Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bodybuilding: 8 Easy Ways To Prevent Weight Gain.

While some of us are trying to lose weight, others are trying to avoid putting it on. Fortunately, a lot of the same tips that can help you lose weight can also help you maintain your lean physique. The following ten tips are all you need to manage your weight better and stay fit.

1. Grocery Shop on a Full Stomach:

Don’t go into the grocery store when you’re hungry. Doing so can result in impulse purchases of high-calorie, high-fat foods. Have a meal beforehand so you don’t hungrily browse the aisles. Better yet, have a men’s whey protein shake. The protein in a men’s whey protein shake will help fill you up fast and prevent overeating.

2. Portion Control:

Play tricks on your mind by using taller, thinner glasses and smaller plates to eat less. Also, don’t eat too fast. Eating too fast won’t give your body enough time to signal that it’s full; this can cause you to overeat and gain weight. Slow down, savor the food and stop eating when you’re full – not when your plate is empty.

3. Eat Up to Six Small Meals a Day:

Eating six smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big ones is an effective way to reduce your appetite and prevent weight gain. By eating a small meal every 2-3 hours, you’ll have food in your stomach to ward off hunger and keep you from consuming too many calories. Trail mix or a men’s whey protein shake are good meal options to consider.

 4. Include More Fruits and Vegetables:

The fiber in fruits and vegetables helps fill you up and keep your digestive system running smoothly. Try adding a serving of vegetables or a piece of fruit to each mini-meal. Eating more fruits and vegetables also increases your antioxidant intake; antioxidants are nutrients that can fight free radicals and may help reduce aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Avoid fruit juices because they contain tons of sugar and almost no fiber.

5. Don’t Skip Meals or Starve Yourself:

Make sure you make time for every meal. This keeps your metabolism up and helps fight the urge to overeat later during the day. If you don’t have time to cook a full meal, you should rely on a healthy snack – something is better than nothing. For an even bigger metabolic boost, you may want to consider a men’s thermogenic formula that can encourage calorie burn all day long.

6-Hydrate with Healthy Drinks:

Sometimes, thirst can be confused for hunger. If you’re feeling hungry, drink some water before reaching for some food. This may be enough to fill you up and save some calories. Chances are you aren’t getting enough water to begin with – the old recommendation of eight glasses a day is moot. Most experts nowadays recommend closer to 11 glasses and even more.

7- Exercise at Least Three Times  Week:

Work out at least three days a week doing a mix of cardio and strength training. Focusing on just cardio won’t do much for muscle growth, and just doing strength training won’t do much for your cardiovascular health – you need both. Regardless of what exercise you choose, make sure you take a men’s pre-workout supplement and men’s post-workout supplement. The former will help boost your energy for more intense workouts and the latter will speed up muscle recovery and reduce soreness.

8.Take Breaks:

Take a day off each week or so to enjoy your favorite pizza, wings for the big game, or a day at the movies complete with snacks. Taking time off will help you stay on track with your weight maintenance program by keeping you sane – you don’t want to totally deprive yourself of comfort foods. Just don’t overdo it – try to limit your indulgences to one or two meals.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fitness : How To Get Rid of Belly Fat Forever.

Can't lose belly fat? Your genetics, hormones, or some easy-to-fix mistakes may be to blame.

Here are Top 8 Homemade Remedies to Get Rid of Belly Fat Forever:

1. Start your Day With Lemon Juice:


2. Stay Away From White Rice:


3. Avoid Sugary Substances:


4. Drink Lots Of Water:


5. Eating Raw Garlic:


6. Avoid non-vegetarian Food:

To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that you should avoid non-vegetarian food as much as possible. Carnes, who was in doubt.

7. Bet on Fruits And Vegetables:


8. Spice Up Your Kitchen:

Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in their kitchen. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve insulin resistance and reduce levels of blood sugar.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fitness : Basic Rules 4 Those Who Have Difficulty Gaining Muscle Mass.

What Is Being Ectomorph?

