Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Best Upper-Body Workout Machine Routine.

Weight machines are generally targeted more toward beginners, or those recovering from injuries, but they can be useful for anyone. Machines allow you to concentrate more on individual muscle groups by removing the total-body stability aspect of free weights; plus, it's quicker to transition between weight machines and change the load of an exercise with one movement of a pin. When training your upper body with machines, ensure your routine is balanced and progressive.

• The Perfect Plan:

Working your upper-body muscles in proportion is vital. It can be easy to focus on the "mirror" muscles such as the pecs and biceps, but keep in mind that you do have other muscle groups, too. Include two chest exercises, one shoulder move, two back exercises and one exercise each for biceps and triceps. A typical routine could include machine chest presses, the pec fly machine, seated shoulder presses, lat pulldowns, machine chest-supported rows, preacher curls and triceps extensions.

• Cable Considerations:

Consider adding cable machine exercises into your workout. The benefit of the cable machine is that you can change the direction and height of the force; they also maintain tension on the muscle throughout the entire exercise. They're also versatile, writes trainer James Stoppani in the "Encyclopaedia of Muscle and Strength." Swap two or three regular machine exercises for cable exercises. You could get rid of pec flyes, machine rows and machine triceps extensions, for instance, and replace them with cable crossovers, seated one-arm cable rows and overhead cable extensions using a rope attachment.

• Strength Versus Endurance:

Aim for a variety of repetition ranges in your workout. Traditionally, heavy weights and lower reps are considered best for strength gains, while lighter loads for higher rep sets are judged best for endurance. While this is true, mixing up your rep ranges keeps your training fresh and challenging. Perform your first chest, shoulder and back exercise for five sets of six to eight reps each, then your second exercise for chest and back, plus your two arm moves, for three sets of 15. Do this for four weeks, aiming to add weight or reps each session, then reverse the order in weeks five to eight by going higher rep on your first lot of exercises and lower rep on your second.

•The Machine Routine:

Machines can be highly effective, but you need to pick the right ones, warms strength coach Charles Poliquin. Watch out for biceps curls and triceps extensions that don't have adjustable seats; lateral raise and pec dec machines where you can't position the handles to suit your biomechanics; and be careful not to round your back when grabbing the handle for seated machine rows. If you hit a plateau in training and can't move up to the next level on a machine, consider switching to a similar machine for a few weeks, or attach a smaller 2.5- or 5-pound plate to the weight stack using the adjustable pin.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Killer Bicep & Tricep Workout For Beginners.

There is no better way to get a killer set of biceps and triceps than with a strength training routine targeting those muscles. Beginners should start with a lower weight, but one that is still challenging -- and keep the repetitions between 10 and 15. More advanced exercisers can use heavier weights and opt for a lower repetition range.

• Bicep Exercises :

Biceps muscles are easily targeted with a few simple exercises. Exercises like the bicep curl and hammer curl can be altered in several different ways to make them more challenging. For example, instead of a traditional bicep curl, you can perform a cross body biceps curl where you curl the weight across your body and up to your opposite shoulder. You can use dumbbells, a barbell, or a cable machine to perform bicep exercises, and both the bicep curl and hammer curl can be done with one arm at a time.

•Triceps Exercises:

The triceps muscle is located on the back of your arm and is known as a support muscle, but can also be targeted alone. Exercises like the triceps extension, skull crusher, bench dips and narrow pushups all target primarily the triceps muscles. While some of the exercises require weights, others like the dip and pushup can be done without weight -- and weight can be added once your strength progresses.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Top 5 Reasons Why should we lift weights?

If you’re ready to pack on some serious natural muscle while staying lean you’re in the right place!

Why should we lift weights?

Here are the top 5 Reasons

  1-  Strong muscles mean less chance of injury, degenerative disease, ageing, arthritis, and osteoporosis.
2-  Strong muscles mean a better quality of life, for much longer.
3- Muscles mean a faster metabolism, faster fat – burning and less chance of getting fat.
4-  Muscles mean you burn more calories – which means you lose fat quicker.

5-  A stronger body will help to make all other areas of your life more productive, easier to cope with and easier for you to be more successful!

