees hampered by osteoarthritis.

4- Consider Supplements

A number of supplements have been identified as osteoarthritis treatments. The combination of glucosamine and chondroitin is believed to help reform and repair worn or torn cartilage. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil or flaxseed oil are anti-inflammatory agents. Studies have found that SAMe (s-adenosyl-L-methionine) can help reduce osteoarthritis pain. Early evidence has shown that the natural vegetable extract called avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASUs) could be an effective osteoarthritis treatment that might even slow progression of the disease.

5- Eat Up Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Research has identified a number of foods that can reduce inflammation and swelling, which causes much of the pain associated with osteoarthritis. These foods include horseradish, mustard, garlic, onions, watercress, parsley, celery, pickles, lemon, and rose-hip tea. The omega-3 fatty acids in nuts, seeds, and fish also can reduce inflammation. Just eating a well-balanced, healthy diet is one of the natural remedies that can reduce inflammation.