The ectomorph is a person who has one of  three types of physical (somatotype) more common and is characterized by its thinness and the difficulty in gaining weight (as much muscle as fat). People of this type have a very fast metabolism.
In case of unbalanced nutrition and physical inactivity, the ectomorphs plus gain excess weight also gain belly, while the rest of the body (especially the arms and legs) remain extremely thin.

•Differences in The Organism Ectomorph:

Studies show that in strength training the ectomorph body is producing less myogenin (myogenin), responsible for the conversion processes of food proteins in muscle tissue and, consequently, increased muscle mass .

In addition, with low levels of myogenin, the body does not produce enough energy reserves in the muscles, which can not run efficiently strength exercises and therefore does not allow the muscles have the momentum necessary to grow.

•The advantages Of The Physical Type of Ectomorph

Most of the stars and professional models are ectomorphs - the fact that they have difficulty gaining weight helps them win exclusively muscle not fat. Having an athletic, healed and well-designed body is easy for the ectomorph.

The issue of creating cracked abdominal is not essential for ectomorph and, in most cases, it does not have a problem with abdominal fat, so with minimal effort and easy exercises, he can crack the abdomen and have a tank well outlined.

•Errors in Training Ectomorph:

The first thing the ectomorph has to do is forget the treadmill and strenuous cardio exercises: it is sufficiently "dry" without it. Prolonged exercise are definitely not for him. Even strength training should be done only 2 or 3 times a week and no more than 45 minutes.

-As already mentioned, the ectomorph body is not able to  accumulate a large amount of glycogen necessary for strength training and subsequent recovery of the muscles. If you train too often end up not giving your muscles enough time to grow it.

-As the leanest can gain weight

Most of the training should consist of basic exercises: squats with W bar, lying supine, supine and standing deadlift. Do not overfill with isolation exercises - they spend forces and not initiate muscle growth processes.
Remember that it is precisely the basic exercises, performed with more weight and 5 or 7 reps, who will engage in the work the major muscle groups, which causes the body to produce testosterone and other hormones extremely important for the growth of all your muscles.

•The power Of The Ectomorph:

For the ectomorph count the calories is not as important and normally he should eat as much as possible. Of course it is important to maintain a healthy diet and not abuse the candy. Remember that brown rice should become its election monitoring.
The amount of protein consumed per day should be in the range of 1.5-2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Consuming less than this muscle will not have material for growth, consuming more you will end up accelerating a metabolism that in itself is fast, which also prevents the growth.

•Sports supplements For Muscle Growth:

Firstly, the sports supplements are just additions to a balanced diet, but in no way replace it. Moreover, a protein shake is the easiest way to meet the need for protein after training.

Take BCAAs during training, protein mixtures one hour before and immediately after exercise, and slow protein before bed. Furthermore, creatine (creatin) also helps, not only because it makes bulkier muscles but also  improves energy processes .

Basic rules of training for the skinny ectomorphs: short but intense workouts, a maximum of three times a week, focusing on basic exercises in balanced nutrition with at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bodybuilding: 5 Biceps Mistakes You Shouldn't Commit In Practice.

Everyone loves to train biceps (and chest). This muscle group is symbol of masculinity, strength and virility. However, there are some common mistakes that many people of all fitness levels commit and can end up hindering better results. Then share 5 errors in bicep workouts that you should not commit.

÷Error 1 - "Swinging" The Trunk:

I believe this is the most classic error in the execution of biceps exercises, ie, swing the trunk during the movement, especially in the concentric phase, bending the elbows.

Swinging the trunk behind only indicates that the overhead that is using this too excessive for your training.
There are ways and correct what are:
- Lean your back on a wall, because in this way you no longer balance the trunk, however, can no longer train with the same overhead just for getting rid of artifice. The problem of training with his back against the wall is that any exercise done without standing against the wall is good for strengthening the muscles of the core (abdomen, lower back ...) and when you lean against the wall, will reduce muscle contraction in the region and lose the opportunity to improve your posture;
- Reduce overhead, because in this way can he achieve flexion of the elbows without having to "play" the trunk back and straining your lower back. I believe it is the best solution;
- Request assistance to a person at the time of the climb, because this will be the moment of greatest difficulty, therefore, the person will give just a "light touch" on the bar to get it out of inertia and keep you balance the body back continue keeping the moving bar. But such aid is justified only with very heavy overloads and it is only in the last repetitions;
I want to make clear that it is not completely wrong play RATHER trunk back, but it is justified only for advanced practitioners who are really using high overloads in a given season training, which does not have the opportunity to train with a partner and that this is done only in the past, or even literally the last repetition.