And remember, always concentrate on form over how much weight you are lifting. If you lift too heavy with poor form it’s the fast track to injury so if you’re not sure and you want to check your form, ask one of your friendly trainers to guide you. Even if you’ve been working out for years it’s a good idea to check because we can fall into bad habits.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

3 Best Exercises You Can Do At Home.

When it comes to getting in shape, the excuses we hear time and time again are ‘I don’t have time to go to the gym’ or ‘It’s too expensive to pay gym fees’. But who said anything about having to go to the gym to get into shape? A perfectly good workout awaits you in the comfort of your own home, but it can be confusing knowing which exercises are going to help you as you strive for the body beautiful. Well, there’s no need to be confused. Here’s the lowdown on some of the best exercises you can do without venturing into a gym packed with posers and meatheads.

1- Lunge:

An exercise which works your backside, front and rear thighs and your core muscles which are called into play to help you balance. Great for shaping your legs. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and take a big step forward with your right leg, bending your knee until your right thigh is roughly parallel to the ground. Keeping your torso upright, push through your right foot to drive yourself back into the start position and then repeat for the left leg. This is one repetition. How many repetitions you do will depend on the strength of your legs but do enough to create a nice burn. To make it harder, do it more slowly or carry something in your hands to increase the resistance.

2 – Triceps Dips:

A classic exercise which is traditionally done on parallel bars in the gym but can be modified for the home by using a chair. It works the backs of your arms mainly but the fronts of your shoulders and chest assist the movement. Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the edge, positioning your feet away from it. Straighten your arms and slide your rear end off of edge and rest the soles of your feet flat on the floor with a bend in the knees.  Lower your body by bending your arms until a slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder. Go down as far as is comfortable and then drive up to the start position to complete the repetition. Do enough to really feel it working the backs of your arms. To make it more challenging, straighten your legs or lift them onto another chair before starting.

3 – Step-ups:

An amazingly simple but highly effective exercise which targets your bum and the front and back of your thighs. Stand in front of a chair with your feet shoulder width apart. Step up onto the chair with your left leg by extending your knee and hip and bring the second leg up beside it on the chair. Then step down by leading with the second leg, bending the knee of the left leg as you step down into the start position. Repeat but this time leading with the right leg. Do as many repetitions as you are comfortable with but you really need to feel it working your upper leg and backside. The higher the level of the surface you’re stepping up onto, the more difficult it is.

Friday, April 24, 2015

5 Amazing Foods That Can Speed Up Weight Loss.

Weight loss efforts are often derailed by sudden cravings for high-calorie, low-nutritious foods, which leave us feeling hungry again too soon and send us into carb-craving energy crashes. Fortunately, we can stave off these unhealthy cravings by indulging in foods that leave us feeling fuller longer and which give a healthy dose of nutrition without unnecessary calories.

These 5 superfoods satisfy hunger without piling on the calories, they pack a big flavor punch, and they can even help your body fight off cancer and maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Try adding these delicious nutrition-packed powerhouses to your daily diet for amazing results.

1- Quinoa:

This highly popular “New World” grain cooks up just like rice. Quinoa is high in fiber and is full of protein. Use quinoa, plain or flavored, as a side dish, add it to soups and salads, or eat it like oatmeal.

2 - Kale:

This curly green relative of wild cabbage is packed with nutrients such as vitamins K and C, beta carotene and calcium. It also contains sulforaphane, a powerful cancer-fighting chemical. Kale can be sautéed, steamed, added to soups and even cooked into crispy chips.

3- Sprouts:

Sprouts can be grown from a number of seed types, including mung beans, alfalfa, sunflowers, and lentils. Sprouts are very low-calorie but highly nutritious, containing numerous vitamins and minerals as well as protein and calcium. Sprouts are great added to salads or stir-fries, or piled onto sandwiches.

4- Nuts:

Nuts such as cashews, almonds, pistachios, pecans and walnuts are full of fiber, protein and many vitamins and minerals. Notably, nuts contain a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants thought to fight off heart disease and help maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. A small handful of nuts with their dose of healthy fats can stave off cravings for less healthy foods. Eat nuts plain, use them to top oatmeal and yogurt, or try nut flours in baked goods.

