Saturday, February 28, 2015

6 Amazing Safe Fitness Tips For Pregnant Women.

Pregnancy shouldn't get in the way of staying fit and healthy and doing a bit of daily exercise is actually recommended.

In fact, keeping active can reduce back pain and swelling, speed up recovery after giving birth, ease stress and help speed up the birthing process.

However, common misconceptions that woman should just sit back and put their feet up are still holding pregnant ladies back from exercise.

In fact, a survey conducted by Fitness First and YouGov found that, 53 per cent of people do not believe that exercise can boost general wellbeing in pre and post natal women and only 25 per cent of women think it’s safe to run during pregnancy.

1. Running Is Safe:

As long as you are healthy, it is safe to run right up until labour - just don't compete with your pre-pregnancy running achievements.

Ensure you are hydrated and wear supportive running shoes.

Stick to running on flat surfaces during your second trimester as your centre of gravity will shift as your bump grows, leaving you more prone to a slip or or fall and a fast walk may be a better choice as your due date approaches.

2. Strengthen Your  Tummy:

Your abdominals and core, including your pelvis floor should be strengthened throughout pregnancy as this will aid in labour, delivery and recovery.

However, you should avoid crunches or any exercises involving your back after the first trimester.

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3. Don't Try New Things:

Never try something new during your pregnancy and always listen to your body as everyone reacts differently towards exercise during pregnancy.

4. Get comfy

Breathing, stretching, strengthening and relaxation exercises in classes such as Body Balance can help you feel more comfortable with changes in your body and mind during pregnancy.

5. No dangerous antics

Joints and tendons become weaker during pregnancy so it's best not to participate in any dangerous sports and avoid any deep stretches such as heavy lunges or squats.

6. Drink plenty of H20

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and control body temperature.

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