÷ Error 2 - Extend The Elbows Completely:

In fact it is very important to explore a good range of motion exercises in bodybuilding, however, it is important to explore the "functional range" of the exercises.

When you fully extends his elbows on the implementation of the biceps and on top gives that "quick stop" underneath, is losing the contraction in the biceps muscle and thus losing the time under tension.
OK, I know it is common that also happen with heavy burdens, in the last repetitions when we are tired and muscles "burning". But, whenever possible try not to extend the elbows completely not to lose time under tension in the muscles.
Make almost a complete extension and immediately bend your elbows contracting the muscles of the biceps.

÷ Error 3 - The Flex Pipe Completely:

It is also interesting to note that the full flexion of the elbows will lead to a position where the muscle loses its contraction and the time under tension.

So when you're getting almost to the point of completely bend your elbows and stop the movement, immediately perform the controlled phase of the movement of descent.
This way you keep the biceps in constant contraction and working continuously.

÷ Error 4 - Do not Hold Arms In Trunk Side:

This is also a common mistake, that is, people do not "hold" the arms next to the trunk, ribs, and end up moving the arm / upper arm during the movement of flexion of the elbows improperly using the articulation of the shoulder, making a slight anterior flexion of the shoulders ...

This can also be an indication of excessive burden biceps training is therefore suggested to reduce the burden to avoid this type of error.
The only joint that can move are the elbow causing the hole on top forearms and back it up in his arms and nothing else.
Imagine that under each of your armpits there is a note of 100 dollars, and that if you depart from the arms of the ribs, or move your arms forward, these ballots will fall and you will lose them!
It became clearer to you now?

÷ Error 5 - Train Always With Footprint supine:

The supinated grip is that you realize when you start the movement with palms facing forward. This is the most classic footprint in biceps exercises, however, is not the only ...

Vary the position of the hands, for example, the neutral footprint when a palm is facing another, the grip is held in the Hammer biceps.
There is also prone footprint that is when the palms of your hands are facing backward, and is used mainly in carrying reverse curl.

Finally there is a combination of neutral footprint with supine when you do the exercise thread alternating biceps with dumbbells rotation. This way you start the movement in the neutral footprint and ends in pronated grip.

The variation of the footprints can emphasize more one region or another of the biceps and forearms also by improving the end result of the whole.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Fitness : How 2 Get Bigger Arms With Push-Ups.

Pushups are commonly thought of as an exercise for the pectoral muscles of your chest, but this exercise can be done in many different ways to emphasize the muscles of your arms and shoulders. Regular pushups will work your arms, but inside pushups and diamond push-ups are better exercises to build arm muscles because they target your biceps and triceps. Perform both inside and diamond pushups three days a week to tone the arms.

Step 1
Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor. Drop to your knees or support yourself on your toes. Bring your right hand in 3 inches toward your left hand. Bring your left hand in 3 inches toward your right hand to do inside pushups. Inside pushups will strengthen your biceps.

Step 2
Straighten your spine and tuck your hips. Your torso should be parallel to the floor with your arms perpendicular to your shoulders. Squeeze your abs to stabilize your torso.

Step 3
Rotate your elbows so that they are pointing toward your feet. Bend your arms and lower yourself toward the floor. Keep your elbows pointing backward so they brush your sides as you go down.

Step 4
Press your arms straight again and raise your body up again. Do 20 to 40 push-ups, rest for a minute, and then do a second set.

How To Build Up Leg Muscles.

Leg strength is essential to many sports and recreational activities, such as soccer, martial arts and weightlifting. Although there are various methods to increase the size and strength of your legs, the best ways to build them up would depend on your goals, fitness condition and what you play.