5- Berries:

Fresh or frozen, berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, acai berries and cranberries satisfy a sweet tooth while dosing the body with powerful nutrients. Sweet and juicy berries have high fiber and water content to help produce a feeling of fullness without piling on the calories. Berries are great eaten plain, on top of yogurt or cereal, or blended into smoothies.

A Beginner’s Guide To Building Muscle Mass.

When it comes to building muscle, strength training is what you need to do. While cardio is great for burning calories and fat, only weight training can help you increase muscle mass and strength. Unfortunately, a lot of guys want to pack on muscle but have no idea where to start. We’ve put together these guidelines to get you started.

1. Stick to basic exercises workout machines can be overwhelming for a beginner. Start out with basic movements like bicep curls, chest presses and bench dips before trying out complicated machines.

2. Try splitting your workouts up to target different muscles each day
For instance, do arms and shoulders one day then do chest and back the next. This gives muscles groups a chance to recover before a workout.

3.  Start by working out only twice a week if you’re not accustomed to regular exercise. Begin with 8-10 repetitions of 8 different exercises each day. To mix things up a little, you may even want to do a set to failure (when you can’t do any more of an exercise without breaking proper form).

4- After a few weeks, increase the amount of weight you lift if you want to build muscle mass or increase the amount of reps if you want to focus on muscle tone. Each time you feel ready to add weight, increase it by at least 5 pounds. A creatine supplement for men may help accelerate  your strength gains and allow you to significantly lift more weight.

5. Don’t neglect your diet. If you’re looking to gain size, you need to eat a surplus of calories. Try adding 500 daily calories to your intake – this will help you gain a pound of muscle to eat. Make sure these calories come from high-protein foods like chicken breast, lean meats, Greek yogurt and nuts. A whey protein shake is another convenient  and delicious  way you can boost your daily protein intake.

6- Set realistic goals. You’re not going to become ripped overnight. Progress takes time, so savor the small goals on the way to your bigger goal. Maybe you have more energy, maybe you can lift more weights – enjoy these milestones.

7. Expect to be sore after a workout. When you first start a fitness plan, your muscles aren’t used to so much exertion. So if you feel sore the next day or so, don’t worry – it’s normal. You may be able to reduce muscle soreness after a workout by taking a post-workout supplement. Start to worry and consult a doctor if you notice any sudden pains, joint swelling or extended periods of pain (more than a few days).

8- Get a personal trainer if you can afford one. It’s a good way to stay accountable. Having a trainer can push you harder and help you stay motivated. A lack of motivation is one of the main reasons so many people fail at weight loss and muscle growth.

9. Stretch before and after a workout. Stretching for five minutes prior to your workout can boost flexibility and help prevent injury. Stretching after a workout can help reduce post-workout soreness.

10. Take a CLA supplement. Conjugated linoleic acid is a healthy fat that has been shown to bolster muscle mass when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. An anabolic formula is another supplement that may help you maximize muscle growth by providing your body with the nutritional building blocks for muscle mass.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

3 Tips To Improve Muscle Recovery.

Learn some tips that will make you may have a faster muscle recovery and thus improve their performance in training and achieving your goals.

In bodybuilding, as important as nurture and train the body properly is knowing provide specific periods of not only the muscle recovery, but the body in general, to provide increasing earnings and longer lasting.

Train intensely is fundamental to stimulate the muscle, however, he becomes totally ineffective when not take into account an adequate muscle recovery. So just do not train properly and eat correctly, the correct muscle recovery is as important as other factors, for "the muscle grows is at rest," you have heard this phrase?

And when we talk about recovery, soon comes to the minds of most bodybuilders rest, sleep, the act of sleeping. Of course, this is one of the most important ways to recover from something stressful, but there are other methods that we can use for that muscle recovery is even more effective. Let's meet some of these methods?

1 - Triggers The Body a Conducive Environment  And Time  For Sleep:

Sleep is one of the main and most important stages of the recovery period. As important as food and as important as the training itself, sleep can be extremely anabolic and assist in muscle gains and reduction of body.

Today, divided into different phases, sleep represents in each one stage in which the body has different actions in various body structures and different impacts against it. And these range from synthesis and hormonal secretions, the protein synthesis, glycogen synthesis, relaxation of body and mind and etc.