1- One at a Time:

The isolation technique often focuses on one muscle group and one joint at a time rather than moving several of them together. Sample exercises include the leg extension, leg curls and calf raises. By isolating these muscle groups -- usually with a machine -- with minimal movement in other body parts, you can apply more resistance upon the muscle you're training. This can stimulate more muscle growth than multi-joint exercises, such as squats and lunges. Although isolation exercises don't translate well with sports skills and multi-joint movements, they are ideal for those who want to increase specific muscle size, such as bodybuilders and fitness models.

2- Go Full Body:

A larger muscle doesn't always mean that it's stronger or faster. Isolation leg exercises don't train your body to move to specific sports and activity skills and may hinder your performance. This is based on the SAID principle, which stands for specific adaptation to impose demands. For example, sitting on a machine and doing leg curls doesn't coordinate your hamstrings to work with the rest of your body when you kick a soccer ball. To improve your performance and skill, you must perform the specific skill itself or an exercise that closely mimics the skill. Compound exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, step-ups and lunges, coordinate your leg muscles to work together. These exercises often mimic the foot positions and movement patterns that are common in most daily activities and sports.

3- Eccentric Strength:

During resistance training, your muscles contract concentrically and eccentrically, which refers to the shortening and lengthening of muscle fibers under tension, respectively. Whether you use the isolation or compound method, emphasize on the eccentric contraction because the amount of force that lengthens the muscle is greater than concentric contractions, according to exercise physiologist Len Kravitz, Ph.D. This stimulates a greater increase of muscle growth. For example, lift the resistance at a rate of one to two seconds and lower at a rate of three to six seconds.

4- Recovery and Timing:

Proper nutrition and timing optimize your ability to increase muscle size and performance. Dr. Kravitz recommends that you consume a meal consisting of proteins and carbohydrates within 45 minutes after your workout. This replenishes your carbohydrate stores into your muscles and helps repair damaged muscle fibers immediately. The ratio of proteins to carbs should be a one-to-three ratio. Within the next one to three hours, consume another protein and carbohydrate meal at a five-to-one ratio. Consult with a sports dietitian to help you personalize your meals to obtain the optimum amount of nutrients you need to achieve the results you want.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fitness: 3 Tips For The Perfect Warm-Up:

If you said the warm-up, you win! Without a proper warm-up, there are many risks associated with working out, including but not limited to injury, less-than-optimal performance, or slowed progress (aka plateauing).

There are five integral parts of a warm-up that must be addressed before even touching a weight or setting foot on the treadmill. Start strong, finish stronger!

3 Tips For The Perfect Warm-Up:

1. Dynamic Mobility:

Dynamic mobility is the body’s ability to move in multiple directions safely. Closely related to flexibility (but arguably even more important),“dynamic mobility gently increases range of motion to reduce chance for injury,” Johnson says. Injuries caused by lack of joint mobility can be especially debilitating for long periods of time. According to Colin Eakin, MD, a physician at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, recovery from a torn labrum (a common shoulder injury), for instance, could take anywhere from four weeks post-operation rest plus two months of physical therapy to heal, or it could continue indefinitely. To up your chances of staying in the game, dynamic mobility can help. Try dynamic movements, such as arm circles and leg swings against a wall (working the upper and lower body is key!).

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2. Movement-Specific Preparation:

You turn on your car before heading out for a drive. By the same logic, you need to turn on the parts of your brain that control motion in preparation for a workout. The main benefit to movement-specific preparation is activating muscles that will be used in that day’s workout to ensure your workout is as effective as possible. For example, bodyweight squats would make sense if you are doing front barbell squats, and light band presses or push-ups for a day you’re doing a pressing motion, like a bench press.

3. Increase Core Temperature:

It’s called a “warm-up” for good reason. “The increase in blood flow and higher muscle temperature makes muscles more pliable, and that pliability prevents strains,”.

A muscle strain may seem like a minor setback, but once strained, the likelihood of that strain reoccurring becomes much higher, Johnson says, which can lead to more strains, more time out of the gym, and slowed down (or nonexistent, gasp!) results.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fitness: What To Do To Boost Your Metabolism.

Our metabolism is responsible for converting all calories from the food and drinks that we consume into energy. A fast metabolism burns more calories. However, our metabolic rate is affected by our age, gender, and size.

Nevertheless, there are some ways that we can do to independently control our metabolic speed. Here are some things that we can do to boost our metabolism.


Health researchers have discovered a connection between metabolism and sleep. Not getting enough sleep can seriously slow down metabolism. Lack of sleep leaves your system stressed out. This makes the body produce more cortisol, which triggers your appetite. Also, it throws the system’s hunger hormones out of whack, making you crave more and end up overeating. Hence, it is important to get enough rest.

•Drink Green Tea

Considered a “super-food,” green tea not only contains antioxidants but it also speeds up your metabolism. Also, it is calorie-free, so there is no reason not to have a glass or two every day. Drink up!

•Do Higher-Intensity Workouts

Steady and slow workouts may not always be successful in the race. High intensity workouts, which include interval runs or quick intense exercises can help jump-start your metabolism, which keeps on burning calories even after the workout is over.

•Do Not Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is important as it kick-starts your metabolism and keeps it working throughout the day. Hence, set your alarm clock and grab a bite before starting your day. If you do not have a morning appetite, try a small snack such as a protein shake.

•Hit the Weights

Weight lifting not only helps you build muscle but it also helps in speeding up your metabolic rate. Hence, pump some iron and make those dumbbells your new best friends.

•Spice Up Your Food

Spices such as cayenne pepper contain capsaicin, which is known to help boost metabolism. Add a dash of spice to your food for a fiery kick and to speed up your digestion.

Monday, March 23, 2015

5 Tricks To Help Build Muscle.

Most people are not blessed with the ability to lose weight and gain muscle very quickly. Yes, genetics plays a big part in this, but they aren’t crucial. The biggest problem is that a large number of people don’t exercise properly or pay any attention to their eating and sleeping habits. In this article we will show you 5 great tricks to help build muscle.

1 – Eat Every 3 Hours:

Nutritionists say that if you don’t eat very often, you are actually limiting the rate at which your body builds new proteins. By eating every three hours you are maximizing this number. Just make sure you consume protein in every meal (20-25 grams).

2 – Go Easy on the Carbs After a Workout:

Carbs are great on your rest days, as they help your body rebuild muscle faster. However, researches have found that you should go easy on the carbs after a workout, as they can slow down the rate of protein breakdown. Instead, opt for a peanut butter sandwich, a sports drink, or a banana.

3 – Eat More Protein:

This may sound obvious, but you’ll be surprised by how many people don’t change their diet (or make an insignificant change) when they start exercising. If you’re trying to pack on muscle, you simply need to consume more protein. Try eating 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. Aim for the groceries that are rich in protein – cottage cheese, eggs, milk, nuts, fish and of course, meat.

4 – Exercise Your Biggest Muscles:

A good amount of quality sleep is essential if you want to build your muscles faster. Rest improves your growth hormone profile, and allows your muscles to fully recover. It will allow you to train harder and make progress. Some people might need less sleep than others, but generally aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every day.

5 – Get More Quality Sleep:

A good amount of quality sleep is essential if you want to build your muscles faster. Rest improves your growth hormone profile, and allows your muscles to fully recover. It will allow you to train harder and make progress. Some people might need less sleep than others, but generally aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every day.


Bodyweight workouts have been something we’ve been doing for many years and still enjoy them. We personally have seen a huge improvement in our strength through bodyweight exercises.  By using just our bodies to get a good workout in empowers us inside and out. Just go do a headstand and you will see what we mean.

YOU CAN build strength by using just your body!

You will also notice your balance improve, your posture, even your mind will be sharper when doing more bodyweight exercises.

Some of the basic bodyweight moves are plank, push-ups, mountain climbers, lunges, etc. But as our Purely Fitters know, there are many other ways to use your body to challenge yourself.

1-flexible -do anywhere – limits your excuses, convenient, “No time” really becomes no excuse.