Sleep all the time is not something that results or bring extra benefits, so the hours INTENDED FOR SLEEPING are essentially required to be overvalued and in fact exist. An individual, for example, that presents difficulties or inadequacies with the time to sleep, usually presents with numerous physical and mental problems, ranging from simple weariness even mental disorders.

Sensitive to light, temperature, sounds, touches, smells and other body is directly influenced during sleep and moments before it to perform this physiological state well or not. So try to sleep in pleasant surroundings without noise or any noise, away from the minimum brightness (some references show that even a simple LED on can bring harm) without strong odors and properly scheduled hours.
This will be essential to properly recover the body in the rest period and then increase still more intensity in training, making them increasingly have optimized efficiency.

2- Use Melatonin
Sleep well with melatonin:

Completing the previous tip on providing adequate sleep for muscle recovery, a tip that I personally use and find very interesting is the use of melatonin.
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland after dark, so we can have sleep. But as they get older the amount of secreted melatonin decreases, which means that we have a quality of sleep worse. To solve this problem the tip is the use of any supplements melatonin base.
Use of melatonin-based supplements will make you able to regulate your sleep cycle, and presents several other benefits such as:
Strengthen the immune system;
Regulate the sleep cycle;
Reduce free radiciais;
Anti-oxidative effect;
More energy for the day, because you will have a better sleep, and  etc.

So whether or not trouble sleeping, melatonin can be an excellent accompaniment to a good muscle recovery after all sleep better never hurts.

3- Use massage for better recovery
Sports massage to relax the muscle:

Massage is one of the fastest and pleasurable recovery means that there is, but it is not accessible to all, as in Brazil therapist is priced a little high. But if you have the possibility to massage once a week or once a month, do not think twice, do it!
A good massage will make your muscles are relaxed completely, which is totally in favor of good muscle recovery. Furthermore, the massage will help to ensure a reduction in muscle tone, accelerating the elimination of metabolic waste and improves the blood circulation.
A good massage option for us bodybuilders is called sports massage.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Heart Rate : How To Burn More Fat.

Reaching a target heart rate is extremely important for fat burn. Boosting your heart rate means you’re pushing your body to its limit, which helps increase your metabolism. Read on to find out more about how your heart rate can affect fat loss.

•What is Heart Rate?

Heart rate is an important factor to keep in mind while trying to burn fat. Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. It is a very helpful number to monitor while exercising because it can help tell if you are exerting enough energy in order to burn fat.

÷ How to Find Your Ideal Fat Burning Heart Rate:

To find your ideal heart rate, start with your maximum heart rate. For men, this number would be your age subtracted from 220. So if you are 35 years old, your maximum heart rate is 185. Your ideal heart rate during exercise would be 50 percent to 80 percent of the maximum heart rate. If you intend to burn fat and lose weight while working out, then your ideal intensity level would be 60 percent to 70 percent. This level of intensity will burn more fat per every calorie that is burned.

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 ÷ What Intensity Should I be Exercising At?

Keeping track of your heart rate is also helpful, because it can be used to pace yourself. You do not want to start working out at an 85 percent heart rate if you are going to be working out for a long period of time. It is very important not to get carried away get ahead of yourself.

If you are a beginner, it would be best to start out with low intensity workouts and slowly work your way up to higher intensities. Starting at high intensity and exercising at that level all the time isn’t a good idea. It can lead to injury and breakdown.

While it is a fact that more fat is burned per calorie during a low intensity exercise, not as many calories are burned overall as they would be in a high intensity exercise. Consider that although these high intensity workouts may burn more calories and fat overall, it is not smart to do these all the time. It is important to engage in more of a moderate exercise routine in order to burn fat consistently without burning yourself out.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

The Best Chest & Triceps Workout Routine.

The ideal upper body chest and triceps workout routine activates the target muscle groups as much as possible. The number of sets and repetitions per set depend on your training goals. The National Federation of Personal Trainers recommends that you exhaust your muscles within four to six repetitions for size and strength training. Use the amount that exhausts your muscles within 12 to 15 repetitions for general conditioning or stamina training. Complete four sets to build size and strength, or five sets for stamina training and general conditioning.