2) cheap – non expensive way to workout

3) no limits – you control your tempo and intensity, as easy or as hard as you want

4) your body provides all the resistance you need

5) highly efficient –> little time in between sets so keeps heart rate boosted and keep burning those calories, you don’t have to take as many breaks

6) both cardiovascular and strength training – win/win! You burn calories after you finish your workout

7) overall stronger core, be more flexible, and have better balance  – can help with better posture  and improve overall performance

8) anyone can do it -perfect place for beginners to start their fitness journey.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fitness: 9 Weight-Lifting Tips For Beginners.

A lot of guys hit the weights without knowing the first thing about resistance training. This lack of knowledge can delay results and even cause injury, so it’s important to have an idea of what you’re doing and why. Use these basic weight-lifting tips and tricks to help you get started on a weight-training routine:

1. Choose a Goal:

Having a goal is mandatory for all beginners. Not only will it define what direction you want to go in, but it will also determine what exercises you will need to do in order to achieve your goals. Whether your goal is to bulk up significantly or blast fat, always keep it in mind to motivate and guide you.

2. Be Positive:

With your end goal end in mind, now it’s time to get to work. Stay focused and determined by finding someone to work out with – a close friend or a personal trainer are both great choices. It also helps if you post something up on your wall that keeps track of your progress. Be proud of yourself for taking the first step toward your goal of a dream body.

3. Know Your Limits:

Start off with something light — even world renowned body builders had to start somewhere. Remember that fewer reps and heavier weights build muscle, while more reps and lighter weights, in turn, confer definition. Doing too much too soon can cause injury and sideline you for days, weeks or even months. Start off slow and build from there. For a structured exercise plan.

4. Keep Increasing The Weight:

Although you should start off light, you shouldn’t become stagnant. Getting in shape is all about increasing your repetitions and weight, so try to add at least ten pounds a month, or more, to your exercises. By continually challenging your body like this, you’ll avoid a plateau and keep seeing results. For a performance boost, you may want to consider a creatine supplement, which can provide your muscles with extra energy for more reps and power.

5. Don’t Work The Same Muscle Group  Two Days In a Row:

Your body needs a chance to recuperate. Working the same group of muscles twice in a row burns your muscles out and doesn’t give them the chance to repair and strengthen. In fact, this can actually weaken your muscles. If you worked on your legs today, then work another part of your body tomorrow.

6. Don’t Forget To Work Your Legs:

Having a huge upper body with a small lower body not only looks awkward, it is also dysfunctional. While most people are mainly concerned with having big arms and tight abs, it is crucial to include lower body workouts as part of your routine. To help you carve a solid lower body, check out “How to Build Better Glutes.”

7. Stretch & Flex:

Stretching before and after a workout can help prime your body for exercise and may even prevent some injuries. Do a combination of static and dynamic stretching for best results. After stretching at the end of your workout, you should consider taking a post-workout supplement to help speed up recovery.

8. Keep Proper Posture:

Working out with poor posture is almost as bad as not working out at all. Always practice proper form. Slouching and other habits that can affect your form may increase your risk of injury – not to mention post-workout soreness. Once you feel your form heading south, put the weights down.

9. Practice Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is the only way that you will be able to gain muscle and appreciate the toning that working out gives you. Workout supplements, in particular, can help you get the results you want.

Friday, March 20, 2015

5 Best Free-Weight Exercises For Men.

Achieving an incredibly lean physique does not have to be difficult. Many men are often bombarded with complicated exercise routines and equipment when trying to shed fat and achieve an awesome beach body.

For a basic routine, there are only five free-weight based compound movements that men need to engage in to transform their appearance. These five movements to recruit several muscle groups and simultaneously flood the body with anabolic hormones like testosterone. Make sure you take the right workout supplements like creatine and whey protein to get maximum results.

1- The Squat:

Known as the “King of Lifts,” the squat is the best compound movement that recruits the glutes, hamstrings, quads, core (obliques, abs, lower back and hip flexors), and calves. Many strength coaches like Charles Poliquin recommend squats as a necessary exercise to increase speed, power, balance, flexibility and — more importantly — shed body fat! Squats are the most effective when you go to or dip below 90 degrees.