1- Guillotine Press:

The guillotine press targets the middle and lower fibers of your pectoralis major muscles, while minimizing the involvement of the deltoids. Lie beneath a loaded barbell, feet on the bench with a flattened lower back. Use and overhand grip that is wider than your shoulders. Keep your upper arms perpendicular to your trunk as you lower the bar to the top of your chest. Do not bounce the bar on your chest. Exhale and lift to your start position.

2- Dumbbell Incline Press:

The dumbbell incline press activates the upper fibers of your pectoral muscles. Grasp one dumbbell in each hand and sit on bench, with the back support set at approximately 45 degrees. Hold the dumbbells out to the side of your chest with your palms facing forward, and forearm beneath the weight. Push the weights up along a slightly arched path, which move the dumbbells inward and toward each other above your head. Lower the weights back to the starting position until you feel a slight stretch in your chest to complete each rep.

3- Weighted Dip:

Target your triceps and lower pectoral fibers with weighted dips. Fasten a dip belt around your waist, which allow you to attach weighted plates to your waist. You also may grasp a dumbbell between your ankles. Mount a wide dip bar using an oblique grip, which positions the bar diagonally beneath your palms. Straighten your arms, bend your hips and bend your knees. Lower your body by bending your arms and allowing your elbows to flare out to sides. Complete the rep by pushing your body up until you arms are straight. Dips can also be performed using only body weight.

Friday, April 17, 2015

How To Get Huge Lower Biceps.

Gaining muscle mass and definition throughout the entire biceps muscle can help increase size in the lower biceps area. Perform three sets of each biceps exercise for eight repetitions to promote muscle hypertrophy and gain strength in the upper arm. Stick with free weights to pump up your arms and rest at least seven days between biceps workouts to give yourself adequate time to recover. Before starting any resistance training program, be sure to consult a physician.

÷  Anatomy:

The biceps consists of an inner, or short head region and outer, or long head region. The muscle is responsible for moving your hands up toward your shoulders or rotating your palm upward. You can stimulate muscle growth by placing stress on the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles with weight training.

÷ Dumbbell Preacher Curl:

The dumbbell preacher curl can help add muscle mass to the flexors and lower biceps region while shaping the entire upper arm. Grasp a dumbbell with an underhand grip and stand with the backside of your lower and upper arm resting on the support pad of an incline bench. Stiffen your core and abdominal muscles to help stabilize your spine and support your body by assuming a split-stance position. Gradually raise the dumbbell from the support pad while exhaling and move the weight toward you while bending the elbow. Keep your wrist in a neutral position and avoid shifting your body during the movement. Continue to lift the weight until your elbow is fully flexed then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position on the support pad.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

6 Benefits Of Coffee.

The benefits of coffee are far from being only related to the increase of energy. Despite being commonly demonized as an evil habit, science proves that things are not so. In fact, a few cups of coffee a day may generate various benefits that can affect directly and indirectly in its objectives.

1 - A Great Source Of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant are molecules that prevent cell damage, which over time can lead to several types of diseases and health problems. According to a study, coffee is a major source of antioxidants of the Western diet.

2 - You can Increase The Life Expectancy:

A recent study where researchers analyzed the coffee consumption among 400,000 people, was discovered a significant link between coffee and longevity.

Simply put, the study found that those who drank more coffee, generally lived longer those who drank less or nothing, and interestingly, the more they drank, the more they lived.

And that connection was both normal and decaffeinated coffee, so do not confuse consumption of coffee with caffeine alone.

3 - Natural Antidepressant:

Anyone taking coffee can prove this, but the fact has also been proven scientifically.

Research conducted by scientists at Harvard found that regular coffee consumption reduced the risk of depression in women by 20% and suicide by 53%.

4 - Performance Increase:

Caffeine is the "drug" world's most popular, and can improve strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic performance, and breaking, aid in weight loss.

5 - You can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is something epidemic these days, affecting about 300 million people around the world. It is characterized by generating insulin resistance, high levels of blood sugar and insulin production incorrect.

And studies show a significant link between coffee consumption and reduced risks of developing the disease. Some studies, come to show that consumption of at least 3 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 42%.