Variations of Squats — Back Squats, Front Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats

2-The Deadlift:

Ronnie Coleman, several time winner of the Mr. Olympia, credits the deadlift to developing a massive back. This movement is a highly functional strength movement that mimics picking up heavy objects off the ground. The deadlift primarily recruits the glutes and hamstrings. The core is also involved in order to pick up the loaded barbell. Deadlifts also strengthen the traps, upper back and shoulders.

Variations of Deadlifts — Traditional Deadlift, Romanian Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift


Perhaps one of the most favorite free weight exercises commonly performed by men is the bench press. This movement helps develop a massive chest, but also recruits the core, triceps, biceps, upper back and shoulders. Presses can also be performed using dumbbells.

Variations of Presses – Flat, Incline and Decline Bench Presses, Supinated Dumbbell Presses, Shoulder Presses, Military Presses

4-Chin Ups:

Chin Ups, often confused with traditional pull ups, is a very dynamic compound movement that requires one to pull one’s body weight up utilizing not only the biceps, but the upper back. The core is also used help stabilize the body during the chin up.

Variations of Chin ups – Neutral, Pronated, Supinated Grip Chin Ups, Loaded Chin Ups (weight attached to belt).


Row or Pull movements, similar to Chin Ups, primarily recruit the upper back, biceps, and posterior deltoids. Similar to all other exercises, the core is used to help balance the body and concentrate on the main muscle groups.

Variations of Rows/Pulls – Lat Pull Downs, Seated Rows, Dumbbell Rows, Barbell Rows, Cable Rows.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How To Train Your Abdominal Muscles?

There is still a lot of confusion regarding the training of the abdominal muscles and especially few have clear ideas. Of course! Each of us is done differently and what works for me is not necessarily good for you and vice versa, then do not listen to anyone who tells you "I know how you must train your abs!", Because who says so is the first not to have understood anything.

What I urge you to do is to try on your skin the different exercises and choose 3 or 4 you hear your most or those that you like the most and run with the correct technique can (which you can read below).

Among the many debates, one concerns the choice of the optimal number of repetitions. It is better to train these muscles with weights and more reps or lighter with greater loads and fewer repetitions?

Here too, the answer is "it depends on how your body reacts." If you are not trained will not recommend to start with overweight and few repetitions, if you train then a session with overweight you do it and always doing utmost attention to technique.
In conclusion, of course, neither method is inherently better than the other because both methods are based on principles physiologically correct. It may be right to alternate phases of work with a high number of repetitions (15-25 reps) to work stages at low reps but with heavier weights (6-10 reps) bearing in mind that the purpose is not to use the maximum weight but make sure that the lighter weight seems the heaviest possible contracting at maximum and maintaining the contraction during each single repetition. However, if you use the abdominal toning to prevent low back pain, you should not use overweights to train your abs, because the first is easy to make mistakes in execution, according easy overstraining their lower back.

Any exercise you want to do to run it properly are important suggestions that are valid for all exercises that tone your abs:

1-Before starting the exercise exhale (throw out) all the air you have in the lungs

2-Run the exercise, contracting your abdominal muscles, in apnea until you're back to the starting position
Inspira (throws in air), exhale and start exercising

3-Make sure that your pelvis is always in retroversion, ie forward and the lumbar curve and not in lordosis

4-Your concentration must necessarily be focused on abdominal contraction
Stop 2/2 the point of maximum contraction all times

5-Count to three outward, that is, after you've exhaled when you start exercising and count to 2 at maximum contraction and count to 6 to return.

As for the kind of exercises do you list a few, the ones I like the most, know that there are countless others that you know looking on the internet.
- Crunch on the ground or on fitball
- Reverse Crunch on the ground or on fitball
- Crunch oblique to the ground or on fitball
- Total abdominal (+ crunch reverse crunch)
- Crunch free alternate (for oblique crunch + Crunc for reverse oblique)

Finally: do not ask me "how soon will begin to look at my turtle?" Because they do not know you first, second is not toning the abs that these magically jump out. Rather ask yourself how much fat you have in front of your abs and to eliminate this fat is not the best thing to do exercises for abs, lose weight but taking care of your power your daily movement and your mind.