6 - You can reduce the chances of developing certain types of cancer:

Research shows that coffee consumption may protect the body against cancer of the liver and colon, the more types of fatal cancer.

A review of nine studies involving more than 240,000 people, found a strong link between coffee consumption and reduced risk of liver cancer. Only two cups per day was associated with a 43% reduction in the risk of developing the disease.

Another study, which involved the analysis of diets and lifestyle of almost 490,000 individuals found that people who drank coffee were less likely to develop cancer of the colon and rectum.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How To Get Rid of Man Boobs.

Man boobs can crush the self esteem of even the most confident men. While man boobs can sometimes be the result of a medical condition (more on that later), they are usually the result of being overweight. Here are some ways you can prevent and get rid of man boobs.

1. Clean up your diet:

Chances are that your diet isn’t exactly healthy, especially if you already have man boobs. Cut out the junk food and replace it with lower-calorie fare. For example, munch on some celery sticks instead of potato chips; simple switches like these can help you control your calorie intake and speed up weight loss.

2- Burn more calories than the amount consumed:

Weight is ultimately calories in vs. calories out. To help you expend more calories, follow an effective workout regimen. Working out at least three times a day is a simple way to manage your weight and maintain optimal health. Your fitness plan should include a mix of cardio and resistance training to ensure you burn fat while also building muscle. And don’t forget to take your workout supplements. Supplements such as whey and creatine can help improve your performance and speed up results.

3. Drink lots of water:

The old “eight glasses a day” rule is no longer valid. You should be drinking even more water, especially if you’re active. Drinking water not only helps you stay hydrated but can also help you control hunger as well as your weight. Sometimes when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty. So the next time you feel a hunger pang, drink some water to see if what you’re feeling is really hunger –it’s probably just thirst.

4. Monitor your weight regularly:

This is done to detect any signs of weight gain. In case an individual notices that they are gaining a lot of weight at a very fast rate, they should begin working out in earnest. Chest workouts such as bench presses can help target the chest and increase muscle mass in the area, which in turn helps tighten loose skin. Don’t just focus on the number on the scale. Be aware of how your clothes are fitting as well.

5. See a doctor:

If you’ve followed the above tips and still have man boobs, see a doctor. Man boobs can sometimes be attributed to gynecomastia, a medical condition. If this is the case, your doctor can help you with the proper treatment, which may include surgery. When in doubt, get it checked out.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Essential Food List For a Diet To Gain Muscle.

Essential Food List For a Diet To Gain Muscle:

Food Rich in Protein:
- Whey Protein
- Eggs
- Chicken breast
- Turkey breast
- Fish (salmon, tuna)
- Protein Isolated soy protein bar
Food rich in carbohydrates:
- Sweet potato
- Oat, cream of wheat, rice cream
- Beans
- Bread
- Pasta
- All cereals (hot or cold)
Healthy fats:
- Olive Oil
- Sunflower oil
- Nuts
- Avocados
Really want to gain muscle, then give value to your Lie.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Homemade Supplement To Gain Muscle Mass.

Take a vitamin fortified banana cup with a homemade supplement to gain muscle mass helps develop strong muscles more quickly without harming health. However, those who do not practice exercises should not take this shake as often as he has a lot of calories, the individual may gain weight instead of defining the muscles and this in addition to not be expected can increase cholesterol.

÷Homemade Recipe supplement to gain Muscle Mass.

This homemade recipe supplement to gain muscle attached uses natural ingredients and is great to enhance the development of the muscles of those who practice exercises regularly.


•Brewer's yeast
•Wheat Germ
•Rolled oats
•Guarana powder

Place 2 tablespoons () of each of the ingredients in a container and keep tightly closed. To prepare the shake simply hit the blender 3 tablespoonfuls of this mixture with 1 banana and 1 cup of whole milk. One should take the shake immediately after preparation, after finishing the exercises.
It is advised to keep the supplement in a sealed container in a dry place, away from light.

÷Nutritional Information

Shows the approximate nutritional information of a glass of shake which has 3 tablespoons full of homemade soup supplement, 1 banana and 1 cup of whole milk.

This shake is very nutritious rich in protein, has healthy fats and carbohydrates to the body and fibers that regulate the intestine and help detoxify.